VOLUME 5. HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1918 NUMBER IS Honor Shown to Soldier Boys. Q A Rattling Good Snake Story. j George W. Milholland, local man- 8ger tor the Standard Oil, drove out i ta the Nat Shaw ranch in Clarks ! canyon last Sunday to see a real live ' rattlesnake. He didn't have to : search long after reaching the rocky j t air'.ui wall until he stumbled on a J lir.e specimen, evidently of the j feminine gender 'is subse plea de vokpments seem io indicate, good three feet long, ample of girth and apparently aching for a fight. Being "heeled" with a good club and with plenty of rocks handy G. W. soon won the battle and when he was sure his quarry was good and dead he loaded the trophy into his truck and brought it to town. Nxet morning lis was sruck with the big girth of the reptile and being curious to know what the old lady had had for her Sunday dinner he decided to hold an inquest. Imagine his surprise when upcn t periing the beast in instead of finding a collection of rabbits, mice and birds he discovered a family of ten young rattlers all dead but otherwise perfectly good snakes. Tho youngsters were some ten or twelve inches long and each was equipped with a well developed button on the tail and a mighty ugly looking fang in the mouth. Experts in snake lore say that the young of rattlesnakes stay pretty close to their mother until they are well on to two years old and when ever danger threatens they scurry down the old lady's throat and re main in hiding until the danger passes. Mr. Milholland also caught a ten inch specimen alive and brought it home in a fruit jar. It is well de veloped and seems to be strictly "on the peck." If Oregon had not been bone dry for several years and all newspaper v rlters knowr to have cushion- i seats on the water wagon the Herald might hesitate to publish this story but alter carefully viewing the re mains and having considered the matter in all its phases we are con vinced that the story is absolutely true, that Milholland killed tho sm.kes, that they were in the truck, tl.nl; we teen 'em and that we were duly sober the while. The Sixth Annual Morrow : County Fair WILL BE HELD 1 September 12th, 13th and I JL JL Ed Bredln returned from Port-1 lend Thursday after spending several o'nys In the metropolis on a business j tHp. Dr. and Mrs. U. P. P.utler returned ' f-oin a pleasant vacation at Newport Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek re- turned Thursday evening from a vacation trip of several week dura t.m during which they visited at Lugcnc and Newport.. I Put Hoale returnod from HP.gard T lursihiy alter having brought out fum t re.oun' ... range 800 head of sheet, w. lch i.e jld for ahlpment to Chicago. ','. S. J'.cKiinmey, former Morrow e.unty wheat grower, now residing Salem, camo In Thursday evening 1. 11 a business trip. J. il. Cox, veteran contractor and jiiso-mover, lias a force of men at .irk removing the Mt'Kobcru livery l: rn to the Willis Stewart Utn on i ; per Muln street. Mr. Stewart lias t .irehaned the building and will re . iter the feed ntuble buslneHs at bin Hi Htand. Hick Well:, who wan mi a of tti-- ,', '.'s-ppner eoritl.igent t- Afiierh'iui f ,ak Thursday morning, proir.'.M-d to , : -nd the Herald a souvenir nf Kal-er v til Mi. en lie m;i"urci ti'at mon-i-. :ro!lty Home day cany next sprint. , ' eaiilig that 1,0 IU ! ii j t Over t ic p on I morning of the di.y when loj ul march to r.urlln Urt lilt r- i king with him an alarm dock In1? ako Mm i- y In the timmlng. , . E. M. Shutt returned lant Saturday jy om Li Atiicelen, when- he npi-nt a:T Ul le of week visiting liliZ .nuly wlio are Mtivli'g tt-.rr f r thej tH'IH of Ml" Km lit r-'ttiltt'n health, ninny frit'iidn of tlie Hhutt famtl t!ii county will l itlad to , ; ;it Ml" KcSe U gradually but rfly rwovi-rlng l.er health and rngth tod xpftn to return to ,rro rounty ;t!,iii a few mntM inpletely rutorcd to health. Mr. utt ciii hi '! ' iln.rt In the mnith re. tint inurnliig homp to