Heppner Herald.! S. A. PRFTTV I s-r-., per ' "nd-class matte. HWWthe,Great Ufc"Jotaed in Th Wondrous Leap Over the Fa! mous Ridge. Ia old, old times ... . , , . rw'jiir .f . ' lne m guest Tona3 , r S.h,:.." barb ofbrIM One Year ""UUn: ,e distant ooe n "' s;x Month,::;:: '"ji ;r; "c,Jme sz." 33 Tire Months : - -J5 j daughter, the ; 50 ,",e,J Come Hu- Come Mi ! Come FMMYf AUG. 9, IJ18. "a! (The , Zr"'.5 onle T?..i r. "LUUU 111 (Iff m fr... --rlor .Huron, Mlehtaln and o; r-.. us wy to the sea. a nut icasln, of painted ... , V"'".una "' and romn,j ""' scra floated NoThtt r,,he r"''"nr """tin with Bl oe A "'. ' That l ire Siren. I lie no.v fire Kiron liu 1 1 : ... - ...... ..ouneu has arrived and i i:-l-al.ed (J tr, f)f tlle ,oberti ' " U M'lu' n,Kl Willow streets Jim II, i'n' i, " " voice about 400 t'' more discordant than a whole -vy or tnoso four-l,KKed, lonS-, canaries that lien Hu K.'tl'K out north of hex 11 'urn:; loose Nt'iflbiliUos a fi"l ) , . "lal1 a "uart of moon , " "" 'm want t g( lH,no ,U1 li,k ''Is wife. While th. "J uaiiH are all jku'h thi:; writer ig-eared vuBBart propo axiiiKton. Whet rips up a man's. 1'i'tn liim on the K'lial friends ( we itrH In fnv,,,. ,.r . in tn rerun on the wl ior llUUl': perfectly tiovUltV our heretofore ,,uie, city. yet heard c i Wrn t,t l.i . i rocontly ordered I floated on the hrL" i. . preon ""d were of f.,,... ...... moccasin l waror - ... " l' vlng.s of nninf " "nu their to 8'oe. At Inst Yh " Preeinlnn j. 1 fI Rut JL' i'i inxiiie HUC, toiitriviK- - , r. into i iaw-nbidinj: Ti... oi.lv two cKl.-'tis leased with tlio tUinB an w l'ruvne, KUliev Will or ',n tiMnlir li VruMie t liiiiku the tcl'by th- Hi"'" will .. ,: lire wi'.hot't out"1.11 J , ... ;!lvlni? him f.'.o thOUSUMIlH OL Kl the r-r-r-r-i-r- will Jur 1. nd thai pn.se( in li that IVn i - j iii.i'.r ov i. So over the rSL. IJl foaled down bey le!iP0(j nnd rhor f';rted Mr,,, Thnn ' u' p nui do' ,7' l"! and 0 ...lucd nod la' foam and enj' today- t:A irey Si'e tl lite (?.'"fD their tw' In the font. r ist nnd came .s nnd a dread le so far father will I Come Hul i follow me !" y pprans and painted wings, sang like happy tho little Er cried : n the steep again !" own the five maids .ighed nt the sport and .ed It Niagara Falls. And .gh the rainbow mist, you ieir relies of blue and chryso and their painted wings nnd .nkllng feet, ns the five play vnterf!U. New- York Evening .riiiteinient ot tin ,m.,y and Dr. Hntwr. io- tooth earpenie, disturbance cre.i will Hinother any I he use oi 111" ' water tl't,!; ,.r iiiimuliif! many Wt I" i .,,,1 Hoc says ... ... nil the tecuu in ,.(H for lino "ur never nor M FOR MANY MILLIONS Vf ,st Spaces ot Siberia That Have Yet to Be Surveyed and Exploited by Man. I-r-r iwn incur lie" were. fity Vui'U la If lli'pplier ,y l! : .if' ' hei ini: e tb'' lltll tV Truck. l ever .. r.ics it. Ity nmyor- men are not I -.vim', t' fuutlni; tin ssvept will not be and council hire the town re:;arls lire on neiili-ni ligblim: apparatus.. At a iiii'o'JnH f the coiiiicil Mon day evenlil''. a coii'.r act was made for the pv.rrh,'.' e ot a inodel ante lire truck lit 'viz i 1 1 Is eonihiucl n moil M il c ' c ni i a 1. i iicjae, luise reels. r iiiiiini.'iit ,is well old, reliable tmcket lie ed to ex A' ill illlellllllllg ill 'he -h iue will cost Ai'clf ni 5 t ..on. nil and V ill lived alu.nl ihe List of tie The