IONE NEWS Winter Comforts Better get your comfort materials early while they can be procured. Later you may have trouble in getting what you want, for cotton and covering both will be scarce. Cotton ChallfeS-36,"?- wiJe- neat colorinZs an designs, sou out sircng. ine Dest cover- nr ing for those ntw comforts or quilts; yard ZOC o id. cotton oatts 8, P, pic cotton; ,arge J 4 " jullo Sized comfort; size c1 C( 72x90 inches; stitched; etch pl.)U Cotton Batts-?cid 15c to 35c Wnrtl Rai toFuU Comfort size; moth proofed and sanitary; VVUU1 LdlL) 2 and 3 lb.; plain or cheese cloth re covered; each $3.50 to 44. O Minor & Company Heppner, Oregon Wheat Wheat I am buying wheat for the Pa cific Grain Co. successors to W.H. Houser ;t nd am prepared to buy your grain outright and pay cash. Can furnish grain bags at lowest prices. rr7- 17 TtJOTTr?TC REAL ESTATE and V. VVOlliliO, HEPPNER, OREGON INSURANCE Lay in Your Veer's Coa! NOW Uncle Sam say buy it NOW while t'Ac buying is &nod You ore sure to get it now, but not in the Full Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company Sec Lew at Lexington or Bill at lone (From the lone Independent.) Judjje F. II. Robinson went to Portland yesterday. Art Pierca wm in town Tues day from Wells Springs. The Tumalum company re ceived two carloads of fire wood last Tuesday. Huckleberry gathering trips to the mountains is all the ro at the present tima. James Franklin and Jack Hynd were Cecil citizens doing busi ness in town Monday last. Mrc.T. E. Cronan has returned homa from Camp Lewis, whtre she ha4 betn visiting her hus band. T. B. Buffinnton took an auto party, including Mr. and Mrs. 11. I). Claxton, to Heppner Monday evening. (ieortt Marquex, superintend ent in charge of tin building of the ntw elevator, went to Port land yesterday. Mrs. Arioitoio and son, of Yakima, Wash., are visitin in town with Mrs. Mary Hale, Mrs. Armitase's moiher. Roy Cochran, a former resident of lone, now one of Utic'o S&n.-; soldisr bovs, is risking in t U o county while on furlough. Mr. Cochran, a government employe, ia in town ior the pur pose of installing a uniform ays tern of bookkeeping in elevators. Material for the erection of oil tanks by the Standard Oil Co. in the lower part of town is coming: in daily and work will begin at an early date. Mrs. J. C. D.'Yine and Mrs. W. J. Blake are tailing a Ttention in the mountains, where they will enjoy life close to nature for two or three woeLs. W. II. Cronk has put on a pair oj overalls and is assisting a force of mi"i in'ing th large lumber shed of the Tuma lutn Company this week. The first shipment of the 1018 wheat crop was made Monday test when two ' ei'.r loads wore shipped to Portland by C. I!. S;erry, tho leal frain buyer. Only a rn!1 number of the I !"!',';, ij;t (!( fhOWcd l! Motwiay tfvening for drill. They were put through their paces hy County Agent l'.rowu as drill master. Miss Adene Moore returned home Sunday last from a visit in I'.irtlasd. She was accompanied on her return by Miss AlmaWills, whom sh will iitertain for a short time. Matt HalverH'.n, who had 2'MiO acr of wheat left after the hail storm and cloud-hurst of last month, out of the 'JVKJ acres he ha I planted, U-uan thrcnhii g last Tuesday. Under dlrettimi tf Mr. Butcher f I'ort'j tkt Telephone root tuy ti kid workmen engaged for lh put three weeks oer aa'j'itf ed nitkirf itaprv. esents on tl, l:nt in this vici n;tr. 'eve let set in I th" old i ri hare eer. rep's'd ne oni. Cenner-j t.M-i l.iv :' ) tun Mide witki ei'urrei lit es a: i ti e service; : in e.erjr way. As r. s ill of tin S-vera! p-w phoees , ha . e l n ir it.i'.ed in tow n. ! im-m c.,-av.. ,t the o. ! A."., C' it'.-. a- 1 Mrs. Lr,a , Sm-11 SI ur!e. Marrow County! Sc kI S i:" i ifi"i !"f t.were ron ' d ic'irg fruit ft'd vegetable cm ' d m'l- s'ra'inrii at Il.mlmin , !hv tin at ('oil Tuesday We r.. -.!;., I . ( )' hT fee- , tif.r.H of tK n.'i' t v ' ill i vii'"d nr it ilinvf -I ru i fiven. It.e n !ie W" t eriyr r nductp' on their tra.i U ,v ' jr.ty Air-nX ' I'.row n in his a ito. I i 1 The United States Food Administration says AVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet. Use fowl, fish, vegetables, vegetable oils, cheese. Purely vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco, Olive Oil, Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian Corn.) SAM. HUGHES COMPANY 51 I'Yitlv pquipjK'il lUii-:it t j. j' tivjihiiui In CotiiinciTSS .1 iui'ii;i!i;-;t J Tciu'hiitii, I.Un'ury VurIi, Munic, it.Hi.i-.!i; I V MiltHry Srieuff in Iiai jjo u nn'rir st n iii:tl lie, i'itli'un .i or 3F.Iiicinry M t rc;tce or iii ,t H Ui()i!iilf, luihti! (lit c. rli'P'i' rlc. Sdntenin tm-mu il U.e ; Tuitisisi FIti;K. I.i!r:iry ol . litllfUHf loM't'.-it, UllK'il l!I Writi- K.-iMMii-n;-. iU-ci. -ill It til, Arcliitortiiiv 1,1 Av( :, I'livi.;,-.!!'!'! i'! t'l.l Will-. ( .llilt. I.- l.l I hi.;i"N. D.iniiittui.'y r i n.ii v tor xnuUItr; uic'.. v m. (:fiin. nr lllnsJr.ili'.l ti.-rcH iiml (irlil ,nrk 1U - (ri'llrl'.fH. lti(!tl-ti, I t, tut it.O.T.C. " '4 is ut! ''v; J: .V ' ;: HENRY SCHWARZ, Prop. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meats, Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Heppner, Oregon ! ;: ; " ' ' 1 mi; r i.:a !l!t ' Packe3, 1 Profits Lare or Small Packers' profits look big when the Federal Trade Commission reports that four of them earned $140,000,000 during the three war years. Packers' profits look small When it b explained thflt this profit was earned on total sulci of over four and a half billion dollars or only about three cent on each dollar of tales. This is the relation between profits and sales: Profits Sales n 3 If no packer profits had been earned, you could have bought your meat at only a fraction of a cent per pound cheaper? Packers' profits on meats and animal products have been lim ited by the Food Administration, since November 1, 1917. Swift & Company, U.S. A.