HEPPNER HEHALD. ,WiU,,"r t(,,i,,K hi ,'ri('i"ls tiiat 118 'DU. It. J. VAUGIIAN ' .. . .... .... would return witb a real German as a trophy cither Uiiwl or alive. S. A. PATTISOJ- An !.. EENEEYT :-L!' -:m notkf,. I la the County C A of lh Slate c:.' Orj.,'i.n iMr Mt I'os 'i ;'. to'- E-' .-i' S-.S SW. Ac v. ? paper class matter. Mi'. .Mrs. Krvc K..t,.rtl,i..s. j Fenr.ai... fitly U;cat-d in Oddfcl-jl" the Jiattcr cJ : iCUue or , ... ., ! low s Building -A-"'"".' ., is ml .Mrs. reennin I- rye (",--' . Aoticc is he-res :i i!;:;t the Oregon 'Jen . , .,f E;as iaa-a One Yi-ur HiX Threw ilyiiUs.- T,7?'.y v E - Y '" AITGE.E EY AT-EAW 1- .50 tiTtnitic.! Veduesd'y afternoon in ii'-Pi",t . In, ;y..r their son :. :.: daiis'htcr-iu- ""' " - .. law, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice A. Frye, S. E. NOTSON who !.". v:: itiii'4 iit-re trom Cbb-am IMiiial.t. ThiM! prowit ore most! old rctiilents and friends of Olileei i i ) A At vts' Euilding ; :,:.-.ui-5. ! Five who l"i't here fur the H ' Fast : ;;.( ral yen's ami where he has ! - ! !,!- ii mimbf r of responsible post- j thins as an operator a:id ip.struc ia telegraphy. :. e. ee-eemEd ! EEYE.EIAE L'i tUUGEON derails, em, ennui tate of Miek Ab tiled his lAnil at Cuurt ci .'.lorro ami U.uc kaiurii .!u,y, i :. i L', at ii in the lie emu ;' ui;:; A:;', a. id .:ae en v.- EmaAa (:.- :. is EE ii.o'-i end Oregon ! j,iH-e s-.a E,r ;-' he. i-.i.; of objea- uono ii!crot, trul U:- u'!;.iif'iivU thereof. ,iO i : I- 0 A AAAA P, Ads. ; a M.i a . or if A;e KAatc of ''ininiernian, Oregon and WeaA.ri (VI. ;::"aii'in Company, a Sout'u iVi; ia .;,!, -M'aii. hi. IT'-. .ten Camn- L" ' ,. , bs.i, v iuiaai itobb and Pauline ii. i of Ale.. , , . , . . . , , , , T . . i.ouo, ins ue, mma-ci iiuu imini berma;i's Bank, a corpora.:...; !!. i'lainibers, jr., First .tt.. ...I i.ani: of Jlep;;ner, a coiv a'-- i. J.a:.i: of li.r.pacr, a carpo t i, t i'.nh.'a Vaii;er, l.umbermer;'s Aa-i.- r.al Lank, a, corporation, i.. ..J- un- ...,t of t ne cs- o in the County A)U,i;v. Cve;.ai, the tTth day ci . ur ( I 10 o'( lee'.; a .. h.a Zimai'Tiuau, I'feston v V.-iU and F. it. Chambers, U fo::da;As : I Hit Iloppller will nse freia her a:-: Waicinie Koinancr. yr. Ceore Cook and Mrs. Lain l!a':"i', liotli of this city, were united a Inciter and a h"iw to..., than ; he i;i ,..,., i;,.,f, Mnml:iy (;,KlAn., vt KeH;i:,A' Oiwon Aicic Abiamis, deceased. 'ft) C the tin- has ever been is the b oief of her optiniistie ne idents. i'a. u who we.i swept, ( lean of their t artiily f.c heme rd' Mrs. S. A. Totter, the reinony btiinB pi rformed by City ' c'T-lor !'. I'. Williams. The wed- ' ' '" " " "las; was of partl.