Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, August 02, 1918, Image 1

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    VOLUME 5
Frank Lanthrop came in Sun
day from Portland to visit with
the Crabtrca family for awhile.
Miss Georgia Summers spent
Mjnday at the Pettyjohn place.
H.J. Streetr eomtnnced haul
ing his new wheat into lh Cecil
warehouse last Monday. T. H.
Lowe ia looking after the ware
house, as usual, this year for
Minor & Hynd.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hynd and
John Ewinsr, accompanid by A.
Herinkuen, were Arlington visit
ors Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Logan and
family returned home from Yak
ima Tuesday, and report having
had a good tima tnd finding
everything looking fine.
J. II. Miller and J. E. Crab
tree were in Arlington Tuesday.
Mrs. Bennett and Miss Geor pie
Summers visited with Mrs. Jack
Hynd Wednesday.
Mra. Italph Winters and Miss
Kauai Winters wei e Cecil callers
Mrs J. Jeldrick earm in from
Adiafton Wednesday to stav,
with Mrs. J. H. Stroeter during
harvest. ;
fire. Hannah Ahalt, who haai
betn visiting among friends in
and airoun 1 Cecil, left for Port
land Thunpay. i
John Kelly ef Heppner was!
dawn to Jack Hyn i'son Butterby '
flats Fryday in hi3 new Cole ce.r.
Jean Fairhurst of IllioaSMi!i !
w as a visitor on the Butter!)? '
fl.its ranch Friday. We undorsUnfl
that Mr. Fairhurst ha i completed
a dual with J. II. Franklin for'
his ranch ner Rhea Siding, as1
Mr. Fairhurst will relinquish5
farmlnw on aceount of hie health
Mr. Franklin will take nesiusic n
In a few weeks.
F. B. Brown, county a. nt, was
vieiting wheat farmers aroui.d
Cecil last Friday.
J. II. Miller was In lone Friday.
U. E. Baker ia very buey those
days heading hia wheat near
Cecil. Hd ii assisted by G. A.
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Minor and
Misi Blanehe Minor spent Satur
day evealng at The La3t Camp.
Cecil, leaving early Sunday by
aute for Portland.
Open an account with
Anets over One and a Quarter
Million Dollar?.
Harvest Help.
Tho harvest help situation has not
changed materialy in. the last ten
('.ays. Quite a number of men are
coming in, a good share of whom
make good. A majority of the crews
r.ro working steadily, although oc
casionally short one or two men,
altonether the situation is very fa
vorable. Many farmers have ex
pressed their surprise at being able
to cecure help with so little difficulty,
very seldom has it been necessary to
v.ait more than two or three days
1 elora the needs were supplied. The
va'.uo of thorough organization and
t .r.derstunding among farmers is very
apparent, being responsible entirely
for the small amount of shifting
t'bout cf help during the season.
Many operators report little difficulty
in keeping their crews and only in
one or two instances has there been
any reports of one farmer hiring
help away from another. In viewing
the results of this season's work, one
cannot help but ask the question,
i" co-operation and organization
work so well in the labor situation,
why would it not work even better
in other lines of farm work?
Clyde Wells is out again after a
i3v days layoff caused by a rather
sorious accident last Sunday morn
ing. Attempting to open a can of
chloride oil ime the stuff exploded
striking Mr. Wolls in the face, filling
his ees and nostrils. He was com
; lately blinded for several hours but
!s now able to be around with his
eyes protected by colored goggles.
lid Uuckrum has a cement crew
nt work this week laying a new
v. u',k In front of the Natter property
en ."Jain street.
George W. Mllholland and family
l ave moved from the Ayres property
nt Play and Court streets to the prop
f ' on tho hill recently vacated by
J ins Hall and family.
I'l. L. Case and W. T. McUoberts
h; cut several days in Portland aiid
' Inky during the week on a bus
iness trip.
V. W. Smcad, secretary of the
Murrow County Fair Board and F. It.
i:.-i-wn, County Agent, have been out
over tho county this week gathering
i.; i-amplc of grain to be exhibited
r.t the coming Morrow County Fair,
"i lity have been able to got a lot of
fine grain.
The Sixth Annual
Morrow County Fair
September 17th, 18th and 19th, 1918
At Heppner
Such is the report made by Messrs.
Bell and Kerns of the Oregon Agri
cultural College. These men work
ing under the supervision of the De
partment of Plant Pathology have
spent the past week in co-operating
with the County Agent checking up
the amount of smut to be found in
the county.
