( f S. A. PATTISON, Publisher An Independent, Newspaper lint i I al the Hrppner.Oregron, l'cw'.ofI:.!o a-i second-class matter. rrpp jyi rr HERALD P"',"c $60,000 stock in his company in shares of $100 each. Mr. Wilkins says he already has customers for a majority of the issue and if the entire amount is subscribed speedily he h ready to guarantee to have work under way on the new building within 30 days. While details have not been com pletely worked out Mr. Wilkins ex pects, if his present plans mature and he is able to carry them out, to erect a 75-room hotel two stories high, of brick construction and which will be strictly mdern in desgn and arrangement. Mr. Wil kins says Ileppner is a good hotel town and if his proposition meets with the endorsement and financial DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddftl- low's Building Heppner, Oregon Term3 of Subscription: One Year $1.60 Six Months 75 Three Months 50 FRIDAY, AUG. 2, 1918. REAL ESTATE RUMORS . ,, , , ,,, a, support of the business Interests of Humors of realty deals nil the air me city nei s anxious to remain in S. E. NOTSON ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Office in Roberts' Building Heppner, Oregon NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of ill ! Interior, U. 3 Land Office at Tr i Dalles, Oregon June 18, 1918. Notice is hereb; ; I von that Ber tram P. Bleakman, ; .iardman, Ore gon, who, on November 23, 1911 made Homestead Entry No. 014147 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. : Land Office at The Dalle, Ore;-; . June IS, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Ji.sa. V. Cowdrey, of, Hardman, ()i n who. on April lit, 1914, made II, , stead Entry No. 012769, for and July 29, 1916, made Additional NWVi , E i SWH SW SEV , -. Entry No. 016316, for NW4NW14, Twp. 6, South, Range 2b, h,ast, vi, EV2NW14, NE&, Sec. 21, Twp. , S., lamette Meridian, has filed notice of R. 26 E., Willamette Meridian, has intention to make final three-year DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Heppner Oroaton filed notice of intention to make fina'. proof to establish claim to the three-year proof to establish claim to above described, before C. C. V&j the land above described, before C. U. pon, United States. Commissi. mer, Patterson, United States Commission-J. Heppner, Oregon, on the 6th da;, er, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7th August, 1918. day of August, 1918. f'i Claimant namoa as witnesses: 11 Claimant names as witnesses: Jos-f-He Leathers, Bertram P. Bleakn. eph V. Cowdrey, Hollie Leathers,! William L. Lowen, Guy L. Hadley,! Heppner, rebuld, and continue in the business. Otherwise he will probably take hold of one of several other business bropositions presented to him since the fire. HORSES FOR SALE Will be DR. A. D. McMURDO PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson's Drug Store Heppnor WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS AT-LAW Heppner, Reward-$500-Revard Notica is herohy Kivnn that I SAM E. VAN VACTOR ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Hsppner, Oreg