Heppner Herald shells are bad S. A. PATTISON, Editor and Publisher An Independent Newspaper From 50 to 70 Per Cent Fail to Explode. lS THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OK OREGON', FOR THE COUNTV OF MORROW. WILLIAM A THOMAS, Plaintiff. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, Postoffice as second-class matter. During Marne Retreat the Germans Used Old Stuff to Keep Up Morale. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Oil .."() Six Months .... Three Months '. 50 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 1918 THE HERALD COMES BACK With the American Army in France. American artillery officers estimated recently that nt certain stages of the German retreat north of the Marne - from 50 to 70 per cent of the shells fired hy the enemy failed to explode. One nifdit, after the Germans crossed " the Vesle the enemy fired 72 shells of large caliber into n wooded tract where American troops were supposed T ... . r , r , 1 r 1 , 1 id mc quarteri'ii arm artillery experts It is with a degree of satisfaction, a bit of what we hope (f nnp f lhp (iivMon;. pnneMl re. may lie considered pai'donalde pride and a big measure of ported that only four of these shells relief that the Herald appears today printed in Heppner on iiil 'xpindei. . . -il l -ei ' - ,i ; li None of the American officers sug- its own newly installed plant. I he lire gave the llerald.n (.s,,,i that the Germun shells were do- prcltV hard btim) and the first impression after loolcmg teHnrtitinf;. There had been day after over "l he ruins was that ue were eomplelelv down and out. of rain m-rins the retreat nnd it ,.. ' . . , was ln-neved possible that in Ihe with- I low ever. ;n a count- JiKe . furrow', whose icon!e are the tlR!W!!, m On-uir. hart not ham mo salt of lie.- earth, all thing.-- are iossii.i!e and because we i tiifce the ustmi iirwrnutums npiim-t nrcijiisesjs, the result hems mat many jin.jiK-tiles from some ,f the Us jnms f.iilifl to do iiiiyihiiiK more tiitin. strike the earth with n thud. , 0:w nicer Ni:"-i's!-''d tfor.t pos-sttMy " ", ' " " "' ' - tin' Orni:;;!i- had hei-n liriti;, old shells VC til tin We WVi notar tSitm no rtii-lW at all, the offi cers realizing that only a few of them were exploding, hut preferring to Keep the hp; guns pounding away merely In an 1 ii'ort to kern up the morale of the men putting up the rear-guard fight. The average mintl.fr of faulty shells i-: generally from 2 to 0 per cer.t. lived in a county lib;' Morrow and a city idic 1 uppne perhaps, because the Herald had become an in-ui which tin- t'c';j'c wanted to set; rontimK-d. v. c have ah!- to -c.i.ie !.;. i " jieoj)'.' I lie ki ;id a he I ore ike is re. '' re; y h h. ;:e i:b ! ! - t ; er ,f;l; 10 gi V (): writ ;-o gned a bd t i,uii ui dj, j.e-'C ,lh t! (ill i CUWj-e '! t!l l-'el (! i tie ! I: Wild meager c !Ut! i"! 