i VOLUME 5 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMER 13, 1918 NUMBER 19 LIBERTY COMMITTEES ARE ANNOUNCED A meeting was held in Heppner on Sunday afternoon, attended by man from nearly every section of the county, called together by Chairman E. Li. Shutt, of the fourth Liberty Loan Committee, for the purpose of completing the program of puttin Jt Morrow county "over the top" by i , vnine o'clock on the morning of Sept. "28. Great interest was manifested by all present and it did not take long to get the organization completed. Chairman Shutt announced that it was the desire of the State com mittee that the Morrow county organization be composed of the same persons having charge of the Third Liberty Loan, this being the plan the state over. To this, of course there was no objection, and the following executive committee men for Morrow county in the Fourth Liberty Loan were an nounced by the Chairman: Heppner W. P. Mahoney, S. W. Spencer, C. A. Minor, W. B. Barratt, Michael Kenny. lone H. M. Cummins, S. E. Moore, Bert Mason, W. H. Cronk, Ralph Akers. Lexington W. G. Scott, W. 0. Hill, Frank Evans, W. F. Barnett, K. L. Beach. Hardman Geo. Bleakman, Wm. Ayers, J. P. Hadley, A. E. Wright, John Adams. Lena John Brosnan, Percy Hughes, Wiley Pearson, Waldo Vin cent. Pino City W. F. Wiglesworth, (he to select his assistants.) Eight Mile Oscar Keithley, Frank Anderson, It. E. Allstott, Gooseberry N. M. Johnson, Frank Young, Rufus Farrnes, Genu Lovgren. Matteson Paul Webb. Cecil Jack Hynd, A. Henrlksen Ithna Creek Ed Rugg, Clifford Rugg, Hay Wright, H. C. Gay. Purkers Mill J. T. Knappenberg. Morgan J. A. Troedson, Fred Ely. Irrigon N. Seaman, W. R. pole. Bjardnian J. A. Gibbons, Ballinger. There Is to be a speaking Wal- J. C. cani- paign, and this was arranged for. Chulruian Shutt will try to get at least two returned American soldiers to visit the Beveral points of the county, In conjunction with local Breakers, and the following Itinery was worked out: Dry Fork Sunday, Sept. 22ud, at 2:30 p. ni. Eight Mile and Hardman Sunday evening, Sept. 22, at 8 o'clock. Iona and Lena Monday evening, Sept. 23rd, at 8 o'clock. Cecil and Pino City Tuesday ovenliig. 3cpt. I .1. at 8 o'clock. Lexlngtm. and Ri.ea Creek Wed nesday evening, Sept. 25th, at 8. Ih'ppner-Thursday evening, Sept. L'Gth, at 8 o'clock. Irrigon and Iloardman Friday i vi-nlng, Sept. 27, at 8 o'clock. FOK HAI.K Automobile In good : inning condition with five good lea, $35o. Reason for Helling, "I i 3rd tho money." Address Box 454, . .I'ppncr, Oregon. 19d;!l Hev. and Mm. Nuyea have returned : '.,111 their vucution Htient on their i ult farm at Sunnyslde, Wash. W.WTKH By married man with illdren. Job on ranch by the year 1th house etc. Must be within arli of school. Thoroughly coin- tent and rellabti!. Will Harrison, eunner, Oregon. 1'JdJl John Kilkenny, well known aheep il or Hint. m creek. hn recently nilileted a i.ew IS-room residence i his home runHi whbli In otifl of e bed country homes In the county. ie house has a lull ba einetit. all )ilern cmivi nl ni e anil is strictly lo-date In every detail. t'l.ttrllo I, iim.it ha I chance of the carpenter ,rk and llradford it n did tUe .tit III K etc Allium a I'.ishee have rli( hide. I leal with Victor r;r..slieii where- tln-y seruri-d tin! Onisheii prop- y at May and l.ae street payttiK llfterenee of Ji'iuO. Tin y expec t ererl a lm m m ouiuiuik .peitr in tin M'Tlii". .1. K. Hynd U h-re from Portland . the Fair. CECIL ITIMS A. Henriksen returned from Heppner Thursday. John Nash-waa aTuesday busi ness caller in Morgan. Monday Miss Jaunita Crabtree left on the local for Heppner. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett were do ing business in Cecil Thursday. Mrs. A. E. Na.