biggest nnd loneliest land on the globe Is Siberia, of which nt the present moment there Is net much talk. Kays London Answers. Any one who would set about lis conquest by In vaslon would find the task a herculean one, for It contains nearly five mil lion soiiare miles, and Is about 45 limes as bl as the Iirlllsh isles! In these vast spnees tlivrt) Is a popu lation less (ban London contains by n couple of millions, nnd there lire lmn dreds of thousands of Kipuiiii miles of tin Itory where no human being Is to be i eeii. The mighty rivers of Siberia lire tilnniht rendered tissleij by th fact that they flow mostly into the Arctic ocean, and their lower courses are loetiouim during trip greater part LEXINGTON ITEMS R. H. Lane is spending a few days in Portland. Wednesday is a; n... Thursday the Ladies,' r...f and Little Ruth Din: amsets ijl at her hope vy: j was quite evf. tnnuiliti anrl here visiting ., of Nebraska, is Miller. . his brother, E. C. Mrs. I J. Pjidberj in enjoying from her sister, who came . Sunday's train, lerman Hill is talcing his va tion this week in Portland vis ting; his grandmother. Miss Margaret Jackson is en tertaining her friend, Miss Giatt and her cousin, Miss Florence Lisey. Mrs. Ada Miller, wife of E. C. Miller, has left for an extended visit to her old heme in Illinois. Ska expects to be gone until Oc tober. Miss Vesta Cutsforth is here visiting; her sister, Mrs. Maude II. Pointer. Vesta is well known here, as Lexington formerly was her home. W. 0. Hill and C. A. Johnson went to the mountains over Sun dy and were lucky enouh to bring home about a gallon of luscious hueklebemes apiece. W. F. Barnett has purchased the W. P. MeMillan building that ic occupied by Burgoyne's store end is having the uppor story remodeled iato apartments for rent. Tie TEialum Company has D- R- J- 'AUGHAN DENTIST rmanently locale low's Buii Keppner, S in Oddfel- Oregoa E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Office iri Roberts' Building Heppner, Oregon DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oregon DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drup Store NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, V. 3. Lr.nd Office at The Dalles, Ore c, June 19th, 1918. Notice is hereby given that John T. Kirk, of Heppner, Oregon, who, v.i January 25, 1915, made Homeite-.l Entry, No. 0144 Jl for EHNW'i, NE, NE14SW14, Section J8, Towu- ihlp 1, South, Ranse S East, Wil lamette Meridian, has filed notlcs .,r Intention to make Final three-ysii1 Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patter son, U. S. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th day of Ausust. 1918. Claimant names as wltnessei: Ar ;hur W. Gemmell, of Lexington, Ore gon; Frank L. Wilkin, of Lexington, Oregon; Fred B. Ritchie, of Lexing ton, Oregon; and James Q. Dohe of Heppner, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 49dJ Register. Heppner Oregon WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Heppner, Oregon LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR Heppner, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. Land Ofllce at LaGrande, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. Notice is hereby c'ven !'iat Robert A. Cullck, of Leni, jlorrow Co., Oregon, who, on August Is'., 1513, made Homestead Ei.lir, N i. t"'t2j 9 for NHNE, SWNE, NWVi Si:U, SVaSEi.i, SEViSWVi, a:.. I I.Jt 4, Koe. 18, Township 1 South, Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of intention to mako three-year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before C. C. Patterson, United States Com missioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day of Septem ber, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank M. Pedro, of Echo, Orogo:i, Mason F. Duncan, Gussie E. Aye-", and John Brosnan.all of Lena,Ore . C. S. DUNN, Register. Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Portland, Oregon certainly been getting a supply KeiTar monthly visits to Hepv- of coal and wood on hand this wW It hift Unr llolmnc huti-l tnx to get men to unload the fael on time anal save the demum.go charces. Someoie wanted an tuner tube for a Buiek very badly (or they broke iato the I exinitton garaxe Tuesday night aed "borrowed eae. There is a let of petty stesliig geiig oe whiea would er should be stepped by bavin? Ue city appoint a night marshal. What is the matter with ringing i.er and lone. lUH aul hi us a t-a'.t.TN 'C Wh.. li Kin 3 cell. . it aha:'t:k t-ip; -lit lit' col ! I- .1 I'M l i. pillar t'ol plc to Wed SuiiiI.it. en ! I. : l ll . (' C- n. .! 'r f... l Si . --in. it i' . p.'pu'iar lirst a..-dstaiit , r of tl I "i i' t National liaitk. in i:ir Thursday morning for ,.i;o! i , n ii i: w iih hlin u iiuir i . , ...... to wed Mis Nettie .1,1, l.e i li.it in' li daughter of ;. i ' ', .i i'ii I c r tlc.i i:e t'urrlii. i'-i !.,iii. 'I'lie c.l i l l. e Snii.I.iy nt the in , .ie ir. heir., ecu- Cr.'sh.ini. v Ic: a ; . h the I s .i i" ; ciipli lc,i . V I .in ..t.t t rip t.i 'l'.i. .'"'.I "..III'! 11 I .1 I III I '-h C..I1111.M.1. lc, cut 1 puii hascl u l..pncr where t!ie t !,. ir f i icn.U soon r 1 I of the year, and their mouth are nt I the curfew, as in the good old nil time fery difficult of nccess. Arc'iygy Rev. arJ-$500-Re ward Notice is hcrsby given that I will pay a reward of Five Hun dred dollars ($500.00) for the ar rest and conviction of any person or persons stealing any of my horses er cattle from my pictures or frons the ratine. Stock branded a follows: Horses. JK connected on right skouldrr. Yearlings ami 2-vtn.r- tlc Siberia Is a vast country In Itself, but very Inhospllable. Siberia, It Is said, Is destined to bo the granary of the world; imd the opening of the railway nrrns its en tire breadth has certalny dune much to develop Its resource. Man In the Making. We nre nil snlptors of life. From the anthropoid ape utiiifu clear up through tin- iikcs, In tli slow process of evolution, man has boon nt work chiseling I.Pnxelf. Always on tho whole bettering himself a little, eliminating the miliual, the brute qualities more nnd more, in spite of setbacks, he has persistently struggled toward Ihe renl lr:i'l.'ii of his Idylls the higher iniiti, the Ideal iniiu. Our n'ulpuirlng Is menial; our thought Is the chisel that traces the Meal In life's marble. Angel and d. i:an, I canty and ugMuess, success and failure i'.e hide by side In the mar ble of l!f..