-ular interest be their losses with a ss.iie and an beadunini; to git ieady to Ijuckie ia ajtain, inai'i? a new ufait and bi;i:d a town wortii while. Men do nm grow old in this :;ood oh;! hnniii Ki ass cuuiiliy a;-; ili.-y do ia h r :'. favored seeiions and bo,:;; i p r. ii once in awhile is iihti-I a t, :,h: of tin; Kanie. It's llei l is a. el lie: bia; outdoor: that pais (i.e. pop anil eoui-au'o into lie: p-w;i. up hefe aiel eialo t hi i i he sd 1 o down, and tie: fid low w i e I ee bocn broke l.n.i v. s n . : ii i , . f ti real joy of epi.'t in;; on ; , , earn; , . grabbing a new holil and sobi;:.;; into step (I Ii his I i h ad and le i ;e bors who, by the v.ay, ate, by ahoa: 10IIU pir eeai. nee"; .n, i!. he. t pnopli: on i a i t h. The 1 1 era id i , i . ; neitlier ipie-e, nor time nor ihe ia cliuation to Iiuiim niueii aia at i eaese of the fact that Mr. Cook left 'in f'lli.nviiiK mornin;; wiih his enn tia'eei. i'.,r Aiaeriean Lake to enter upon Hi" course of intensive train- lny p'y '.a"h l;e hopes to soon lie ; litied for the work whh b is cut out I "Av.t Vi. eii V AClOit Die. A. I). JIcuUltDO PI! ilCIAN & SURGEON T l,i.hpe 122 Oi'Kca Puitefton's Drug Store ileijpt.e!' Oregon WOO 1 ICON ii SWEEK ATTOltNEYS AT-LAW . JT'-.'T)pn''i,t Oreffon iji i law. at ti:o o! i n I A'i'XCitK EY-AT-LAW I!o-,o'Ci', f'o- a few liillion American bey--"over there" in junkie;; the world saiA for l)i.i;)(-n!-y. I ; . 1 1 1 the youirr oei pie a:-e v.eli and favorably known : . , , ,, ., I IjO Uio i l'jiUM M "oi.p a-,! a host of f.-emds will wi; ii ! Mr. Cm,;: a iiclopaeiis trip to th A i ', IlC tai-'epean hal.le Ii. Ids and a safe and : tpnij;- ,17 '' i c iii-a to l,u bride, hi.s parents i - aid f; h'aiis. ii ()ii 1 el 1 (ft i,i L1111 (1 ei ( 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 111 , I in awr.i i e criavo of saal ljua; Cro 1 1 1 t' 1 lit) ol ill? auornev. L. ( 1 hi i 1 1 1 i 1 t! i ( 1 ' 1 puii'ieaiion of this notice, v.lueh date t 1 1 1 x 111 11 1 I I N ( 1 1 ( Itll a: 1 r x 1 r 1 t ( f I' e T I " 7. and imee at uie 1 al.. s. ureeiou . June 1 .ih. Hill I .i;l. r a. d 'by virtue cf a f t . !o e..e -wii, a and order of aalo .1, ly . ;; e f.;it, 1 C ilio above entitled . rt 1 , 1..': ;.i,-'', eiAitii d Ci.use 1:; ".. . Ai ii..y ef ,A;;:e, ItiJS, in whiei. .siit .0 a!) ' .3 ;;iui!cd plaintiff rece . : 2d 1 1 c 1 .'8 J . aaej 1 ti VI er f . : ;ii3 0 mil i;r .est. c 7 ner ,'.ui ( i ' 1 t v, lEit' , to il. 011 ! 57 j . 1 I at 1 11 m l.'ora : .11 ) f b 3 la ' . .0- 1 1 rn 60e at .a i.i . a .. i " 111.. ire; a ' .1- .ar- 1 ::;;. f , -her 26, J -t, 1 ( 1 In 1 0 .MA t- as.ev;; ie' antp . sa . a tiie -in ttuv oii jane. iiS. ai.u u3,ica ot cat1 1 il p ) ; rty ..ore .. alter oescrtbi d. -;o.i:o is hereby given that 1 v.'ill iii ih..; A 0 til day of July. 191.'