In speaking of their work in this
county they stated that they had
found the fields freer from smut than,
in any other place. They also com
mented on the splendid spirit of co
operation they found Among the far
mers of Morrow county. This spirit
of co-operation and desire to better
their condition accounts for the good
work done by the farmers in this
county. A detailed report showing
the condition of smut is being pre
pared and will appear in the near
Prof. H. H. Hoffman, who has been
in charge of he Heppner schools for
several years has accepted a similar
position at Kennewick, Washington.
Mr. and Mrs. John Brosnan were
in from Lena Monday. Mr. Brosnan
recently returned from a tri;i to
Kansas City whore himself and
associates marketed a train load of
beef cattle to vory good advantage.
Dillard French and John Carter are
now in the East with another train
load In which Mr. Brosnan is Inter
ested and he anticipates good returns
from this shipment also.
County Commissioner George Cur
ran left for Gresham Sunday morn
ing where he expected to spend a
month or so with his family.
Wheat harvest is well under way
and most farmers report very satis
factory returns. The wheat is
mostly of first-clnss qually and the
prevaling price combined with the
big acreage and he fair yield, will
make the net returns a record
The Government wajts three men
from Morrow county who are in
Class 1 to go to the Benson Polytech
nic Institute August 13th, for in
struction as auto mechanics, black
smiths, carpenters, electricians, ma
chinists, plumbers and sheet nietol
workers. Those interested report to
Local Hoard before August 6th, and
save being drafted.
Morrow County Local Board.
cm HMMMMt WtMCMM I lilies
Child Killed by Auto
Glenn Freeman Sharp, young son
of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Sharp of New
man canyon, was instantly lulled
Wednesday morning when an auto
mobile in which he and his two small
brothers were playing ran away down
a hill and turned turtle over a steep
embankment into the canyon. The
other children escaped with but
slight injuries.
The car belonged to Percy Hughes
of Butter creek, who had driven to
the Sharp place to look after some
harvesting operations, and left Ills
car in the road with the brakes set.
The children got into tho car to play
and releasing the brakes in some
manner, the car started down the In
cline at a rapid rate with the result
that it turned over the steep embank
ment. Little Glenn was caught be
neath the car and his head crushed,
death resulting instantly.
The boy was nearly five years of
age and his sudden deatli is a hard
blow to the parents. The funeral
will be held at Heppner tomorrow,
Friday, morning.
John E. Johnson, who has been
working in the shipyards at Astoria
for several months, (spent last wc-.ik
visiting his family in Heppner a, id
reports that ship building is the b nt
Job he ever had in his life. Mr.
Johnson Is working as a carpen.or
and makes $G.60 per day w-l'h
double pay for over-timo. lie
managed to cop oh $13.20 on evi ry
legal holiday so far this year.
Chas. Osten was in from his Ro-l!
creek home Saturday pvenlnc to
meet his daughter, Miss Winifred,
who returned that evening from
Bolllngham, Wash., where she spent
the past year as a student In the
normal scehool in that city. Lieu
tenant C. J. Osten, the Urst. M.irru.v
county boy to earn a commission,
has been transferred to Camp Uni
code, Georgia, where he Is special
izing In gas, gns bombs etc,
Dave McAteo Is In Portland this
week on business connected wllh tin.
erection of his new concrete hull 1
ing on Main street. It Is expected
work will begin within a short time
The Sixth Annual .Morrow County
Fair will he held Sept. 17-18-19 mid
will be different from former l'.ihv.
in many ways. Food conserva ion
and Increased production will bo
featured more prominently than ever
before. The V. S. Food Administra
tion has asked space for an exhibit
ff food products! and will send rep
resentatives here to help tho people
along these lines.
The Industrial clubs of the eoii"
:.v will bo at the fair with a larger
exhibit than usual and will show tin
exiiibit that will be highly instinc
tive.. Canning ecu tests v. I'l be heal
daily If urrannomi.-ntK unc v way g.i
through. Tliis will ho under iho
Control of people who understand
their business and everything v, i I
explair.o-.l to the public by In
structors t In) know w hat lie..- a:a
(icing. Amusement will be provide 1
by tho Hoard anil f will he good
clean and wholesome I'liutseine.i ,
stood music and a t,;th u.i'-l n;-i-!nv;i i.
will add much to the ; ,e.: - - .'
those ntioa'U'iK. The r.iwtary . '
ftRrli-uUurn has ashed fh,,t l'a!.-s v.. i
all institutions that lu'.;i i.i iho -. o -.wrvation
una jt.-UuoJ n of f ed sol
-l:a; also niuuso and instruct Ui,
people l:0 liehi as meal. Willi, rt
amusement and eiev'aiiiiiieiit ,
pc.ij.lo would bee. i:,e is iiiiiil n
that Is a coiMli ion that we into t
avoid if v.e nr.) to win the .war, aid
'e are going io win ilie war, and v. i
are g: iug to win il w i:h a rmtla i -
mr fines. Oar Ions go over 111'
!1 chn-.-rin;;. we will go over the
top hero with smiling l';"'es and in
Lis way help cheer our hovs over
Soviets m,p this the best f:i!r
ever. Wake y nr plans to caina i,,nl
by your pieseiico mil as. lotni t
hoeei up Iho recoil aires. Iv estab
lished fur our fair.
