1 1 I Harvesting id just beginning in this locality. Almost everyone is uiing the3-man combines. Mrs. Laura Ward and son Wil f. are up from Portland ipend i i f.-.v wefcka with relatives hare. Mr. i, , J Mrs. Bennie Stanton are her from Wtula Walla yisit ing lor a few days with relatives. Thoy came overland in their car. Mrs. Kir.ard McDaniel, who has been visiting for the past few v.'cclts in Wr.lla Walla, returned with them. Mrs. Matilda Potter and chil dren eamt' up thursday irom Battle Ground, Wah., and will it-it with relatives hers. Mrs. Potter is a daughter of Mrs. A. Powell. M". and Mrs. ChiB. Aehbaugh of North Yakima, Wash., is spending the summr with rela tives here. Thsy came overland by uuto. Mm Graco Leathers of Eugene, who hi been visiting relatives htrd, returned to her houi Mon day. Miiis Etla Adams and Mrs. Bilvi Adt:n.i ciitns up Sunday from CorVttliia and wi.l spend tl e rejt of t'.ie lumtiic'r v. kli their parents on tlto farm. They Vvere accompaiiic i by Floyd Adj.mil, who v::t to (oivaliis a s,hort tim.i aij to culiiit in the navy ressrvva. Floyd expecta toa-sibt in ih lurv; kt ficiii before tnking up hi is uuli .M as i soldier. LEXiNGTON HEMS Food will Win the War Eat plenty; Eat wisely, but without waste. Save Wheat, Meats, Fats' and Sugar. The soldiers at the Front will need them all. Be loyal to your own state. Use more Po tatoes and ship more wheat. We have everything in the Grocery Line. To Ay Wheat Growers of I will be in the market for all classes of wheat at all times during the com in y, season, prices based on government inspection slips. Bags and harvesting supplies at market prices. PrilLL COHN Phelp rocery Co irned Out "Washed Out UT STILL III THE RING Mm. 11. E. VaiiD; of Fort u ii-Hiiiv' lur p&iuta, Mr. k.lj 1.1 id. Uilvy iUUiiUltiS. Air. Lioi.u Flytu it lisiting old lriwi.t) litre. i'kj iiwuiia of AIL Mum I Uauai '..-I. k'.upiioad to Uara oj ker cua.k on 1' naay looming at 1'ktkci'a i.iui, i.uuiui.r V ICltat 01 Uwurcuiwai.-;. iu young Utij Wfc Loin in illiquid i'J years ko. i unci l .lei's ico wtri licid bun il.iy ti id i kioua, litv. Joiita, of io.ie, C,..i4 Kii btriOes, I l4 Ut. IliinlUi i f LUtllul liuac OIKiii.lj pfoVfcd how Hell lutoU Use i ec-ibt,J ad Sua Kav.j 1 1 iii iuia Li u tatft tt, It. i) n..iiij tiii broktiwr it il;iiU.m, t.ii m bfutlitr, iUlyti, wi.o w.i t,Hi.if liie luntrai, I '.iid.a it. any i ituUri. A born to Mr. ana Mr. Cl.nhv Ujni ltii wtek. ..ii f. iiytlio Btyinr is home JU.il .Uef IUI tXUlf iCl ViS.lt III 1'ortU, d. ii.,r Liethers' Weil drilling in.u Iniio u i.ow ;.t mnk on 1'okt mm ur i it: nir's plscu on Knob hiil. e Kiuii'i bland kititloth- r titi M-i i.i'i' UiiiiKiiig of liavuig un.niij t.ui.o. (.Mm limit- well i.i. i uii Ki.ou 1. 1. 1 will besuoi lie J with wu'.ki'. .Mi.-i u.i ii li.T.AiJ hha called to. it - i- n.ni t s ot hi r tiiulh cr, ii. ..1 .uix.i 1 i . a i'u) lor is tto tfi.i( 1 1 ur Li .!o s ii I kl l.ni Ki' no s 'Aoi . Mt . Elie t'o.iii4 vi.itd her nictii r, .ii.