Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 26, 1918, Image 3

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4M r
of Its Supply !:.-.; : ';cl C:-.i L H I ' 1 4 t
to the Troubles of ;I;c Gov- U?f tJYj fAl
The Gorman .ireveme
been unable to lir.d n.iy .:,;,. ,
furniture, and has ..f yci lad i
temerity to ask ijs subjects t: iol;;.
the example of their Tnrkb.ii idli s
and sit on the Hour. The result i.; a
scarcity that has caused s.-cond-hun.i
dealers to reap enormous profds.
A second-hand kiMicn chair Is- i
formerly cost about : .') e: :;'s m.-.v tell :
for !i;5. An old bedstead !l at used t .
sell for ?5 now brinys r.:i.
hand dealers have minimi IV eertn :;:
and old tables and ciutirs have f.-.-i
brought from cell;;-,-.-; and earn Ls. ; ci
the deiaand' still mitrim II::' vntt ; :
mid prices already 1, Xi per cent uliov'-j
normal, Hire, ita to jro hiy-lnr.
The prc.l)! ,i U likely to b"c r :,
more acute as soon as Cm war ,..,;,, E
Thousands oi' couples that in.tr:-:. !
when the men wore call, d iir.o
army will wish to establish Insa s , .
their own. The p;nvcrntnout lias pro
vided many houses In advance. bur,
these will ba of little use wilhoat.
Some urge that the jsovi-rwuci.t
make the same rule resit rding sevon-i-hand
furniture as is now hi force m
the old clothes trad; put the privi.i.i
dealers out of luisiness, ii:; Jv! r price;
mid make it a eriiae for anyone to si t,
the second-hand nrlieios except to the
A number of capitalists uml fund
hire manufacturers have formed an
association to make new I'm'tiilure and
Sill It at fair per eeni above cost on
the installment plan, rr.u:rin;; ..:;
third of Ike purchase price as iir - t ;:.
r.ient. The cost of new furnUusv, even
under this nrraiu-omcnt, is almost pi"-
rh! 1 it
IN - i i r ri
l4 tiiu k
l; -J
rri-lr -V V M ' -i i
LillUL jlJU wkijy
Why We Must Save Suar
Tie renewed sahniarine ac'.ivilv
on thU : ide id' the Atlantic dees not
i T.ivor an it. creased supply ei su;;ar.
i Wo are m;w dcpcmicnl upon t,'u!:a
can nee he made to any con.- id.-r-.
ali'.o ttmoutit while the subc.aria.
I liieiiace ceniinues. This means the t.
i we must be exceedingly can nil in
I the use of suyar. The Food Ad.atinr-
isLi'ation has bbeen very liberal in
i the aiiowance for harvest crews, sl
: lo'.vin?; twice as itnu-h to eatdt r.ucu-
hi'i' of a hanest crew as to persons!
v,..i e.::;n;vi! in harvest work. Not-
v,i iisU:ulia:t this lib "ral allowance,!
s. nie ef the l'ni'niers are askinc fcr'
ni.iie sm.ar, caiiahii; thai it is im-'.
;k o1'.:la to L aUntg with the al-!
hc.'.-.uco. The iU'osp.s t is that it
may be ncessary t,i gel along with1
less. IV. lit it Uiberci's ase allowed
In i i
:: hands. We
o meet the eon-
lilies are
inee is continued ;
ier person per
M r,v.T-'ir,o
131 f.cr-.:?, f'll ti!!ahlt smril house ami biirn, l!J0 ;:Ci'C'i :";.:r.-.r;K'
ial.ot-. ; opt'-l.air i.ueivsi in 1S5 acrts c.rovi:io wivu:, no ucr.s;
ry, i i'. L.J'!', 2 vst:ias, 1 h, at raoic, wulr tank, ji!t'.:;, iitu-1 )
i'n.,. IJ foot ('.rill Kticic'i'T and chuicu, fveder for 12 ao.x.c:.