-h visited with Mrs. Broidy of Morgan Wednes day. Jack Hynd, who has been in Portland the past week, returned home on Friday. W. W. Smeed and G. McCarty of Heppner were in Cecil Friday gathering up exhibits tor the fair. Mrs. Crabtree and children left on Friday for Salem, where they intend to spend a few months Miss Irene Douglas, who is teaching at The Willows, was a Cecil caller Saturday on her way to lone. Mr. and Mrs. C.A. Minor came in from Portland to "Last Camp" Thursday, leaving on Friday for Heppner. Fred Streeter, eldest brother of Henry J. Streeter, arrived from Wasco on Tuesday, leaving for Creswell on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd, Miss Violet Hynd and Miss Hazel Win ter, accompanied by Boyd Logan, autoed to lone on Saturday. Mrs. Bennett wa3in Arlington Thursday to see her nephew E.E. Wallace who was leaving with the drafted men from Condon. The Misses, Barrett, Hayes, Mahoney and Wilson, from Hepp ner, spent the week end visiting among friends on Willow creek Mrs. Willis and son returned from Independence on Tuesday, where they had been attending the obsequies of Mrs. Willis' mother. W. A. Thomas returned home from Ritter Springs, where he has been spending the last few weeks. Bill says that Ritter is certainly a fine health resort. Miss Easton, who taught the Cecil school last year, came in from Sitkum on Sunday, where she had been spending her Sum mer vacation, and opened Echool Monday, 15 pupils being present. The chairman of Cecil auxilary, R. C. wishes to thank Mrs. Boyd Lognn lor the beautiful piece of work which she has donated for the benefit of Up ro ::ty and which will bf disponed at the basket social September 28. Roy Stender, his sister and 8 'Vi i friends were in . cit Thurs dav to say good-bye to his broth cr Warrtn who vd tn the train with tho bitrcli of o'her tine young men from 1I ppner who were called in th'.- last draft. The old livery burn Is n-ln Moved tn the Willis Stewart hit -i-k to ma k il room fur ,.!' rl new com rt-te building. re ditu Mc- W. I. Imttiin came In (mm I'ort luiul V. diiesdny M attend the Kalr ami look aTter business Interest. Mr. and .Mrs. Iienm MrNaiin-e eturned from Portland lt Sunday after attending a week In the Ho City. Kd IJuikram h bouul.t the Wll kin both ciit west May street and ll have ji...e.,l ,n In a few tla. TIl ptil ' paid Was l-IUOil. Mrs Ha tii K. Van Vmtnf and Mr S, W. Soulier returned Sunday ffntn I week end visit witlt Mr. Klli Minor bear lone. LEXINGTON ITEMS Guy Nordyne returned to Se attle after a visit with his father. Mrs. W. J. Davis came home from the springs feeling much better. Mrs. Eva Odell of Portland is visiting her sister, Mrs. Essie Keers. The Tumalum is having some painting done on their office building this week. The Burchell's are in Portland this week, called there by the serious illness of Mr. Burchell's father, H. E. Burchell. Luther Ashinhust, who was called in the braft on the 6th, re turned to his home as he did not pass the examination. Miss Edna Bauman left Wed nesday morning for Portland, where she will attend college during the coming term. The Etchell's and the Este? boys returned to their Portland homes Tuesday, after assisting Claude White with his harvest. Prof. Hough, our school supei intendent, and his daughter, ar rived Sunday night and is busy getting settled, as houses are scarce here. Friends were surprised when they learned that Miss EdnaCar michael and Harry Turner o! Sand Hollow were quietly mar ried and had gone on a honey moon to the coast. On their re turn they will stop at Camp Lewis and visit Mrs. Turner's brother. Park Cannichael, who was re cently called there by the draft HORSES FORJsALE Broken or unbroken. Will be sold for cash or on time.purchas er giving note with approved se curitv. Horses can be seen on my ranch at the Tub Springs. James Carty, 4dtf Lexington, Oregon. The United States Food Administration says SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fllitcr. