V heppner herald. .S. A. PATTISON. Publisher An Indapendent, Newipaper Estarod at the Ileppner.OrefOB, Poutdfu; as seeond-class matter. Terms of Subicriplion: One Year $1.10 Six Monthi .75 Tfcree Month .50 FRIDAY, AUG. 16, 1913. NOTICK TO TIIK ri'IUilC In order to sot at rest any and all rumors which seem to creep into circulation every few days to the effec t that the undersigned Is about to give up the publication of the Iloppner Herald and remove to some other field the following statement is made: All such rumors are absolutely without foundation ond can only come from idle gossip or malicious "knocking." A new and modern printing plant has already been selected in Port land and will be installed in Hepp ner by the Herald as soon as a suit able building is availahla. rending the installation of the ne.v plant the Herald is being print ed in lone, the foreman of the Herald shop r tu a in in K In that town, the un dersigned spending about two days in tlio week there. We mo also, for thi present, pub lishing the lone independent by ar rangement with tli plant. and laterly occupied by Burgayne for his drug department, Ben nett having other uses for the building. Burgoyne is giving up that part of the store and are moving their drugs into their own building. L. K. Ziggler.oneof tbe clerk' in Burgoyne's store decided that man should have & helpmate, so he took himself to Portland week 20, where ke wis married to Mini Aiia 0 weas. Mrs. Zieg lr will he fit home to her friends about Sept. 1, 1918. Congratu lations, Lew, md i. good bcallhv tfcivariva . oon. The funeral scryicc-s of the late J. M. White was held at his residence in Lexington last Sun day afterno', n, Rc-y. J. L. Jones conducting the service. John Marshall White WHS born in Ar kansas 58 years ago, tad besides a host of friends and relatives he let.vts n sarrowing vviie, three eons and two daughters to mourn hie early death, J. M. or "Uncle Marsh" as he w.s generally known, whs a fine type of man hood, being; loyal to his family and true to, his friends. He was a great social leader and wai :;1 ways for the unbuilding and im provement oj the town of Lex ington. Men like hiwn are ver far? and his death will cause a wancy in the lewn. To the ones who r.re lu tvs extend our nmrci'-;r, sorrow in mm, itiir rent Uflwlii''. can regieter at the following places: W. H. Walpole, Irrigon.' J. A. Gibbona, Boardman. T. H. Lowe, Cecil. F. H. Robinion, lone. V. 0. Hill, Lexington. N. M. Johnson, Gooseberry. Oscar Keithly, Eight Mile. G. A. Bleakman, Harclman. E. 0. Neill, Pine City, at resi dence. John Brosnan, Lena, at resi dence. J. T. Knappenberg, Parker's Mill. J. A. Waters, Heppner. DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently local ed in Oddfel low's Bui! ing Heppner, Oregon S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner, Oregon New Registration August 24th, 1918 All men who have become 21 owners of that yoara of ae sine- June 5th, and up to m ineludi!;f-Aurust24th, j no puuusuer anu tamiiy are BU" niust ririsU.r August L'lth residents of Heppner and expect to remain such indelinltely. S. A. PATTISON. You ISOLATED TKACT PIULIC LAX I) SALE Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 30th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that, as directed by the Commissioner of the General Land office, under provisions of Sec. 2455, 11. S., pursuant