t 1 i 4 I I if 4 f New Store! New Goods! I have just opened up my New Stock of Millinery On Main Street Opposite Haxlor's Jewelry Store I will carry a complete stock of Sillinery, Corsets and- Toilet Articles ALL OVER MORROW COUNTY Interesting News Letters from Herald's Corps of "Live Ones." i "AGENCY" Victor Ladles' TeiiorSng Co., Henderson, La Princess and Gossard Corsets. Maurice Toilet Articles n m J St-1 CECIL ITEMS Carl Yount and family were Cecil callers Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor, of lone, spent Sunday at the Last Camp. Miss Etta Barnes arrived in Cecil on Sunday from Heppner. Oral Henriksen, who has been at home for the past two weeks, left on Tuesday for Puget Sound. George and Ed Melton came in from Heppner Tuesday and left for Portland and other points Wednes day. Miss Hazel Winters of Shady Dell was an lone visitor Tuesday, re turning home Wednesday. Oscar undelfl of Khea Siding mu' an lone ca'.er, wlurc he Jnves'.td in a I',oo car. Oscar will lie kept busy WtUiifT the high places Ut&c days. Jack Hynd and T. II. Lowe, ao cotiiiunhKl by Vi. Malcolm, ivntocd to lone Tuesday. reached the handsome sum of $181.65. .Many baskets were sold. Expenses: music, $12; printing of bills SI. 50, leaving a b ilance of $168.15, which has been sent to the lone branch of the Red Cross. LEXINGTON ITEMS WHEN YOU THINK OF Rev. and Mrs. J. L. Jones of lone have rented Mr. Wrights house and will move into it immediately. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Saxe have gone back to Spokane, in the hopes that it will benefit Mrs. Saxe"s health. W. U. Scolt made a business trip iO Y'lU (illlll p-milr .wot- i 1 1 i ..,,f 1 (Hi h rii n v 1 Mrs. W. O. Hill is in Portland onj ti uou (i fiiUi L Illlll:'. StubbloUuUls nuri Pete Key mors ikiic charge of the hotel com- ' 3JJ fXWX Maker of ihc E. M'.'.lcr ranch men cm Miss slaying tendii:? ; last Thursday. Helen Parkins who lias been v.iJi lier Grandma and at- sehool, returned to lier home if Superior Grain Drills Canton and McCormick Disc Harrows ' Success Fan Mills Moline and Vulcan Gang Plows Universal and PerninsuSar Ranges FOR SALE BY PEOPLES' DW. CO. H0213 Products for Home People! WE MANUFACTURE White Star flour, Whole Wheat, Graham, Cream Middlings, Roll Barley and ail Mill Feeds SEREML STQHASE IKD FORWARDING is bv.s-y hauling wheat into the Cecil warehouse W. T May, who lias ben wovkir.f." on ShutlltT Hat, i? home ttguia on -.lie "Lone Star" ranch. Mr. :tp:l Sire l!ryd Logan, of the Loon Locan place, wee Cecil caller? Friday. Mrs. and Miss Barnes visited f: iends in Cecil Friday Mas. i:. V. Tyler and family spent FMvy at the hoir.e of Mrs. 11. E. Duncan Mr. and Mr:; Mahoaney and fam ily, of Sun Pedro, anived in Cecil Friday, where they will make their future home Mi.;f. eUmice. Franklin is spending the weak end at Lev home at Rhea .-.iding. .Mr. r.anioid and son of Tennessee, a'!. have been working for Jack Hynd for the past month, left for Heppner Saturday. Jack ilynd autoed to the county seat Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. oLwr.ian and family, of Missouri, old lime f i iu!s of Mr, and Mrs J. H.. K'-anklin of the Kair- ! hu'st ranch, are visiting them for an & I !r.b-limto time and may locate here iV ir tee can find a suitable place ; All those who assisted In any way XI with clothing for the Ilelglans and : ; ! r.lco th" linen shower for the bos- k pitals. are cordially thanked by tli . I chairman of Cecil Ausiliary of the , Red Cross. I Miss Lake of Independence Is teaching at the Four school, four teen scholars enrolled, V. G. and David Hynd iiccom par.bd by their lister, Miss Annie, spent