OLDEST LCVE LETTER FOUND Ail Kinds of Modern Scientist Declares it to Have Been Written About the Time of Abraham. Tlip oldost love letter in the world hits liecn found und read by eyes for which it never whs Intended. Dr. Stephen Herbert Lnngdon, Museum of Art iind Sciences, University of Penn sylviinla, was the man to find this billet (loux, written on a tablet of clay about the time of Abraham. He also lias brought to life what is said to be the oldest map In existence, druwii about 1500 B. C. or another tablet ot flay. Here Is tbe letter, which, sad to re late, Is partly selfish: "To Kalta and Mirslla say: "Tims snlth Kin-muglr. "May the Sun-dog give you good health. "How Is this business? "For a whole month you have not sent anybody to ask about my welfare. "Now I direct Shamasheplrl unto you. "Send me 30 pints of barley meal and ten pints of bean flour. "I am In trouble. "Give quickly. "What you send deduct from your tithes. "As to the rest, send It according to future Instructions." Evidently the writer was fond of both Kukn and Mirslla, two sisters. Al though the letter could scarcely be culled affectionate, as the present gen eration understands the word, Its translator assures us that It Is a bona fide cross-your-heart love letter. The map found by Doctor Langdon was of ISahylonlnn origin and Indicates a supposedly suburban district joined together by canals. Kchoboth Sunday Herald. NO TRUTH IN TRADITION Old Legend of the Drowning of Prin cess in Petrograd Fortress Proved to Be Without Foundation. The fortress of SS. refer and Paul, In Petrograd, has an evil reputation as the former place of Imprisonment of many of liussla's Idealists, Includ ing Prince Kropotkin anil Madame Ilrcshkovsky ; but one blot on Its 'scutcheon Is removed by an Illustrated article in the London Sphere. The article reproduces a painting by the Itusslan artist l'lavltsky, showing D beautiful woman standing on her bed In a cell In this prison, seeking to es cape the rising waters of a flood that threatens her life. This was the Prln ccss Taralianova, who had Incurred the onmlty of Catherine thetireat. The tradition Is that she was drowned, by order of the empress, during the In undation of 1777. The Sphere, how ever, shows that she died of tuberculo sis two years before the flood swept through the fortress. Thus this gloomy prison and tbe great empress are re lieved of one of the tragedies with which they have been associated. The Outlook. In Praise of Music. Musle adi's nothing but good; sub tracts the evil; multiplies that which we already have; discounts our ail ments ami compounds all of our Inter est. If you believe this Is true, "push" mnMc. Aid the choir, choral and or rhestial societies. Sympathize with and In every way support public school music. A foreign traveler In our country said he ttns deeply Impressed Willi OUT sllci s. lie heard no reapers sing ing In the Held, he heard many n bird enrol, but no human songs. That re mind me of the old saying: "l'.lcssed Is the m:iu who slugs at his work." Take an Interest In creating n musi cal atmosphere hi the home, ami soon America will be sinning and e shall be able to take 111 music not only by tbe small channel of the car. but tbrou.h cery pore of our bodies straight to tbe root of our souls. The Musician. Grocery 'irned Out Washed Out BUT STILL IN THE RING Hardware! & Implements We have it, will get it, or it is not made Gilliam & Bisbee ELP SS SCARCE and the weeds will ruin the summer fallow if not killed. The JONES WEEDER will save .r0 per cent in labor and do a better job than the usual methods. Get yours early before all are gone. See C.E.Jones or H. C. AsHbaugh HEPPNER, OREGON Hint to Mothers. 1 et neer be like the mother who sal I her bey was not Interested In any thing, l or the be tea.hcr when she called noticed that In tun! n box which he se, mcd to take care of, and It was not long I i fore she learned that It was n colic, Hon ef rntcrptllnr. Vet the mother sal I that her boy n Intcroir, I In nothing. The t her ut once showed her pupil that sin1, too, was IntiTcsiod n hi. collection. Sh learned from ihc boy h great many thing, about ctitcrpl'larn H ut she did not know, me) 111 turn unigbt h'tn thing, be did not know. Teacher and boy heoniuo great friend.; throiiklt this common Inten t oth. r. sprung up Mini the boy chai g'sl from n sullen Innltcmhe hey t.i broad mla lol, wide awake man. If the mother could Illy hioe hnre-l to r be Interest. Iiow much more- helpful they would t.av Incti t each other. Pittsburgh I't-iatch, HARDMAN GARAGE HLKAKMAN & RAU, Props. Courteous and I'.fikknt Service by Courtcouy and Com petent Workmen. Accessories, Supplies, Expert Yulcanizers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, - - OREGON Home Products for Home People WE MANl'FACTL'KH White Star FIoinGraliam,Vhole Wheat, Cream Middlings Rolled Harlev and Mill Feed General Storage and Forwarding Hcppner Farmers Elevator Co. You are usaim-.l if iron t atl i us treatment when iValn t willi THE Farmers & Stock M ro wers National Hank HEPPNER. ORE. Vt pay rT c'nt int. r t on Saving II - l ! II I Ml ii I .i Ei I Fresh meat is perishable. It must be sold within about two weeks for whatever it will bring. A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domccUc markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen beef. Swift & Company can not increase prices by withholding meat, be cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. Swift & Company cannot tell at the time ck p urchasing cattle, what price f. " -neat will bring when put on ule. If. between purchase and sale, market con ditions change, the price of meat must also change. The Food Administration limits our profit to 9 per cent on capital invested in the meat departments. This is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. No profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated. As a matter of fact, meat is often sold at a loss because of the need of selling it before it spoils. Swift & Company, U.S. A. Ml 1 I Jl! ! .!! mm The man who knows the com fort of a good -tasting chew sticks to Real Gravely Chewing Plug every time. Lasts longer than ordinary tobacco, too. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch and worth it Cravtylatf onmch longer it ftt nomori to chtw Ihmn ordinary piag P. B. Crawly Tobacco Company Danville, Virginia, HOUSES IOK SALIC BrtMn or unlr. ktn. Will be !'. for cash or on timcuurchas r tivipjr note with approved ge cur.'y. Hon' can I'" 'en on my ranch at the Tub Spring. Jamm Carty. 4cHf l.ir.tcn. Oregon. l-OK SALE Fifty hea l tmM work nml i. Twenty five head fine bigmnrt S. If you need any tock in thi!in it will pay you to inspect thei aninu'.i. GlY IJoYER. JOtf Heppner, Oregon.