f " r5 l feud V V U li a Llii W Eat phnty; Eat wisely, but without waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats and Suar. The soldiers at the Front will need them all. Be loyal to your own state. Use more Po tatoes and ship more wheat. We have everything in Grocery Line.' Phelps Grocery Co iLPi; Out irnea EOT Sill I THE RING y or We linve it, vU get it, or it is net made Gilliam i Bisbee You'll liMmcre tobacco sat isfaction in tto con&sr.r.si Ecal Gravely C'loriar; Pkg than in a thick piece ordi nary tobacco. n i Feytcn Brand 1' t l i wui v i c j wjy CECIL ITLMS j I.ambs Bring Good Price. j Rainy weather haa hindered har I D. O. Justus 1ms purchased 10(10 . v.:t operations to a considerable r, i , . ii i li ad or la in Us lroni ltrure Kellpv e:.:ent. boo lope has pone to bnake ; ani1 ,00 ,.,, frnn, . Mlnn tl; . iian.f . . -cwiha t-U.:.ty ;n g Cr .v 1 icii) ('.. :(: nf river for a few weeks. Emil Swanson and femily c id business in Cecil Thursday. Leon Logan and brother Boyd were lone visitors Saturday. J. W. Osborn and II. '.T. Stieet- er were lone visitors Monday. A. Henriksen and Herb Hynd were Arlington visitors Saturday, j Oscar Jeff er&on, from Heppnet, visited with his brother Win I on ! Sunday last. Mrs. W. Wilson of Heppner is visiting with her son Robbie at Rhea Siding. Mr. and Mrs. Hess and daugh ter of Colfax, Wash., were Cecil visitors Wednesday. Miss Aileen Briesly.f rem Wash ington, is visiting with Carl Farnsworth near Rhea Siding. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Nash re- i turned from the mountains Thurs- j day. They reported a good time : and lots of rain. j Mrs. A. Henriksen of tne Wil-! low Creek ranch left Sunday to ' pend a few days in and around Portland with friends. Archie Elli3 came down from Ihe Hager ranch Thursday to nelp with the third crop of alfalfa ! hay on the Minor ranch. j Miss Doris Mahoney, who his been visiting with M s. Hynd for j the last few weeks, left for htr home in Heppner Tuesday. ! Mrs. Jack Hynd entertained: some of her young friend- at a! card parly Monday evening the; honor guests being the Misses j Helen Larrett and Doris Malioney j Liyae r rank. in, accompanied bv Miss Edith Waddell of Lena, was visiting his old frienas in and around Cecil and saying good-bye before leaving for Nevada. price being, so it is a. i.orstood, $10 per head. Mr. Ju bought the stock tor his own ra ,, Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek an spending their vacation at Eugene and at the coast. N I i i Summons all the forces and resources of the Republic to the defense of freedom THE OREGON AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE which the Uniicd States authorities have ranked as one of the fifteen dk.tineuishcd institutions of the country for excellence in military training, has responded to trie call. The College is distinguished not only for its military instruction, but Distinguished also for Its strong industrial courses for men and for women: In Agriculture, Commerce, Engineering, Forestry Home Economic:, Mining, Pharmacy, and Vocational Education. Its wholesome, purposeful student life. Its democratic college spirit. Its successful graduates. Students enrolled last year, 3453; stars on its service fligs, I 58, over forty percent representing officers. College opens