01 i''.v.' il e; '(' I I'll' h l"r! il. of 1 hie ': he lot 'ey ci ie.etbc; o : to;i - a nd l;..!.'.ri' ,i' i k ! bod s!t-l'.;'!:te(l l,v a m!i.'.-rn Interlviic I ciic-ca-t'u-T mite.'!1 and in letiee of the old "Diamond" winch w;;-. rt paroi'V on all known printing pre.-se.- and u rruichiue much gi .in ti promoiing roinnity and je'ia.roi.ing a print:, r s mmiorta1 MYRA F. THOMAS, Defendant. To Myra F. Thomas, the above named defendant: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you are hereby sum moned and required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above entitled suit on or before Friday, November 8th, 1918, 3aid date being more than six weeks j alter lae nrsi puuncauoii 01 mi.- Summons, the said period of sis weeks being the time prescribed on the order for publication of this Summons; and if you fail to appear and answer the complaint or other wise appear in said cause on or be fore said date, the plaintiff will apply to the above entitled Court for the relief prayed for in his complaint, to vit:- For a decree of this Court that the bonds of marriage now existing be tween plaintiff and defendant be' forever dissolved and hold far naught, and that plaintiff bo granted an absolute divorce from defendant, J and that plaintiff be decreed to be e nd he is hereby the absolute owner ; . of ail the real property desc ribed in 1 said complaint., and standing in His i 1 name, free from any and all claims whatever on the part of defendant. 1 and thai, plaintiff pay all costs and j (li-;biirsenieiit.-; herein, and for such j other ami further reiiel as may j in oeuhy ho just. j '."his :m.;vu:ns i:s gsrval upon you 1 by ,,r.h, ieaf 001 tlrreai' pursuant to an : ortlt t of C i'.lwrl V. Ple'lps, judge of : :hu ( i"' :iil Court of the State of; ;:l n, for tl'e C'oumy ot Mor- t duty Keep the Home Funds Coming CANT you realize the encouragement our boys over there in the trenchss will get when they know Heppner has o'er topped the top in the FOURTH LIBERTY LOAN drive? If you subscribed every penny you ever expect to own you would still fall shoJt of equaling THEIR "bit." Come in or write us for full details a'cotii these War Bonds. Farmers & Stockgrowers Nat'! 9 W Heat W iieat Ui order was ;)'.M(.r.ti-!n to sui'l judye. 'di'Uif.' sit.il which said dav of A :-mil is ;t mod'. ,1 11 Cottrell i-vlinder takin fgeS o! 1 IK' era Id, at one niiiire-u ;nt w; rrant'-d to ',-iav en the )!,." In 1 he deiaritnci:t ;l:e l:ttie o'd S ;; :' ress lias lu'en replaced with a late inctKl 1.1 x 15 Chandler e; I'ritK, the slandtii'd jol printing pros ff the vorld. ' -tiier fjiiip nient, including punch, wire siiicher, mailer, etc., will as-.-iM the Herald force in rendering to its patrons the U1 io-sihle service on tdiort notice. 