-, at 2 ; vir.cn in tae auernoon of saii'i day, n il:o f:a.iiii doer of the count;.- c.-irt 1 1 noi d( now C i-saty, .;;::; en. se;l ut public auction to the It 1 f 1 t 1 h in hand all lie ri An. rule and interest of the !a- Ore'.y n " 1 1 c1 i 1 v 1 1 ( a lllnn 1 obb and i'auAna lannarv zi. 1:m.i. rnailo noi n i 1 1 1 1 AA A . A'i'i ; i !i',' 1 ': , Soe in-! IIS 'in 1 u 1 1 1 1 1 1I1 1 1 1 v; i.A.A;ro .t !.;:s jt::;:. ft le' ( a;;',! ! e b iiy ( ;; A i,,' rn iit-t of Oregon : it. Vv'tAch liiiJiir for dated ,, . at to mure lmai three-year ict 1 Mil Ii ' ( ! 1 (in 1 f 1 11 f. nobii, on the day of Mf.rch, "j. or aenuired at anv tinij since iu oaie. to the lollowmg de,:.iibed "i pri i-a it v. to-vit: 'the A V.aud the of the .' " i .:(-:. ia 'i wp. 1 a. of Kan J5 . 01 a, i.-lani"tio ileridian, in .,tor " i.. uu:v. (irocon. d lii'eaei'ty taiton and let . :., up- i IcppncT lior pedd to pri ; phrnises abou hir pei ..pp. and, aa- , -..1-; . 1 ' , . . .. i','M ' !'' ":i f-A'AlOAM ...p., i..ii l 11. 'i. "..ill.., Piiij'.e .'ii in' f ' j 1 i p ' ' ' uiuMilii who ,',ei 10 l.il i.v ll '( ;iui I' and Iut people will hud it out 1 1 themselves and if they iiou't iiM tbidr niisfort line. Eli. .1. G, TEENER EYE EI'ECIAEIpST En; ' !:. "..', ! i. ;A!; .r PA'Vi'i.ly vis.ts to Ilepp- .ot licpi-nor. Cn- rai. !,(! , (j I(e t. ii. FltA.VK V"001)CCt:A' , i 18(12 keyis... ii 0 1 tl e )th 11 1 A u 1 h 1 ei of s ml ilef. tints til 1 i s j I iiuu (null i I i ill 1 Oregon'0 1 1 1 ' 1 1 11 ,i.;aui i.ooi' .aid I'aulniG H. il ab, r so niueh tacreof as mav be a- - i i id in 1 ment i- .' . or i - aid , laniiia and a .ainst . . !o 'iioaat Au;;ustU3 talker, i .1 ac-7-'d costs. , G1ZO. Mi'DUFFt ', li t Sheriff of Mo.': jw CounAv, Or. It. ( iEl E'Si r. It VETEEEsAItlAN hi Watch IEi'ipnT (ti'ovi. Have and Arthur M. .v have liiircbaed the line lot ad.ioir.ie.: ihi' !'.iv i';iiui -AM to i.'i ,k'-: H'T-Pi"!''1'. Oregon 111 ''')' '' ' - v. hi;.;' E:c v -' Ort'uate Eit .Mi. .!. i iii:.; r. j) a: -.-iii ! .. A'liiJ Ephi,,. 7::j (!.ay r.r Night) to t'." t V'tiii v A-i'iii fit liil.t;'..-; """" "" t:f.", i.;..r whk'x tlwr will i e r ItANCIS A. IsIcJIENAMIN forA.Aii' fi I') ','.. i-ii". ui'l, I). ( . t .0 I'. i.-i' 0 i i . . ; A'. ;o;i i. ; i.-it-j-.-fii-rl i EAWYEU Eol.vi'.". E,',.;.a Heppner, Or. i'l.lace botel prop, rty from Ida's 'i , ,., ,, , , . ; O.i'.re VilQV.a Ivkiifl ('..1:5 in Ri! mm ai.1 ,oi lariu in i n ill i. i i, , i . , , . i.lii'O a concti le liuililini; on tin. . . , . , ,. , ,, . i.'." ! .! o.A iio:;i i! t- o;,icj of ire I'ortli ball ol tin- ut :iii,n , ( Tbe t,i atni,,,,,',. uill cupe-d ViUl E t";'t thij fe' by I'a.terson & Clark, barbers ami ' '. 