Heppner Herald. S. A. PATTISON. Publisher An Independent, Newspaper Enter. h! at the Ileppner.Orefron, Po.ituhice as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription: One Year $1.50 Six Months .75 Three Months 50 FRIDAY, JULY 19, 1918. 'JHK 1'IU 10 MAKSIIAIS KKI'OItT. The report made, by tin; representa tives of the Stall! Fire Marshal's of fice who wore recently in Heppner is not particularly ilatloring to wo lleppnerites nor is it intended to send forth the impression to n waiting world that Ileppuer people are to have been in the recent past, weight ed down with any hit? chunk of civic, pride. Tim Herald regrets that the length of tle report precludes its publica tion at this lime because of handi caps due to the recent lire which was in itself a complete vindication of every word carried by the report in (inestion. In brief the gist of the report may be given about as follows: In the way of lire apparatus, organization or equipment with which to protect our own and our families lives anil property the town had practically nothing. In the way of dilapidated buildings, rubbish, scrap paper, straw, excelsior etc., with which the rear of almost every business prem ises in the town was littered, we hud practically everything that the most pronounced lire-bug on earh could de sire. Tim Herald regrets that every cit izen can not have an opportunity to read this report in full for It has been said that repentance Is the first real step towards reform and loiiiohuly else has said that the llrst real step towards repentance Is for a fellow to get bally well ashamed of himself and of his past way of living. The ihi zen or property owner who can read that report without feeling a tlusH of shame for his town must be a pretty tough bird. Hut reform Is coming now by b aps and bounds ami we may all ospect to see Heppner rjsc from her sislo s a cleaner, brighter, bigger and better town (ban she has ever hi en. plant in the recent lire which de stroyed a large part of the city. Ed itor I'attison, however, is not ready to yuit and merely asks that subseri-! hers pay up their arrearages so that: he may be able to buy a new plant. . . i i ertainiy that is a reasonable request and if the people of Heppner want aj paper like The Herald they will slioiv him how a newspaper should be run by paying at least a year, in advance. - Cottage Grove Sentinel. Suhcsrihers Kcspoiid .Most liberally. XOi'R'K. If anybody ever rises to tell you i that the publisher of the Herald does n't think that Heppner and Morrow county people are the salt of the earth just tell that person that lie I has another think coming. Since the first small edition of the' I Herald after the fire appeared j which the actual situation regardin i'-t of the State of v County. :.e Estate of Nick In the County Ci Oregon for Mc In the .Matter of Ablamis, deeea : ;. Notice is hereb; riven that the un dersigned, administrator of the es tate of Nick Ablamis, deceased, lias filed his final account in the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, mill tloif s",ntiir(l:iv tl.p t'.Tth (lav nf in J July, 1 9 1 S , at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and the J. L. Wilkins, who was in the east when the big fire occurred reached home last Friday evening to find his properly and bifsiness absolutely will ed out of existence but his wife and family sale. .Mr. Wilkins lias asked the Herald to express his gratitude to the ladies of ,'ioppner, for what they did to comfort and cheer .Mrs. Wilkins and the children before-his return. .Mr. Wilkins