n these days and every live citizen of Heppner is beginning to wish that this pleasant line of talk may soon give place to something more sub stantial. Talk Is cheap but It takes more than talk to re-build a city that lias l, nu li'irwl liif nn Tlnnnnei- was M, 4th. II takes monev and initl- Broken 0r broken. alive and optimism to build a sub- "W for cash or on time.mirchas Etantial town at any time and during er WW note with approved Se this period of war time high prices curity. Horses can be Feen on it requires a considerable sprinkle my ranch at the Tub Springs, cf real nerve thrown in for good JAMES CARTY, measure. 4dtf Lexington, Oregon. Hut war or no war, high cost of building or low, Heppner must be re built if the town is to even retain 41... ... .111 ni.n! -. 1 1 tn iw.H -.1 iwr. ullll l,:m t . . .,,,,! v:i!l pay n reward of Five Run- enjoyed In the past to say nothing - ' ,-t v.int she should have in the dre.l dollars ($d00.00) for the ar- future, if the town is to continue rest and conviction of any person to be a town instead of a country or peraont stealing any of my crocs-road:!, she must have, first of horsts or cattle from my pastures all a modern hotel. That is the Or from the rangO. town's first and most imperative Stock branded as fol'ows: mvd. Other to house other business establish- ghouhlcr. Yeailinas and 2 v a r- Hunts destroyed by the lire but the 0(ti bar Over JK COIHlCCtStl On; """ ""' " hotel Is of lirsl importance. Four rjght shoulder. DR. GUNSTER Oregon all of Hardman, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 8dl3 Register. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at LaGrande, Oregon June 12, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Jamoi C. Sharp, of Heppner, Oregon, who on February 10, 1913, made Home stead Entry No. 011369, for NW SE4, NSWU, SWNWi,i, Sec lion 17, Township 2 South, Range 25 East, Willamette Meridian, has filed notice of Intention to make three year proof to establish claim to th( land above described, before C. C Patterson, United States Commission firarr. er, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 7tl. ureonday of August mg . . Claimant names as witnesses: W j D. Gordon, of Echo, Oregon; Henr; Crump, of Hoppner, Oregon; J. T Kirk, of Heppner, Oregon; Franl Turner, of Heppnor, Oregon. Sdl3 C. S. DUNN, Register. .William A. Lowen, Silas A. Ha: all of Hardman, Oregon. H. FRANK WOODCO-n, 8dll Register. LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR' Heppner, Orecron Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER EYE SPECIALIST Oregcn Proof, to establish claim to the 1 Portland, srjular rr nar and lone. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, U. S Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon May 27, 1918. Notice is hereby given that Franl L. Wilkins, of Lexington, Oregon who, 011 Dec. 24th, 1914, made Home stead Entry, No. 014003, for SW'. SW',4 , Sec. 29, SSEi4, SE'-iSW1 Section 30, N13'4NW4, NEViNEVi Section 81. NWUNW'i, Section 3!! I township 1 south, range 26 east, 'i 1 lamette Meridian, has filed notlc intention to make Final three ; NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, r. n. Land Office at The Dalles. Oras.,n. filune 19th, 1918. Notice Is hereby given that John T. Kirk, of Heppner. O - ;on, who, 1 fanuary 25, 1915, made Homes! e J. Bntry, No. 014421 for ). ;.MWv., NEVi, NESWU. i'-jjtl..:. ' S, T ,wn dilp 1, South, Range 26 Last, U'il amette Meridian, has filed :-. tilco of ntention to make Final three-year Proof, to establish claim to the laud ibove described, before C. C. Pa'ter ion, U. S. Commissioner, at Itoit.-ir.fr, Oregon, on the 9th day of Ai:-.r-,-i, 1918. Claimant names as witnesses.: .': hur W. Gemmell, of Lexington, O.c: ;on; Frank L. Wilkin, of Lexlngto-i, Oregon; Fred B. Ritchie, of Levlus on, Oregon; and James G. DjI.c f Heppner, Oregon. xr TrrjAVtr wnnnnnm 01932 Regis!:-!-. Imil.ltnir urn needed Horses. JR" normr-etar! r,n riohr Unmilar mnnf),lv visit tn Henr. above described, before C. U Uattei , Oregon,, on the 20th day of July 1918. I Claimant names as witnesses: Join W. Kirk, of Heppner, Ore.; Jame: II. Tucker, of Heppner, Ore.; Jame: O. Doherty, of Heppner, Ore.; Artliu Gemmell, of Lexington, Ore. H. FRANK WOODCOCK, 6d9 Register. -.9 10 15. .In est ite full weeks have passed since the tiro iu.il, ho far ;'. is vilble to the naked (-:,( not one move has been mado towards buiUlinj.'. One actual sale of really building purposes has lieni nnnoiiiH vd but not a single .brick or. two by four has been lifted towards n permanent building. Can It he possible that lloppucr Is not uw.iUe yet? Are we going to be lilcj the Arkansas man who had no roof Dt J j CALLAWAY Cattle, JK connected on left hip and sidu. Yearlinns and 2-1 Vear olda, bar over JK connected on left hip and aid. John Kilkenny, Heppnar, Ore. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, May 10, 1918. ltf VETERINARIAN Heppner, Oregon Licensed Graduate Phone 722 (Day or Night) rn his house he.-ause he i-ouldll I put 1 no on when it rained and didn't h.mmI a roof w I. en the weather was dry? If Ileppner Is to have a hotel 1 i- other MiUlanlial building before l.i'.e in -:t yeur work should be started n! oni-i'. Only three or four months Ii-iii.iIii cf thN y :ir in which outside buihllii:: 1 e rat ii 1 us can be hii.-ivss-f.illv 1:111 1, d on but In that lrii:;(h I f t i ill- Wolid OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 0 Roberts B-Jildiig Heppntr, 0rB0n At Lexington Tuesdays and Thursdsys. XOTH'H HH I'l m.K'A I ION FRANCIS A. McMENAMIN LAWYER Roberts Plda:. Heppner, Orf. OlTice Phone Main C43 Rosidenca Phono Main CG5 ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE, LOANS. INSURANCE Heppner, Oregon xotht: nm ri iu.icatiox Department of the Interior, t 8 tai'lr town ribuilt, Ul;l:t thlakln,; :i:..l iL 11 ii k iK'lioii In (he building line Department of the Interior, V. 8 Land Oll'u-e ut LaGruiiile. Ori'ton might he wi.iked if July !ith, 191H. t io i"..ple . f ll.-ppm r nally nnt iNotlce Is hereby given that Robert Lund Office at La Grande, Oregon a. 1 uiii-K, of uenn, Morrow Co., July rth, 1918, Oregon, who. on August 1st, 1913. Notice is hereby Riven that Floyd made Homestead Klltrv. No. 012219 M llmw-un of l.i-im Oreirnn uliii tt,u" ,; ' 'TI'.'