.fC. l." niiit-3 from V;.!'.rU.i. Portland, (ire
2000.00 cash, baiancs' t ;...y i itns. ; Sam wants ids s
viM.iiiT i,,r-nT ....... f.ercs (iecilfd !a(l, no J'.civd in ero;;; CiO acres ho:.! cia1. ' wh" "ro l-
If.JUtil iKwLwU IJ l.i.oii'v wi1'; : K-i.ty id' vfit;r ZvjVM (Y) 1or evervihia.r inelielin - enn to reach t
and rt notushmcnt. cue
Irt.ed l.) ear
c;y;nt to be a
uitioiis lice when our
Hi. tiled to so mile.
I Tin; family aih
: al three pound
month, hut the people aie urged to
lower that if possible, and many are
"dolnjj so. The late report, of the
t I'ood AUiuinir.traUou shows that the
American poe -ie ka.e dsue w ntd 'is
in food savin;;, hm we amy be a-Ke-1.
t) do iuor.'.. U may mean incon
venience ami some additional cos!,
but the tine; hns me tv,r eve.iw
, American to prove that he is mo per
; cent Amciican or be classed as a
slacker, l.el as measure up on Uie
i.r..;ar question.
S. 10. XOTHOX, Co., Chairnian.
more than instruct. For Instance,
the members of the instruction
boards will i toloavor to ascertain and
clear up all the perplexities that may
beset, the resist it, and to be of
vertical asss-lar. to him in every
'J !;e iir I jnre'inc of reyistrau 's
i'.ir '!:'. :'.:''. ' ion, the leaflet suggests,
eii'.yc .eH !e at. the time of the mod
i.'al exaniin.tt ion. The registrants
may be assembled in small groups for
personal interviews, ii is suggested,
and eiieor.raydipT siprtp-stisns made to
':''om as. to personal value of military
i ai'.ihi:; and of outdoor lite, the
''sties fcr nr. ".noli m, the aid and
I' lou.l'.y s::; ; c I of .he Ued Cress,
:' e Wssy Rc.i this id' t'elanibus, the
:. O. i'i- Si-brew V()U"0
i .e. ..: d ihaC "imission on Tra' '.
..v." i a :" : s. . .. r. ' , m...
to th-ir iadus'lon, it is plati
.n.il. tse mea sha;! be called t i
" ace or i v i . e by order of the
d . .... hi aid. to meet in grous.s
' ': , reel !. n in ;he reliev ing suh-
. :t 'I'he p 'svhdi n li'ch the Gov
: ni nl ''as made I'or Ihe protection
d i- eifare oi disaided soldiers and,
the cv"i;t of ih. aih, of their famil-.-
and (Tie lend.-nfs, througli its War
isk Iti'nii'ance ilureau.
II') '!:: (I ivi rnment provision for
!"iv:iti. as,! alhnmeius 1 1 soldiers'
': ei '! cii i, ihc. .. provisions being so
s't'sl ilnit ll'C soldior can rest, assur-
(liv,ie:id"iits will be amply car-
d !:
liihilive, because of (lie seanaly of ma- tiU;' ;:y, O'.iO-ha-t S- ' hCK Of Si t'..
teriais and the h:;;h wc;:cs ef labor. I'lieo SCO'J.CO
. e v .
Rsmarkcble Act ef Scier.tr . T!;
Hardly Seems Vorth the Time
It Muct Have Taken.
r..', ii
J4. X. V 1L
rr WHiTh
, and lie says that tiny A "
is in India mid South Al- V ;. " ' 1 '
e can uccnuit for hiciiic,' y ir r X, J
John W. C'oghlln bus demonstrated
what patience and iersever:ince will
accomplish, and has also exploded the A"rn
old-time tlieory that It was impnssibb' Vj.il 1
to teach Insects to un h'rstaud ike hu
man voice and action. Seme time since "
be bad the good fortune to 'discover a
bill of Madagascar iicurnpicra, or
inarching ants, says the l'il tsbury'i
Tress. They were about the sire o
the common June bug ami of a dirty .
brown color, and li
are- numerous
rtca that be
n bill of thorn In Maine by lmin
liroui'bt there on some vessel. Mr.
