Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, October 04, 1918, Image 2

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    Heppner Herald.
S. A. PATTISON, Publisher
An Independent, Newspaper
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Pestoffice as second-clas3 matter.
Trm3 of Subscription:
On Year $1.50
isix Months (o
Three Months .50
FRIDAY, OCT. 4, 1918.
WANTED By married man with
children, job on ranch by the year
with house etc. Must be within
reach of school. Thoroughly com
petent and reliable. Will Harrison,
Heppner, Oregon. 19(121
Joe White of The Willows left
for Heppner Tuesday.
Carl Yount of lone was a busi
ness caller in Cecil Tuesday.
Phil Doherty of Wells Springs
transacted business in Cecil Mon
day. A. Henrikseo and son wer in
Heppner Friday, returning Sat
urday. Mis3 A. C. Lowe arrived from
The Dalles to spend a few weeks
in Cecil.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Streeter,
accompanied by J. W. Osborn,
visited friends in and around Ar
lington Sunday.
Miss Bernice Franklin of the
Fairhurst ranch is staying with
Mrs. Jack Hynd while attending
the Cecil School.
Geo. II. Mellon returned from
Pendleton Sunday and went to
Heppner to work through the
threshing season.
Mi-ses l'urratt, HynJ and Lu
ellen, o! Heppner, participated in
the bar-ket social held in Cecil
hall Saturday evening.
A laige crowd assembled in
Cecil hail Friday evening to at
tend the fourth libeity loan meet
ing. Many bonds were sold, Ce
cil again showing her time colors
by going over the top. Every
one enjoyed the fine speeches and
musical program by the ladies
and gentlemen from Heppner
and lone.
T. W. Lowe, who has been at
terding camp at Whitney for W.
Karrett of Heppner for I lie past
few months, returned to his home
at Cecil Monday. Accompanied
bv his father, T. H. Lowe, post
master of Cecil, he went to Port
land Wednesday, when' lie wi's
passed by the ti.eiie il examiner
and wi'l leave during the weeK
for Seattle en rent;- f.)i Nova
Scotia, he having enlisted in the
l'ritish army.
Thi? basket social organized by
Mis. Loac, the Cecil Ued Cross
chairman, was a K'cat success.
There was a line display of bask
ets and Mime were sudd (or $U.
The ladies' hand bag, woiked
niddtn.ited by .M -s. C"oige A.
Miller, win :nld for ? 10. r0. A
M,.eei given by Jack ll)l:dsn!d
for ?IS. A sp. ci.il donation o!
$.' was bunded owrbv U.K. lun-j
can, who mi.i unable ti) attend !
tli.- Mical. . other uoi.atioris
ft IV ii. :h.--eil a deluded I.ccotiui i
!' t.'tal I'.ei. . ds ill le givta!
lu t week. Many thar.ks i.'edui 1
t!. I.ihei ty 1 .0:1:1 i e.lkel s u d :
si, gern of lb pm r w !.n kindly '
doi.utt d .M.'.'.'i for the II 0 Ci'i-s.
'A AN I'KIi lu lea-;,' fur a tei-n (
t ' . .ii ' .:; i n t r . ij 1 p i in. r t
) ,.i,l gee I uhi.it and ; !"ek f.iiui.
I'l iel at e :t I M aen -t v. le ;.t
I t . "jn 1 in re-. p a,-ii i. I,. '.4.
I 1 . .',. k 11; 1 1 1 1 1 1 . ; ! , "t 1 1
h.i.i he i ..i li a pi. ice to vn.'d ai,
xaiit.!.!'. Iir.i'iire ,.f ( a !,!re v
Ph illCel n. II. ; ( n.r. Or-. 1 f ,
In the Matter o the Esta te of
George Perry, Deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
undesigned, as executrix of the Last
Will and Testament of George Perry,
deceased, has filed her Final Account
as such executrix, and that Monday,
the 30th day of September, 1918, at
the hour of 10 o'clock in the fore
noon thereof, and the County Court
room in the County Court House in
Heppner, Oregon, has been by the
County Court of Morrow County,
Oregon, duly fixed as the time and
place for the proving of said Final
Account and for the hearing1 of any
objections thereto.