. " Tor NV,NK4, SWUNK',, NW ' on December 1st 1913. made Home- l'il Is what will pull the good old 1 , . s ' SK ' . SI-: ' tfV , ami Lnt stead Entry, No. 012616, for NK'i t wn out of the nil. 4- 's- Township 1 South. liaii"e and Lots 1 and 2 ami E,SNV'4, " '". Willamette Meridian, lia.-t Section 30, Township 1 South, Range Our lliiiiilliiip. l id notice of Intention to make 2'J Lust, Wlllumottn Meridian, ha niree year I'roof. to establish claim tiled notice of intention to make to the land ubove de-icrllieil. before tl iri'O.Vi'iir Pr.uif til ! utlllwli r-liilm .i,.i, mm ji.i. riiiiuim t, (, i-i,(terou. I liUed States Com- t.. the laud hIiovp ilesrrllii.,1. before l.it d li IVrt'.und re, uly f.r inln!.oiier, at hU ottlie. ut llemmer. C. r l':it!i-r,iti full i-it Slutiri Cutii. ..:i.-u! 1,.- soum in suitable uuar- "reuiiii, 011 the loth day of Seplem- inlssloner, at Ms olllce, at' Ileppner, 1 1 in le found In I l.-ppuer In "' r' v'v , Oregon. 011 the 10th day of Septem t llltlllilllt IlIlllliW tt If lit..K..a (,.. 1 II 1 li II... I.. ...II .1 .. . ." .. I... I . .......n. l'l.to 111 11 11. 1 ii 1 I i 1 1 1 - . 1 1 1 1 1 :i 1111 JIIIIH" ve v. lil li, n.. ! :.i':l i i:.!lsl:.T of the Herald has id IO w 'r:nk M. I'eilro. of Kiho. (regnn. I l.ilni.iut n.nni-s a w itnesi-: li:l,:i- li ct M.o .11 K. iMiiirau, Gio-.l,. V.. Aver..! Kr.mk M. IVdro. of Hi ho. Oregon a we luiM' uil Ji iiii 11101.11.111. all of I. en.i.Ori'i!.. 11 U. bi-rt A. t'ulllik. ('iUPsi E. Avrn the I'-re mid w.i I'l NN. and Marli Cuurluey, of Lena, Oie t o hi ir line of t! lieglnter ' g.m. C. S DUNN. IliigNter ;.'.eii : !!: I c t w e '. -'.-a d lm: i-lin e 1 nisi a-.i t I iiliUc ii-iil our nt r . 1 1 1 and fr'.i-tnl 1 1. i ll 11 I'u!!. In.;; i.iu be M-i'iiri'il It li a M'll.iu-i h.iu.li, a-i t.i iilt.-tiijit to Land Oili I vlnt .1 1 r; it t; :-..! r tl;- i s-ll I.! I.-im 1 i i" -1 1 1 1 ,-nt i-. ; t . ! I! .il, (, r. e : ol tot one UiMWw t-itti-r than we i.i NoTU'l-: l oll I'l lll.K .Tln Di piirtnn iti ,.f the Interior, f. S. at I .a Giaiule, Oregon. July .Mb. 19IS. mtui: 1011 pi m.ic.Tio l .:t lie r l'!t ale far f r. 'Ill i.itl 1 t -! , f.iii. in e an. I I'H M-u'i.n, i-, ii ut i-n-r, w ill ovi-ri .-in.- all di:!i 1 '!'U. - v I'l be il " ','. -.1 . , 0,1, ! ' ' in-'i-i 1. : I! i- I!. . .i ! I a '' " ' r f ''a 1' i-v. 11 n 1,,, -I " I ' "it 1 " .il ii. w ; -'l-i r t 11 i t- i ot f. i-l Ulll llltrr II l. M J I. Wl'ku:.. in.,-,, I'i-'.i H"t, I c r , t l-t'i"t "t :.i,--, . t.'t illt i.-.tr,'. .1 t- i ri- li l..r s.ile. ii-'t i f t: .- i' - ...1 'Mill 1 !. t;-i' t.lti llirtit full I ,' t i.l. - ,. ,, fi il,i). be fi j.U t,i ,.f1,T ( i ! ,. tt..i.np,i...l (l.n f,,..,rl.. t Q .o...e . .i.Ti t.y giien that (hi.,!.. Ui., Oiti.e t U ('.ramie. Oreson 1.. rm, of Lena. Ori-toii. hn. on iu. c,i. tam .,...i,,i.,.r K.h. 1M;i. ,u.ie 1 .. Ntll,; ,, ,.r, ,. lU( KruIlk Tr, 1 . ,,: "' 'y:6Xy f"r M- '-.Ir... of IVIio. On-,...,, who. on i-,"vt! M-'V.V..":. ?NW M-- ''. mad ,.'