Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 04, 1918, Image 3

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(From the lone Independent.)
A good sized crowd from lone
funded the basket social and
dance at Cecil Saturday night
lone went over the top in the
Liberty Loan drive by the time
set, as did Morrow county. Good
Walter Wheatman, the rancher
north of town, is contemplating
soon building a new residence on
his ranch.
Mr. Schriving of Walla Walla
was in town this week looking
after some old accounts due the
TLdialum Lumber Co.
At present the total enrollment
in the lone school is only 120, of
.which 30 are in the high school.
The attendance is increasing
daily. Have you gathered up all your
cast-oif clothing and sent it to
Red Cross headquarters? h'not,
do so at once; the war stTert...,
need it.
M. F. Cotter went to Poitland
Monday, driving ( down in his
Reo. He will be gone for sev
eral days on business and pleas
ure bent.
Fra..k 0. Burrell of Portland is
;.r- ' :w.' looking after the finish
in., tou"ti':s r.einj put on the
Farmers' , V. , dsvator, which
was built by r.is coir puny.
Frank Engelman wus transact
ing business in Portland for sev
eral days last week." During his
absence R. N. Hymer look- daft-j
cnis business interests he e.
0J.car Cochran is slowly v cov
ering from the injuries he re
reived in the auto accident near
Pendleton some days ago, and
is again attending to business.
C. B. Sperry spent several days
last week in Portland, returning
Sunday. He reports a complete
tie-up in the grain business there
on account of the grain-handlers
Dr. McMurdo of Ileppner was
called in last Sunday to prescribe
for C. 'L. O'Neills 2-year-old boy
who was taken alarmingly ill the
day before. At this writing thc
child is some better.
The State Council of Defensi
has requested the closing of ai.
places of business Sundays arc
between G p. m. and G a. m. on
week days, except on Saturday
when the closing hour will bi
'J p. m.
Attoi-ney F. A. McMenamin o!
Hepiii.r passed urough lone las'
Saturday on hid way to the rural
districts scouting for Liberty
'.oan subscritirs. Needless to
say th .t !iv? brought down Burnt
big gam j.
E. M. Shu't, EUtor Crawford
of the Gazotte-Timen and County
Agent Brown were a delegation
of HeppneriU-s on their wasr to
the Cecil Liberty Loan meeting
Friday night last who took dinner
at Hotel lone.
Elmer Cochran. U. S. N. . sta
tioned at Seattle, a on o.' Mr.
and Mr. Orfcar Cochrun, is dome
on a short furlough. Kli.-La Spn
rv. another well known lm- U
nd a "f Mr. R. C. Sperry,
.. a h'li'.n.jte of KlmiT. iMh
" : g n"ii af doiff well end
jr.; di'lif . d with M-rvicc.
Tuesday night and regaled the
brethren with a fraternal talk.
After adjournment a watermelon
lovefeast w'as indulged in and a
general good time had.
Some of the best brood mares
in Morrow county will be sold at
the S. J. Ritchie sale next Saturday,-
October 5. A number of
valuable geldings, cattle, hogs,
farm machinery and a large
quantity of miscellaneous stuff
will also be disposed of. - Miller,
"the Regulator" will preside on
the auction block and Judge Rob
inson will take the money and
R. S. Bradley, who ranches in
the Eight Mile neighborhood, was
in town Friday having repairs
to machinery made. Mr. Bracley
tol i an Independent reporter that
he alone nad harvested a 200
acre crop of wheat with a one
man combine and .that it done
cleaner work than any other har
vester he had yet seen. He thinks
this machine will do much to
?u'"p the farm labor problem.
Ti. E. Crawford of the Tuma
Lumber Co., Walla Walla,
been in lone this week
in-;' up on the Jordan Sid-
cli :
elevator, bui!
by his com
pany and which is ab..ut ready to
be turned over in a finished state
to the owners. The Tumalum
Company has erected many build
ings, both public srid private, in
r.ii their work has
the best of satis-
'. '.is section i
always give'n
Louis Marquard, a young farm
er of German antecedents living
near Lexington was arrested last
Saturday by Corporal Cummings
aid Private L. S. Brown of the
i..i!it;ry police for seditious talk,
and lodged in the Ileppner jail.
We understand he was later
taken to Portland by order of the
Government authorities for ex
amination, but what disposition
of his case was made we have
not been able to learn
lone turned out en mass last
Thursday night to the Libeity
Loan meeting at the Rink. Not
only that, but thfy subscribed
iberally and helped put Ione's
iond quota over the top.
IL M. Cummins presided and
umounced that the exeicise?
vould begin tv the Hirirn;' of
"America" by th aud'cice. and
b-.' grand old song vr.s given
a:Ui a vim while pit remJ.
-.Unuing. Miss ei.na Lngel-
nan of lone followed with a to!o,
"What arc You Going to Do i.i
tk'.p the Boys," rendered in eh
artistic manner, which cured
forth much applavjo. Miss Thor-
ey, a talented vocn'ist of IJepp
ier, also favored the meeting
A-ith a patriotic solo which vn
well received.
F. A. McMenamin w: sthen in-iioduf.-dan
1 made a stirring talk
u hich ev l,e 1 round after round
of r;!plaiM.'. The way he went
ai.. i n-.itu v, r.u, i y cinziTiS who
were i-ub-ic! iwii.g their rm ar-ly
l';) dollar to t'i" Libeity Ijaii
w as not s n .-, an.l we do not
d '.bt l.'it tii. t iitutiy ears were
i bun iii over I.U ea'i-i ! remarks.
LU ii'er.ui.t ' J.- r, lat; of
.he t'ar:ili..n Mh-m-'I Ri:h,
Uncharged fro:. i . V- o.i ac
cirir.t fif wound rec. i.ed in but
t'. th.-n too'., the ;', hi d held
i c c! h'' : ' '., of ll.e a-n:i-
f ,r more than an hour w hi'.,
ii" rtcittd many per or ai r'-miie
Dr. and
",een on a two v. ' t '
.iniericitn Lake. Seu'.ii". .'.'!... nu
nd other points. Th-y n t in.ed
om ydttvrrfay, after -...v'l'lir.jt
-.eir ten in lh'? Univ. r- y (,f
ireg.n at Eu.'ne.
S. F. r.o"in..n. Grand C due- Jc, a pasant hp"aV-r v. hi in-
jr of the i. O. O. F., repr sent-ij,. 4 fnoutl. hum., r into his r
i in the Grand Master i.t Oregon, mHrlts to make tin m try enter
..let with the local lo-e last , uir.ir.K.
ihcenn-s of tiie war hi an humor-
I o is main;' r. y ,irj m-tly i.rdy
the iiubt tii ie of t:.e J icture. Mr.
They arc not only a Good Investment but
ihe Government will
the money.
i a h t.'-v i
t ' t ' :
,V-; . X V .
y.yf V V.:l--,:;.V i--": , "v"r"
" V :-r .' . . : .. -...'v .
- , ' "... y
fCU IIN0V7 tlie fate of the children cf
iciffiuii end Northern France.
Protect your ovi d :::dren from a like fate.
Our sc-'dhr:, -z:.C.j to f jt? t for them - -o
di'j for t: i - - ;:i?,kt the world a (it
place for c:.Zi.. jn to itve itif
If yo;; can't iiIit, support those who can.
r ! 1 " 1 , K
f:iy din".'. f 'III 1 zip You
1L.1H AO I. 'IT! ' '
jAii.icnc i ..-.. -..-a
...in :
Your Banker V2i3 ' You slow
This Spate Contribute! y the Ileppner llemld