is uame and is rustling to get back on his feet again and, being a good rustler lie will sure make good. .Mr. and .Mrs, A. I,. Avers and Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Spencer left Tuesday lor an extended auto tour during which they will probably visit Yellow stone National Park and other points of interest. At. this writing nothing definite has developed regarding the re-building of tlii! burnt district. Everybody seems agreed hat the town will be re built and as soon as possible but so far eveiyone seems to be tip in the air regarding just what everybody is go ing to do. However it, may be said definitely Unit a new anil modern ho tel w ill be built without much delay as that is one institution that Hepp ner til n t have, Woodson ti Swock's sale was open en Friday, ju.,t one week al'ler the lire and t he coiili lit ; were found to he p: a, -lie. illy ruined. Papers, eic. were reduced to charcoal and while in ninny Instances the printing and writing was legible it Is doubtful w hot her I hey are of much value. The I'alaci hotel . was also ruined and the content., dest rov. ,1. ' '' open, .11 ni , m,;c Mon day and found Hie contents all right ovopt Hint tliey were Well water -oak, d. Win u the buil.llir; burin I the sale tumbled into tne cellar and when Hi. big lain came the cellar via- county court house in Ileppuer, Mor- this paper and its future prospects : row County, Ore;;on, is the time and were set fortli subscription accounts ' nlace set for tlla Soaring of objec ., i tions thereto, and the settlement and new subscribers have been roll- thereof. JOHN SOURAPAS, ing in right lively and that in spite j Administrator of the Estate of of the fact that the publisher has j NU:k Ablamis, deceased. been out of town nearlv half the . I NOTICE TO CliKDSTOnS. time ami trying to get settled at Zimmerman, Oregon and Western Colonization Company, a South Dakota corporation, Preston Camp bell, W'iliiam Kobb and Pauline H. fiobb, his wife; Banker and Lum berman's Iiauk, a corporation; F. It. Chambers, jr., First National Dank of Heppner, a corporation, Hank of Heppner, a corporation, Cynthia Walker, Lumbermen's Na tional Hank, a corporation, defend ants. To At in ti Zimmerman, Preston Camp hell and F. K. Chambers, jr., de fendants: Under and by virtue of a foreclo sure execution and order of sale duly issued out of the above entitled court in the abovo entitled cause on Clio 17th day of June, 1918, in which suit the above named plaintiff recovered judgment a:;ainst the above named defendant Augustus Walker for the X'ritli -e is herein- (riven that the 1111- Him of $l(i,S2S.U7 with interest housekeeping again as well as doing uYrsigned has hi en appointed by the thereon at the rate o 7'r per annum many oilier things a catastrophe like County Court of the Si ate of Oregon, from the 2d day of January, 1908, to- tor .Morrow County, Executrix ol me semer w un liiiurusi. on o,au.sj ai TTeptmer's fire makes necessary, estate of Louis Groshens, deceased; the rate of 7per annum from Janu- good portion of the rest of the time, that all nersons having claims ary 2, 19(18 to (Vi. : 1-', 1910, to- Here is a list of new subscribers ' against the estate of said Louis Gro- Keillor with inti n ?1G00.00 at , , . . . T , r., shells, deceased, must present the me rate or i ',,. per ana in m jan aml .enewals received smoe July 5th; . samo tQ mfs (lly vfHi0(1 a,cording to nary 2, 1908, t to: : ; ;, 1912, many of whom are paid well in ad- law, at the office of mv attorney, S. E. and the further s..,.i