to the application of Zetta Brosnan, of Lena, Oregon, Serial No. 01G340, we will offer at public sale, to the high est bidder, but at not less than ?2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock a. m., on the 11th day of September, 1918, next, at this office, the following tract of land: NW'.iSEli S Vi S K , See. 24, NEV4NEU, Sec. 25, Tp. 2 S., It. 28 15., W. M. This tract is ordered Into the mar ket on a showing that the greater portion thereof is mountainous or too rough for cultivation. The sale will not be kept open, but will be declared closed when those present at the hour named have ceased bidding. The person making the highest bid will bo required to immediately pay the Receiver the Any persons claiming adversely the above-described land are ad vised to file their claims, or objec tions, on or before the time designa ted for sale. C. S. DUNN, Rogistov. NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon NOTICE FOK PUBLICATION ISO LATEI) TRACT. Public Lund Sale. Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. NOTICE is hereby given that, a directed by the Commissioner of the General Land Office, under provUins of Sec. 2455, R. S., pursuant to the application of Ollie M. Neal, of Echo, Oregon, Serial No. 015883, we will offer at public sale, to the highest bidder, but at not lesi than $2.00 per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 11th day of September, 1918, next, at this office, the following tract of land: EV4 NE i , EVa SEV, Sec. 34, Tp. t N., R. 27 E., W. M. The sale will not be kept ope, but will be declared closed when thou present at the hour named abut have ceased bidding. Tiie peso making the highest bid will be re quired to immediately pay to Hie celver the amount thereof. Any persons claiming fi", Tersely the above-described , are advised to file their claims, or object! n, on or before the time d-''t .at; ' '. r 3?'.e. C. S. DUNN, Heavier. NOLAN SKIFF, Ueee'. 'er. SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Orej LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner, Oregon ,.,, .,. :.. . ...... ! 8L:'-vcr "!'---2---:- A ((111 I. 'Ml I Jllllllj III rt.MIL II. 1H:T. --1 V.. M. Shut!, went to Portland x C. ... . W-iliiu.a!iiv t. attend the conference .ic 'Xr )l'W(n"fvHf-'in -ww8- t. of ,-.,ii.ii maiiaei-H for the Fourth Mff B tsSsP-tSS.-- ! Liberty Drive which will commence "f WT i? i Sep,,,,,,,,,- -'.ttii anil continue for $ .-It ! W ? ,rf? & three weeks. .a,ll,,wl,lK tho ru..- & fe,vie. which c,ven-d Thursday, S; WfWf.; 'I, $ Tv fc fa Mr. Siiuit eluded to continue his 1RV & .!'.-?:' " ."V. 'V;"i & ' I journev to Santa A I mica, California. tJ-'W; 1 ''p9';i"'j.D;v..:,' to M, ;t fr tew weeks with his i' '1 l'Jt J V faniliy wlio are s;i, niling tin- sum- J, ' fijjf '.v i: ' '''Oi,!' ' , , &'! -f..., . Iiier t! cm .- f,,r the benelit of Miss V ft 4Vi?k- l1.''''' ''f J'" S' Ivie ;;i,tfs health.. Tl... many UUWU . ?&V-p,'J K?&&; ' friend:, f .Miss i;ssie in Morrow (;,. , ' V-V'-''--. . , .SY?i,xi.V.- J. T' .oi:;,ly will be rejoiced to know that V'' ;. '- "-'T Z,?r ' ) 'H'ii-iKC'tMA'Sf he, ciidiU:,,, Is steadily improving '.V ?f tlf Vy 1 1 n4t&' an, i her coiiijdcte recovery Ih .-' ))'. f I . it.-": ' 'if ':t"'t-r. Avulvmfi,, .Vr. SI, i, It will return in lime t,.;s-s Vintr4t3 CC'jrt,l!' V, -J'tui':?' '5:.7'. "vv5 '; Iff. 1,1 tal.e c'nair.e of the Liberty drive 'v' ' l'T-C ' 'LJ-- ' X --' ' f pen, ,,1 i(li,.lii!:..r for Morrow county!;:; ' ' "'"" 'i 1 ' i y ?V'V for :i,..t campaign. j X ''' ' '.! .' f t.