9 1'Ele l.ouie iva ,..n. ihe tail, ", it ,. L'i:E-:. on thj ;.. r;,t0;-ua f..)5-i- pants are loimd the ie.i..1i,..l, r i f the 1,;J '"'i' 1 1 ti'i! iCr.-:!..e . t ...... will ab u bo i ,,ci. ,i. t 'ma liiv ' ip': - .i i . p;.'.n; :,- J. I,. Wiikin-i ii i muni.- .m r.- L,J i.-i U C i'i i,e in l! i.a nis bnlldiii;; Ih,. 1'al.i, ,. coiner wiih a of ..! (''J.'ty A-V.M ! .,' llie fir. St strictly iiici."n I: .1 d ice!, i! j a; - .ft'.. : Ai. del'stopipl, lee-, the d. l.nA of his pi'nj.at w. il v.... I... I . ;,!-;, 'A)- Ev' ;;;.! ibninile p.p;r p p , I pp ., . i ICiily lor P ll'.i, .1: , Vlct.ir (ti. a, i n . i . ' debi I i in, m ! i 1, . d.-iM lo.i. 1 ,i .:, oflel s t .r Ihe 1 w ho , p, .1 l.i i ii . t a In.r J A . i - A . - . -, : mn' ai NA i . ' I Uiksiiiciu'o PlioiiH Maint'Ci") HOY Y. YtTIITEES KEAE ESTATE, EOANS. INSURANCE Ilenpntr, Oregon a. i. i . I ,ol . ... : v ; k '.I .1 l', notici: ion I'l iti. it A l ios iso- I.Vl'iilt TKACT. Ciildic l.nnil Siite. Iiepaia in. : t of the Interior, 1'. K. I .a ml I Ml,,,, ut l.a Cii'ande, (Iregoii, Jnlv .MIi. la IS. p ! NulTC!-; i hereliy irhen that, as Alireclcd by ihe Comml: .- loner ol tlie ' ive'l ii. .1 1 ' Ci" er.tl i ai.. I llllice, under provisions 1 ( i jv , !,,, ,i s, , . f i...-,. It. S.. pursuant to the , , ,, a i in a: i a , t (Mile .il. .N. at. ot Picho. '' ' ' '" -'!" . .-.-. .in, s i.,l No. ciI.'.ss;;, will ' ' i , i' ;': - : ; i :i , 1 , r at p i' lie sale, to the l.ijMio-t . 1 i-!.;.T. hi,; . i not l.'-s than ?2.mi pT . ti , '', . ', , '' a ; . ai I ,. ,. ,-,i( U A. M., on ih.- 1 I, a '"' ' ' ' .1 t' .!' lltiT. 1 ' 1 A II e;, ill I hi i v, ,:,,,..,...,..... i No'iAcii i'Oii ri'LLicAT: .mm.'.., ci.'i ri ,,c.i r. ii?,. t U In" aAiaeaf of t Interior. '. S. Teaavlmen. of tne Interior, V. SA ;ilul ,.jt.,, at LaC.raudo. (.aeon, A-.nd o;!i(i. ;..t Tlie iJalh s, Ore;:on;; a ... ijj jjjg June Ih, ISIS. ,r.'.i.v h tiv i i as lAriaerly Lulu Lum- ; a. of er-at C. S. lll'X.X, Register. Antb'O is herciiv nrlv-n t'-iA Vr t 1 ' '''' ;::,:l' -!':"' '''' E j iua, C-.'i;;.,u, v.lio, on Mav 3rd. I 1 15, eon va!.), on ...n-niW 23. IA' J ..xtn homestead entry No. , . I ( ,J 7 0 ""' JUv - ;, ' ''' !""'!V.- I " 1 " ;' TP. R. K. 2S Ik W. AI.. li-i bled - , .1(,c,',r,.v',V"N r ' f ''''.".n.it.'nllnnl,. make tin wear "''..,'" Tv'"' ' I i ' . ' . p o f . ta (siahliM, ,...!, to C land " T" ''." : - . ""' "-.'! 1 ;; I E'.o'.e ib-.cl'ibod, be. ii C. C. hh s neios- o, : :iea-i--a i . ina: e Ilea , j ,,,, Ih.R,.,! e..,,P,; ( .ml!!si, .' , , , , "',"' ," , 1 . : is "he..-, at lloppaor. Oregon, tbe die la o aimve i ' s' l'ihe l, h'O, re C. ( , ;, ,',;,,,- , f .u:;st, IMS. 1 ;'U(',V' '" 1 ;v":r-: O-inoah-'.-i-e. , n ,;iii;1,.t nal!u,s a . witm!.. Ar. V'' "J("-.--r. Or.vo. on the 7tl m:, ,.. Aueims, VA.' In U Van -ut, ( Uoe.ant name.