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet. Use fowl, fish, vegetables, vegetable oils, cheese. Purely vegetable Cotosuict, Crisco, Olive Oil, Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian Corn.) SAM. HUGHES COMPANY E Fully iMitiippecl liberal t ulliire Itrainini. in t.oiiiinerc-c, .Jutirnnlisni. Arc lnlec lure, i.nw, .unm 1 ..rills. Library Work. Ko.ir. llo...-li..l I Aria. I'l.rsi- si I roinii.4 .-a I In. Aria, j J, MiUsifO I I Aa.,t..a m! II,..,. .11m Ifnll. !... ."4 . I M1 .11 .-'. a la .. 1 irUi. ..i. "''' I . ' . . . . . 11...! II. it. I. M i ' V T..II.S I III K- I..t,.f r mt S.MHIO ..i.M. s.,m.i.r... I., .si .. t " ... . . . . a r I' -J ' r. 1 Mw-. NS ... If ew ... . 1, . - i.;-. y .- 1',. T Peoples Cash Market III;NUY SCIIWARZ.I'rop. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry and Iird Phone Main 73 Government Wants Black Locust Trees Your It has commandered every Black Locust Treenail plant in the country, owing to the scarcity of the wood. To complete the ship building program any trees you can spare from your groves are absolutely needed. Will you nut write the Western Ship Sup ply Co. at Room 1201 N.W. Bank Building, Portland, Ore., und let them know how many you can spare, lhey will pay you a reas onable price for them. 18d20 Open an account with THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER Assets over One and a Quarter Million Dollars. Tri 1 lot tfficit My ami aciiiilili!epiirlme.ilH. Sperin, V f.f w-r irt . . jr I... .ll.ir.i.a L.Ll.l. a-af4' ...... . I Icppner, Oregon The I av Al r , - I FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. Offica Phone Main 643 Residence Phone Main 6G5 DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 6 Roberts Building Heppner, Oregon At Lexington Tuesdays and Fridays. Watch paper for dates DR. J. G, TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon Regular monthly visits to Hepp ner and lone. DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner, Oregon License! Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) DR. R. J. VAUGIIAN DENTIST Permanently located in" Oddfal low'a Building Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner, Oregon DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oragon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Icppner, Oregon SAM K. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Ieppner, Oregon .OUIS I'HARSoN TAILOR Ieppncr, Oregon JOY V. WIUTKIS RKAL KSTATK, LOANS, INSURANCE Heppner, Oregon NOTII I) I ' lit I'l lll.K 1 KIN. Ill-purl inent nt Hie Inlerlur, 1'. H. I.HI.il Ollire lit The llillles, llreKull, ?i .t. Mh, i y i h Nullie Is hereby t;lvi n that t'lililel l.lnd ii y. iif ImIi'i. (lliK'ili, wIhp, oil Jlllie 1st, I'Jl.'i, ll;nle Ilium sleml Kiitry. No. (il'.ujn, fur NK'. See- Inn I!.',, Ti. w ii 'lilli 2 Nurlh, Kiiiikh ;H KhhI, S llliinieite .Mi-rldiuii, hai iled liolh e nf llitenl lull to make linil Ihne )mr I'riMif, tu eslublfsli l.illll to the liind lihuve deMiribeil, In fore ('. f. I'll! t'TnC.ll. I . H. I ulll- inl .I'linr. at lli-iiiier, OreKuii, on be :'tih tiny iif t)' tuber, litis. 1.. I Ml 11 li ( llMIII'S as wtin-e: Mil beul Si iMll k, lif Kruilliek, lre un. t HKlmi-r II Muny, ( nil Mat nil. Arthur A Klnle, all uf l. hu. Hi ami. II. HUNK WiMiliriM K, Iti'Klsler. !)r. Tuiricr, ip ciaIiHt of Portland, wiil ! in .leppn-r aain Wedfii s lay and Thurs lay S pt nibT IX and I'.l, at I'.ar nard' ro'irnmg hoiH''. In Intx I'ui-aday, Scplt fiibcr 17. In Mnn timi'i.t Saturday, S pU-mbT 2V. Cufiauit him.