MINOR Hi 111 Some Satisfying Chew Break two or three little squares off the filug of Real Gravely, t's a small chew tastes better and stays with you longer than your big chew of ordin ary plug. That's why PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10 a pouch-ant worth if DnuiWHiMMimiu Just to Remind You Owners of 1 .ihcrty Honds FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER. Resources More than $1,500,000 SUBSCRIBE toR the HEPPNER HERALD N. - & CO. THE NEW FALL COATS ARE HERE and They're Beauties It is not easy this year to assemble the showing that we of Fer you. Conditions have been unusual -fabrics scarce, sources of supply short So we are all the more proud of the Fall Coats we are of fering you with confidence in your approval. Man-tailored with theexpertr.ess of years of skill made of servicable material at the fairest of pricesthey are coats of res! economy. CLASSIC COATS fOR FALL "STYLISHLY DISTINCTIVE." ' Plan to spend some time among them soonbefore the smartest moddsare chosen. You'll enjoy "looking for a coat," it is not a task hut really a delightful experience to shop through Classic Coats and well enjoy showing them to you. Classic Coats are well worth getting acquainted with--, we'er sure you will agree with us just the minutd you slip into one. it costs nothing extra to chew Real Gravely the best chewing plug in the world. . . It gats further thut'r. why you con get the (oud taste ef this class of tubac cn ivilkcut extra cost. WlimillUUMbHWUHIUIUHIMIINIHHHIIIUIIIIHnUinnillllUUUIinHUtUimtWtitIHI!Rf( I f u arc llic owner of l.ilurtv Itoiuls of lliv first H!k! s.Cuid issues of I'M 7, von siioittj Like iitU jiu.iiic of the privilege of eiti et'ii'14 ihctn i"l t'oiuls lie.irini; I 1-1 pi r ei'iit ink i st. I I, is iii!eiie expires Nov enilu r ''lh. We lire .it vour service. SimpK liriiti the hoiuls tons niul we will he pleased to look after all the details. Yours for sei v ice, A. ll( nrihsen, stockman of Cfcil, was in town Wednesday. Mr. Nonlyke, oi' Lexington, was a visitor in Heppner Tuesday. Oscar Cochran and Fred Ilitcliie of lone were in town Tuesday. W. 1. Dtittou v;s hero from Port land durini; tiie week isltir.K Ills many 1'rlendH and looking after busines:', interests. John C. Mclntlrc reports having some sick sheep nt his ranch the re sult of poisxmoim weeds on the ranue His loss so far lias been small. Mr. and Mrs. I.ee Matlock, of Pen dleton, vvwe week end k'uesls of Mr. uud Mrs. Kd Pattereon. Mr. Mat lock Is Mr. Patterson's brother. M-h. 1). . Hoitnott left Sunday imiinWiiiK 'or St. Louis and other Mississippi valley poiuts, where she expect tn visit for sererul months. Stacy Huberts, who was seriously ill last week Is much botor and with Mrs. Huberts left yesterday for the southern part of Ci.litomlu to spend the Vlnter. Mr. and Mrs. A. I.. Avers and Mrs. S. V. Spencer returned Sunday i vcnlni; from a pleasant trip to Pay i tie, Idaho, whcie they t-i. nt a Week or o i--.lin:; i"I:it;ve - I'l'IWP en r..id b. ! i.r;i ll.p;i- ! II i.di ..111. ; 'l . 1110 ire, e by c llll'..- ! f.r ti; !' '. ie.i v e - : . Il ,".m r. T i . .!... TV. il nlli'el I 111 ll - t u.il. r ill do 1 !' VevVe. ' 1 hum I :i ' ;ntl I. !. 