Wash 3 AT MINOR'S XE HAVE just received a new line "TREE Paper Doll cut out Sets for the " of "Elsie Dinsmore" and "Little little girls. These paper dolls repre- Sister" Wash Dresses, and we are sure sent thi$ Hne of ChilcWs Dresses and you will say that they are the most at- are . real colors and fa tractive Children s Dresses you have ever j r .1 j Ai 1 tl ii seen. They are made from fast colored d of dresses themselves. The chil- Ginghams in prettiest styles. They save dren Wl11 have Sreat f un cutting out and mothers much time and energy. Sizes 3 playing with these dolls. One free virile to 14 years. Come in and examine them. they last to every child that asks for them. "Wirthmorc 13 MB an-: ill at the old price, $1 and $2 Next month the universal price of tfcsss most papular Blouses mil hz advanced. Better be fcrehaod- d and buy a liberal st?fvpsy now. Next aimih the National Price will be $1 .50 and $2.00 Buy Liberty Loan Bonds now Beat the Hun everlastingly is what counts now 3 nr rt l' , .l. .1 or Qmlity?VA You'll likely find it costs you even s to chew Gravely. It goes further. You only need a small chew of this class of tobacco, and it holds its good, sat isfying taste a long, long time. goes further that's why you can get the good taste of this class of tobac co without extra cost. PEYTON BRAND Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10$ a pouch-anc worth it Qmmimmmm fflllllS : BANKING BUSINESS: You have more orL'ss of it. Possibly it is with us. Such being the case you know somethen t:f our service. It not a p.xtron wcukin't it he well for you to become one? We invite both small and large accounts. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER. Resources More than $1,500,000 r'f', 0si a ul), :!':!". to his c:Mi:unt he was- .:t. the front fr. tin; iietahl tlif week. ! ranee, he wan tin.' f'-i oL Mr. and 10. F. KUis. stud; breed, r of the ' Mrs' Friink pn Com,on' his i brothers, James I), ar.: O n.ld Hum being prominent business Li. lU.uiman cor. utry was in town Kri tawtaw W. (). Hill. cashier of the Lexing ton State Haul;, was a business visitor in llcppunr Wednesday. Hev. Dr. George 1!. Van Wuters v-. i 1 1 hold services In the lipiscopal Clinreli next Sunday morning and evening. Andy and Harry liood have sold their wheat erop of around "UUU sacks to Kuy V. Whltels, buyer for the Pacific Urulu Co., the price being $2.12 in bulk. Ur. Turner eye specialist of Port land, will be In Ileppner again Tues day, October 2pml, one day only. Consult 1 1 i in at llarnard's Rooming House. In lone Monday, October 21. Having found It necessary to re move to Portland, will sell my res idence and furniture at very attrac tive price. See at home after 4 p. m. or on Saturday. HKLKN V. KNAP I'KNIllIUS. 23tf Sam Notsoii, who being prosecut liiK attorney and food administrator Is supposed to know, reports to the Herald that Tom lloyd was running around loose In town Wednesday which, be says Is better than to be running around tight. Sam no doubt speaks from experience. The Ileppner War College held a rather exciting session last Sunday when tin- foke report thai Germany I, ,ul mii roinlei ed unconditionally i.illb'l i i 'i ii ,.i i lull. Hue dead laiiiii' pott oillonk..l a piece lit' cit ; ii.ee h'-r.ill i' he .1 . -.o d.ll'tt' o i. .p. i. i..it I I v;i,.r. lllii't be ! !' i i ' . 'i i- .. . : ir. iu ' -. ' i i . .:ig .a r.. . ....I u . i, t'.e p.ir vt..ii t :.t foim.l 1. 