Corhlln Invited some of bis friends to
his camp at Pulton's I'end, wh.re lie
amused them by putting the noiirop
tcreans (as be called tin m) thrniich a
course of sprouts. The way lie earned
the little army to go throti ;h their
cvidiltlons was n marvel to nil pres
ent. Marching by twos and by fours,
over inclines and hr'nl vs made of (""
to(itbileks, Willi tlm regularity of i v. i i ii e
trained troops, he linaily can-ed liu ni
to break ranks by llclning a match
before the leaders. He s. ys that arli
llelal light will conra-e thin; ( In r. -fore
they can be made to perform only
in daylight.
l"l;i i iNjjt;
I.-.' A II :j
l''J J
- -Uncle
: i . b e ill" i
e t ids. s heusil'lef
;: t a stps meui a.li'.
and morally lit in v ry way, and
w i'.h at In a t an el, nn t.laiy know
ledge of mid'ary drill.
The c.ind.cion in v. hicii a raaa
ri'iches cain.) males a siivie'b! ii't di:'-
Th : United Slates Food Administration says
sax c f.:'.s to feed o: r l.-;!iUrs. Wc rr-
r.t v. i
t. !'wi,i our f:. .'.tcrs CvJ:i. Kvcry he;! is :is r"ccr;..".ry t:
v'd-v.i'yUlx i.r as ;i s!-.cli. Kvcry re;::-.' -'f f.-I'I.wts suret r
s rvxc rs a bu'LL Uss fowl, fs'i, vc;;ctr;: i' vcr:elr.!;!'j
cl'f, cheese. Purely vc;.;. t:u!e Colosuic'.. Cri. c, Cllve OH,
V as'o-i Oil, Ma-...(!-.) (ninJe foni dr:n.)
leri'ii'-e in sis rso.nin. : s as a ssldier.
ti'at men who esev cs no cl-a';,
s.tlici', wllii':.; and il- . cinn I at d to do
lledr part, will lie ready t leave i'...r
lite i atlio !'"ltt ;n 1, a , hn.
montli, ami oil. n more, e.irlier than
others net so lit.
'ill is fa '. is y b'e i detain I I'.tl "d
i ncie nun nas liiHi nsa en a jn.'.i 11 f
' ileeale all I'ehs 'i,,. s m-r I ' men y
they will be h'e . er inliilers and bet
ter men v. hen ii i ,,,, s ibeir n:;t t :
a:!' d l. the color.-!.
N.'ilii this in e 'v, 11'- va ;' cs 1...
ml i - ' : r 1 esrd : I! rnr'le id Hie
I ry have .bid been n ... , led , in', i it
a I. ale t from II, ,i I'rovi t Ma' iotl
( .en ra i at V'.t Hm-don, of a m-; ! ..!
I' r h: i . ;lf; , . .nai r e , sic' n in I
' .' di in , i by :.- ;, ef . .:! le nr.i , el j
to ' 1 lie! i 1. to be apti en' d b. the! 1
b a.dc ' ih
'l be 1, a..' ; , f III ,-lt, i II i i.' l' ; ,
be c ,!,, , ,1 . ' I,,,.. ;:..ly ,e , !, ' "
111 ett :l hi ' ( i .'.'.IS ( I' I ,i ' 1 : e ' i ' : 1 ; 1 I , I
( c ) nisei, ' hm of sn . h topics as
"YVh" AM.'i'iea llnlered the War."
Why America Must. Win I' e War,"
"The Xe : ary Character of fno A" -iniiaa
lltblie"," "fiexual llestrai.-l
md tee i-.;ia'ic of Lienor as a 1'a
I'.'lo.li' C! II. :;,', n," "Camp I.ii'e," etc.
Si also 1' hi ii ii ml to conduct pre
liminary ciili.ary drill to la miliarli'.e
lee men whit ils fost principles. It
' " ; i'. innl lhat, this work actual
ly r'sf s i'v n.a a month or so
I Is i.l in i :.' eiiy tn licenine ellieient
i . Idlers, ai'di i f ceitrse the well drill
i'i man las a siueb helter opporl uii
I'y ef e!e.. :. ; 'tuick promotion than
II. o es'.u Im hie', to begin at, the bc
' iai.il..'; a::d ham cverythia;; after
be O'e l I t t I'O selW'ieo,
T! " ( b ic i: inent Is eneouraglii!;
! mi i t re" Is! ran , s wherever possible to
u ' e I' l icit! mlliiia reserve orgiini'.a
liims in iii.ir i-ommu.iUlf.-t I'or drill.