'I Mm row emmiy soil. Hat ro n li.M i ait anived Sunday nlrbt fiotn the bluh mountain of t'.tant county wlih the lt.it 1 att sheep which have lusn summer lug on the r.inte llieie. Me epmi liavlnii hii l a very .it!f,n -1 1 j- ti ip. 1 ne i.ici mil iieppner has no rro. walk. In s ;',! k of in'HK to haveno 1 (Tx t on the weather nian tin rmituiiie. to end tain In ch- plmi. nlmweia to f,-ed l!ie balddlni: toook. Btl.l ipilet pool, where the iih w.l should he. Il'-ppn-i v. treated to mid .'iininer . bunder sVov er ,x, Sun !iv oenini: ilnitps wliie'i ron.Ulet side b.i I f, II and I' Mn.l. r .nd lUht- intii; t..e tin n.-i 1-nt 1- ,un,.n of ari ti .ne. t,i t..,.dri.. minnief I'l.ill No i!."iut(. n.la repotted bin the Uniter. nd kmnn alt smile broadly at the fn-juenc of these fall showers which tire nv-Uin;,' the grass ';'o: :.R rover before at this season and put tin;; the ground in splendid condition for fall kooc ing. J. H. Pearson was In from Lena Tuesday and reports that stock and farm conditions were never better in his section than at present. Feed on the range 13 better than it usual ly Is in early M.ny and tho stubble fields are green with volunteer grain. Mr. Pearson remembers one other season, 25 years ago, when we bad a similar fall. The Christian Endeavor society of the Federated rhurch held a pleasant social in tho church par lors last Friday evening. New offi cers were e'ected nt the business meeting, as follows: Ellwbeth Phelps, President; Jeannette Noyes, vice-president: Charlotte Wlnnard. secretary; Knthryn Pattii-nn. treas urer; Allen Case, scrgeant-at-arms. Following the business meeting games were played and refresh ment served A pleasant party of ihe hig:i M'liool student body, at which the upper classmen acted as luihts to 1 he ftcsliinen and new students, was held In the Fair urd.ty eretiinu. hi; h .-chn.il i'.-.. ! : '. c'.''iiiti'" and " pr eei : . ivillion List Sit T' .ieii. I, f t:: . 1 :i;'-ioror.e I'. 1 1.' t'.ii'-,! 1 I 4 Hid .n ! ,1 '. it., 'r. !.: . : 1 - a 1 s ., v. :.. I. ' V'-.' 1,' v , . ,iv I. vi:ii'ii; 1:1:1.: s A tui.-t 1.0: . Vliii-: was 1 d on. mzcj at the l.oi..e of Vr. and Ni l'. Nathaniel Sh.tw. In t'luk's r.iii on lait Suiid i ivieinoon when their cb.itni.r. da.:-httr. Ml? Lot tie A. Shiiv , becar.ie Ihe In ide (( Mr, Sulnii C. Iiudden. Itev. II A. Noye. ..i"ter ot the Fedeiate) church In thl. rity. peifoimed the ceteinony. The ounK couple will make their home In Lexington. Mr Ilildden I reKinter.d In the hew 1I1 aft a. beiween I and II und it p t to .ii!iTalIed to the culms Wrntworth V. HarlM-r and Ml !elt' i;l.l. Well kllown VnlltlS ei pie of I'l.ll ' r.UOP'll, Wi-le Utl le.l in tiumiate nt the J'ed." ,i'e, iliimh at.on.ice l"ti.U, (Vt.'b.'r 11. l?l, liev. II. A. ye of flrlatin They will rr.ide in the CUtk'i rnyon country. - MINOR PEOPLES CASH MARKET HENRY SCHVARZ Proprietor I ,i I handle all kind ot ! Fresh and SaSt Meats and Poultry, Lard, Compounds, Sausages Highest Cash Prices Paid for Poultry, Hides, Etc. ) Heppner - - ' Wars are won with metal save it. I m m Iron and steel ar needed foi tanks, guna, nnitnunition, ships, railroads, etc. Folk at home must save iron and steel to help win the war. Use the old rar.go until aftor the war. M'.:e your old mntte do lints longer by Laving it repaired, II it', pant leriairinR, then tltc next b'lt I'p it t.- buy llierani; I hat live, fud, foo.I ei d rc7in. The Majentic' heat linKt nveti-.s fe vests ImoI n-tc: ill perfect balling prevent, (ao-l I'.'.srr.nr.ci i' unbrr r?a!-le ir.ilnabls ilon ar.d tul-(i r riiaTLjjl iion m.S.e tr-.uirj s r-. : ncc J. GILLIAM & BISBEE Camtmnt II ar M!t if prtt, lhns (mm u U 9 Mill tupnly Mh llnumf Ml'lc msllt'ili - Hut 'a "': t y ii . v . 1 . 1 , but -otr - t & CO. t I i - Oregon xj;--r, sr;. mm;. 1 : r , n '(' v ',', ' J 'V I '', vi : ?m?m& k