VOLUME 5 HEPPNER, OREGON, FRIDAY, AUGUST 30, 1918 NUMBER 17 : 04-4hv4M Km iHK-MHh jMH-f-M-fHtt 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 j ut i i AUDIO CAMP The following is a list of the Mor riw county men called for entrap ment Sept. 3rd to 6th, 1918: I.ai'sh Courtney, Lena. Elmer Lee Matteson, Heppner. Richard Wells, Heppner. Earl E. Gilliam, Heppner. Ernest E. Clark, Heppner. Roy Elmer Brown, Heppner. Gus Williamson, Echo. A. L. Stamp, Heppner. Harrison Elliott, Heppner. Charles S. Dane, lone. Arthur McAtee, Heppner. H. S. Edwards, Lena. Adolph Skobo, Boardman. Francis Allen Stapleton, Heppner. James LeRoy Howell, lone. Jess Agee, lone. Fred Bradford, Heppner. Henry Warren Stender, lone. John W. Krebs, Heppner. Ray Young, Heppner. Ola Crage McCormick, Lexington. Lynn Rufus Hale, Heppner. Lee Land, lone. .. William M. Kirk, Heppner. Kenneth K. Mahoney, Heppner. Forrest Edmonds, Morgan. Arthur Henry Smith, Heppner. Victor Rietmann, lone. Luther Ashinhust, Lexington. James Falls Bridges, Lexington. Walter W. Caldwell, Umatilla. Conrad Nathaniel Sandstrom Mil waukee. Thomas Jackson Sprhikel. Cottage Grove. James G. Cowins, Heppner. Boys registered August 24th, 1918, (21 years old.) Roy B. Blake, lone. Beldon C. Arthurs, Brownsville. Wilbur E. Goodrich, lone. Jerome Ralph Jackson, Lexington. Ralph Warren Reade, Heppner. Harlan Silas Swift, llardman. Waldon Rhra Struignt, Lena. Elmer Pearl Pearson, Lena. Charles W. Beckett, Eight Mile. NAVY EVER ON THE ALERT Case of Carelessness at S?a Is a Thing That Commanders Punish With I Mccc32ry Severity. ! V'Uh nut n light f-howlm; the trans ports plowed tlii- Atlantic, bringing American wiMirrs to France, writes a nnvnl other':- in the Silt n-'hry Evening Post. Lookouts high and low, under navy discipline, marched the scum for hostile periscopes. The convoy, the apex of which win n cruiser, was Invisible in the lilac'; rikrht. T!i" vlg ilnnce of the navy training protected the ' Me-s, ' - '-is wiih their life, belts i ... I PudriY: y out n bright li;-1it nn i the lending lninpnrt; n merchant Pall- . or, one Ji-sns lurido?. Mciidozti, a Spunii-li liremnn, ftu-hed nn electric , torch, fuml.li ni; i.hoiil th" decii. The llirht could lie seen for mi!". Instant- ; ly a navy lookout reported the occur- ; rence to the navy nl'ieer in charge of the fdiip. A Miarp command, n scuf fle on deck, a llucjaeki l IJcklns the torch overboard Ktayod th,. S; uiilard' desire to fondle an elect -io ihishlltht la the Kulnnarlni' zone. live dux' koI ltnry t'onlincnii nt ended the I am. Shmvliiir a light on n inati o'-v : r f t night In time of war N II com Mnart '. I offense; evcTi 1 tL: in-- a c!rai''-i! i.r having nmti tiei. Tin navy P"in!..:ii;ii r, In utnolnte i lia. g. fi.i'or--- s m'U tury discipline nn a tt: r--h,i:.t ve;el carrying troops und pi;i.:; .', tin; guilty. Iicmie of t!ie t)ii i y. ili!i!ii!i rr tei-mca und ror.i'.in-t luvohiiig the rfttfel.V llf ti "U-IIIld of III' II r. Ml' to mtr.'ht mm i ponil.le rata ir.!p'ie a averted. The nuvy v... In commuhd. Suttee. The English Rov.-rmnerif, t. ft r lone 'liii'ournflng dniti'it. .y (lie iincy r' : nrd Wlillno l'.entiiu !; formally ' . "'bed them In Iteiitnhi r. l0'. tint hejf huv ulnrn i.i ciixiorially taken ; lace. The wife if the am of th '.ajiib of Iley.'iH.n thin f -rl)-l In ine, lnn-l. Hud ppviml lvm (if lr ' one P.nlmdiK-r. rnlnNter nf Nipiiijl. 1 Miifii 1. On voluntary nut- oceiim-d ut I'tMiriM, In Nov.-nit er, . i mid It hn crnMmi"l tD !! Jr.-. it tlnif 'in l- h fi ! t- - : of lad1 1, ; t wen n lute l :.". - i it- tin who took pirt In ,i .. In ' tt were cundetatiKl ta pcbil m.tI-td. 4- I lis SijiIsi An final Mdi fk .All WILL BE HELD September 1 2th, 13tSi and 1.4th,. 