Heppner Herald S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher An Independent Newspaper Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class matter. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. One V'ear $1.50 Six Months .... Three Months 50 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 1918 CONSERVATION f .r ;;neral relief x;o:H, r.nd $47,000 L. d.:un:siration expeiies. ' For work in Siberia, $1,244,19" has been appropriated. Seeds and manntr that has turned the eyes of agricultural implements were pro vided, at a cost of 8244,438, to en able the Serbs to cultivate what was left of their country. Four hun dred twenty-nine thousand five hun dred ninety-six dollars was spent for fooodand clothing for refugees scattered through Northern Greece this figure including about $75, 1 000 for food purchased at Bucha jrent in 1916, and $25,000 for relief of Serb refugees in Siberia. Thirty thousand one hundred and thirteen dollars was apprpriated for main tenance of a hospital at Vodena, and $48,598 for a dental contingent to We hear much of "conservation in these days of the serve the Serbian army. Fifty stress of war. Those in authority as well as those in po- j thousand dollars was also given to sitions of semi-authority are busy urging the rest of us to jthe Serbian Red Cross, conserve flour and sugar and fats and woolens and paper For Greece, $375,000 has been and a thousand and one other articles which might be appropriated a commission to , a . 1 1 t-v 11 1 1 j Greece, which will administer this enumerated. And this is right. Everybody should save sum sa)led from jn geptem every atom possible of every commodity which is neces- ber principally for reUe f among sary to properly feed and clothe and equip our armies and the Greek population, among whom the armies of our allies in the great work of winning this is a great deal of suffering, due to war, and it may safely be said that every loyal American the mobilization of the army, is not only willing but is anxious to deny himself of many An aggregate of $3,000,000 was things he once thought essential to his comfort and gen- contributed to the American Com- eral well-being in order that our boys "over there" may mlttee for Aimenlatt and Syrian Re want for nothing, .lief, for their work in Asia Minor, U. , , ? r , 1 r and in Paletstine, the appropriations is the lack of conservation on the part of many amount t0 $590,553. This is for of these oflicial conservationists that many people who are relief and industrial service work pegging along trying to do the best they can are disposed among the destitute Syrians, for to kick about. the maintenance of a general dis- ln the matter of paper the government officials and pensary, children's clinic and hos- semi-olTirials nrn f-flWinry nthw HmctiV moacurc m. Pltal, ad fr two orphan asylums pel printers and publishers to save paper, even to the ex tent of curtailing their business and reducing their in comes, while if the printers were only credited with ordi nary business intelligence they might be trusted with practicing the most rigid economy in. the use of paper be cause of the exorbitant price the paper trust charges them for that commodity. We hope it is not treasonable to say that the waste Department of the interior, u. s basket in the Herald office bears mute testimony everv Land Office at La Grande, Oregon morning of the entire lack of conservation of paper on the part or practically all of the governmental departments, bureaus, administrators, etc. Reams and reams of the precious commodity are burned up every week without even being read for the reason that we havn't the time to read all the long-winded articles nor the monev to hire NF-Vi swVi. Mi se and sev4 a secretary to read them for us. It is evident to every