-i. li.iifcu Ah) ti. on Inrsiiay. Ui V,i .!.t i-i hiivii.! liomo i:n;iin : i' unite on Li pl.tco. Mr. t'.r,n,t'..ii. I is having ur l nil r I to. h Sm; I I ; a f;.ncy fi.n!!. i Ii j.i -i' to m i. !.. In oi) t o; t . ty li e vt ii. it htoi III. Ni.Ecc l I Uif 11 Sil u-riliri iVifin in tl. lin. Moigan tnill'f.ii niinirj vs i ntuhlo tfiil ta.r K.i'.i.f ip'.ni i .-i'ojn:t wit'i U- U I !' r It 't..;, nmy do I I l y . ',! a: ti-.f In !opmiJr.t f'' -i' v, h t li to t.i w Ui, k,i;t t''','j of !! oi :i I. vlirp neU iau i '(. wi.i ln ijr.inipt y cred it iiti i tm ij teij for. (ijriub-.- i:ii 'i jii'i-.", lis Kullwthitd UT: .i!;ir il i,ri u:..l w will ap 'i .' iill'lifil 1(1 l.l.D't C) ai!l. S. A. r.-VTIlNON. Hardward We have it, will get it, or it is not made Gilliam & Bisbee Tlicticands of men have chewed Heal Gravely Chewing Plug for twenty-five years and more. And every time they have tried some other brand it made them think more of Gravely than ever. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and wor! ii 'i ': "IV i;.i:li' r lastBaoir.nchlangeril ?o chew than ordinary ' I , . '. ravely Tobasco Ciri;. Danville, Virsi::: Yoii are assured of prompt and courte ous treatment v. heii dealing with i HE Farmersfi Siockgrowers Nation?.l Bank HEPPNHR, ORE. Wj pay 4 p?r err.' intorust onSnviii, s Dc-osits. HELP IS SCARCE and th wttJt will ruin the summer fallow if not killed. The JONES WEEDER will savt 50 pr cent in labor and do a better job than the uaual methods. Get yours early before all are gone. See C.E.Jones or II. C. Ashbaug'h HEPPNER, OREGON HARDMAN GARAGE HLEAKMAN & RAU. I rops. CourUous an J Kflicicnt Service by Courtcouy and Com petent Workmen. Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, - - OREGON Home Products for Home People WE MANL'FACTIUI- White Star Flour.GraliamAVhc!: Wheat, Cream Middling Rolled Barley and Mill Feed McATEE & AIKEN, Props. Ice Crsam and Card Parle Peoples Cash Market HENRY SCI iWARZ, Prop. All kinds of Fresh and Salt Meat?, Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Heppnc, Ore - ANNOUNCEMENT n Having suecet'dtd to this hardware and plumblrp I nsiness m m cilv coi. ducted by Tush & Akers and ah;o to the in :n imp', i i-nt Lrr.nch of tho buoint?!s of Vaughn & Sori?, we !, ,; to cm . . -.ce thut tl.U ri,or2Jiiizd and consolidated bustire n. "i'h inc. t : -.td capital, is b i t.T irt'parod than ever beforo Id i : i ,) the v :r;ts of the p (.pl of Ii 'ppncr and Morrow county, and ; jreenl i iri tory. in a a if factory rrianrer. Our ftoik will cc: ti;1 i : Shelf and Heavy Hardw:.: 2 Farm Implements and Wnoii;. Print;, Oils, Varnishes, Etc. Ti .i . .Supplies and Service Cloves and Ranges In p!itt, ;iM Ivu'u of coo l tisuallv fout.d in n Cr f IL .'v ir f toe. Api ri-cia'.irir ti n lib ral patmriatro accord' d cur preset, sor we U-lieve w e w ill continue to tiH'rit a continuai.ee of the tcm General Storage and Forwarding Peoples HardvGrc Cf;. Hcppner Fanners Elevator Co. Main an J Willow Sts. IIKI'I'NTR, (VIE. Tuh & Akrrs r I ?tand. 1 I