September 23, 1918 For catalog, new Illustrated Booklet, and other information write to the Registrar, Corvaili :, C ia 0 !l Wis 1 y rowers oi I will be in the marinst for a!! classes of wheat at all times during the coming season, prices basai on government inspection slips. ;i:igs and harvesting supplies at market rrices. ' Ml McATE'S 61 A1XEN, Props. Whitley lowing, one of thei draftet-s from this county, lfif for Camp LewU last Tuesday.! Whit 1,.il! ,.,,. r. 1 ' 1 I iiiiik into UKIIIV incline itSUUIIU y - . Cecil who wish him good ludc ' Ice Lream and Card PrsrloT " and a safe return. ! Wa!t r Morris nrnl son nf l'f. 1 tts;;eSSAre You Goin to Build? Home Flouacts for home People wi: mam l Acn ui: White Star ?i(u,r,Cra!:ain.Whole Wheat, Cream Middlings Roiled liariey and Miil I'eed General Slorai;e and Forwarding mat the vnv dovvn trie cntk from Cecil of all Lie stacks of hay on the Minor and Hynd ranches was the best they had seen on the journey. W. II. Cionk and E. Glynn, if lone, were down ns far as Uhta Sidiiig takii g pictures ot Carl Kiirnswortli's new hou-e, the lumber for weich was laniiMied by the I'umaium Co. of lone. Mr. Cronk also calU-d upon his fnnd T. A. Lowe at Cecel on Sunday. A surprise was given Mr. and Mrs. Gi mi t.i' A. MilUr by a host of their I rientls Saturday ev-'iiiiiu on I lit L'oth anniversary of their redding. They vere marritu at Ivm, Ure., Aug. 'Ju, x). aim have Inid m this vicinity lor the last 17 .vt,.:s, where they haw Won the te-peet of :i Lirg.- (,i'c,i of lru mis. .'.Ir.lli:ler onus atiiu- l.eat ra:ii.;! and neently hunt a i,v w i.t..: . with the lat si .mjinivvim i.tr. A s,.iii!-Ut:s ..i.p. wa, 1 revi.i-'.l by the viHlnis it i.t. I' ','..', anti till prenMit lit- iu..iv i 1 ? , ii in w i.-i.nitr Mr. n .i ''. Mnli rtU-U'.-tol I'.'. ali h inn! j i ; ntv :n f.i. .r ne-.v h..me. Hi 1 Ur , 111.' tve:j .ieritM f ,.! i ne.t ill, ui and us ! ;! pr, m n!r J j te..il t' t i,Uiv i.-n;: ii.M. A. .V.i. ! i-. '..-. . i Mm r l.i.iV, , 1 ' A.viti M.iler ( . r) ! 1 H ; Mr. a. Hi Mr-. (. .1, liitl.e (irt.un i, MiS'i-r Oil .1! t:.i :..d m.. v . jNioa tn.v; Mr. nn- I Mr.. Joa.: Johns lvif,;!i. ,,l, ; vi r ..in I'pv r,; M. at-1 '! i I !'e!'. llilA'nhi ,", e i-e 11 " if 1 .',K km .'1 . 1 d Mr.-.. .1 If so we are in a paction to save you money and an noyance if you will ive u:. a chance to figure on your PAINTS, OILS, 'VAPvNISIIES, Plumbing Supplies CD- Plumbing Good mn'cria! is the la 's of a good job of painhV; and only first-class r.vaterial can give you a satisfact( ry job of plumbing. LET US SERVE YOU Peoples Hardware Co. Main and Willow Sis. H2PiEK, OSiS. Tash i Akcrn ell stand. !'. 1 i.. M,' Heppner FaniK :5 Elevator CoJf::;r . 1 " rt ?" I . i . I l I' t . . e ,'!!' ; .t. ; j-;--'.:.- 1 1 r,.. ' N l . ' 1 " .r a. I'.. .N. . . s a i i n i p.. ! ;n ; Mr. . , , r lr' J- .ir ; ; g i" 'A,; :.i 1 -. i H. 1 v.. '. ir .1 1 .r v p '1 m see t-r: meii- liave i ,i : ':::,'. i-m,-eti.e thrmih v. Li. '., i ; lii'l it i n !,., , l,;it ...t;- .--ive , , , : ac ' It' hi', we i;i',,!e v. .11 (,j try t! e 1.' ,n i,:4 i'U :a:-.r.-'-r- Natuu'ii. La'.k. I'TuI'l the ' td ,e" . :-w:;...-n .-pe.tk we in iieve your luiti) wil! he ami iy in;:';'.-!. A N:.;:- ! Ihn k and Member of the l' c iera' ll ?"ivf ;. m. iratiiuvs v Slockraisers National Bank Il'.ITNi K, - - . OKLCON