1918 At Heppn The Fair this year will be a "War Fair," and those things tending to assist in the winning of the war will be featured more prominently than. heretofore. The U. S. Dept. of Agriculture will hnve an exhibit and have representatives here to give instruction. Industrial Club exhibits will be larger and better than ever and canning contests will be held daily. There vvi 2:3 of ood, dean amu sesncnt, and snissic vAll fos furnished by a five-wire orchestra. BE SURE TO ATTEND TIi SIXTH ANNUAL mm w mi mm a i j em mm AEE UNDER WAY W. T. McHobertti has delinitcly decided to build a concrete garage 68x132 on his Main street property. He has sold the old livery barn to Willis Stewart who will move it to his lots on upper Main street whore his barn was destroyed in the big fire. M. L. Case will also build im mediately on his property adjoining the Mclioberts property which -he recently acquired from Arthur Smith. Indications now promise tho liv liest fall building line lleppnor has experienced in many years. work is under way on tho new Hill Garage on Willow street and tho architect in charge says the building will be ready for occupancy in about HO days. The same parties erecting this building have bought tho 'adjoin ing property from Y. V. Wells and u is understood a substantial concrete structure will also go un on that location immediately. Buy That Ilonic in (lie City Now. (Mve the children an education and your wife the needed rest. jjlouse nine rooms, attic and bath, well built, three fire places, hot wa er heat, full cement, hasonie.nl brei'k wails, glassed-in-porch, gas and electricity. One block to line srh iol and carline. . Large gromub: beautiful shrubbery ami trees; gar age. Good neighborhood. Owner has left city. INfilHlOO. Terms. Whitfield. 505 Lumberinens lihlir. NOTICE FOK Pl'lSI.HWTION department of the Interior, U. B. Lai d Oflleo at La Grande, Oregon, Jul 5th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Frank M. Pedro, of Kcho, Oregon, who, on May 25th, 1914, made Homestead Knry, No. 013:172, for Lots 4, I, 0, i nd 7, und E'iSW'i, ami WVi RH'i, SectloirfJrTtuvtiKtilt) r Snntk. Itai go 29 1'lnst, Willamette Meridia, has tiled notice of Intention to make thive-yenr I'roof, to establish claim to the land ahovo d. scribed, bttfore C. C. ratterson, United Slates Coiii- mlsiioner, ut ills oftlco, t Heppimr, 'Jiv.;.n, on the loth day of Septem ber, litis. hiliiii'.iit ikh'I' m a-; m i'Mvaicr: Lobiirt A. Cullck, Mason F. Dun can, (iusslo i:. Ayres, and Joka lire snan, all of Lena, Oregon. C. S. Hl'NN, Heglsttir- NOTICM Kilt I'l ItlTcATIO.V Iiepiirtmi'iit of the lnti'rior, V. S. Land Ollice at La Crande, Orciion, I uly nth, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that (Innate K. Ayres, of Lena, Oregon, who, on November 17lh, 191:!, made llomt steail Kntry, No. (112615, for LH NK'.,. K'.iSK',, K,'c. 10, NiiNWi,, SWUNW'i. and NW'.HW1,, Sec tion 11, Township 2 South, ltnng 28 Lust, Willamette Meridian, baa tiled notice of Intention to make three-year I'roof, to ctablh.li claim to the land ulmve dor crllu'd, before ('. ('. I'utterson, I'nlted States Coin, inbhioiicr, at his ollico, ut Ilippm r, Oii'goii on the loth d;iy of Sept her, 19 IS. Claimant name as wltneuM's: Walter Kllcup, Jmuea Sheridan, of llepptii-r, Oregon; Hubert t. Ctilbk and J.iiued T. Uoigau, of Lei,a, ( ii i gon C. 8. IH'NN. ltl!lclr Ojieiijan iaccounl jwil h THE I FIRST NATIONAL DANK ; OF HCPPNER Ann tsi over (! and a C'ifirlcr Mil!ir3l)i!ar3.