Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, September 09, 1918, Image 4

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Ellis Minor, of lone, was a Ce
cil caller Friday.
Carl Yount and family were
Cecil callers Monday.
Jo- V'hite, of the Willows left
for Tori hi!f Tuesday.
Hu;; .! h n and Bob Pooe were
Cet-il callui'b on Sunday.
Miss IJsther Logan visited with
Mis? Pettijohn Sunday.
J. II. Mil er and Earl Cronk
were calle"s from lone.
Mis? Thelma Forbes of Olex
spent Th.ur:-:day in Cecil.
Jack Hynd and George Wilson
went to fleppner Friday.
Boyd Lan and son Willie
spent Monday in Hcppnor.
Miss Crabtree and Jioy Sten
dtr went Cecil callers Sunday.
Cecil Ahalr spent Sunday at
the home of K. W. Furnsworth.
M. V. Wan of the Willows
return d home rom Ileppner
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Nash and
fl iuiili h'r .-pent. Sunday with Mrs.
John Nr.sh.
J. W. Lorran and Homer Nash
were vi ulinjr friends at the Wil
lows Sunday.
Mr. uid Mrs A. ir-ndrp'sen
and Mr. and Mrs. John Nash
were Arlington caller:! Friday.
N. P tiijohe and family, from
ButUu' Cn-i'k, vi-.il'd n-ith Fred
Pettijoim Friday and .Saturday.
T. II. Lev? and Walter Pope
left Th irs l;iv for Arlington, en
route lo P.i.-ll:ir,;l :vy : it points
Mrs. E. W. Fan.suorth ami
Mrs. Jes: e Foi kf'r were business
calWst in Arlington Wednesday.
T. !!. 1 o-v(, Fe.li Ilvnd ami
Mrsd;:;:v s ytul, B r.-iett and
Low cull d on M'.'s. (. A. Miller
Sun d:iy.
(I. C. Mori v of Osweco arrived
in Cecil Fi id i.v spend his va
cation wiili hi; daughter Mr
Il.'n-v .'.fv.-tiT.
Mi i I'M;) Puree-i, who l,a-'
visile I with Mr and Mrs. Van
Schnieli of llrppnor, returned
ko:.ic Sat'U'day.
V. II. M u'lan and Mr. Boyne,
fro II Si:i.iie, JH-ciunp.'i uit'd by
fri'tn's fin. n Wisconsin, were
tV 'il i-ilVr, l'riiiiiy.
Mis A. ('. I.o v.- and Robbie
Lo V w ho ha' e Ih en spending
tlieir v ie, Portland and
Yamlt'i!. ret inii'd lieme Wednes
ilay. Mi. T. II. Lowe, aecnnipanit'd
by Mrs. M. II. Low,., Miss ), ,.
U- i. Wilii I.-..-i!i and Robbie
l.o vc, vi'-ite I Mrs. Henry Street
fr I'li'ii'M ay.
Oral II ni iliscn, one of I'nele
S u';i pui'ois. si'Ht the week
' I wiih I.U pi.ivnts, Mr. and
M A I! i'r fn, lu loin 'rav
in : lo j jin In crew.
. W. !tr..:,t ;u d family of
Civii'.. Wa.!i., mint have lu n
i U ti M '. and Mis. Winters of
S. .; l Fed for the past few uikl
h . e Hoi. to Pi'hs.mt. Wash.
Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without
waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats
and Sugar. The soldiers at the
Front will need them all. Be loyal
to your own state. Use more Po
tatoes and ship more wheat.
We have every thing in the
Phelps Grocery Co,
To All Wheat Growers of
borrow County
I will be in the market for all classes of
wheat at all times during the coming
season, prices based on government
inspection slips. Bags and harvesting
supplies at market prices.
7 - "3
w asi
I i lis hi i.'it f.r IVrtl.iml an. I
i .i I'1 hi -.I n iiixrutti 4 t.i
), .'Idl I.I- .n .Uli'tl .
' ,1 ''I' I ; Is In tlin uir.
I '- (I.1..0II.. , t It.'lk, 1,-y.
t i iii .i. f ,r f,.H ,1,,,
I it hi j 1. 1. t.ni.T. W li
I I i i'..: Cs. in ! ire t.i K.n Kim ,u
I' ' ' M. I P i w 1 1 It I l
1 ' r 1 I r iiii.I -i t, i .f,.ri'
! n il . . Ill
' " ' 111 '"'i I'T tuft In r tr.ilnlim
lit ll.lt.! 1. 1
We have it, will get it, or it
is not made
Gilliam 1 Bisbee
Let a man once get the pure
clean taste of Eeal Gravely
Chewing Plug and he bids
ordinary tobacco good-bye.
Peyton Brand
few';' aJr v
Keal Uravely
M 2SJ2xf! 10c a pouch-anJ worth it
WXMl nr - i
fi' "0 ' hew than ordinary plugj
P. L. v Ay Tobacco Company
L-.nville, Virginia
w.nii:i ;'.' w m w umm ... . -
anJ the watds will ruin the sumtnsr
flUw if at klll.d.
will savt r.0 per rnt in labor aud do a betttr jok than the
usual methods. Get juurs early Ufore all are gone
See C.E. Jones or H. C. Ashbaugh
' 11 N V'. ! t -.-II. . I.Mlt i,'.t
Iii t' i .m l i li 1 1 i!.,
' I I'" I't.'M t" I K. lir
I .i.,, r, a .i:.Kt. l. , i i I
'" a ! I'. -iti.-n
1 1 '; i.i: Lu:' I Itlf t.i ri !-., ,r
J ii l'i -ii.ui m hi fn it, Ituti
llirk I'M lll-.ll.'n Vv.llll-,li .
Courteous anJ Lil'icicnt Service by Courteouy anJ Com
petent Workmen.
Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizcrs
Guaranteed Tire Service
Home Products for Home People
,;;;lrr Vr::B WIlile Star i;lour,Craham. Whole Wheat,
Lream liddling.;
Rolled Barley and Mill Feed
1 tie tericii
McATEE & AIKEN, Props.
jcoCream and Card Pntlon
Are You Going to Build?
If so we are in a position to save you money rmd ar.
. noyance if you will give us a chance to figure on yor.,-
Plumbing' Supplies (EL Plumbing
.iuuuwi i me Dasis oi a cootl 10b of raht r
and only first-class material can give you a satisfactory
job of plumbing.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sts. HEPPNER, 0?E.
Tash & Akt rs ol I stand.
t n
General Storage and Forwarding
r Heppner Farmers Elevator Co.,
Harvesting and Marketing
In thrit important 'upartmtnU of furni-j,.
anJ itorkrtimir vo bittt r aid cm l f.v ,j
oj i"p r inc .r ui in a pror rsii-? b.u'
iv. inn upon w!,h'!i t.) ri'!y. Htj .;
P' Piril it I J .TL.Il'ii T.I.I in "N. .1 I.M, : I'.. . I.
lij!i;imv n ooratioa is the p,)lic i;,,U a --j
wl-.i-cv- ftaMl.l,-.
A t ' . r fMt.irc n. Mr. Farmer, ty
". : f BT an jiCo.iur.t here.
Fannys & Stockraisers
National Bank
HIJ'l'MK. . . . orkcoN