newspaper man who has trained himself for years to crowd as much information or as many ideas into as few words as possible which is true conservation of paper, time and energythat most of the people who write the .stulT that is sent broadcast ever the country from the dif ferent Depari:nents m Washington. fro;;i" the multitude of sia'.e ai'nuvsinitors, Atfricuitural i'olie7f: etc. :n-: t Keep the Home Funds Coming CAN'T you realize the encouragement ' our boys over there in the trenches will get when they know Heppner has o'er topped the top in the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN drive? If you subscribed every penny you ever expect to own you would still fall shoJt of equaling THEIR "bit." Come in or write us for full details about these War Bonds. Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat'l Bank PROFESSIONAL CARDS DR. II. J. VAUOHAX DENTIST Permanently located In Oddfellow's Bunlding Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSOX ATTORXEY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner Ore WKeat Wheat which have been assigned the Red j Cross by the British, authorities. Much work is c.lso being done in the camps of Armenian refugees at Port Said, Jaffa and elsewhere." NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Ociober 8, 1918. Not Coal Land Notice is hereby given that Nor man G. Florence, of Heppner, Ore gon, who, on April 8, 1914, made Homestead Entry No. 013099 for I am buying whdat for the Pacific Grain Co., successor to W. H. liouser, and am prepared to buy your grain outright and pay cash. Can furnish grain bags at lowest prices. DR. N. E. WIXNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. MeMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORXEYS-AT-LAW Heppner Orei SAM E. VAX VACTOR ATTORX EY-AT-LAW , ROY V. WHITEIS, REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE 1 y y HEPPNER, OREGON SE, Section 3 5, Township 2 South, Ranga 27 East, WiLamette Meridian has filed notice of intention to mike J Big Ranch Bargain I have to offer prospective buyers of real estate a splendid 800-acre ranch with 110 acres under ditch and only one-half mile from town. Good house and out-buildings. I am offering this place at a big bargain and on easy terms if taken at once. I ROY V. WHITEIS, Heppner, Oregon the I 111! ;i :v p'nion tnat words arc Iree as the i lu ll ii'.r e or t i ii I-.-, lie iin.'v ureal ie am . y can us.' the inort. evidence they lat they are particularly gifted as is a pretty sale guess that wasted 1 v the government paper three-year proof, to establish claim to the land above dsscrlbed, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at Hoppner. Oregon, on the- f.th (lav of December, 191 S. Clr.Jri'i'nt nuiKS r wltnesrps: John McC'illoutrh. Divid McCul lnmTh. Vj. Tl. Kelly, George Krei, all of Heppner. Oioi;on. C. S. DUNN, Register A y 1 1 10 arbitrary restriction NOTICE FOR PUBICATION i 'i To All Wheat Growers of Morrow County Heppner Oregon LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner Oregon Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland Oregon Regular monthly visits to Heppner and lone. DR. GUXSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) may be shocked to learn that Department of the laterlc.n, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon , October S. 19H. Not Coal Land. Notice is hereby given that James T. Morgan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on May 22, 1914, made Homestead En try. No. 013:57, for N4 SE4. SH NEW. NW4 NE4, SE4 NW14 I will be in the market for all classes of wheat at all times during the coming season, prices based on gov ernment inspection slips. Bags and harvesting supplies at market prices '!'e wo' the j.,- oT in.'