-'' .'X' i- V..-. V. Mah.uiev and daughter, H "'Hil pl im jjfel Watch paper fordute3 DR. J. G, TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, . Orcgc j ReKwhtr monthly visits to Hept ner and lone. NOTICE FOIt Pl'BLICATIO.X Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at LaGrando, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Robert A. Cullck, of Lena, Morrow Co., Oregon, who, on August 1st, 1913. made Homestead Entry, No. 012219 fur NViNEU, SWfcNEtt, NWli Si:U, SliSE'i, SEUSWU. and Lot t. See. IS, Township 1 South, Ranre 29 East, Willamette Meridian, ki tiled notice of intention to m.M a three-year Troof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at his office, at Ileppr.er, Oregon, on the 10th day of Septem ber, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank M. Pedro, of Echo, Orenr, ,n F. Duncan, Gusi'lo E. A" on, John lirosnan.all of f.nna.n.c a C. S. DUNN, t Register. ; DR. GUN'STER VETERINARIAN Heppner, Oregon Licensed Gra hiate Phone 722 (Day or Nuht) 1 ' m """""""""etiiM PRAN'CIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Pililt. Heppner, Ore. Office Phone Main 043 Residence Phonu MainGGS ROY V. WIIIiEIS REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE Hepi.ner, Orcton .M 1 , la:,i. land (Ills V lulling LEXINGTON HEMS N!r.j. Eli Mul.oy i. t-ntertaiainn brr M.te.-, lUthorn, 1. . .: I. Ore. M. Si ol! ml O. S llodsdun ill P.af, Wjb., are here '.y. fur a f i!i js. . Imi i tiilhreald ri'turiitd r I i iiifl in 1 i.u ton af ler a! 'k' a: t!.e ;ta 1 o ath r i -' iu-i . J. M. Wnite. Ray Wi.ile ret rimed to jltity f, r I'l.cie Sam a tar a furliuih . I ; . fe'!j to h. ! h a father I i i t. I: y but recetit'y i it- Hi.- Ta!or "ros. l.ae juat :',p'. 1 d sn excl'e ,t eil on p.-.--! . '... 4 liav .-! l! en- ,.t-.l I j Pi ;r V Btii'itofne't tv-1 'er-c.'. "1 f-- will rtiif Ui'.li lh,l viry we. I aup-: l' ed willi u e!!i. j A K'n at ileal of s i i k r si mi ir ton th s week, litan.in i I r,iin. Hon H ; u ' t 1,1 at ktT I i-n.. , ith , tm atiat of tlx hia t; tra TL' p.' , m t ik n to tl e f'epp-1 r, r h it-i: i l be ; rat, t on fr' jliTd.e-ii: N!-y Djrn-i is t'l with typhoid, rni th Heluui bttby n ii on tec nii'k bat. S.tu'f H tnn'tt' bue firc'ia ,1 ti e buildinc of W. P. M.-M; .i formerly ntid ue t!.f i ou:V.cv 1. o. f i - I 1 tc t ).' .1 It. V" Co tb Have Extra Ihh -'mdB, ':,;';A.i"-'.'- CarnrAicn makes everythinj; you cook txLio belter. Vh;.t a' boon in hurried, hot days is the everrcviy Carruition can on your puntiy shelf! , j i . ' , '.I V is ju cL'a.i, sweet milk-, orou;,ht btsh every morn inc, to our l.:U'f.i j!ant n.ul t!.crc evaporated to the coiv.i ;t-:ncy t f cream anj t.t?ri'.i.:cJ to preserve its whi'U'so.r.ivv.'n. l'-r t .. r.nd co:V. o use i: unJi'utcd. just as you would crcii" i. I' o it n .be .rr.; way on fruits and cereals. Lot; if , .1 ho v;-ct. in t.mcs of fttrcfs like li.irvrst, i :. t pu.-.. 'i t ..o h.'.i.s in the top and sit the cotiuly c..:i t!;. table. Always k.