of v Ad. 00 at vauce. Jos. Eskelson, of Lexington J Poison, in Heppner, Oregon, within torneys fee and $65.85 cos's, on the , ... . , i six months from the dale of the first Mlh day oi June, 191b, aim decree of leads the list with a subscription paid pubik.aU(m of this notice, which date foreclosure on the real property here in advance S years, to June 1, 1920. lot first ptiblica'im is .nine 2S, 191S. iwil'ter described. Dave Mc tee of Ileppuer is a close HBLBN GltOSHEXS, Executrix. Notice is hereby given that I will l' neI'Inic' lh a tlose! 0I1 the .20th day of July, 1918, at 2 second with a subscription for his i NOTICE FOlt PVIUJCATIOX. o'clock in the afternoon of said day, daughter, Miss Ida McAtee of Seat-1 at tlie front door of the county court ,, .. . . ... 1 Department of the Interior, V. S. house in Heppner, Morrow County, He, paid in advance , years, or until LaU(l office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oregon, sell at public auction to the June 1, 1925. George Curran and June 10th, 1918. highest bidder for cash in hand all Hill Harratt started the landslide the Notice is hereby given that John T. the right, title and interest of the de- ,. ' Kirk, of Heppner, Oregon, who, on fondants, William Uobb and Pauline morning alter the fire by paying up January 23, 1913, made Homestead H. Kobb, on the 12th day of March, to 192: and '21 respectively and, well Kntry, No. 014421 for EtiNWU, 1 '( 9 , or acquired at any time since Nk'i. NE'.i-A Ji. hooi'in 2s, 'l own- that date, to the following described ship 1, South, Range 2G East, Wil- real property, to-wit; lamette Meridian, has filed notice o The Nand tlio N of the SW'.i intention to make Final three-year of fc'.ec. 20, in Tv,p. 1 N. of Hange 25 Proof, to establish claim to the land E. of Willametta Meridian, in Mor above described, before C C. Patter- row County, Oregon. son, I . s. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oregon, on the 9th dav of Aiigust, 1918. Claimant, names as witnesses: Ar- hei e's the list : ! W. li. Harratt. George Curran, F. E. Parker, I). E. Oilman, John Kil kenny, Jesse Hall, Dell Ward, J. P. Williams, E. M. Shutt, Henry Sihwarz, Andy Kood Jr., 11. II. Hoff man, II. C. Oitliens, Malcolm Church (new), E. M. Matteson (new), Ed. E. thur W. Common, of Lexington, 'Ma Adkins, G. M. Anderson, J.'o. linger, '"'" ; Fn"lk Wilkin, of Lxin ,,,.,, , , Oregon; Fred II. 1,'itchie, of he - ! red lash, Geo. McDullee, S. E. Not- ,. onon: and James G. Do! son, Mike llealev, Dave McAtee, J. of Heppner, Oregon. W. Vaughan (new), Stacv Roberts ' ., "' FltANlv WOODCOCK, 19(12 Register, (new), Mrs. C. W. Shurte, D. C. ! . Wells, Dick Wells, W. C. Cox, Win llaylor, L. W. Priggs, D. C. Gurdane Mis. F. Lujm r. Pert Stone, Pen Cox D. O. .Indus. W. W. Sniead, O. W Dowers, Sin rnein Shaw, Ileppuer: W. (',. Seoti. Karl Peach, Wm. II Paiihei'g. p. F. Swnegart, Jos. E'skel ' in, l.exihslnn; W. II. Crolik. C. I! -"'ii.'i' r , I!. Per,'-: l ulu, H. .MeCurdv en Said property taken and levied up on as the property of said defendants William . Kohl- ind Pauline II. Kobb, or so much thereof as may be nece-. sary to satisfy said judgment in favor f said plaintiff and against said de 'ndant Augustus Walker, and ac "'.led costs. GEO. McDUFFEE, ' dll Sheriff of Morrow County, Or. I vo'i'n i.' i.'iit ri 'in iriTinv NOT!