.inr.r.t: : ire t n:, I ha:: v. ;!1 k u . ; :rer circilr.t i: . . .: . c j:i. . l::,i;...;; " T'.er piper pe-.'p'.e Inir.i up. all this stulT mostly. it..oui ie..iiiag :'t, ''t,r havn't they hecn telling us ever :.;ice th : war started that we must save all waste paper and sell it to th.- paper mills? Yes. and that is just what the patriotic people of Heppner undertook to do last year and the remit was that the two merchants who went to the expense to put in a baler and have all the town's waste aD'1 NEV 9WVi- nioa n.Town- paper baled and who shipped it to the paper mills were .stung for some $.'0 on the deal the freight amounted to that much more than the mlils paid them for the paper. Tsme and energy are two mighty important factors in most of life's activities and if the reports that leak out irom me snip yards and trom the spruce camps are true Heppner, Oregon, on the 4th day of of all the real property described In there is not much conservation of either in those two most . w VV !au im! important industries. Charges are made that highly paid Claln"nt nam" " wlln's""' 54r.n X P.rt " d.f.nd.t. shipyard workers not only systematically loaf on the job nni E' Ch"X" A' Hlnton' nd th.t pi.mtiff p.y it co.u nd but that they are encouraged by the foreman to o be- n,,yd M' DunrBB' Arlhur P- di-burment. herein. nd for such , ;, I .1 I'Timan 10 so ik- :iugi., u of !.n. Or,.on. other nd further relief aa may 4.IUM. mi it said. the tiK.re a ship costs the more money c. 3. iu'ns, n-sit.ter in equity be )ut. tliereis 'm it lor the contractors l i tun Summoti u a-rved upon you l'oneratin of triilinr things and willful wa,i. FRANt IS A. Mil;XAMIX LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 66 5 hip 2 South. Range 28 East, Will amette Meridian, haa Bled notice of intention to uvike three-year proof, to esUMIah claim to tiie land above dffcrlbml, before C. C. Patterson, l'n!td States CommiRaloner, at PHILL COHN, Heppner, Or. II ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE, LOAN'S, INSURANCE Heppner Oregon big activities seem to lie the ordei poor hiiMnN and in-', t : i nraiii of the day, real pair ,i in is Kl l 1 iiUSS 0 l S. IN THE IIH I IT (lit'KT OK THE STTi: OK OKI (.l. KOU THE M N r OK MoltltOW. WILLI VM A T1IOM VS. I'lulutirf. ' 1 1: v r. lio'.T V T.i ".hr.i P. i: r; t.ii: v lit. t! I. ( I ; 1 1 : i.. In T V,M .III U' I n f 1 1 I ' .. i t r .- I : !i' ' 1 til i t: i ii-.i h K H" I' 1 .! I'm . !.,i nt t.i il.iti. ' i ( f ti.i.. r 1 1 fun 1 1 i on- i. ii . .! r. Mn i. , s ir. .r .ii-i.il ll i;.fl OH.. I-1-f .,.. Hi, , t' oil-.l'l l .l.lll.ll V ii., Ill O lHt f t.f f. ' tl) Stni'1 S in. I.in.l (in, fi.r ,i,, ,,, ! "' " t t III ti i" " i ',i- ,0 . f . f I. i,'" ta I- , ,.. . . . ,! V r v l-. - n f . t I id t. (f m i'v y t,i:r,.. ,i i ti i ,ii-1 it. .1 iii ti.i. ii ti, t 'H t " --..in .i , .itn i . 1 1 . In f.. Ti.. M t' ! W ,M In' ' r v tiii h t'n-ti :"i "t:ii t' t'-fii I 'l 'is I: "i ' f.,. t', .,, "IMl'lnt W;l t ft ' ..Il.t I r. i t i.f i In l:.'tifi.-.t',i. to v n Si ;t. Mir'i. )'.!. pi in!. ! I I'll (111 I I- '.(,. . !.. I'.l It .'! I lothttlK , , i mi i f t r ,i ttiit nn 1 ' BH.I t ' .' ("in ! M'i i : " "i ml i n of if.'-h ii'; ! il a r"t i ! " 4 :i i .p.-nt fir 'iiifi i ,;.i'.- t,. ! '. r t: t r- t1:' i t'H'rtt-. . I'MT. nn.l 1 1 ", ' " i ,i it A I 111.' t.-.i fun two ti l). I li.!r i.f O '. ... (,.r f,.,t tl I'll II fill I .. .. r t iti'.ir ! r- '.I. I !. t...'" t i t: a t- I. f I'll It , i r f.. I !. if ti . r " "! .!.i!ls' I 2 l ' i r f r , ..ii I !!." STATi! v Ml in- t i ri' ar ntnl : "I.. I n-'il'i -t ' il i". t i-ti nr . .T 1"'. l''!. 1'iatt U fik 'in f ii,l I'l " tl. of tfii f ri'i rlln il i.ntt. n of tt i i tail ti) BH'.nr ; .iliit or otl.fr . i'i on ir t' M.ilntlfT mill itlrl t'uurt fi.r hv Duhll' atlmi thi-retif pursuant to an ordi r of Hllbert W. Klielpn. JmUe of tin; Cnult Court f the State of Or' i.on. for t .e C.tunty of M.ir t... v. !,. . or.l'-r a duly in;, lo tip-in ni'jiili-.illnn t-i nil'! JuiU-p. :!,.,!.. ti; I'l. li '.if! nml l;t.