. u,. .... lf. oALh
.A :i ei- vvil.t. kt i). Will be
'. 'i c !; cr en tinnMivirehi f-
i -vi i i-.ti- v, iih approved se
tt ii y. I n. ,; ct.ii b-; wen on
y i ; be',) i t!,c Tub SpritiKR.
it r
Jamks Caktv,
la "iiih.ton, Oregon.
1 1 y ,
National Pr.-ycr D.iys.
The first time tin' peepl ef the Villi
ed States we re i ailed u;.eii to i.'. erve
. a (lay of iiiilpnia! pi. yer w: s May !,
IT'.'!, by pt-oeia-nall.tl of l'l ... "it
John Adams. A . irmv t -y l ed io l .
cn tietv.ecii litis e.sin'ry and IT. n o
uml nil Aim rlci'.i.t w cnl' d up n
to pray for a c uiinu lb n ' I" ar '.
In l'-lo, when the I'nl'ed S' v .ts
l.bout to make war i n A'-l s's, I'r.
ldent Madiseii pro. h Its. , a ! '
priiyor. Inirliig the ' i .l v ar i!,s.
Jire--lilenl!'il .-. !! : :. v.' :v I -a d
ntipolnili,.' il. ; s of i : ; r t r , ' .
Ill i .: the ll'f'i'.rll' ' i ""'! !! 'I I' '
pm.pl.' P. pray !' r I. in- ' a , 1 t . 1
Pro-blent Arthur v ' .: 1 a .: v '
pruy r to mat s tie I n il . I'r ' i'
Caidb Id. In t'i" ' i . ' 1 '. ' 1 -
I I. lit V,T1 -ii . '. ! ' I i - il
for i niori on ' .. ' "
let 1 d tl,.,l tl.
i. i I i i
Kifl , ii! ' A work millet.
::ty 1' ;' " !; -1 Iir.o hi;; mcrffl.
;, : '! : ; -y ice!', id thin line
-.:.! ..-i i'i. p'tfcl theae
:- ; ' . ( I'" i'ir MiC,
i '. : lee (I 'i ;Oi).
t -7MT
I'L -i A.
I lo-iib.
1. I-
I- i . I '
; l.i.- ( :-K fid til
iii 'u p', tpi i,t,
;.. ,"' to lii.l !! (('
. , nil ii, cn ;;( (l
t to lie- v tints
I : ,: c 1,1 t('! l'l-
. ( , , I I ( I i
n i i v
' t f'c t it nae, hut mA i.k tii
SHovc'Ir-i C.'t C",
Tv'.::'.'t .: ' ' s '....:: i
the i t'll..-; In I.-, lit" p ! n
employed hi I.l" h i i v :
M" k I.e.'.'T 1. V. '-. 'I I. ' '
J, ell. 11. Iti tl' ... .. i i n I 'I i
i ml hi i " I . J A I a
limey II" t' I 'Ce I' V I
Cl.-tlt'V ililll'. 1 v i l-'
,. ,'.' t :' 1 '.
t.r r !.- i' ' " a '
d.-lv th '.. !
tie. tr. ni'be . :, i i, . ,
or i.t U , t c . ,, .- '! .
Ibc i.ir I. I, ."III s. a
I'.ir re r : ' ii a. i.
How In I , rn. I . y " '
f . ,t ..f .
Ac. .
Ml h i I'f
Sec i.c-: il Lexi:v;lo;i or al
..111 Mh!
r-v 1
' -- e- "-
I ! a I-!.', are
'. pro ii ct sj
i. ll.e suil.e
. t ! iktJ
. I I . H M I I . , . 'I-
. r" v I. h J r- -. J
J, ...
All i.r IVc.-h v.vA Sail Meals,
INdUrv and Lard
tli t- . 'i to I ii-.' it- i 1 y i
tin' I i.n I "t in. I I-. t th" !
difrOpsl!' t Ul i'l 'b
llSr. S(.iri:ill'.- Ale. In ...
;rcarn and Card Parlors lm Z
Ilcppner, Oregon