BRAZIL LOOKING TO FUTURE Important Industries of the Country Are to Be Encouraged by tho Government. TliK secretary (if nnrlculturc of a !'. recently presented a lengthy me morif t to the president of the republic e::;l:;m!n;,' the necessity of eiieourng lntf th'i ci :;1 nml steel Industries, which lms resulted In the publication of two decrees of the federal government. The secretary's report states that until there are at least ten coal mines In active operation in the country the effect of this Industry will not be felt in the conservation of the wood sup ply, which is now beinfr, rapidly con sumed to meet the needs of the rail ways and of domestic Industries. The steel Industry is so largely dependent upon suitable fuel that, In the secre tary's opinion, it should also receive the uttention of the Brazilian govern ment. The director of the geological survey of the Brazilian government states that by a process of washing metallurgical coke may be obtained from Brazilian coal, and that this is already being accomplished in the state of Santa Catlmrlna. The secretary points out that the present lack of sufficient domestic coal of suitable quality should not interfere with the establishment of a steel in dustry, which could temporarily use wood, and that for more than 300 years Sweden was obliged to depend upon this kind of fuel. lie also says that in the United States some 400,000 tons of pig Iron are produced annually by the use of charcoal as a fuel. Commerce Iteports. All Kinds of Co. & Wheat Prices for the 1918 Crop Burned Out Waslieci Out CARRY FOOD TO TRENCHES BUT STILL IN THE INI The fellowinr; is the Food Ad ministration G i'i Corporation buying basis fo- v neat harvisted in 1918 for No. 1 yrade in aeaord ants with the federal Grain Standards, dalivciad in atora ia approred alayatora and ware houses at SeaUie and Tacoana, Wasa., Portland anci Astoria, Ora. ; payment to b made against waehous receipts therefor. A list of tkese approved (levators aid warakouics will b givaa in tht neor future: Dark Hard Wintar $2.22 Hard Wintar 2.20 Yallow Hard Winter 2.18 Dark Northern Spring 2.22 Nerthern Spring (basic) 2.20 Red Spring 2.15 Red Winter, basic 2.20 Red Walla 2.13 i Abr Durum 2.22 Durum 2.20 Rd Durum, basie 2.13 Hard White, basic 2.29 Soft White 2.18 White Club 2.16 No. 2 wheat will be bouikt by the Grain Corporation at 3c un der No. 1; No. 3 mheat at 7e un der No. 1. Mixed wheat and wheat grad ing loner than No. 3 will be bought by sample at its Talue. goo aboTe prices are for bulk wbeat. A premium of 9c per bushel will be paid for sacked wheat basis, goad order sacks. A non-poisonous snake does a lot of good and should not be killed just because it is a snake. Rattlers should be dispatch'-.', though the rattler has the riu-i X of warning before he stiis which puts him a few laps r1'. ;:d of the Hun. Oregoriian. FOR SALE A modern, e: -t heat, 5 room bungalow and ' o large lots; one a corner lot, .:; u5 North Laurence street, Eui Ore. Quick sale $1000; one t'n u aand dollars. C. H. Aylesworth, B'riend, Or.'. Open an account with THE FIRST NATIONAL BAM OF HEPPNER Assets over One and a Quarter Million Dollars. French Employ Canlno Courier to Take Supplies to the Men in Most Exposed Positions. Trench wnrfure certainly interfere with tho lighter's meflls. After cap turing the enemy's position in partic ular, Is the lighter ut a loss to know how he will get his regular rations; for no sooner does tho enemy find himself dispossessed of his original trendies than he opens up with an in tense barrage fire designed to prevent nnmuinltlon and food from reaching ' the new occupunts. The French army believes it has solved the problem of carrying food to men in isolated trenches, in its lunch dogs, says the Scientific American. Carrying light lunches and coffee, mid even cartridges fr the men in the first line trenches when the combat Is hot and protracted these splendid trained dogs are more certain to get through barrages than men, Kneh (log is equipped with n sort of double bf, strapped tight over its body, and pro vided with numerous iockets for