Executrix of the Last Will and
Testament of George Perry, De
ceased. 16d20
Notice is hereby given that I
will pay a reward of Five Hun
dred dollars ($500.00) for the ar
rest and conviction of any person
or persons stealing any of my
horses or cattle from my pastures
or from the range.
Stock branded as follows:
Horses. JK connected on right
shoulder. Yeanlings and 2-year-olds,
bar over JK connected on
right shoulder.
Cattle, JK connected on left
hip and side. Yearlings and 2-year-olds,
bar over JK connected
on left hip and side.
John Kilkenny,
Heppner, Ore.
Deted at Heppner, Oregon, May
10, 1918. - Itf
Having sold my property and
about to leave Heppner I wish lo
announce that all accounts dua iiv;
have been left with S. A. I'attison, at
the office of the Heppner Herald
whivo payments may be made and
receipts received. The fire caused
me heavy li.ss and I r.eod every ct-.u'.
duo me. to help re-establish mysel i
in business. Please call and give
this matter your early nitunliyn.
Hepnner, Oregon, Sept. 28, 191S.
FOR RKNT Six good, well fur
nifhed rooms in J. L. Wilkins res
idence West May street. See Mrs.
Frederic in charge. 18d21
Broken or unbroken. Will be
sold for cash or cn time.purchas
er giving note with approved se
curity. Horses can be seen on
my ranch at the Tub Springs.
James Carty,
4dtf Lexington, Oregon.
Subscribe for the Herald.
CIIAUI.LS m. nowi:
At vi ion: i 'v
it;'.''tio'i l'i:a .::.!. el er
charge. If m; ,-, .iinu
t" tt Mil' W'Vl- till" .1 l! l.ll.
I 0
orwara l
With no thought of bursting shrap
nel and poisonous gases into which
they plunge with every muscle tense,
with every faculty or mind alert,
with one thought only TO FIGHT
That is the way our men are going
into battle. When the shrill whistle
sounds the advance, out they go their
whole heart in the task before them.
No power on earth can hold them back.
The same sharp challenge to battle
is sounding for us. Wc must answer
in the same proud way the way of
our fighting men the American way.
1' must lend the ivay they fcht.
We mutt show the war-maddened
Hun a united American people mov
ing forward shoulder to shoulder,
irresistibly, to Victory.
Our tak is to supply the money,
the ships, the guns, the shells tli.it we
must h.nc to win. It is a tremendous
task. We mut do it as our lighting
nun do theirs with the indomitable
spirit of Victory.
We must w ork, and save, and lend
with one thought only TO I'IGIIT
Gel into the fiifhtu'ilh your uhc'.e
heart. Buy Bcni!s-lo the ut
Thi Space Contrilt! d ty
Swift oz Company
Buy Your Winter Coat
Our Classic Line of Coats for Ladies and
Children is now in and should re
ceive your early attention
Do you wish a soft, rich velvet or plush Coat, warmly
suggestive of furry comfort; or a handsome clcth in one of
the season's popular shades? Then "Classic" Coats will
surely interest you.
Just come into the store and try on some of these per
fect coats. You will find every detail perfect. Make your
selection early.
(rtPrill A small shipment of new Yarns just in. If
OUvLld.1. you want yarn buy it now.
7 A
Heppner, Oregon
i a n
I am buying wheat for the Pa
cific Grain Co. successors to
W.H. Houser and am prepared
to buy your grain outright and
pay cash.
Can furnish grain bags at lowest
Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW
UncU- Sam suy! buy it NOW while
the buying is good
, You are sure to get it now, but not in the Fall
rum-A-Lum Lumber Company
See Lew at Lexington or Bill at lone