-, as wI'i-psk: .Tor , ,,., ,,,. pi 'ii.ii ey, i looipp t.ea' !: or: i V.'illiaiu I.. I.ow.-n. Cuv I., liadle. ! all of Ihirpli'r.n, Or eon. I j ,.,.,.,.,.,. ii. f i ; a x k wooncncK, t. m..i.m ,s. H3 !b-;,-:ser. ! N' THA CIllCflT (""ART OA THE . ': ST.M'ii OF OittXeiX FOR JIOR- 1 imms, Cre.ss and Co:..paiiv. n " "l'aor- Pe a,' ment of the interior, t'. S'.J ati.ai, riu.at!'., ' - ut la.ii'.ii'.uii.', Ol-.-.ao,! ; ts. V!- v''iK- j -l.n W. J ! n - .n, Deremlaiit. ''"' 's I et-a y fA'.-a I'aA .l.irn ; . . J.V'i A'. Johim.,n, the ahore - - ''I I' a' A (a, v. :( i am, d d,. ea.iaat: 1 ' ' i'iii' sy t . A 'A 'ami A ' i .,,',, -.- .. c-,.... . ... , ;uo i i i Te rn . m : laa " re ulred lj ap ,i' .m,l aa .-.er tiie i-oinuluiut tiled ' i t y,n in the above entitled 'A i ' ' a cr li. - r i x v. ee'.s from 1 ; -Ifl lay of .luae, l.ilS, to-wit: I. ! ' I 'I ;i 1 ' . T . -. a ' : " ,; :, Aa-A Wiih'ee -a A, p. ( f in a; An t , , '.e n- .r ...f to r. . h. ! t . .. .. 1. 1 '1 t A -'llll I i ' al t e , al 0 V.' I ... ton v-- aum..; i . . . 1 1 -. . 1 , , i i . i i ' I : low in.: tl'.o t of land . i ' :-A A , s,c. .; I, Tp. 1 i-: . v. M . I ill Hot be ke;n oj. but I ! . d i ! ,',! in 11 t'.es ' j ; hour li. i:m I a. p v.' : I. hid am The pe-- a A h. A l.pd i i i 1... re- j I :. CO ,i ! I',.- ii.. j : aat tecr - f. j . , i-,;' 1 Ami a,Al , d i . or ol ; . i a-, , a ; I Am - d A-1 a'.'d f,T -..,1c, c. S. !M W. i ; p .. i t r ! m a ;-:, i iv. ... r. "'. ai A a a. r, ( da" f c a A lhl A C'a'. a a I m . -, a ; ' (i d. ' f A. '. , l 1 '"'e ;i. if i i i ' a r, c i-.M.. , f ,..'. (.., 'h-;.,'!', i f l; ,-.'. (o, '''" c. s I-' ..: i' :::': ia ..' Ih.ia TAi. ' . a " t a,.. ii,i la.. of AuKUHt, ami if y ,ii f i'l to so appear or r. ia - p:;;.l a .as I , a :r.y of AirarA II 1 ' ; , '. u 1 sad r r a ' . :-', .i'o IA Uf mm a a i i iit ri p.i. lo i :o. I- , .. i f ti j i- ! a', r. i : .. t T..c I 'a. . .. ( '; C....I,, I'.c i I Vim I A t 1 . ; li. I ... . t " l, A, i v A I kil, I at i , i ! A :tv.-i' : , V ,i s I.- ki i.T. :' " !'l 'ah !uJk- : is-i of -t tli.pieoa r.r. the ::n fmni tin Htu '. a id for ; laln- a it i t thin ' ' of f . ie of : i al and per- - - ! I'. Tell i :. 1 ' ato 'i . tick, 'Ixcr wltii '. .i.iiip!pt'. . r Fair' . nrs a'.ne. tripe,. ' :nt en t! ure . t'a uinl .7 i.i . 0. 'A'. !.. M-.r- ' ' : 'a' o le- .. UT Tl'i't - r f aid i iintv t ' ; .it- -In I i .f ' ,'ati r -r" ami in or f V I " 'V i crli, 1 f ""t iowil . '; i . f.il a: 1J4 . - I ...U1 . f tie- i . . ! Upi Veil - Ef.-k rnl.l. ' i- a ...il .,' ' i ; .aT, M T . I H:;ii,. ( f ' 1 'ds ei ! n ' i a i y t-. ;; i.- ' '' a: iv ' - a. at. ! t a ; :i ! Jaa I i aim a ... All.i i. ' 'he ... t ' a ' A I'MJ, ' ': v '..ut i . r ih-,..;..T.