( !! I OK PSTU.K ATIOX. i ......v .... Department of the Interior, U. S. d ,ind Office at LaGrande, Oregon, j tine 1 2th, 191S. I Notice is hereby given that Lulu '. lohnsoii, formerly Lulu Lumsden, of ; jenti, Oregon, who, on May 3rd, 1915, Oil .November L':,, 1 9 1 1 I , ,,.,,ln lo,,o,:,.ol nntrv Vn I111(!7 lloni'-'e'd Entry No. I1H147,! ,P W r. si:i. Un,l l': ' svv i ; son and July ' PUli, made Addition;!',, ' ; Tp. f p. ; L.s .;. w M. ,as r,u.(l r"!:" x"- ll1,;e'. for Ni'.'', n-1! .1 tnni.e of intentii n to make ihree-year s"('' -1' TlV1' s": -Proof, to estahli.di claim to the land ,. ,., , . ., '.' -" "'iiamoeo .Men, I, an, tia-, ;,hoe described, before C. C. Patter- 1 ' , i .on nonce oi r.uenii n ri intice tina :!..-!!, Pa., l.v J. O. 1 lager; T . i !' a "proof to ;' a'di.-li claim to' Hi Interior, V. S Dalhs, Oregon 1 lepartnieiit .of Land 0:!ice at 1 June 1 S, 1918. Noti-e is hereby given that Her tram P. l!oukm;!n, of llardnian. Ore gon, who. en N'ivenit)i' mad llooileil and t! ed ol'f. al'e thorou ;hlv I m:ic.to. iikms M. P., ii iiliet. .Morgan; E. J. S.-arlcs Ca.-tle lie, k, Wash.; Dr. M. W. Davis Peril. ii. ,1; Airs. J. . ,'ieoiis, Hard man : ch;.s. II. 11 irner, Condon. the land y.- iv" if - I Patters in, 1'iiit r lr d. bef-.m C I't.iU'd his oiiice, at iates Commissioner, at ieppner. Oregon, on the b day of August, 191 S. ' IU Ol' TII.WKS, 1 .. . II . . ,.ll. Ill'lllj iMMtt MIHI ( l.thlrcll ! We wish to thatlk the good people of l'lu- P.ril-s visitlli-r .! i S. j f lb ppner for saving so nnnh of Stv tl's molluT, Ml.H. C, . M s:;,!, i our .rnp.-rly during the fire July 4th i .a.i s i .immis.M o:i-j , fiainmnt naiiies as witnesses: Ar- ,i: !c;n nor. ro -,,n, on the 7th, ,mr iiu-lu.s, Waldo h. Vincent, ,' '. Au'' 1'"s- j John Prosiiau and William II. Clark, ,;mn;int names c wi'nosses: Jos ;., ,)f i,,,,,.!, Oregon. . ito'.urev, M ini-' l.ea'ners, i o iirvv Tt.. Will I ttl Not PI..OI. S. A. Piitll-nn Is in Portland thii week selecting a new pnnthm p'.aot A inf.:, nii;lit to take Hie place de-it ro.M'd by tin tlnii to put In a of the one recent I v It U the inli',1- 11 ! "1 I II llllll Wl'.l sin. ill i'j,'in' si.-itci I,,,x- :i n il ii'iniiv TuesiiiiV "iv tliiniis up in t't'ti. t'tal. hfl 'l ' ;u- liottsi' w ;is ruiti; ittiu a i.'..ii; , r nf ciiilppcil plant nlil.li will pi.,,,. pi I Icr.ihl lu a b (t. r po t: 1 -n lb., u n . r before tn handle Its In, i a -ie p.ii loii.ie In inli a manner m , bn-,-Ine s de ni es f lolVH llili rl It !!) tlt tiu " i , u tl M C.',.l'h( tl Ml!. were absent from home. AM) MPS. El) A I lis I NS. (o,i; il!' ii., I lil I'.u'ls' s t rv i;; ... tfi'"' -as . !... ' t;..'!i ,'!:(, TiM.ilit!., I Mi Vv .IS tl', lie " liii-li cist a k- Hats ,.n S. Paltl n. and iililt lor ef t : e lb puer i lei lo ! I'll I 1 ' , 1 1 1 ' . I . (.o I t-, books tlolll ,.j e , , !' sllb 1 4 j 1 1 . 1 1 I: t ,,n, , ! . In g a, i ion, i -.. (n a lie! ,,i s to ii oi' I , -4 i : . - I i a Jul w ho 1 1 1 -1 l.ll, h I ,i! " be 11,1 ,i lioim; I I- ,n , i.i o.i, . .(. - ,, ltd a Id lo .i up w ,t! , a , ear i-r o Pi a.l . ,ilo e .,l,, . tie i:.,o,l . j.,,, i i o. t . i . p. Seed I Id Hi ,,pn, t , ,. il Ii nit. I I'iiu I . in tali h i If , i ,i ii, ii. .ti 1 I i Ib t I ,1. .1 lit,' I ' ... I li M I- ii"l .! u t ' I i t- r Ku'.o lln,ai l! i i ur siiiiuli Ctl HIH' t iif. S:uv tin' !', .!" ! .: M-as. ,1 i.lsu.l ill 'V I Its; : ! rrn-r, !. x- ! , 1 1 a ;c"i ri..j.i 1 i ; . ,i : , : tit l.tt , rt op iv t s If fi!t an.i ail .f is , :i 'a: ti' t li A I 1 1 las I. tie I, 1 I i i'l. .! I'ii;.,' tii i I Reward $.")()() Kcwanl Not ii-c .i licri-liy uivcti t : a t 1 v. i'l ay u nnvitfil Fic Ii'tli !(,1 t'.eliti's (v.iPO.Hi) f.r the ar ' ; ;p i n ii tio't of any ii r-( ti nr pet -,ii,s khnlir.u' r r, y of ti y So, is, s or t'iil'.lt' from my pa.