Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 13, 1918, Image 4

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Food will Win the War
Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without
waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats
and Sugar. The soldiers at the
Front will need them all. Be loyal
to your own state. Use more Po
tatoes and ship more wheat.
We Eiave everything in the
Grocery Line.
lelps Grocery
urned Out
Washed Out
BJ! -J. - 9 O
y itiruwdra t
I nip!
We have it, will get it, or it
is not made
Gilliam & Bisbee
It's the lasting quality and rich
tobacco taste that makes Real
Gravely Chewing Plug cost
you no more to chew than
ordinary plug.
WJ& ReaI Gravely
1 i' i T
,fj 10c a pouch cu wot tit it
Peyton Brand
ticwing Plug
P. U. Tobacco Conipaay
DonvilU, Virginia
Home Products for Home People
White Star I'lour.Craliam. Whole Wheat,
Cream Middlings
Rolled Barlev and Mill Feed
General Storage and Forwarding
Hcppncr Farme.s Elevator Co.
(From the lone Independent.)
The Pall term of the nnhlic.
school opens on Monday next.
Dr. Cnick visited Heppner last
week and successfully removed
the tonsils and adenoids of Miss
Delmar Waters.
Cut and burn the weeds on that
vacant lot you own. If you do
not the city will do it at your
expense, with a penalty attached.
R. W. Cochran is advertising a
lot of horses, etc., to be sold at
auction in lone next Tuesday.
See adv. elsewhere.
E. E. Miller was in Portland
all last week, returning by auto
Sunday night. As a consequence ;
few jokes were sprung among
the boys during that time. j
Trainloads of wheat, cattle and
sheep are going to market almost
daily of late from this county. ;
These are surely prosperous days :
for our ranchers and stockraisers. j
The drive for the Fourth Lib-!
erty Loan begins next Sunday :
in Oregon. The intention is to
to oyer the top by the 28th, the
jmcial starting day oi the drive. ;
Strolling near the warehouses'
and elevators after dark is risky I
business unless you answer chal
enges promptly. The guards a"e
well armed and they can shoot
Bills are out announcing an
auction sale on the ranch of
Frank Akers, one mile east of
lone, lor Saturday, September
ia. Much valuable property will
le disposed of.
The Farmers Elevator Com
pany has erected a 40-foot flag
pole on the too of the new Brain
elevator, from which a larue II.
S. flag proudly floats and can he
seen from a long distance.
Arthur Stewart, the 18-vear-nld
son of James Stewart, editor of
the fossil limes, was killed last
week by the team he was driving
running away and throwing him
beneath the wheels of the vehicle.
Miss Beatrice Sperry, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Sperry,
has been spending the past week
at her home in lone. She will
return to Portland Sunday to re
sume her studies at a business
C. L. O'Neill drove to Arling
ton in his car Sunday night and
caught the night train for Port
land, where 1 e transacted a lot
of business on Monday, and was
back home again Monday night.
That was going some.
The City Council has in view
a number of plans for the im
provement of the city. Want of
space prevents the Independent
from enumerating them in this
issue, but the matter wi.l be tak
en up in the near future.
At the Peterson & Eskelson
auction sale last Saturday those
gentlemen donated three roosters
to be sold for the benelit of the
Rod Cross. The bidding was
wry spirited and resulted in
,;5..r)0 being realized for the
It. C.
Deputy Came Warden F. L.
Christcnr-on ct lone is keeping a
strict watch for violators of the
Lraine laws. He has th names
of several parties who have been
killing pheasants and will proa
cute them, as well as an other.
who may be guilty of like of
fenses. liurton Hawk, formerly mem
ber of the Oregon Military Po
lice, dismissed irom the service
tor "the good of the cervice"ainl
ari eptid later at Cone on under
the espionage act on a charge of
Uttering seditious t-Utements,
was bound over to the Federal
grand jury after a hearing at
Pendleton and was taken to Fori
lane. Condon Tinus.
The population of M row coun
ty in the u '!!uty of lone was con
siderably increased last week.
On Wedi;. lay Mr. and Mrs.
Frnest ll.gi: were made haiiv
by the arnva! of n Unnu-ini'
jyourg to !, r Ivy; on Fii iay an
; other ourg H p, und soldier boy
ramped nt ti e hoineof Mi. on 1
(Mr Harla-i McCurly, nnd on
,the same ia. a daughter appear-
.el at the I , (f Mr. ai d M . ;
! Nelson, ar A.XH ... ;,, w ho v. .11 ;
doubt it . :,), day l.iivr.n t'uv
proud wif,. f a F(, j,.r lr.
Chick wat m attendance at ail1
tim e of the eenU.
S-j-imons all the forces and resources of the Republic to
the defense of Freedom
which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the
fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in
military training, has responded to the call. The College is
distinguished not only for its military instruction, but
Distinguished also for
Its strong industrial courses for men and for women:
In Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, Foreitry
Home Economic, Mining, Pharmacy, and
Vocational Education.
Its wholesojne, purposeful student life.
Its democratic college spirit.
Its successful graduates.
Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, I258,
over forty percent representing officers.
College opens September 23, 1918
For catalog, new Illustrated Booklet, and other information write to the Regiitrar, Corvallit, Oregoo
To All Wheat Growers of
Morrow County
I will be in the market for all classes of
wheat at all times during the coming
season, prices based on government
inspection slips. Bags and harvesting
supplies at market prices.
l fie HvncK
McATEE & AIKEN, Props.
Ice Cream and Card Parlor;
Are You Going to Build?
If so we are in a position to save you money and an
noyance if you will give us a chance to figure on your
Plumbing Supplies (EL Plumbing
Good material is the basis of a good job of painting
and only first-class material can give you a satisfactory
job of plumbing.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sis. HEPPNER, ORE.
Tash & Akers old stand.
Coming Events Cast
Their Shadows Before.
Orion's position has been FIUST in every p-trh ic
endeavor. The 4th Liberty Ioan should not- Ml'.-sT
NOT Ik th? .xception. Let's male HeppM r the
first twn and Morrow the first county in the fit it
state to go over the top.
Opor.inr dad' of 4(h I.ibcity Loan in Saturday, Sep.
U-mk r US. Make it closing date as wi ll.
Farmers & Stockraisers
National Bank
' ft tun j
Office for Good
Job Printing