SI y l y 1 il d y n I I i 1 i 1 I 4 fT m M I, l y tr- New Store! New Goods! I have just opened up my New Stock of Millinery On Main Street Opposite Haylor's Jewelry Store I will carry a complete stock of ALL OVER MORROW COUNTY Interesting News Letters from Herald's Corps of "Live Ones." IONE ITEMS Millinery, Corsets and Toilet Articles! -AGENCY- Victor Ladies Tailoring Co., Henderson, La Princess and Gossard Corsets. Maurice Toilet Articles MRS. L G. HERREN Lines That Lead Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and Perninsular Ranges FOR SALE BY PEOPLES' HDW. CO. Home Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and all Mill feeds GENERAL STORAGE AND FORWARDING HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. Now a&ia Now Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure to get it now, but not in the WINTER. TUM-A-LUM Lumber Company See Lew at Lexington and Bill at lone Send Us Your Orders for -PRINTING Mrs. C. C. Chick left for Eugene on Tuesday morning to be. near her son Charles, who is reported quite ill with Spanish influenza. Word has been received that Kenneth Blake, now a member of the S. A. T. C. at Eugene, was also a victim of this disease, but is much better. The baby daughter of Mr. and Mirs J. E. Swanson has been very sick with a complication of whooping cough and pneumonia but is report ed out of danger. The lone school was closed Tues day by order of Dr. Chick as a pre ventative to the spread of Spanish influenza. Mr. and Mrs1 Seymour Wilson and son Earl were Heppner visitors on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Nelson of Lex ington visited at the M. R. Morgan home on Sunday. Mrs. Jessie N. Smith of Irabler, Oregon, is spending the week at the home of her brother, U. S. Sith. Mrs. Smith is well known here, hav lnghlived here a few years; ago. Word has been received that Lieu tenant Jas. K. Cossmfin and Victor Rietmann, a well "known lone boy who is in Lieut. Cossman's company, have started eastward on their jour ney "over there.'" Mrs. Cossnmn, who was Miss Ruth Pettys before her marriage, will return to lone in the near future to remain during the Lieutenant's absence. Mr. and Mrs. Cummjins returned Tuesday from Underwood, Wash., where they have been helping with apple harvest on their farm near that place. Mrs. C. W. McNamer was able to return to her school duties after a week's absence due to a severe at tack of la grippe. During her ill ness Miss Ethel CoDenhaver. n Heppner high school girl, had charge of her classes. Ima, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Morgan, was taken to Heppner Monday morning, where she underwent a successful opera tion for appendicitis. Lewis Padberg was a Monday morning passenger for Portland where he will spend a few days with his family. Walt Pruyear has been busy get ting his family settled in the Will iamson house, where they will live ilurlng the school year. F. S. Kender arrived In lone Fri day night on a short business trip , The Portland schools being closed for a few weeks to prevent the spread of Spanish Influenza, Miss Beatrice Sperry and Pearl Padberg, who havebeen attending school In that city, have returned to lone to spend the time at their honits. Mrs. E. E. Miller and daughter Neva were Portland bound passen gers on Saturday'! train going down to spend a few days with Mrs. A. Hennlg Mrs. J. W. Long, of Portland mo tored up to spend the week end with her hua.and. Mr. Long re turned to the city with her Monday morning. Miss Brlstow, a sister of E. J. Brlstow, arrived In lone last Friday from Vancouver, B. C. for short visit at the home of her brother. W. H. Kline, well known cattle buyer, was In lone a day or two last week. Mrs. Catherine Linn of Ripley, O., arrived on Friday's train. She will spend the winter here with her son, I. J. l.:nn. Mrs. . K. Lllj.blad Ih reported on the :.!!: Il.-t. It"v. Mid . Jom ami f!ui;li ter, .iirn (, i iiilnl;. n, have moMil to I. x n iion. v. .. i- ;..y .(ones has ";t.. a i.,il to t1.. C..riiMi.l:iilli.iiiil 'ilili . :i :,r t he ' ill', id j j i.;i f, L. I'. iJavM .on ii'tjii,,, Tl.'irsday .'j:,i I! iIiii-.'. riri-t'iiii. wfieic h" !'t;t n . i,..i i..v:i Sll. ulitu- to hii; . m i f n.iitx 1 1 with Inn M.i i p whlih hat I Ti ;.i ii.ikI ti'-ar ihere dui- II. K th U!iii'ir. Two or I ( -1 1 Mason's clerks lint been ti'l ) Ir.e la-t fi w days roll- iru'tinK a plain, in to hold the farm ma hlriery hlh I. an r.'-r-t- for t !! uon terra fir Ion cant of tin- More and (.'