'I he province of a new-paper should he to render serv ice to its community to render an equivalent in value for the support it receives. This the I lerald has always striven to do ali'hough realizing that often, because of the lack of proper equipment, it failed to cojne up to its own ideals. Willi this harrier hunied away, however, we hope to he ahlc to render a more complete and satisfactory service than we could pos.dldy do in the past hoth as a purveyor of news Iri'iii all sections of Morrow county and in prompt and modern commercial and job printing. However, no newspaper can succeed without the hearty co operation and support of the people of its community, and h this is meant not oni;, p.naueiai i 111 moral .-.up-port. If you want to .-ee ihe lit raid ere !.;.-:. k proposii ion ; if you waul to see its pni'l'di.T ;'! i- pa his bills and hold up Ids end in coinmna'ty a . 'iv. him a share of y..ur pain n.'gc. If e;; v.ar.; ; . . .e : i . ileiald a rial local newspaper teli the e-litor tee i.-v 1 if you don't st e h.im call him up en lit.- . ' s 1 n 1.- a I V ( . ; I " - I V: ":' f;- 'j- ',;ir.'- V, ' :'!'i--l. I ... e v. : : t '.. - . ft:.' i f '.:. ' : 1 :-.- I.,.-:-, r.sSt v.- l; j;' ' ':' S I , i . l'l.i'Ui t,j- . , - - ! . -;vi.t t I'n' ; I J j vas dated the -eih ee", 1?1S. ! : ' d-i.." uf the Cr't pubiieaf i.m .frm-.n i Friday, Oet(d)ev i:-, re.ul V.,e date of the '. el iM-af i: 11 t'terejf v.il! bp ;-venih r Klih. 3 1 S . V. li. r.OI'.JN'&ON, 1 j'. .Ki :r:iey ier nlainl! ff. n.T.- addroi:- V, . ;roK.a. buying vAmt for the Vttaix bruin Co., successor to W. li. Uousev,' and am prepared to buy your grain cutrlght and pay casl?. Can iurn'sh grain bcs at lowest prices. ?fW V. WHITFK. AL KTATE AND , . ... n r HEPPNER, OREGON fiig FvancK Bargain have !o effer prospective buyers cf real estate a a ;-;,th.e:';s hereby Kivcn that Daniel; 5-iiwidid 800-acrc rarxh with 110 acres under ditch h i.h ih , cf Echo, or?ui;, v.ho, oh ' end on!)' onc-helf mi!e from town. Good house and a ot:t-busSdinss. i am offering this place at a big bargain n snd cn easy terms if taken at once. V J :: y.m r-:'i;v.cAT!ox.. :e'-.t cf the l!!le"i')i-, V. at The Dalh;:;, 01-23 10 IS. Ju.ie 1st, 1015, taade nomestead ::;:t:y. '.). 0J&020, for XKU. Sec- : A j.'i' i-.vns'i-.it). 2-North, Itanjre st, .'Klani'Jt:e Iderldia:;, ha.s i;yl,:Sto ROY V. WHITOS, Heppner, Oregon y .!; iu to the int.ti ahve d :.:c:'lbed. ' 4 f ... . .. p.,...,,,.,.., i- q c .,. ! .'-O. J": .''!" "5,t " Vf' "".rs-A-. :".5Jrv"'rs--;"5 r.'.l. ti-; .Mopnnor, Ctt'oii, 111 ,?i-l .'. ti' w j.;.,!i(Kr.tjli !' I.ady l.icl;sin- : I'oyt.i'.er, ci.'y 1:nstiT.-f cf .lnhii 1 "i :-- , il i' I i'-l;si.:i i'dyiV t. :'i'.-t 1 arcn of 1 ',:'.- Ih r dc r vns ni'ninr cf N Z.'i.Iaml f.' 1:1 1!!l"i-VJ. tin-!'"-- I s . -i Mry cf ;!;,. stie. f.ir Ihe fi.!inil-s. j ll'l 1 and h.ir.ni'.-ry cuinnel 1 il.e Wilt.