1. it . n . , t n( w ater ilJ Imr ! i:i i he i .ih uu ii.ie t. e tow it U..i.', aiul lolites ii til. p.i able and t:,e tr.ieb l were olii.te,! ,i , ,.,r night at a pih.tte ie-l.l,n,e at fie edge of town not being able to t ,n a t:.e liotel. .1 ' i ti lttoMian .. Ill f mm Huttei d iiU'u Die !, i. ..king ur' ,i in. 1 1 . I . t to wml. i tock rat t li on W illow ' S lie ! .i boiitl I a I. ,'i.e ii'i.int ii e ir.i in the Wai- II. -I t. III ll. Ileal l.l Cl'i'nll, Hlld ! Ii n hg fei ,1 a'.l bu it About l"ii Is., i.l i.f t,.ik ill be w in, -lid thru Mr. IImmii.iii an. I li ll.nd Ktenrbmni tetnl a band of C ir i-..''!e on sun l.i-J W illi, l and iVe p. : ! i-nt no. .1 a U. n - I'l Tit- ' I .;'. men of that city. Mrs. I'd IJrewlin, of Ilepp ner, is his cousin. His mother re-, reived word from, Washington ttn nottnclng his death which oroirrpd August lst. no farther de!nlh; being given. The tine new home being built by Mr. and Mrs. James Thompson on Court street is rapidly Hearing com pletion. It Is modern and commo dious and ranks ns one of the best residences in the city. Wm. Padberg, oue of the big wheat growers of Morrow county, was tn town Tuesday on business. He re port having tiuished harvesting and smiles when he says so as though he Is glad of It. Charlie Jayne returned from a trip to Portland last Friday and so pleased Is he with getting back to good old Morrow county that since returning he has been carrying one eye in a sling says he can't stand too much of this glorious sunshine and sublime scenery all lit once; liar to get used to it sort of gradually. Hob Ca'snor, extensive rattle rais ei ot the Spray emmtrv, was a hui-l-m s lisitor heir dining the week. !-. I. ... ! i i,..ii: i ii under a-. . I b a i I V-.1I T. Ili:i:!iei. ;.-,1i. p, lit a tri 'Mill'.: !'.', Week I , , el' - :,!! i 'i ir tto ope a! I H .la in !l. II- l.'p.et,. I 1 h 111 I.: HENRY SCHWARZ. Proprietor I handle all kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats and Poultry, Lard, Compounds, Sausages Highest Cash Prices Paid for Poultry, Hides, Etc. Heppner - - - Oreg'on .-! I! t t -. ,.' . I. V' lo In- p: r - nt n t t !.. In f I n't ' i . V-s i n n i ' r .-ii fa. -.! . l.h tl .l..y 1 .in 1! I'. Sr.. I. SUBSCRIBE for the HEPPNER HERALD i1 '.I III I', ig and wi la . I t Hi pe l t I'll 1 11 1 I n .arlv 1, h e. X n't l-i:.!.ly ir.;- ll.-l'U I'.OIPIV l.i'1'i.l..v W et.-d p" in i r laily ot ' . I w ho i i Ii lo ati d her 2d dgi' -day. ii loln'i t'tli. Wars are won with metal save it. Iron and steel ere needed (or tankt, guns, ammunition, ships, railroads, etc. Folks at home must save iron and steel to help win the war. Use tho old ranga until after the war. Mdce your old ranee do little longer by having it repaired. II it's pm Itp.-.iimK, then the next brtt step i to buy the ran;:" t hat .uvea fuel, food ai d repnir.. 1 he Mnjcsiic'i heat t;i;ht iivrtinrt pr'.veclil li.el vrontei ill peri'-ct bitkinp pfvrnti food l.'ailn.anu ilur,brr,-ii:"ib! r.vilienbla iron and ma-ic n r.;; c:..i:cjul iron fu.iUo repair a r.oe nec.l. GILLIAM & EiSDZf. Cfla'.'et ' Ii tuf 's'si' i I n rn. ! .hti i r i'l intlf I'lailbu v, xiti'-ati liaiiiing ngi-nt toi (tie Sitimlay I'veiilng Post. a calling oil Ins liippiiir fitrllds tind p'lion Tiiinlay mid gumg lliem nil Hie glad band, Itiad" I on- i t (be , ( known old tune traveling inn on (!il l'i'.i( and hi" ft bods nr tin in ) led by (he n . pb- win S,no him. J Wain, took n lai'at. on fmri 1 i dlli. at t! e ci.l!'!','ie,e M 'tlda) and dime (o (pe fad i.ii' P at J"ii'' bill n lie iiii.t if llik'tiway l'r.i- ..u th ii'imflr r.iirinr rr'fiU m ' ' i 't f t ' V ' J . ttHl. luitf luf nrt. tnu br .1 , " i '"j '4 I v i . . ' 'A ti.-irSa-n Pal, to, k A't.rwitn f.g t'TJ'l''lf 4 t" W.ll.u' I'f'.ri' .ii-ir ill ll'i' ilin. C" i ' ' ; !. r la'de the in.id en un-.r.' . : , e j 'fv jl-.-..! I'i -t !' I'-., x-.-il. t .-. Id W..jXl' .1 . VI .! ..(".! . i ii w in i . i I- : y .'. -J V . , i..,k .I -in !. ...v i 'in. p. .. t5?p5"rLi w r-?i ati O Q i i tojrs ,