-Ir. Or'smi Swet Harden, III New Slices DR. GUMSTER VETERINARIAN Heppner, Oregon License-l Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) FRANCIS A. MeMENAUIN LAWYER Roberts Bldg. Heppner, Ore. OiTice Phone Main 643 Residence Plena Main GG5 ROY V. rYHITEIS REAL ESTATE, LOANS, INSURANCE Hpjnr, Oregon DR. J. J. CALLAWAY OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN C Roberts Building olds, bar over JK connected on Keepntr, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Fl yd M. Duncan, of Lena, Oregon, w ,o, ti, I 3cember 1st 1913, made Honie 1 Entry, No. 012616, for NE'i Uits 1 and 2 and KliNW',, . jn 30, Township 1 South, Ra t) 2J lJast, Willamette Meridian, 1 as (lied notice of Intention to mai.u three-year Proof, to establish cl.ii.n to the land abore described, be.' C. C. Patterson, United States C, a missioner, at his office, nt Heppas.", Oregon, on the 10th day of Septem ber 1918. Claimant names as witnesses: Frank M. Pedro, of 11,1 o, Orer ; II bert A. Cullick, Ousfie E. A; i and Marsh Courtney, of Lena, V 'oU. C. S. DUNK, Roglc'.or. S ' A I in I M la ' . l II toe I.I III OI. i. M i "i Si If V . li -tell- Ml' an 1 I - I t I ti.T I i.r I Istilng Trip. j i- . s'm.M.I. M.mrl. I'. a ,,! v- If . t'r l. M. Mal.l.i ' .1 M' - W ll- on !.t ! -j. a 1 1 1 if I in ;-' . b'.n in 4 r I'. .1 i lc. inn:.; f (' . li M i i . iii .1 oi. - a f.-r n-i , t i. . . V, ' Mr and Mr St.. il .iiiim-I ft-ii I'.-i t ..ml t it. . leg to j. In tM n n.l I' nil :.i 1 r. p.f.-.l t i ' .. .! .-. - l-i .in ;.o- liiol li-h - 1 I- l.-l e Ae I, . . I I .. ... H 'si i i I .i cr i f I' no tl H. an.) t f..f Iv ii-ii i!'i tf.-ut l-l.-t It I -..l-t t he h. ail t ( -r . .in plug. "Nuts" of Prlsrend. l'ri-reiid luiike r iniirktihly imxlest dell. ands en orlli.'grnplijr for a HiilUnn low ll, being p,l:,d In only ll differ- ml w a) i. It has iii. tied for a water bmird, toraiiM. the river l'.lrltin, culled th MarKa by caiml geographers, cuts tho town tu two, while lu almost nil the Mrcelt there are brocks that come torr.ius nfi.-r lnviy rulus. Tl.e 1'riM-i ii.lliiii "iuit" are the most gaudily dr. e.l people In the Hulkans. en. I t'.o 1. 1. ul bnrniirs l-ltio lih gnr Mi giirneius, l.e.ld,. which the ruin l..whu..l ii.-.ktl.s Iiiiu.-t.s1 on Inno cent Hi tlU'.ii;. n nt Chrtvuuis would In. U d;,.b.- U n k.ii l'I.r..i!d right shoulder. Catt'.t, JK connected on left hip and side. Yearlings and 2 Tiir oil's, bar over JK connected on left hip and side. John Kilkenny, Hepotifr, Or". IV.ee" at H.ppner, Oregon, lay 10. 1'JiS. ltf At Lexington Tuesdays and Thursdays. HORSES FOR SALE Lockrd L'k Drcorstlont. A I. is . V -1 . r ibi.o .nit int.. one of a l.-nd of prijlu.-t" the s'i! art w lh 1 .(o il.o ..:,. r li'.ghl n:i. Ids h.'rse Mini. 1. Ini.i a fnd vh.-r rpalr w.-ie I eliig inn. Io. Ti e h. ro n en the of ii il.-. p . .-r t r. t.. h h. n a nbuit'i.iiSte i-ui;,-,l to . iirh.-r m. 1 iitncl Mm ef to. den.-, r. T't tn'l ) -ii .,- t' r. I liint.rt.sV the si;! iith.f die R.;. J. " .." r I. d I! .- l,-.i, i,.t. r, "l ilt 1 er tf to tl; tlti. tliou'it tb ) w.re j nri of the dt-. ra- C ! Uci.i-.."-I', tn lt I t.-.- l'r s. NOTIt'K I 'OH Pt HLTCATION ISO. I.ATKH TIUCT. Public 1-n.l Male. lViartmont of the Interior. V. 8 I.anl (i. at La 0 run Jo, Oregon July (th, 191S. NoTK'i: I hereby slven that, as dlri-i'tiJ by l!ie Ci mmlssletier of the iii" oral Land OffW, undr provisions if Sec. R. f . pursiunt to tho au'll. atleii of onto M. N. ul. of Echo. Oregon. Sorl.il No. 01 5 so 3. will i IT.ir at public sale, to th htghsit N.Miir. tut at not boa than I: O'1 P-r to, at 10 o'clock A. M , on tl.s llltt i'..i -f p. pietnber, 191. tint, at this . i.e. foil. .wire trad ft land: i:' Si'.. K Sll's. " . 