-. y.'nii!;-.:ii v and hue ll"it- j :.'Ti:!it " tlie Third l:.v,-nl .! s. lie i -.1 .' ei; V im-.lf! with thive '0;tl ("111!. to Uno'.v til;1.! volt t e.'d, li new . ' j a -, . it ;tpe ecia' 1 it ;:iiu v 1 'U , ii..S.l..til Li- VMO ;- ilny f Oc-'.her, 1.1 IS ..e.t ii:n:: s sir, trt'tira? ' I - .1 :". ,. .'e-h, ' il Si caaek. Or;?- ! icy. Carl Mit- ..v.- A. 1 it.'ey. all of Et-h.o, :;. rr...K woorrocK. j It fi-.te:- . ', ......... - - j :sot;; :: roj: ri :u.y xi i;) i) 'j artfioit cf the In'e-iur. V. ?. . ('.:'.( e at ii t;:-.i;. i-'. Urc-i... S ';.----.v.!H-r is. 1'iiS. 1 v ;:.):!; I. l.i-ii'iy jTiicu that Nuiiiy j i':--.e-.'.;:-.'. (f '.i' l .nc :-, Oregon. T.u, (.! liar h i li'll, t.;a''.i Hotii".-t".id 1 1 :: -i:.-:.v. r..r vvsku. i.-": To ri & s !' H ( l.-i- M'" ' 'i.e 'l,' I ''' ,1 I .1: 1 . : .in.i-i nt n : tie , " v . . ' ! .!- It 1 n rri"il. To .di- 1-. MtUi' i iirrin ami N. A. I'luiii I or their Uladness In helila I'.n k 11 ad ;ire f.-r f n-UM . T11 I tic Cii'tte Tlini'j 11111I the ili iiinT lli'iiihl fur II etr in.iay (.iicn In uliliin iil!ii it t i cur iiiinii'iiiii!i iii-i h II iii. Tn II r, it!' ..em f li,n '; dull 1 i-.l fur In m . 1 .j. ! . '. i : 1 I t ' l'-.. I I 1 ; I 1 .I 1 ' - 1 M.i: 1 - 1 1. . v.- .1 -..!. Ti- 1 'i.' : ;'.; ' (i . 1 i:j l.in!..,l d'.'iin:; t':.- 1 iv.cat.: ,r .hii Kr.U-h that he did Imt know i -d i'. Il ile r n. lisii.iuiii of . I'n!ti"l Staten u:i riifiucij in war Ho a. 1 icmt '.ii'iii-' .ilhifi'.l to !-c- ; 'lii-t Id. ti itlve land." . the lot h.-! c :.-::. I I f i-.i:r.;i 1. 1 1 1; rrr.; 1 U rctn-l California Who j,f Great C:. .'.1.'.. ' ''I. t'. 1. ' Mi l', and 11 Iter- .1 :.r I-. . I- 1 fi.ti:: I I ! !l"i! 1'" 1 " ""' .eiiov i iie I nii il - : ' . : . :,' - I'll llrnn viy, 1. "iil't ,- ' 1 T v er i l l. ii 'e:ty raited i::.:-'h'.;. 1' .11, 1:: n li'lhu th" a 'i li Is. ; : "I t 11:1 111! C. -t: ti r - ir I'ly 1 '1. Aai.'i h-r c i':. i 1 1 1 ! ..-t . -. 1 nn a li.-r.i' nf (ii'dt'l.iii (,!! ili-diiynlty to ' i'-dt.il Kt.e. i. Vhen 1 tulil Mil ii.it he :n rharvml with he vx ir n-i'il irrciit wir; .!"... tiil utaldl In i:',s.i-',. sv 1'iV',, S i"i.)!l nr. I WijMl'.. i' 'thin T -.-.'Miip 1 Stitttli. llat.Ki 1 "; ... V. iiia::i tte .Me-tdlaa. ha- T.'.mi ii. M e cf lut' iiti hi iii'.i'r.-' Thri yi a- IV 1 - f. t . t:i!.il!.h riaim tu the M.ir.d a'n' e il--1 rlliei'.. hi-f re C. I'. ! I'littii-yiii, rniti d Suites Cof.'.mlM Mrui'V. a' l1''; liner. Ore-;. Mi, cn ti." tlt'c. day of N iM iatier, l'.US. , ; t'hlilli'itit nuilH s a ittiesye't ! . (i. Smith, il. V. 0'.m ii. Walter I ili'ltnh Si. Jar;.e Carter, till of lle;'' , ' m r, Oreon. C. S. ! NN. ! ltmhter Wheat Growers of rrow County I ;vY. be in the market for all classes of wheat rt all times during the eoing season, prices based on gov ernment inspection slips. Bags and harvesting supplies at market prices PH1LL COriN, Heppner, Or. 1 , Ai cn c I Hit In Hie; i:' : rinVni.i t" I'ti "",1. t i-O 1 c' .1 : ;i '.'