tin' wool: end In Cecil, coming evr to bid th'-ir nephew good-bye, T. V Lowe having enlisted in the Army The total of tho basket social which after- i in Seattle on Sunday. g Tli funeral of the late John ! Thomas will be held Thursday morn-jjj ing in Lexington. Deceased was a 1 ft brother of James Thomas, who is now .cxingtoii's barber. Ho was a sul- r from a paralytic stroke nsned his deatli on Tuesday toon. John Carmichael is spending the week in Portland. Mrs. Williams, mother of Mrs. J. McMillan is also in Portland on a brief business trip. Purrel Cuxen is back after a inon'.lis visit in Missouri. Hurre) ays there is no place "like good old Oregon for him. Mrs. Jordan of lone is staying a few days with Mrs. Clark Davis. Carl .Miiler was one of our estimable young men who went to Leppner on Wednesday to be exam ined as he was called in the recent draft. Dee Lewis is one of the latest to get tne automobile fever and has purrhased himself and wife a new car. Teddy Johnson and Harold Mulloy are atttndlng school at Corvallis. THINK OF THE Phelps Grocery Co. LENA ITEMS - I HEPPNER FARMERS ELEVATOR CO. ! Alt' Hinton is up from Katalama, near Astoria, to look after the ship ment of his household goods and stock to that country as he expects to make it his homo for an indefinite time. Threshing In this section of the country, which has been delayed for a few days on account of rain, Is about over. Farmers are beginning their fall plowing and seeding. Large bands of sheep are being brought down from tbeir summer ranges In I lie mountains. Mr. Gordon, who recently sold out, lias purchased a liu acre alfalfa tract near ilermiston, and is moving his family there whore bis two oldest boys will be able to attend a lilgn school. PROFESSIONAL CARDS in:. It. J. VAU.II AN hl.MIST Now Sffl Now U.nclc Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure to gel. it now, but in l:n VYr"'i i iL TUK-A--LUM Lumber Company Sec Lew at Lexington and Bill at lone !'! mu !i 'ii t iy located in Oddfellow's liiiiihlini; !!"pfnci', Oregon S. H. MTM .TTil'.M.Y.AT-I.AV )"! in Kobe-tV liuib'l.-ig :: ppi.i r fnegon .i;. s. I.. mi:m uu is ri;.itoN TAII.OK Heppner Oregon Vat( h paper for dat"S Kit. J. ii. Tl liMill KVi: M'lil I Al.l-T Portland Ongon Regular monthly vi..it h to Heppner and lor.e. I'll. .l sTl.lt i.i I i:i i;l w ii l-pl.e. I. n ' : '. i.'i i. i i ;. m U ;. ; .s I i i i War Emergency Course and Certificate Oregon Normal School Owing to the scarcity of teachers the Oregon Normal School will offer a War Emergency Course of twenty weeks outlined by the Superintendent or Public Instruction. The course will begin with each of tho terms commencing November 16, 1918; February 8, 1910; and April 12, 1919. Tim Superintendent or Public Instruction will consider It cqulvnent to tho Teachers' '.raining Cot.rse and Issue a cettillcate upon Its completion valid to teach In the elementary grades Tor one year. This Course will he open to those who have had two years or more or high school work or its equivalent and who are at l'-ast eighteen years or age. For detailed Information address KKGlSTKAIt OUF.GON NORMA SCHOOL The jrick McAtee Ci Aiken, Proprietors ICi; CUI'AM AM) C.KI) I'AULOUS 4 V ' !., A "..IIK l i'.P.M .I-I,U !! : ! ' Send Us Your Orders for PFJNTING . i ; . nio", I I ' III V . t.f, . - . V HI I I I - i.i ai. i i ill . i.'HN-. It I'.INt I ii PI t,' t ' " l!t. t. J. I M l t- I ill' I ll I ll -I' I r, I;.,!,. -.i I: .1-1 i '.! !.. r , 1 . !.v 4 Men's Winter Cops, Sweaters, Jerseys. Ladies' Fancy Caps, ' Sweaters, Etc., Etc. i LITTLE DARLING ROMPERS For the Little Folks LOOK AND YOU WILL liUY ,J SAM HUGHES CO.