-Mivs ft" ' ii in ti,!' iar,.i'. . li r a n it c ,' :,s hi! ,e.i s: , .! K f I.!-., v'.t ! en riu l.t r tin in ;'S iiii-l 'J t 'i:'- ' IS, i' If Hi i f -I K I'O!. I. '.'It '.i-'.'-t ) . ,: ! r. '.i'; . J K i' .;:r.. i'!t.l t :i iip il: i -"If. Vi :,i li: J.H ii , i -e i . .-, l.tt Hi cr .1 is. I', t.' i ei I- 1 ; i;:;i .ri I .si ie. .liMlS Kit Kl '.NV. II 1 i n r. V, U j;,t;i r. t't , .-,!'. William .. Lowin, Ouy L. Iladhyj all of Maril'icii. (iri'i-nn. j II. l'KANIs WoiiDCOCIs, Sdll lie-;.-tor. Oi; I! l lilt IM l!!.ICT10. I , e.in mi nt of lb Land (,!l:,e at LaOramb' .I'll e IL', 19 1s. Nolbe Is hereby ri C. S! .no, of ll.-ppnei on February 1", I' l sfe i, l',e rv N". oil' Si;',, NK.'AV',, S'.P; i I n IT. T ,w n hip 'J S ni i:-i-1. Wlihim tie .Men,! ;.' ' ,' ef Int. ::!'. . to us- r-.-f t i . -"i'.;i -h I :sd ; i,i ,! - i f 1. Pa:;.-. . ri.in-,1 :".'. r, : P ni-re r. cri-;-. day of An -in!. 1 :i 1 s. I ' a!l:i.i: t n a I i,s n , -l lb n! a. ef !M; .. ii 'rni'tp. ef jj, . i :-, r. i SIMMONS. IX T 111'. CIltClTT CoritT OF TUB STATIC OP OliEGON FOR M O It lit J w cor.xfv, 'fi:m. is. Cre.ss and Cenipauv, a roriior- illloU, i in gou.: PlaintllT, I !l I - ' ' 1'. ' Ni. i : i i f lo : i f p. n that Jam s Ore ;,,n. w ho,' mad,- llon:" ', t' r NW ' , AW1,, Sec :iik, "S iaa, l .is ;. 1 !i.se tl, r - c'."i:il t i t:.e 1- ! .e C. C. C m I'l 1 -.-1-,:i- i. on t! e 7th i i r : V, i- n: 1 1 nrv : :on: .1. T. ".; ri.,1.1; 1 I . .N. N ! I . V, : i: l ri; i'l pi n atiov. i f !'.- I ,',, i . c. " ;.i 'i - ' I . ;. -. Or I 1 v !-- r-' v ;, p, i . f I. '. . t li-. ;, '".:". 1 ' i i i: ,,. il,-'- It K I ' T" el , 1. ; . I il Mr I ,iie - I" - i'i lllMl! ' I: , p.T el i i a I, 111-, In ,o II. ttl II ,11, I , i ( IL i I tier : in. an I ilt It. o. . : , li . ii c .it a-. I ir t .,- . ! t I' SO t . t .', !: s , t i. it i r. It In i' I ; 1 '. 1. N ' l u P i I i i'i; pi i t n uii d t, I t ' ' " , f t ,r i ' ' r- ii t i . ' 1' : r r 1- .1 t-: rs,..l ,f li i. ill. I' 1 f f : i: i Il t ! , t 1 Ms. 11, I I I To I,.' ' 4- It i i- u ; 1 1. , II tC. ,t i A! John W. .lohnsoii, Defendant. To Jil,n W. John, on, the above named defendant: In the Name of the State of Ore gen, you are hereby re,ulred to ap-pi-.ir and answer the complaint tiled a :a;u -t yon in the above entitled a 'i ei on or before six weeks from the Hist day of June, 191S, to-wlt: I'll or before th" :,d day of August, 1:'1, and if you fail to so appear or nn-u.r, the philntiif will tali" Judg ii, est a ain t ou for the sum of ;'.','J 1 wi ll Interest thereon ut the iv" i f ; , per ii ruin ni from the 14tn day' of August, 1917, and for plaln I , 's i -ts and iTe biii-seini-iits of thU ! X. aii'l f r en order of mlo of t' ' t-ol J,-. . ril. il rial ;ind pe,-- s I... I I .!',,;, 1 :y, a".l !.. d herein: i t. :'-i ii i n.-rl .ml Auto Truck, . i'l: 1 1 1 : : b ,Iy. ( - '. , n,er Con, r.-le MlxT. with -a ilt .lie a':.,,-!, ,-d. i ': I", , k I'm her. complete. i e 1 " f or " potter KulrhaiiKn- M .!-. I ''-' lo.ll" lltuill". in, t..a ii. with tripod. ( , i . , i , i . e , , pit: at a p out oil thn vec 1 1 :i 1 : - ie I i - a :' ,.. nn, ; 7 n E. W. M , M -r- 1 po lilt ilUll be ef Wat. r Mr"-t r . f -ni I rountv 1 1 and 'ni. inn 1 !;:,, , f Water .'" d s.-r. e, and 1 f tiler" 1 r : v. i,;,, ,t cr- k. ' .' f.-t .! . a 11 I feen I I C nth LI t j :., f : V. .11 Veil " a w.-i-lc r it. ra'.l, :. r.,1 r.r ... r. X .r- v '" '1" , f an r- i.i 1 n i', 1. 1 v t . 1,. :.'. J i ! .'T " ti. Hli, I !''.! all -II l J'.lliO ' f ! ' 1.1 t v i-! :. i'mv UV M Tolt ) f r ruintlJ,