. ill', i'n : 1 .-; ' . t . : ; . 1 1 t.,1 II. 1 Ml, It. 1 "Vnt di 1 I nl i. nd mi:i'1i a v:ir I; tin'? Vi n did I'll rmie'ry fl.ht :.ilt r .a'-i-r i tl'l liy? N.ili.iily l.ihl i:ie d 1 ah- li I I I; if tiiid.hni i 11 m r ir 'ry. 1 1. i ti-; !!! 4. '.'. ' "' 1 h o. - -. ' a I'. '1 ".'ar c. 1 MiTit u mit rriujcATnix ! I)'iiartnie:it nf tl,i Interlnr, V. S. I.11111I oiMcc at l.a CiratiilH, drt'Kiiti. September 1. 1 1 I . NOTU'K Hlt PI ltl.ll ATKIV Department of the Interior. t S. l.and OHUe at I.a Grande, Oregon, Septeniher 18. 191S. Notice la herehy Klvcn that Janieii S. farter, of Heppner. Oregon, who, (on August 2S, 1913. made Home. i- I L'..t... V. ..-,.. . ..... Nolle It l.erit.v clv.-ii that It'""" r"" ," I'T .M-.'t. lil.ut ..f !.-i.a. ui'.-,:cn. who. on ' ,",lo Township 4 S..iiti,. uanp.. Ucninl.' r 14. 1'iH. made I iitn-t -at : Ka"l W IU"i-tt Mi-rldhei. !,n I'nirv . .illiMi. for --K.NV'.. ',iM U,,,U ,,f lii'i't.tliitl to nuke S'.V'.NH' :". T 1 .1 v. ; I i nf ... l'r . 11 1 ..I 'A' '.Si ,1 .1 S lit". !, t" Mi : ui . 1 . ; I 1 Seiit'Hl I'aiK it ri"i-)i-:ir l'r. 'i f. . 11 tin' h.ii.l a' 1' 1'. f.et. .1 I li.lt 1 : t : r o I 1 l.iill. h.f.'f i . :.. !tti;mkt of ov lJti!teni.-nt of the ownernhlp. n..m aKiiiient. clrciilatlnn. etc.. re'ulr'l hy the Art of ronureiit of AukuM 24. I'M 2. of Heppner Herald, publtch-ii weekly at Henpner, OieRon. for Oc tober 1, 15IH: County or Morrow ) Stale of Ore-ton ) " 1 .1 . i. .'.Diary public In o'l '' '' I''" ': ami ' intv jifm -id. . ' I ,. ! i.p;.,....,. J. ,. i'ati ' ;' : " ' ie. I- 'I 1 -1 .- ,n : ' ': I . .! m. I' . i:. 1. - '! , I ' ' " " ' ". al.d ..! i ':..r ' " : i ; t'-l ! t ' : - , 1 1 , i, ,. ! w ' 1 .,.. ti- I 1 . 1 I,, I . 1 . e,. ' 1 I 1 1 a ,1 t,l ( n' It . : I . .t 1 1 .1 -. y- .'" .. nf . ' . i, 1 : f ;. A . li .1 I '. 11 .'. '.-' I. I n I.- . ; 1 I . If 1 , ' . " 1 ,.-. .T. 'I !( nf a iT j j 1 I I " II. ". . ,. r i'.-. 1 .. t. I ( i the ' :,' ' 1 I, tin" .! ri .IU , .. niv tor 1 1 ' j " !'..' ,i f N-.rr.'J II I I 1 ' i .' . I '. r. In the f 1 f j ' ' ' il 'in.' inn ' : : it- mi I I' .'.) ' 1 ' I,. . !' ,,,i,.n.: I t- ." I , e ,1 I..- i. n hiT ! ' ' 1 '.' " .i (rem . 1... ,. 4 lit. c'.-t 1 ' 1 ! l.Ml ti c s i; . ! 01; I t 1 j " ; '. .1 o 1 n 1 . I ,Ii,,;,' ""I '! t" 5 -v i,-d ' '' I" i". li, , ,., r j v , , 1. . I .It;!'.. ..It,., t .,! ;l a . . .. ;!.!, ... t, . ' '' 1 II 1 ' i t I' H, H,,,,.. ., " T'.l "'.' ', ., ;, cn n -v t ' '! If ,. ,1 ,1 . I ' If , ' ' " h ' A In 11 ',,".,' I ( 1 ' r i . .,- .. !.!' n ! . 1 . ii i' iri nf I.. 11,: , " ri' I'l'l.n .; , 1 ' ' " A. I'..";..,n, at I'-T-. ft. l!.;r.r. O-ernn ( I '.. ("in l I e It. -J -j,.,,r , I 1 f " I'aV! '. ti.ll . I;,;,'.,, a A fTTI-"N lid Inr . fill, ,"-7.,":t v.: "" " . ,,,,..,. - ;,;;, ' - , - ;i ! 1: vts vm --I. u f ;,;:.'',.",;. ? v v wt..i v, Ah ! r r .'.', r for (Mv t, .,, !. r . 1 ' 11 . r t n rtpit--. i