gt : j Fourth Llhrrty Lean campaign . w 1 h Iip I county n.rr. fully ar.it1 hrt r tl. t (" i.tnt; J4 ii ti-uib'r !Sth. The services of Campbell's American Band and Mrs. Jane Burns Albert, Soprano, have been secured by the Board. Walter M. Pierce, Democratic candidate for Governor, . will speak Friday, September 13th SATURDAY, SEPT. 14, Morrow County Patriotic Day. Good Speakers Will Be Present. Other features re being arranged for which will help make this the best F?.ir ever held in the county BE 3URE TO ATTEND TIYZ SIXTH ANNUAL I VlTril il lit ! SWYiiFJPf f Si IHt The big assembly hall in the I. 0. O. F. building was crowded to its fullest capacity Monday evening the occasion being a farewell reception for the 34 young men who left Thurs day morning for Camp Lewis to enter upon treir course of intensive training before crossing to Franco to do their part in the world war for Democracy. S. E. Notson prosided at the meet ing and announced the numbers on the program which was replete with entertaining song and story. Principal speakers of the evening were T. A. Chidsey, Spanish-Amer ican war veteran, who paid a glowing tributo to Old Glory; Mrs. Lena Snell Shurte, county school superin tendent, who spoke of woman's nart in the world conflict and N. E. (Pat) Crowe, who told some of the funny stories he knew and closed ith an Impassioned appeal for a big membership for the lieppner Homeguard. Miss Peggy O'rtourke, Miss Edith Thorley and Mrs. C. Darby each favored the audience with charming solos adding much to the eveninc Following the exercises a social dan;'e was given at the navlllon hi ii was well attended and much enjoyed. Thirty-four Morrow county men, all that remained of class A In tho first draft, left for the training en iii;i Thursdny morning 29 of whom en ti -lined at lieppner. O; the totul number ten arc mar ried men most of whom are well kiupvn young business men of liepp ner. The married men are: Richard Wells, Karl 10. Gilliam, K. T. (iurk, Hoy li. Iirown, Arthur McALee, Francis A. Staple-tun, Wil liam M. Kirk, Jiiuicb G. Covins, lleinmer, James L. Howell, lone, W, W. Caldwell, Umatilla. I.iglo men entraining at lieppner were: Marsh Courtney, II. 8. Ed- u:i,, Lena; Uus V. illluii.suii, helm; . 1,. Stamp, Harrison Elliott; Fred Bradford, Jnlm W. Krebs, Lynn 11. Hale, Kenneth K. Mulioney, Arthur II. F.iilth, Elmer Lee Matteson, ilepu. hit; Charles 8. Ilane, Jess Agee, Hon; y W. Ktender, Victor lteitmiin, lone; Adolpli Kkobo, Iluurdmau; Ola C. MeCormlek, Luther Asiiihust, James F. lirldges, Lexington, Forrest Edmonds, Morgan; C. N. Kaiidstroiu, Portland; Thos. J. Sprinkle, llose- iiii k; Lee Lund, Eugene. W ill lexeme at Hot Lake, i Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Wllklus expect io Ichvh hiiiidiiy iimriiliiK for Hut Lhke where Mr. Wllklus takes over I e iniihiigeiiieiit of tho hlg hotel at that lilaie September 10th. The Hot Luke hotel Is olio of In; big liOhlelrli'H of Oregon uild eiitertallei an aveniK" r su Hi .' gmstM luiiy and the job of muiiuger In mi dmiiire. Mr. WIlki'iH tins spent nn-.t of lil llf. tlliM! Ill the hotel n:i I ie.H :uid tin ii i ii ii v fill ihIh do mil i! it lit li;it that he will make n mi"-. t hi nil!' rinkliu:. .'.Ir. mill Mr.. Wilkins leme liiiiny AttMn IrlemU in M.,rruw county ul! .in v. 1,1 J , . 1 1 wliillllg III' 111 eK-ry siiicci. in their h'-w iumI lurgi-r M Id of activity. Imiig'N tt o. M. I' Kergi-iiht Chmt. Lllll", iui Ihk been III , II r ' lif Ine (I. M. P. ll' l.ili itt Ili'pui"r linn Imu'Ii liriilnoted to be Flint H'tK'niit m,i ordered, to report at iidleon for rii In ln-ailiuar i r in tl, t city. Curp'iriil CiiiiiiiiIiivi i been pin" nd III llmrg't of tl." Hcppinr d'inll to mieii KcrKcmil l.l'il". Hpi.iln Willi. inn im Imt (.i n In iliii of l'-iii!" ton lieuil quartern l l e n traimf' rrcj to I'uMiiilnl li'l of tl. llitcllltrcn e im rtun nt ml Llmitetiaiit Kmki r I an Ih'Ii iri.iiiiil'l to a mplalnry 4Mmm;tHMMMMHMMMMIMmMMMMMHtMW jarid i lmii In rliar! at peiiillelon.