VY. W. R.MKAO, !',oer,. m-y.
Imp; Want Mvi ti.jv Hern .Vnvti-i ;.
An initio! ta it meeting v i .
held la 1 l"iipnor Tie- day i vini,: ..
Angus! 0, ill Stilt) o'clock which will
lie a, Id re -..I'd by several :,, nti rs (
state ide pi'oin;;i'',e'e.
Tl.O llO'i't lllg is J."!!;-; -I I V
the State f-mue-l oi ' I i
oliji'il belli!: to i;lli' 1 p'cle e i'.e-i,.i-t
it'll to the me I i'l l' 'i . . ' i i"i '1
eil i: ly on 'in I.', t ti He!:, i '
' eni'i'a ilv pe a nil'- ', i i.e si i lie ,1ml in
liiuil'.lit ii 'h ul I..-, h" v sr.
John V, Kil ,i i., e.'.i .". ' i : -i
rotary of Ilie Stale Cooie,! ,,' lie
fell e, W 111 Sical. I. n the duties
of State Ci.iiim II el' I n v m hers
iiid V ill i I'll'1 vs.:. lit'- In .-I ruc
tion In ngli I "a nl s In I cai I In tin1
legal proi i-'-dlip's l!." m.ii.H IcK.!
before entering : Ii" at ' .
raplslti It. II Urn I". S V A.,
'.'Ill rive ii S'-vie, el' I'l'lun-' oT
i-lei' hli;i"l tali' e lo 'he Pl'.i Unlit I
and John Ii. Ilibb.inl 1 the Moiln i
in;, li Ciianl, will spc-i- mi Sia'e Mill -'
ii i v nrminl 'a! ions ami iei.il : uh-Je.-'s.
Tin" " I'H e' It " in-" of ! l ' il loe
'iltnilie I'l lb.' i-:.'!'- a el IiH I -.a I
ell i i' ei e p' t. 1 1 v loc .1. Li : " i I' in. :
ta! y i.ri'.ii nl.'.il1' ' hii.:M I.- in i n I
Hall Neil Tlili. III1-!.
Fioiii llu- Imily Sol..., puliil to .l ul
I'liie li tail.', I'isie h e i si, leer 10"
old hiiiii" i.i lie' put Ii l.i-r of llu'
Ileiahl, v." clip tl.i' t .ll iv-Int
i'ruiii 1 1 1 ;') i ii r. i '"iii.lv ' i of
Iti. now l oiliil;, I'lig' ii, i -ilie-i IS.'
Iiini of II ill a- i roil-, !i'c wiioii ii-
1 1 . I pri.pi iiy Mitn.'l ul :'i.u,i
Ainm.g II ,i. , . M' i. ' , m ! w,i
th" pLii.l of li e II. pjoht lleralil of
vLhli H nun. I A. I'alil un. n furni'-r
'.'ll I' i II " I .11 I'-'IOll.t'l. i till- II. I'l-t.
i-iliior ni"i . ul. it i, it "...i oi,l v..-,
t!-e iii ' I n" r I.i: i , . i' 'i I ' " ....
tion ot it.i. i, out ,, ii.- in.,. .i. i, ,i r i.
I le lit, MO ' V I, , , .. I I ,. ! oil' ,,
lil".i.n v-lth l',!-irlti"l V.'i'liMi
l'i li li h alil.i l k l"l ' 1 . eiii i nl ,
lilln-,1 Hli W. , ,n i,i.. rl .,
in. I lol - mi 1 '( nf !.'. pi., r. it,. i ;
T .'. I: it II. ul I1 I-it i I' ' .oi I .
"ilimiiirliitf ' ii , -1 , i " 1. 1 o,t ii io
loiiii do ii, ii, 'I h. .i i i n I ,. ,i'.
To War I urnl Sul'cilii r
Notir ii herpav pivi-n to t'l
pMiiM who b.e e gnu I pVigi
to hnih firnt ml iiT-'fi'l tr uu I
Hrive4 thtt rani nre p.tt
lion't wrt f'.r ,f rpT hI rmiiiM.
ere, L'ecle Sim r e iJe the money,
io corne llironvti.
War i unj (Jufch.tr.