Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 16, 1918, Image 4

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Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without
waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats
and Sugar. The soldiers at the
Front will need them all. Be loyal
to your own state. Use more Po
tatoes and ship more wheat.
save everytmng in
Grocery Co.
urned Out
W asnecl Q
Sc3 IT
TV A r-" .
y wc2B u
We have it, will get it, or it
is not made
Gilliam & Bisbee
and the weeds will ruin the summer
fallow if not killed.
The I
will save .'ut por cent in luhor and d a better job than the
usual metho.is. (let your early before all are gone.
Boyd Logan was an Arlington
visitor Wednesday.
Ed Melton, from lone, was a
Cecil visitor Sunday.
C. B. Sperry of lone was a Ce
cil visitor Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen were
lone visitors Thursday.
Herb Everett and wile spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. E.
C. H. Winters and family of
Shady Dell ranch spent Sunday
at lone.
Mrs. Sarah Harrison of Idaho
is visiting with her sister, Mrs.
John Nash.
Mr. Malcom, one of the State
Police, was in and around Cecil
Tuesday last.
J. W. Osborn left on the local
for Heppner Wednesday, return
ing next day.
The Misses Hynd, Barrett and
Mahoney were the guests of Mrs.
Henriksen Friday.
Mrs. Forbes and daughter,
Miss Thelma, spent Wednesday
with Mrs, G. A Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Miller and
son were doing business at Hepp
ner Junction Saturday.
S. M. Morgan and Jean Fab
hurst visited with the Hoyd Lo
gan familv last Sunday.
W. G. I'almateer, J. II. Miller
and J. II. Crablree left luesday
to spend a lew days in the moun
tains. County Agent Brown has been
very busy in and around Cecil
looking up exhibits for the coun
ty fair.
E. Wallace of Condon spent
Friday and Saturday in and
around Cecil visiting among his
Crov"" MiHholland, the ener
getic Stand; rd Oil Co 'a agent,
and Mr. Howe of Heppner, were
Cecil callers Tuesday.
Jack Hynd ana George Wilson
returned home Sunday from
Heppner. where tney had been
spending the week end.
Mr. and .Mrs. A. E. Nash ard'
Robbie Lowe have gone to the
mountains lo spend a week or so
among the liuckelln i Ties.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minrand
Miss Blanche Minor, came Tues
day from Portland, leaving the
following day for Heppner.
The Misses Helen Barrett and
Dorris Mahoney came to Butter by
Flats to visit with Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Hynd for a few weeks.
A. Henriksen has returned
from his ranch above Heppner,
where he has a bunch of cittle.
He reports them all doing fine.
Herb Hynd, Hiram Heard, tlu
Misss Annie and Violet Hynd
an I G orgie Summers attended
the picnic at I'arnsw.'rth's, Rhea
Siding, last Sunday.
wneac u rowers
Morrow County
I will be in the market for all classes of
wheat at all times during the coming
season, prices based on government
inspection slips. Bags and harvesting
supplies at market prices.
o m
)u "want
10c ordi-
narj plug pr lasting
Peyton Brand
wing tkm
iOc pcuch and worth it
its so muckionfferit cost a
chew than ordinary (j'.a-j
P. L. . ivcly Tobacco Company
Dauviilo, Virginia
' St
;i N&?
1 t ;i
See C.E.Jones or IL C. Ashbaugh
Bl.KAKMAN .'i HAl'. Props.
Com Icons and I'.!"i;ciuit Service by Comlcouy and Cm
IHtcnt Winkiiun.
Acccssoric:;. Supplies, Import Vulcanizcrs
Guaranteed Tire Service
Home Products for Home Peopl
wi: MANi-KAcirui:
While Star FIour.CrahamAVhole Wheat
Cream Middlings
Rolled Barley and Mill Feed
General Storage and I'orwarding
Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.
McATE.3 & AIKEN, Props.
Ice? Cream and Card Parlori
. M. I. Id'iiilert iixnl ScrUe.
i'i ri;. ant l.Illle, In ilmrce of
Ihi' ilriiH hniriit cf ttr.'Hi.ii Military
I" ill. i on iln:y In tlilx comity, lia
lii tii ii fciitli-r.-il f hr.m Klu.ut lh
wl.r.it miIIoiih k j i i 1 1 it it lookout
for inc.. labor troulili' or nny tiling
tli.it nilrlit tl-'lay tl.o liiirf.tln ii
i!.o I . .il (Top. Wlilio t ut !lt!l '
tr oiliio i f nny khul ! I'to-. unit, roil
ti o ii iii i! i Tot t of t'io i.ilr.'l, i
K'Mlil l.ii.i - .ih, U Kooil. I"!ii !lo,
on t:.o t of in,) !!.:.;. ii, 'a
i- fiottio I upon n"! I, i. -n iiro ili.-
ouriuT I from t 1 t u ti t!i lr l hi
on l..,ri t i-r.- it,' i wii'ii ut a H
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l i't to. ir Moil liiii -t I i" ion t!. f-!
i-i.l ri! ! r at ! Hli.lo It l ioul, 1
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I : ir. : M.- . (. r .r I- In t
Are You Going to Build?
If so vc are in a position to save you money and an
noyance if you will give us a chance to figure on your
Plumbing Supplies (EX Plumbing
Cood material is the basis of a good job ,cf ainti; &
and only fu st-class material can give you a salisfach ry
job of p'umbin?
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sts. HEI?NEl?, OWL
Tiish & Aktri ol.l stand.
In ' irtnr.f ! jnr'.tn.-i,-.! if . ; -
t't'.f s:r"-;,r. i : mi 'i i ;. r m ! ,,, j
l-y I'io r i!ii' .cr t' j i ,i i r .:;.' :
ctuii ujn.ii w i.U'u to ri !y. i. r : ..
i-'attiifi an! '.'ifkt'fovvrta N' )':,.. ; t
I. n iti n ttc ci oo.-rati.m i.s the tHj.k-., fnilo . i-tl
v..-ro' . - fea.-iii'So.
; '. f'U ir. r.t f.i-i. !r. Farnu t, ! y
: i"i an H)tu,t h'-ru.
i if :i u 1 1 jro
-t f r r ' :. l
I'arnvjrs & Stockraisi
National Bank