.-..:. ., .. I'titrv. No. L 13372. for Ut 4 ..-n-i'iii . inn, nam:.' Hj ,( .m ui.iui.-ito MitI. Il.ui. ha t V.t S.-.li.'ii 1 ' lut. iiti.'ii t,. r.uke i:,',,e :-i rt - I r..-i.,ir rr....f. t.. r.iabii.h ,,, , , ( - no- 1.1101 aii.ne lie., ril In,ir.' 1 ' (' I'att! r-011, l iilti .l M4i.- ivm- t II I- t. lliT. ut h el!., c. B H, ,.,iT. i :-... 11 1 11 l!... loth d.i i f s ; t,.-r lull '. i iTi-K'-n. 1:1 1!, i ..uiiiiiiii nan, n u!u.in- 1 ,.,, "Hi f Klli up. Jam,-. s:,..rt.U. I ...,..,......... of lli-Pl'ii-r Or.k-. liobiTt A ! U,.,...r, A rilU(k. Mj.n y ...ii. moi jiiu- T. MiTK.ui, of "'.. Ori son f. ! I'l V. XOTICK FOIt PVHLICATIOX ISO LATKI) TRACT. Tulilie IjuhI Kale. Department of the Interior, U. S Land OIIlco at La Grande, Oregon July 5th, 1918. NOTICE Is hereby given that, a; directed by the Commissioner of tin General Land Odlce, under provision of Sec. 2455, It. S., pursuant to tint. application of Olllo M. Neal, of Echo. Oregon, Serial No. 015883, we will offor at public sale, to the hlgheBt. uiuuui, uui m iiui ichb unn f.ou per acre, at 10 o'clock A. M., on the 11th day of September, 1818, next, at this olhYo, tho following tract of land: E'.i NIC'i, Et4 SE'i. Sec. 34, Tp. 1 N., K. 27 E., W. M. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the un lerslgned has been appointed by the 'nunty Court of the State of Oregon, or Morrow County, Executrix t I ihi state of Louis Groshens, deceased; hat all persons having clui-is igalnst the estate of said Loul (. nens, aeceasod, must presoi. ame to me, duly verified accoril v, at the office of my att. r:;e; tson, in Heppner, Or'--.', n, : months from the dvo of t'. bllcation of this notii-o, v. l.l - first publication Is June ilii. i - ' S. d HELEN GROSHENS, Exec;. : ; .:. NOTICE TOR Pl'IiTiICATIi N. Department of the interior. 3. mm umce ai juauranae, L . ,, une 12th, 1918. Notice Is hereby rl'en the' l.ulu !ohnson, formerly Lulu Lumsi. ;u. of ena, Oregon, who, on May 3rd 1 nade homeatead enlvv No. ' or WIS SE',4. and IMiSW1,. :, Tp. 2 S. R. 28 E. W. M., hr. lotice of intention to make thr v 'roof, to establish cla;:n to tl. ' ibove described, bcCoro C. C. 1 -on, United States (',.: iniissio: Is odlce, at Heppner, Oregon, ; til day of August, 1 J 1 S. Claimant names as wltnesse : hur I. Hughes, Waldo L. V 15, ' ,'B '!C. :d t.ir vid r- . at .ha Ar- ent, jrohn Iirosnan and William II. C.ark, 111 ot iena, Oregon. C. S. DUNN, Register. SUMMONS. IN THE CIRCUIT COCRT OI' THE STATE OF OREGO.J FOR AlOIl ROW COUNTY, rinnns, Cress and Company, a r r atlon, Plal. i ', vs. Hohn W. Johnson, Dofondant. "on, the t'..,y The Kalo will not be kept open, but! To John W. Job: will be declared closed when thoie ! named defendant: present nt tho hour named above;! In the Name of the State ! 're have ceased bidding. The person' -"i 'ou ro hereby required -..i p tnaklng the highest bid will bo re-' l'uar n"d n8'or the l omplai ; f 1-d iiulred to immediately pay to tho Re-' "Ka1lnBt 'ou ' tl:o r-'uvo eailtlod c.-lver the amount thereof. L "r,!"n. '.,n.or b.pfl" wook. fr-m a.,.. . . 11.. . 