(. c -1 to th hni.s e.f ia,n and flood. M:-i II. C Wilson of Portland. lio has been nursm for Ijr, Mi Mjnlo In 1 1 ( pnr . naii railed to lon lat i tcj take rhaiiio o( Itslph A "ititt, who has had s tr enou atta'k of pneumonia Imt I now on th toad to a ep-"ly recov ery J W. Iloak and Herman ONi II were among those who reported at Heppner for physical examination on Monday. Dr. Chick made a professional vis it to Heppner Monday morning. Paul Rietmann and sons Edward and David were county seat visitors on Monday. ' CECIL ITEMS Ed Bristow, Frank Robinson and John Coehorn of lone were Cecil callers on Sunday. Ben Barnes and family spent Sun day with Mr. and Mrs Fred Petti john. Miss Etta Barnes, Georga Sum mers and Gertrude Pettijohn visited with Mrs. Ellis Minor of lone Sun day. Mrs Winters of Fourmlle was a Cecil caller Tuesday. Herb Everett and family, accom panied by their brother-in-law of Texas, passed through Cecil on their way to the mountains. Mrs. Anna Nash and daughter accompanied them as far as the valley. H. J. Streeter and family were lone visitors Tuesday. Clifford Henriksen went to Hepp ner Wednesday and from there to the- mountains after some cattle. He was accompanied by Cecil Philips. Robbie Wilson, of Rhea Siding was an Arlington business caller on Wednesday. Mr. Wagner, of Morgan, was a Ce cil caller Wednesday. JacTt Hynd and George Wilson went to Heppner Thursday, return ing home Friday with a fine bunch of lambs. A. Henriksen autoed over to Ar lington Thursday. Bill Thomas is busy hauling wheat this week into the Cecil warehouse. Sox Morgan and Jean Falrhurst of Rhea Siding were called to Hepp ner Friday to attend the funeral of Mr. Morgan's father. Wm. Dunn, Walter Pope and Cecil Ahalt were lone callers on Saturday. Mrs. T. H. Lowe left for Portland Sunday, going that far with her son who has Joined the British army In Nova Scotia. Wm. Malcolm left here Sunday for Heppner. A. Henriksen went to Hoppner Friday. George and Ed M.elton arrived from Heppner Tuesday and com menced working for P. Mahoney on the Streeter place. H. J. Streeter spent Saturday with J. W. Osborn. LEXINGTON ITEMS Mrs. Carter was ont the srlck list a few days. Dr. Wlnnard of Hepp ner was called and she Is now steadily Improving. "Bueh" Padburg went down to Portland to attend school but as everything down there Is cloned on account of the epidemic of Spanish Influenza Dutch came home again. Lottie Shaw and Sidney Budden, both well known and well liked Lex Ington people, were quietly married Sunday afternoon. They are now busy receiving the happy congratu lation of their tunny friend. Mr. and Mis. John Holmes returned Monday evening from a two weeks reuiir trip In f'ortbnrl ami Van couver, Mis. M.i'hI pointer ietirriei fiom tin till. i,'le ,,i. u,., about i., ilays wi loi i!,eina tieatnufil lor Ih i I, Hie l.oy 'jinj ;jf. Mrs. ( luiili Jolitron tiiade a hur tled lril to I'Oitliitiil f.ll ,-;.lli.iy, wtien. ; , w, r,i to rotifer with Mr. Johnson who Is now wotkitiK then. The family w ill move to I'oitlaml In a sliort lime. No lnth:eni as ) l in our ton, hut sit the inen hi.tits and hiiHiness are tuMng ptei autionx by luminal in ami l,iiife nnrv We reilaltily hope .i-smirton ill safely pass IhiouKh lh tIkIh. C'srl Miller has pla'eil his sppll a!ion for nllMiin nt in t'i tiy ami will ko as soon as railed. Its a slow Joh gelling eery thins lo rutifiitiif Mrooihly in a ne "tahl,-l,i d te 'paper Off leu. Til" lleiahl K.. thx kinks siraiKhlen- ed Out soon however. WHEN YOU THINK OF GOOD EATS THINK Or THE Phelps Grocery Co. 'i U War Emergency Course and Certificate Oregon Normal School Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normal 8choot" will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty weeks outlined bi the Superintendent of Public Instruction. The course will begin with each of the terms commencing November 18, 1(18; February 8. 1919; and April 12, 1919. The Superintendent of Public Instruction will consider It equlvsent to the Teachers' Training Course and Issue a certificate upon Its completion valid to teach In the elementary grades tor one year. This Course will be open to those who have had two jmn or more of high school work or Its equivalent and who are at least eighteen years of age. For detailed Information address REGISTRAR OREGON NORMA SCHOOL The IRrick Uf McAtee & Aiken, Proprietors ICI- CKI-AM AM) CAKI) PARLOUS Men's Winter Caps, Sweaters, Jerseys. Ladies' Fancy Caps, Sweaters, Etc., Etc. LITTLE DARLING ROMPERS For the Little Folks LOOK AND YOU WILL BUY SAM HUGHES CO. I;