food, coffee csns, ammunition ani other sup plies. It Is at the military dog-tratulng grounds at I'arls that dogs are pre pared for this service. Not only are these four-legged couriers taught to avoid the enemy and bwnro of tricks, but also to crawl on their Ftonmchs io order to excapo flying bullets. Special masks are provided for theso dogs when they must pa- through a 1I on riis area. To Cs Pitched Only In the Mornlr.9. Jinny years ago, when Connie Mac, was the Mllwuukce oitch-r and man ager, tho club opened the aenxoti with several soreann veteran pitchers. There was one youngster with tho club who did not complain of this trouble, so they sent I1I111 to the slab. Milwau kee was beaten something like 111 to 4, The kid pitcher wus downcast. "Tht umpire didn't glv me any the bent of It." ho said by way of an alibi. "No," replied Joe Caiitlll'Mi, who bad overheard the remark ; "neither did the opposing butters give you any the best of It." Tin1 kid walked off In a huff. Con nie Mack turned to Caiitlllon. "I'll :y tYs f. r the !"'," be mid. "I've wnrl.fd out with lilm every morning fur the hot two weeks, and be lookul mighty good." t'untlllim pulled a aclu'dnle out of Ms po.-Kct and glaucisl over It rapid ly. "The iiit morning game Is oil Iworatlon ibl)". tVnute," be remark ed. "Save the kid pitcher for then." mm t sitV'jk a a ra eO. "Full steam ahead ' on canning is the Food Administration order, but "alow" on sugar. implements have it, will get it, or it is not made Gil iam isbee I P ! I I I Fresh Beef Travels J ll ! ' !' Iltii! HELP IS SCARCE I Hi 1 il aad the weeds will ruin the summer fallow if not killed. The JONES WEEDER When a Prlioner Is CvcbsnctiL Ivan UoMttcr, enptun-d by th llor Hums and Inter whanged, mi)s In the I unii and Klrelde: "l'ben 1 lay down. Hot to uleep but to think. 1 tlioiiiilit of the ilny when I enlisted In Canada, of leaving home, the training mini, the trip overseas to l 'olid, the (ruining In Cngland, going aenws tb chiimiel t Vlim.ter. th terrific fight ing at Ypres, of the mnny friends whn fell oil that bloody bllttletVM. how I was w minded and raptured, the lint in: 11 trvntment 1 r-svlvi-d at tbn biiiie! 'f the (ieruinn nre,,n, who bad f ur buky (lermnns N!d we down whl'e they cut fl bones out if my wr'st and amputiitol mi middle finger M the .send J"lnt when I wns wound. st In the pulni of the bund, tbi kl.ks and the cuTs from prison guards and the terrthln tu th Cenuurm culled fil u the prist-11 rsn js will .ava 50 per cent in labor and do a better job than the usual methods. Get yours early before all are gone. See C.E.Jones or H. C. Aslibaugh HEPPNER, OREGON ' HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN & RAU, Props. Courteous and KlTicitnt Service by Courteouy anJ Com petent Workmen. Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, - - OREGON Home Products for Home People WE MANUFACTURE White Star Flour,Craham,Vhole Wheat, Cream Middlings Rolled Barley and Mill Feed General Storage and Forwarding Hcppncr Farmers Elevator Co. You sri' a.'surcil of trinijt and co 1". ou trcattnt'i.t when dealiai; v. nh THE Farmers&Stockgrowcrs National Bunk HEPPNER. ORE. We lay 4 per rent interft pn?avinyr on a Rapid Schedule Fresh beef for domestic mar kets goes from stockyards to retail stores within a period of about two weeks. Although chilled, this meat is not frozen; hence it cannot be stored for a rise in price. A steer is dressed usually within twenty-four hours after purchase by the packer. Ti:3 beef is held in a cooler at the packing house, at a temperature a littile above freezing, for about three days. It is then loaded into a refrig erator car where a similar tern perature is maintained, and is in transit to market on an aver age of about six days. Upon arrival at the branch distributing house, it is unloaded into a "cooler", and placed on sale. Swift & Company requires all beef to be sold during the week of arrival, and the average of sales is within five days. Any delay along the above journey means deterioration in the meat and loss to the packer. Swift & Company, U.S. A. !ii i ,:,itj simJUm