J. J. Kelly Bu.,s Fine Rsimh. A realty deal : f conKldomlila im portance was ( osed in thi s city Tuesday by v. ch Joim f. Kelly, well known she man becomes the owner of the f.. ) Rock creek stock ranch belonging to the estate of the late George Perry. The deal involves 3500 acre3 of farming and rangel ands, 2000 sheep, a lot of work horses, implements, hay etc. The consideration is given r-s $45,000. Mr. Kelly will take full possession of the ronch and stock October 1, or when the sheep come in from the mountains. Tho ranch is considered a splendid stork proposition and Mr. Kelly has no doubt secured a fine bargain. Mrs. Perry and family have not yet completed their plans for the f i :re but may decide to make their 1 jmei n Heppner. (From the lone Independent.) War is an awful thine. Spp man's family will remain hers for an indifinite period before how it has increased the output! JoininB nim at Baker. of home made poetry. II. M. Hymer, who had his leg broken in an auto accident about three weeks a.o, is able to be around on crutches. After this long siege of short Since the destruction by fire of the Palace Hotel at Heppner the Hotel lone has had an unusual lun of patronage, it being the only fiast-class establishment now on the Heppner branch. Mr. skirts we don't believe any mere i Haines, the affable proprietor of Oregon Military Police on Duty Hero. A detail of six members of the Oregon Military Police in charge of Sergeant Charles Lillie, is now on duty in Morrow county with headquarters at Heppner. They are billeted in the High Sshool building where the domestic science room has boon placed at their disposal for a mess room while Sergeant Lillie has his quarters int ho superintendent's ollice. The Oregon Military Police is a new state orgonization created by act of the last legislature and is designed to maintain law and order and to protect life and property with in the state. Some member of the force is always near the telephone in the school building to answer any call for ossistance that may come in and Sergeant Lillie requests that in case of fire or of any sucpicious circum stance arising in any part of the couniy citizens should notify his office without delay. FOR SALE Fifty head good work mules. Twenty-five head fine bigmarea. If you need any stock in this lint it will pay you to inspect these animals. Guy Boyer, 40tf Heppner, Oregon. eclipse ot the sun h going to damage our eyesight any. Judre Robinson went to Port land Saturday last to visit his aged mother and attend to lera', business. He returned Tuesday. George Wells believes in down- the lone, is deservedly popular with the traveling public and all make it a point to find entertain ment at his house when pessible. County Agent Brown was in lone and vicinity for several days the latter part of last week. They in the dust as well as the linns' do say that Mr' Brown has a and he may be seen almost every , Rroat fond"essfor good "chow," dav sprinkling the street from 80 much so' 111 fact' that he hfS the hotel to the pharmacy; a dis- many of the best feedini? PlaceB tance of more than a block. The1" the cmnty hsted and alwa'8 service is appreciated. j makes lfc a Pl'aclice to reach one . i of them about meal time when We fire infnrmpd tVinr Mro ' i ,v , '"" on nis omciai rounds, so any any housewife who entertains Subscribe for the Herald. Jason Biddle has had extremelv bad luck with her chickens this season, they disappearing with alarming frequency. E.M. Shutt is doing his "bit" on the Biddle ranch, which makes explanations unnecessary. County Clerk Waters was in town last week ostensibly to visit his rancn and look after other business interests, but C. B. Sperry, his political manager in this vicinity, says Joe was look ing after hi-? political fences, be inir somewhat dubious about his election this fall. He should worry. A. C. Schuman, a valued em ployee of the Bert Mason stores at lone, has resigned his position and has departed for Baker, him at meal3 may teel compli mented, for his judgment is the best. P. S. He has informed us, confidentially, that his greatest weakness is for pie, cake, fruit and plenty of rich cream. Vivo Destroys Crop. A. D. Sachter sustained a hoovy loss Monday evening when fire, the cause of which is unknown, de stroyed 40 acres of wheat, a small barn and two horses. While nothing definite is known of tho origin the fire was probably started by a care lessly dropped match or cigarette. Tho fire spread to the range land and swept a considerable acreage before being put out. A call for assistance was sent to town and Ser geant Lilly was ready to start with uregon, mere 10 iaKe cnarge oi ( i,is squad of state police when a the clothing department Of the second message stated that the fire Weil & Co. big store. Mr. Schu- was extinguished. riu vf. 'ZZZI. I The production of milk is a confining business, but it needn't confine you. All the exasperating work, all the constant worry of taking care of cows and t&kinjj cn of them right will bo (lone for you by an expert dairy farmer '.' you will just keep in your storeroom a case or several cases cf If you keep cows yea have to milk on Ecr.dcy and other tir.-.:c v.'.icn you rnijit It: c.T t-'ic Th'j f.f;ce; CcrrMlcn evap orcti;., tcr.tcred I'-jou ic-t I tl-'J'.e and Ftr V..:.t ti.Lv.wr tlw miik I'.vc-y : I'icy rr.rira?e, t: ; f.ii'i IrouRht In tl jt nicrr.:.- from the Ltrmz. fit If ycu 1 cows your wife tnut drain the milk and L.lorioua! wabh pail 3 and pans. Thi Cimation can bungs rich, fure, vholcomc milk r!".ht inO j iur kitchen and If you I cp cows you ttome lines hive too much milk t-itl sometimes not enough. Wi:h c.i;c of Cama'lon on hanJ r.or.c ever spoils, and you always have enough. ILememVci Your Grocer Has Carnation Cair-Lan Milk Iroducts Company, Seattle, Wauhincton EVERYTHING For Harvest We can supply your wants for Harvest Work. OVERALLS, WORK SHIRTS, STRAW HATS. M S i, ' ii JL il liV (iWi. Ji. M. Wi neat I am buying wheat for the Pa cific Grain Co. successors to W.H. Houser and am prepared to buy your grain outright and pay cash. Can furnish grain bags at lowest prices. ROY V. WHITEIS, Rl!sSand HEPPNER, OREGON The United Slates FooJ Administration says SAVE FATS Wc must save fals to feed cur fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fij'.ht- Kvery lio;; is ;is necessary to winning the war as a shell. Kvery round of fat is as sure of service as a bullet. Use fowl, fish, vegetables, uj.tpble oils, cheese. Purely vegetable Colosuict, Crisco, Olive Oil, Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian Corn.) SAM. HUGHES COMPANY Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW Uncle Sam suyt buy it NOW while the buying i nod You are sure to gft It now, but not in the fall Tum-A-Lum Lumber Company See Ixw at Iexinglon or Hill at lone