LEXINGTON ITEMS New Fall Suits at Minor's Tills This week we are making a specials bow ing of Ladies' Tailored Suits, Ladies' and Misses' Cloth and Plush Coats, Silk and Wool Skirts and Silk and Serge Dresses. These are all the newest and best crea tions in the ready-to-wear line, and you should see them while the line is complete. N The Tumalum man just re turned from a trip to Dayton, Wn. Miss Powell, who -taught here last year, is visiting the Car michaels. Mrs. Annie McAllister of Walla Walla visited for a few days with her sister, Mrs. Chas, Johnson, and her brother, W. 0. Hill. Mrs. E. J. Evans left for Spo kane Wednesday, where she will live the coming fall and winter and send little Gwendolyn to school. W. 0. Hill of the Lexington State Bank in Portland for a few days this week on business. Dur ing his absence W. G. Scott is looking after the bank We now have one of the Mili tary police stationed at Lexing ton guarding the warehouses, which makes everyone feel safer in repard to their wheat stored in the warehouse. Mrs.Vida Smith-of WaUaWalla camj in Sunday night to visit her father's iamily, especially her brother Park before he left for Camp Lewis, where he was called in the recent draft. The United States Food Administration says SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet. Use fowl, fish, vegetables, vegetable oils, cheese. Purely vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco, Olive Oil, Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian Corn.) SAM. HUGHES COMPANY Merchandise of this class is scarce and there will not be enough to supply the demand, so comeearly. A deal was competed last week New Wirthmore Waists and Welworth whereby chas. Johnson sold his ni - ...:n u t-t-un(n-i.,M ; tuic ckA..,:n house to Frank Wilkins. For the OlUUoCa Will aiau uc an aiuutuvtitaiuit in uiu oiiutriug. ..... present Mr. jonnson win nve m the house formerly occupied by W. P. McMillrn. We think Mr, Johnson intends to build a new house in the yery near future Ef El KM r Training for Efficiency $ in reoce or m vsar 1 I UNIVERSITY of OREGON Fully equipped libera) culture and Nciontik'icdenarfmonts. SncHuisJ ! training in Commerce, Journalism, Architecture, Law, Medicine Teaching, Library Work, Mimic. Ilouttdiold Arts, I'liymcnl Training und I'" no Arts. g& . Military Scieare in chant- of American nnd Itritieli officer. Drill, U'cltircN mid fit Id work fl-Jr! all up-to-date, board on experience in present war. Complete eynlcm of trcnt!iet, bridca. Ka etc. Students recuinmrnded fur Coniniittiiiomi. OHicinl uveriunenl It. O, T. C. Tuilion Fit EE. Library of 80,000 volumes. IWmiloricw for men und women. fcxiene lowest, much opportunity for working one a way 1 p, ;. Write Itcgifltmr, hugenc. Oregon, for tlltiHtriited boaMW. Minor Comp any Subscribe for the Herald. icppoer, uregon es Cash Market HENRY SCHWARZ, Prop. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Heppner, Oregon Wheat Wheat I am buying wheat for the Pa cific Grain Co. successors to W.H. Houser--and am prepared to buy your grain outright and pay cash. Can furnish grain bags at lowest ROY V. WHITEIS, HEPPNER, OREGON NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. B. Land Office at La Grande, Oregc. July 5th, 1918. Notice is hereby glyen that noya M. Duncan, of Lena, Oregon, who, on December 1st 191J, made Home stead Entry, No. 012S18, for NE4 and Lots 1 and 2 and ENW14, Section 30, Township 1 South, Range 29 East. Willamette Meridian, ha filed notice of Intention to make three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land abore described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day of Septem ber 1918. Claimant names ai witnesses: Frank M. Pedro, of Echo, Oregon; Robert A. Culllck, Gussle E. Ayret and Marsh Courtney, of Lena, Ore gon. C. S. DUNN, Register, REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW Uncle Sam says Ley it NOW -while the buying s jj'ood You r vire to fet it now. but not in the Fall Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company See Lew at Lexington or Bill at lone NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. 8. Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. Notice is hereby glren that Robert A. Cullck, of Lena, Morrow Co Oregon, who, on August 1st, 1911, made Homestead Entry, No. 011219 for NNEU. SWy4NEl4, NWW SK, SSEK, SE'iSW', and Let 4. Sec. 18, Township 1 South, Range East, Willamette Meridian, has Died notice of Intention to malt three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com m'ssloner, at hit office, at Heppner Oicgon, on th 10th day of Septein ber, 1918. Claimant names at witnettct: Frank M. Pedro, of Echo, Oregon Mason F. Duncan, Gussla E. Ayert, and John Ilrosnan.all of Lcoa.Oroo C. 8. DUNN, , Regleter, NOTICE OK HVU HKTTLKMENT IN TUB COUNTY COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MOlt ROW COUNTY. In the Matter of the Etta te of George Perry, Deceased. Notice I hereby glten that the undersigned, at executrix of the Last Will and Testament of George Perry deceased, ha filed her Final Account as turn executrix, and that Monday, the 30th day of September, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock In the fore noon thereof, and the County Court room In the County Court House In Hit' 'ir, On-gon. lias been by the Coi n y Court of Morrow County, Or- s'-1, duly fixed as the time end plan- r.r the proving of said Final Account and for the hearing of any objection thereto. MARY ELLEN PERKY, Executrix of the Last Will and Tmtament of George Perry. De ceased. ld 20 cJr JL eli t.lsit J&mxgf Because of a dissolution of partnership the undersigned will sell, it public auction, on the Ephe Eskelson farm, 5 miles southwest of Lexington and one-half ml!e north and onc-Ii. Jf mile west of the Social Ridge Scltooihouf.e, ATORDAY, SEPT. 718 AT 10.09 Ail, SHARP the following described property: About 50 head of fine brood marca, work horses, mules and colt;, all good, heavy, well bred animals ranging from 1103 to 1.175 lbs. in weight; none over 12 years old. Full equipment of farming implements, in cluding Discs, Harrows, Weeders, McCormick Header, Combine Harvester, Superior Drill, New Peoria Drill, Wagons, 2 and 3-bottom Plows, Harness; all in good working condition. One Holstein Cow, grain in the sack, in cluding 130 sacks clean seed Rye, and many other articles too numerous to mention. TERMS-Sums under $10 cash. Sums over $10 six months lime, approved security, at 8 per cent interest. Big Free Lunch at Noon PETERSON & ESKELSON, Owners. F. A. McMcnamie, Hep; r.cr. Auctioneer. W. Pruitt Cox, Clerk. I