-ip . case cr two v( Carnation in your Mou i Hun a nl yoa have the i;,ht "Answer to the M.ik (,1uisl on." S.v Ouarantu atj I)irtctitytt on Cun Your Grocer Has Carnation DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN G Roberts Building" Heppner, Oregon At Li-xington Tueidayg tod Thursday. HORSES FOX SALE Broken or unbroken. Will it for cash or cn tinie.tutehti or nivinr note with spproved tt carity. IIotas can ba tenon .r.y lanch at tbe Tub Springs. Jamis Carty, 1 ltf Lexington, Oregon. N.ru i: nut rrm.ic.TH)N NOTICK KOIt PVIIMCATION Department of the Intorior, V. !). Land Ollice at La Grande, Ore ,.i. July GUi, 1918. Notice is hereby given that F'. jyj M. Puncan, of Lena, Oregon, vim, on December 1st 1913, made H nu stead Entry, No. 012C10, for N::'i aid Lots 1 and 2 and ENV",, faction 30, Township 1 S.iuth, II.-. .,n 'it East, Willamette Moridian, i i Med notice of intention to in..s three-year Proof, to ct.'Mlsh c!.n t the land abovo described, be' iia C. C. Tatterson, United States C.;:i inl..,Bloner, at his ofllce, at Hepimor, Oregon, on the 10th day of Septem ber 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: 1'rank M. Pedro, of l.Yno, Ore :r, ; lo-bcrt A. Culllck. Ous.- lo E. Ayr-M a id Marsh Courtney, of Lena, Oio- H'.ll. c. 8. dun:;, Register. NOTICK IOH rilll.lCATIOW Deimrtment of the Interior, V. S. Lund Ollice at La tira.i,:, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. Notice is hereby gWcn that F. ank M. Pedro, of Echo, Oregan, iv , on May 2.r,th, 1914, inadu liimiei'.cad i:ntry. No. 013372. f, r Lots i, i. . and 7, and E'.SW'.i. and Y."i Section 6, Townslil,) 1 Si KanKo 23 East, Willamette MerM.au, has filed notice of Intention to iiirV.i thri-o-year Proof, to establish r V i to the land above described, befuie C. C. Patterson, fnltej States Coii.-inls.-b iier, at his ofiicn, at lleppae.-, Op.tfoii. (,n nie jotii day cf fiepti.m lr. 1918. Cialniant iiutnes un v I .; . Itobert A. Cullck. Macon F. Dun can, Oui-.-le K. Ayre, and Jo! a Hronuau, all of Lena. Cregon. C. S. DUNN. Hegl tcr Deai tin, tit (,f the Interior. U. S. Land (,!!!.. nt The Dulle. Oregnu. VULMlst Sth, ISIS. N, tire I hi-reby given that Hubert 11 H 'ot, ef Hardai.in, Or-g,i. h.i. June :m!,, H'ir.. made lloino. laitrv, I.i : " He r No 'lei; C lV IIS W.r.l y".f tt UU ff C. ', ' J.tt u$ na't it tt i f , urnjt ."1 in ft Cur- Cu-.iation M..k Proviucta Company, Seattle, Wash. NOTICK l oll l'l Itl.lCATIOV Deiartment of the Interior, V. S. Land oni.e nt La Grande, Ore.; n, July r.th, 191S. Notlc U hereby chea that O ' V.. A)n-B, i,f Lena, ere' n, who, n November 17th. 11,1 ;;. mad.- Ilonof leiil la, try. No. nlfil.1; f r V. 3. f .rjV ',, K i. ,;;t.. ,P. i , si.vct.. '' NK' li'W'.MV1,, and N'.V'.SW,. S...-. M. n tt..n 11, ToiiUi 2 s (-.. l-.i-t. Ka-t. Wiliam.t'A M '.III.Mi. I n tie I noli, el r.lel .,.,- ,.f ;,,., ., , n;., rir.al Thr.eit'r.e.vear Pro. f, to ...t. .1.1-1, fills ' "-.; to the1!" He land a!. ,v.. ,. -ril.p.1. he -. .! - r !....?. b. f,.r C. C jC C. Pait,.r on. Uni'-d j-'av. c i nn.. i !ui.. i..n,i fern. ti,..!,,t.r, nt hi i!'!... at !! la, tier. Oregon, oil: n . n H .. 1 ., .t ''' , f I'teini .-r. ji.r. :s, CU'm.u.t nam. . a. l-ne..e.: , r:.,t,ui.t mw,-. , v C! .,r:. It M, Daniel. J.im.. il l W:t. r Klb up Ja. I 1 ...I 1 ! .... 1 t . . , . . ' " i-oimi i. joi.n i lie; .t. r, Or. M.l' r. i! !. ;i . f ll,,r In., in. Or. r ao. k ar.J Jan1( ' , Lena, or- ii nt an k wootH-ocK. ! lteit.r. a 1 ' t To; If... . f ti. :l li.ili. t . l:..i r I'r, I .il o '- t :.. f. t i.t.i. nt I ! ( i :i -r. .) i f Sep; 'in. :tn..e: Sheri,ll. r.: Hubert A. T. Morgan. f ,-gon C. P - i DUNN. Ue(Utcr.