-n aal.l ..n! t v..i i '.t'...'. tbo IT-'U day oi' S' ,'li-ti. 1'' I . Tt. ':'' , ; : u Sni r.'iv :.. r.-i" rts:.:. n Claimant name a wltneaiea: Mlcheol Sepanek, of Seoanek, Ore ton. Cailmer D. Moray, Carl Mat ton, Arthur A, Flnley, all of Echo, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK. RegUter. DR. J. 4. CALI-AWAY OSTEOPATHIC .PHYSICIAN 6 Roberta Building Heppner Oregon At Lexington every Tueaday and Thuraday. E. 1. STARKEV ELECTRICIAN Houae wlrlnc a apeclalty. Heppner Oregon Phone (33. 7 t,n r,-t i'u! ;i at i 'P 1. 1 I- Krl l.iv. O. lot' r dati' of t'.'.'' li t! "f ! i'l !' b, r I'.l'i. 1!M'- V t t r. ii V,ion. a-'..lr.-. l;or.NS"N. y f-.r I'.nli.tlff I, tl". rrs '11. NttTIt i: 5 olt I'l Ill.lt TI. . (larttufiit of tl; ln'rl"r. V. Uiltl Oir,r l T! t'allf". Ofoti, ? i.t. ttn. itn Notl.-e I lifrfby given thai r!ilrt Llii.l-ay. of K' ti". Orni. !". on NOTICE KOU PI IU.ICATIOX D'-partnu'tit of the Interior, I". S. ; Land Oltire at La Gramle. Oregon, i Si'iUfinber 1. IKK. Nutli'H In hri'',iy jtlvi-n '1 at Nntiry I!rir.;, iwe, of 1 i 1 t t -r . On Hon, Who, ill .Vauli li'.. l'H. mail.' ll"ini't, ad !:titrv. No. "l:;i-,:, f,,r W 1 2 S K 1 , K'.SW".. S'A '.SW',. S .tl ti :s, NVV'.NW',, nil I WijXi:,. Sn tlm T'n:iii 4 .s.iutii. H.i:;t:.i j; K.i-i. Wlilasn-tto M"rl,t!.i:i. ,a f.:... iiutl. e of l!i'i-i!!,,:i t.i m,'.... TS.ri" .nr IT." f. t.i f-tatiil-'i il.ilm to tie l.t'.'l iiI'.im" iI.-m ri1 i !. I" re C. C. l'littfrn'ti. l't,lt"'l St nt. CiiinmU--I. r.rr. at ll."t t.'.r, itri'umi, on t!. t. h dav of Nu tnl'ir. 1 K 1 V I i :..!i i"t ti a !'ii..i': W. O. Sn I'a. It. VV. Ow.ti, Waitrf H.'lii.l'k. J a ti.ru i artt-r, ail of ll'p ti'T, r .n. r. It' XX. j I'.rciir East., Willamette Meridian, haa filed notlre of Intention to make Three year Proof, to eUt)IUIi claim to the land above described, before C. C I'ftlt'-rfon. United State Commis sioner, nt Heppner, Oregon, on the "th day of Novenibtr, 191S. l.iiiiiaiit naiiKit an wlinp-Bf: Vcrn I'enrton. tieorKe A. Cutn r. li.Kv Witlt'T W. Lutkmun, all of Lt iia. Oregon. Addiann M. Moore, of lii'i ioicr, Oretriin. C. S. IiUXN'. R..Klii.r i . pi 1 1. ii'-e nil (ini- lntiili.il t' i .-.I.,-..I tiMtiil npj.lti- V. I t .1 I f t lii rntiifUltil. June 1IS. tiifl" Horn. tf. Kt.tr . N'i o 1 r. ;. f .r NK'. P""- ft i. i ,urt O a! ti ti. n JJ.T. Ip 3 North. lUnitf i, rtixlng ti- : K.l. V l.hm.f'te M-rU,iin, I.f at ! i (mini I n r nnMio of litt' titlon to msk i-l I !-:! It fi,,.t Or..- r IT f. ! rtV,'..n i i,(T ! gran'i .1 . alni t 'i -at; I at 'I' n r r m .I't-li-:..,!, t- : t" f C Pittr-t. I H I" I " .r.-r.f t- in .ii. at lio ' ' r f ' ' 4 i.'tiit tirr ':' i' f ' ' ' t Tl : LOI. PI III H ATION j r:n. r.t if ll- li.'1-rl..r. f. ft .1 of.,0 r-i I i:ra t..!. or,in. ; , . 1 1 N- Mi n I. i t.v ju t, tl t li l-i'i. of I.;i4 or-c.in. l;.. i ri' r.. I !' "M,1!' r It. 1 ? H, tile II- nir.t. ,J f'ii. ' I i.tt. No. tl";:. for SU'.NW',. ,. ..niXW'.NK'. ati tVVSSK.t.. -t.,n T"I. !p i ! nth. r,r,t : ."'i ii r. rim i'l ill. it 1 1 I'l'iartini'iit of ti Interior, l ' i.Btm ortiie at La Urande. Oreeoti. S"ptHtnbr is, Notii U l.creby glien that Janir S. Carter, of li'(ipii.T. Oregon. n Augtmt :s. 1 1 5. rtiado llot tad Entry. No. 015182. for NK'. S-'tlon 34. Townnltlp 4 Bouth. lianii" :7 Kat. Wll!amrtt Meridian, lia flll notice of Intention to mk three-year Proof, to etblltl rlaltu to the land above dearrlbed, before C. C. I'atteron. United Stale Com mlaainner, at llettihr. Oregon, on the f,th clay f Niiiember. C'.atmatit nam-a a tnnae: ;eorge w. Hperry. Robert 0ena. Wnllef llelmlf k. Joaeph Vation. all of ll tipner. Oregno C. 8. DUNN. Regl-te' VV A .'