14. Tp. 1 s . i: k . w. m The a will n-l t k" t ep", but l.l te iWiare! '. c 1 hn tin tr-..it at the I ur l.tlie, law r....,l 1 1 ; Sit-g T!;e prr.a ft.is.Utr.se t t tgl.e t M.I wl.l be r si 1 1 1 1 t t ' lir.ii.. .I'Vely av t.) t!. He i"!'T t'.e a .i 'Ui.t t' e-o. f A ti i rsens rls'r-i- g a lrljr t'.e a!-,.. .;rcribej itJ art allod t f p .-ir cltstms. or obje. ttotit. des'.gnaial f.-r sale I'l'NN. Ueitlster. Broken or unbroken. Will It e.d for cash or on time, purchas er giving note with approved se curity. Hones can bo een on .riy ranch at the Tub Springs. James Cakty. Jdtf I.t xinnton, Oregon. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at La Grande, Oregon, July 5th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that Frank M. Pedro, of Echo, Oregon, who, on Miy 25th, 1914, made Homestead Entry, No. 013372. for Lots 4, 5, 6, and 7, and EHSWU. and W'-i SI-;', Section , Township 1 South. Range 29 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to nini i three-year Proof, to establish clul::! to the land above described, before C. C. ratterson, United Slates Com missioner, at his office, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 10th day of Sep' .tu ner, 1918. Claimant names as v. I1 u'wo-i: Robert A. Cullck. Mason F. Dun can, Gushie E. Ayres, and Jol .i Urosnan, all of Lena, Oregon. c. s. di'n:;, RegUtef- NOTICE Poll Pt III.ICATION- Department of the Interior. U. 8. L:nd office nt La Grande, Oregon, July Rth, 1 9 1 i. Notice Is hir.-by glvon that r.ule K. Ayr.n, of Lena. Oregon, who, on Nov. tt-fer 17th. IMS. made Home- ad Entry. No. OKtSlS. for E1, SI'.. K "s. .'.' . S-.-. in. N'iNW'. SW'.NW',. an I N'.V'.S'V. Soc-1 11 tl. n 11. T. - i .. I- : :s r . . v,:,..-, ,. -. r.l. d le-tl. e . f t'.r. o i.-ar Pre. f. to i to ti e laud a!'o. ! hose ' '. ratti-rs.iii. felt. ISOLATED Ti'.UT Pt BI.IC i,.n: HALE Department of the L.'.orli.r, f . :1. Land office at La Crai le. Ore,-c:.. July autri. 1918. Notice is hereby glvn that, m dli.vted by the Comnil n-r of t' ) tiet.eral Land office, under provti '. s if Sec. 2 4 r. 3 . 11. S.. u tlant to li appllciiilon of Ze'ia llroxiiai.. . ' Lena, Oregon. 8 rial No. 01634O. will offor at public naln, to tho hi. -est bidder, but at n--t b- . than (J. I er acre, at 10 o' .. k a. m. on t.. s 11th day i f S.e.t.-inb. r. 191. I t . at this ..face, the f .ll, iK Hat , i.it.d: nvsi:'4 fi,i' : . :. ni:'.ni:'4, s.c. 2 s . it. ; ; i: . w, m. 11 Is tract Is er .'.- r. k. t . n a ho lug that rt;. n there .f I. u) , ' i t! - t . '.lie grra' .'...I i .in. h, Range ". . 1'llan, ha I u to make t ,i I-1 i li claim i rib. ..I. bforp ! 1 States Com- l;tU..ier. at l is oir.ee, at Heppner. ' ii- a tl too I "III day of HeptetU-' 1-r. 191. t'ialninnt t.::, as lln Walter Kt'.cuu. Jan; .f ll'ipio-r. Oregon; t'nil. at, am! Jsui. s T l..-ti, or u C. I'm rough fur iiil-i.a i I, Ti e al. will ii t be ',;;,( (.pen. I will be d-i lured r ,. , when t ; r. -i tit at tl.e l. ,r : -., d 1 .1 . .. .-I t..J.'.iig. f ' I - n ma !.. 1, !.-!,.-. t bid will I - r -.1 i ; Iiiiiih-!lat iy pay ll. f . r-y r ' Any persons r'ali.,1 ;g a,ve: the above .ti rt I land are s l .- to rie tl r rh," "S. if o! t Sheridan. Il..ti. on or t. f .re t-.f tie d L . K d ert A led f,,r s. Morgan, ef 3 NoLsN SKIff. Kerlver. DINS. R-(Uler D '. N ; Not.' "(VK. 4 J sTv I