1 11,8 lay of June, 1918, t Any persons claiming adversely On or before the 3d dsy of iho above-described land are advised 19 IS, and If you fall tirir.-- to filo their claims, or objections, on answer, tho ulalntiif whi t-i' , or before the time designated for sale, niont against ymi f r the f C. S. DUNN, Register. 3o.21 with lnlere.-' thereon NOLAN SKIFF, Receiver. 1 ra, t,f 6'v I'or nn-.t:.i fr. 1:1 tl . day of August, 1917, and for IS()I.Ti:i) TRACT ll" diKls nd dl.-hu: ,iii, :;U if 'his rilll.ll' I.WIi SALE ui-tion. and for an 1 r ler of rn... of n -partni.-ui of tho Interior. U S ,l10 ,"llowlnK di f.-i-lh, .1 r nl a- ! ;il- I Ollh e at La Grand... Ore -on '?' VTny. atta !..,! I - re!:, : 1 1 hereby given that, ns n.. -,,.i. r .. ... , . . , , ""''i imi'i'-n mixer, i-d l.y t.ie i oiiimli-l.iiiiT of the gasoline engine n:. hed. al l.;ii,d ol!',ie. under proi 1,-lon.t One Rock Crusher, comple' . -. Str.r,. I!. 8 . pursuant to the 0,10 l-h'-r;e -p . r Fair 's !M 11 of I'.eftt l!nnan. of ''"r!,e Dlstlllnte Err;!:'.''. O.i- 'ti. S rial No. hUUm',, ,nn fan-It. with ftpod. r-t t public to the 1.U.1,. .. vu !-1 0 J' on t'.e .,r- - it: .st, or -lg- 1 of lie 1 'in in- 1.11! j u'. 111-. X :i. e f .- "A 111 t I ;.'..K r. ,i;t at ti s t le-si than ; at I' Tie yr.r IT I'.e I.1I1I r. C rattn lnl..in-r. at 1.. W'. ami W't, . T. -it ihlp 1 S.uitii. Wl ,1: i.-;j.i Mi rl Han. i f lis ; --ti ; t. .11 t 1 iii,ii f. to t.il'U.!t rl.ilni i di rli.nl. bi-f.ir .. I lilt -d S;.lle Coin. ! i!t',, Ht Hi ppliiT. I'"h day (.f 8.-;iti-m. 'I V. M 1 : lu:i- ran. ;t.i K Ari. and John I'ri tuii, all of I-ii, ot"ii C. lU'NN. Iii'nltr nun une retween Se,a . n.i in Tn. 2. 8 t,l II if. i- i.. ,, er a re. at M ', I. . 1; a. m . the row county. Ore'., sahl'p, 1,,'t'i , ' ill.: 0 ly if b '-.t. l.ili. r. m-t Itiff on ilin n. n 1. 1 ., , . - mi - i 1 i 1 i-i . -ei . i i- i.-ii.in.g 1 1 act of 111 ui iiy ,i ni, fit- ,- -f f ..ity I'i S'jSi;',, S,.,., , Mute, tin nre i-.:-; 1 In and Sf ' 100 S-r. Tp. : S. Il "S al""K tl.n t. nil !l:,n .f V. iter Mreet. thence r. ,rlli : ,Uif,. ;ind . li e m.ir- , ,hp fllll T (f W( , ,w rk Lie gr.-ater H hiho north ..-t erly feel , , ,:.'l:i. li- i-r the renter of Wll! ,w Cn-' t th ' : ' al'l i''tl"n lli.e, i;, ou;: 2 4 . t , -11. but fp-' tin.w or ..h 1 1 t.j 1 lace . : be- ' . . -.. :..-a t' - '"!l"lti. ' .. 1. . 1 1 , , TI-.U umm r. l t-rvel t" n yu ,;i '".III f i',"5'"' 'J"". ,!V " ' -ace a I. .I vi-li 1... ,, i r "J' -'! In it-- i:.-:nner ll-r.ld. i:.v I (. I-..,;,'.' ,, ' , "k!)r "'"'l-aper f ..nerel nr- i .IJ I It 1 "H. r 11" r'.l :l t.,.1.11..! ,..1 .. .. . ,,,,-.,. .-,.., . , ... ,. - ","n mi ii.ppnr. : r- ...,..,'., ru r,v. Ilrp- Anv t..- n.-ly 1 .1' ,.i.-il. , ri 1 . I la-..! I'.- I t . t 1,. I r 1 ' n ' 1 . i . . ,.r I. i ". 1 11 or bi-fi.r tin titi;n , t -1 1 r ..r.e. V S L'N. Il -.. N'CAN .".ilKF. 1i eiir n V Vlrliln r.. r ni4d a , rat.- h..r.tn 1 -- u t'.Y or jm ii is. oy 1111 ii n- i.i- -ra' l C. c. Va'.'ot, fl, cm-.nty J of M'Truw Cnnt.ty, Oft n, nr.l th -1. l-'l". :,.) ' ,' ,,, publl. at.,n i.i l- t -. ,. - ( BAM U. AN VA. To t ' all -Rornty fur pitntif. r n T