LEXINGTON NEWS -J 10 111 eW Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats and Sugar. The soldiers at the Front will need them all. Be loyal to your own state. Use more Po tatoes and ship more wheat. We have everything in the Grocery Line. Pheips ' Grocery Co. urned Out Washed 'Out BUT STILL I THE RING Hardware! .& snplemersts W e have it, will get it, or it is not made Gilliam & Bisbee Heal Gravely Chewing Plue is c clving the tobacco problem for more men every day. Smaller chew. Better tobacco. The good taste lasts. Peyton Brand Real Gravelv i Chewing Plug 1Cc a Puch-Qnt' WOTtfl ' ; S- ) I 1 I Crawly lull tamacA lontmr ilco( I no morm to chmw than ordinary plug L ":' '. i, X '2i B. r.mvrlr ToWra Coinp.ax l! . aJwi-iJ tuvUU, Vutlr.i q Home Products for Home People u: manitacitkh U hite Star Flutr.Crahani.Whole Wheat. Cream Middlings Rolled Parley and Mill Feed General Storage and Forwarding Hcppncr Farmers Elevator Co. ' Mrs. M. F. Mulloy is assisting Mrs. Pichett at the hotel. ; Hynd Bros, are doing some hauling this week with a motor truck. A successful Sunday school i rally was . hplH hv the niir.; school last Sunday. Jess Snvder finisld ful harvest work and was a pas senger for Tonnenish W IT I 7 ' ' I M .V1 nesday. Jim Helms hns ily from the ranch to town, and rented the Dlare to his mn tr,A son-in-law. Howard Slate and wifpnrA r.m. paring to move to the John Mc Millan ranch. They expect to stay a year. Karl Beach has been vprv Vvicv this week instaling some concrete work and erecting a windmill at Doc Lewis' place. Mrs. Sarah White and son fW. aid have about finishprl thu;r work on the ranch and will move back to town again. Misses Marv Tlnrnn' Tof iq l?o J Mil, DlUIIL JJO" helson. Edna Ranm. nnn r cr.no Leach are all nicely domeciled in ruruana, wnere they are attend ing school. We announce t) e arrival nf other soldier in this vicinity. The young man was Dorn to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Deris at. thpir hnma about a week ago. Mr. and Mrs. FA Rn back from Portland, where thty were cauea by the illness of Mr r 1 1 I r . m. . . Durcneii s latner. The n m p.- tleman has greatly improved. Ermund Znrharr mnrln a t-; the Mountains Sunday with his uray irucK alter some lumber. Ermond says since the rain the roads up that way are in a terri ble condition. We understand anntti fit IYirl deal was consumated lately whereby Earl Warner sold his ranch to Albert Kerher. Fil will live in town anrl conri youngsters to school. We are nlpapH tn annnu.-nn that Lexington has subscribed ner quota in the tourth Liberty Loan, but anyone who knows Lexington's generosity in all things patriotic do not wonder. The ladies of the Red Cross met and elected oflii-pr last- Sun day afternoon. A linen shower is being solicited by the ladies this week. Mrs. Trannie Parker and Mrs. John McMillan have one part of the town and Mrs. Pete Beymer and Mrs. Stubbie field the other part. These ladies report contributions very generus Hi-l'l''iiM'N Visit Valley. ('. A. Miliar ii nd fumlly n,i,i Mrs, Sum K. VanViictor returned from a pli asiint trip to western Oregon Sun day. After spiiidliiK a few days in Portland the party toured t tie Will amette valley coining across tlie t'ascade ruiiite via the Harlow trail. They report conditions rather liad In the valley because of protracted drouth ilurlui; the Huniiner causim? u Kreat hhoriane In tho staple crops. Many ilweliiKn and biisltiesH houses In the valley towiiM visited are vacant the people having gone to the "lilpvards for employment, lieturu ln home they traversed Keveral eountleH In eastern Oregon and everywhere the country looked tine. Ueccnt rain bus started vegetation and the KttiMde tlebu are mostly green and fallow ground in splendid condition for fall needing. ii Subscribe for the Herald. d NOTIt V, l (H I'l lll.!C.TIO Pi purtnient f t! , Interior. V. 8. Uind t':!Ue at I .a f.rando. Oregon. Si ptellili. r IS. l!Uv Notice is hereby given that Iva lllait. of Lena. iK-gnn. ho. on liecemb. r H. 1914. made ll.uiiesteud Ke.lry. No. iH"!!:i. f,,r SK'tXW1,, SV4NK aiidW'jSK1. Section -. row n. l ip .! S.--it!i. Haute t:.it U illamette M-rldUn. has Pb noil,., of iMentl. n t,. make Tbree- ear 'r..,.f. to etii;i.ii d.ilm t,i n.(. land above .1 .-. r t ! - -I . before C. l l'.itt. r..n. I Hiaie, Comniin t..iicr. at He.,,,.r. ()rek,,u, on tiie Ttii dav ..f N..v. . 191!.. rl.iliiiani I, ii. 'i. a. ineeii; Vern i'e.ir.,.ii. i;, rs ,v. Cum tnliniv Walter W. 1. 1, k man. a.l i f Uu. t-r. g..n. Ad li-oii M. M.u.re. ef llcppner. Oregen S. ll NN. Heglslrr. Summons all the forces and resources of the Republic to : the defense of Freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the United States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen distinguished institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to the call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also for . ! Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Agriculture Commerce, Engineering, Forestry Home Economics, Mining, Pharmacy, and Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposefu 1 student life. ' Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service flags, 1258,- uvti luny peiLciu representing omcers. College opens September 23, 1918 For catalog, new Illustrated Booklet, and other information write to the Registrar, CorvallU, Oregon To All Wheat Growers of Morrow County I will be in the market for all classes of wheat at all times during the coming season, prices based on government ; 1 - f ti . . liiisDecnon SUDS. Kafts and harvpet no- ,, . supplies at market prices. PHILL COHN 1 e or McATEE & AIKEN, Props. Ice Cream and Card Parlov Are You Going io Build? If so we are in a position to save you money and an noyance if you will give us a chance to figure on ycur PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, Plumbing' Supplies Wl Plumbing Cood material is the basis of a good job of painting and only first-class material can give you a satisfactory job of plumbing. LET US SERVE YOU Peoples Hardware Co. Main and Willow Sts. HEPPNER, ORE. Tash & Akt rs ol.l stand. The Dawn of A New Day Hack and behind tho wdMness and weariness of the War, men of vision Rlimpse a jrreat liuht Freedom of the Whole World The accomplishment of this end is the definite task that we as a nation have set for ourselves. Every true patriot will support the Government and will lend his money to the fullest extent of hisenpnrity You can purchase Bonds of the Fouith Isue throuub this Hank. Farmers & Stockraisers National Bank m:iTM:!i. . . . ()KKC()N ti lu; HPrlH 0ffice for Good 1