ASS Kinds a R. M. Hymr is puffcrinp from p. brfl'"ii !, the rc-'iilt of an iie--,. .H-sday tv.-iiii!r. Mr. Hymer w cimir: lo town with nia.. .vor.t-n if. the hitter's cur when si.!.. went wronp with the jjear mid t', machine left the road and turned over. Mr. Halvorsen was not injured. El - i i 4 4r Vh If eat Must Be Sold if i (From the lone I.'i'Ii'i.-on'k.'nt. ) Auto Wreck tlrcaks Lei 1 i I ?fp ' j p. id; "i fa cy Mr. Kenneth Hlake, son of" VV. J. P.liikf, of lone, and MissSnoda Cook, former resilient here, se emed a marriii;"1 license in Port land July 11th. Dr. Chick i:; away on a vaca tion this 'week and I);'. Winnard, of Ileppner, is looking after his practice. Brown & Douglas took out a new combine to their farm Thurs day. Charlie Pevins has started threshing and reports a fine yield of Turkey lied of No. 1 quality. Mr. and Mrs. C. 15. Sperry re turned Tuesday from a pleasant vacationtrip spent at Portland, Newport and other valley and coast points. Their daughter, Miss Beatrice, who went to Port land with them, has entered a business college in that city, W. II. Pudberg, big wheat farmer of the L xington district, was an lone visitor Thursday. S. E. Moore and family spent the fourth in Portland, returning j Monday evening. 10. liergslrom, prosperous wheat ' grower of the Gooseberry dis-l trict.was a visitor in lone Tnurs-I ilay. j 1). Meisner, who farms the Cronin & Low land north of town, I took out a new combine Wednes-j day. ; Boh Sptrry.of the Mas. in store, is busiet than a bird dog setting1 up 2-man Deering combiner late-' ly. lie says the little leering, sells like hot cakes. C. B. Sperry reports the de-. mand for grain xacks lively, lie1 Kent out iM.IMMI Wednesday. v - i 1 4 '. - . Il "p- f f tf -0 w asnea o but mi m m flarawan i ear mplements We Siave it, will get it, or it is not made Gilliam & Bisbee HeLP IS SCARC a.i.l the weed.; will ruin the summer ' fallow ii' not killed. The JONES WE EDER wi.l save .";) per (. :t in labor and d. a better job tiian the tibial ii i ;' -in! ;. (li t yours early before all are gone. HEFFNER, OREGON Ktwaril-$r)()()-Kevaiil Notice is hereby jtiven that 1 will n:iv ii reward ol Five Hun dred dollars (sjsMMi.iiin for the ar See C.E. jonCS Ci 11. C. AsHbaUg'H resi aim runviriiuii in him i imhi or persons stealing any of mv hoists or eat tie from in pa-dines or from the ranpe. Stock b r a n d e ' as I'okow Horses. .IK c.'l.miled on iij.dit :-t oulib r eai linvs and 'J i ;.r- o'.ls, bar over .IK . i . i : rli d el 1 I ilit hhoulder. ! t 'at lie. J K enlil'i r'ul on It I t ' i l.:p a-id si.le. Vi arlii ami '-.ii' olds, bar over. IK'.i t i I f I hip and si ie.'.N Kll Kl N. lb ppner. Ore. 1 ll.'d a! II. p;ui. f, IV'eg.e'. M. b, I'.'ls. HAIiDl'-iAN GARAGE r.'.!:.Ki. i:.r, props. Cour!tot:s I'f.iiir.t Si vice by Courtcouy and Com- r-icr.t Worki -.m. Accessor!. n. Supp!i:.;, ICxpcrt Vulcanizcrs . C.varanlcc.iTijv Service HARD MAN, - - OREGON 1 ,1 Ionic Home People .i: :.: .it'.cut:k White Si: r F!ot;rX. ;ih;i!,i, Whole Wheat, Lream ;lkkiiinis Rolled liarlev and Mill Feed Open an aec-ant u ith IHL General Storage and Forwardint! FIRST NATIONAL BANK ! Icppncr Farmers Elevator Co. OF HEPPNLR a i ;.e b r Assets ii er Ore a Md. am I'. la-. If- - . .r ;.'. w ' .i : , a' z v , ; THE Fa r m e r & S I o c k m w s National iiank ' ! a ! i ti i n S.r. it vr I' I! II il !!;i Fresh meat is perishable. , It must he sold within about two weeks for whatever it will bring. A certain amount of beef is frozen for foreign shipment, but domestic markets demand fresh, chilled, unfrozen beef. Swift & Company can not increase prices by withholding, meat, be cause it will not keep fresh and salable for more than a few days after it reaches the market. Swift & Ccmpany cannot tell at the time of u t phasing cattle, what price frc leat will bring when put on So.x If between purchase and sale, market con ditions change, the price of meat must also change. The Food Administration limits our profit to 9 per cent on capital invested in the meat departments. This is about 2 cents per dollar of sales. No profit is guaranteed, and the risk of loss is not eliminated As a matter of fact, meat is often sold at a loss because of the need of selling it before it spoils. Swift & Company, U.S. A. Tin Mil- ft The man who knows the com fort of a good -tasting chew sticks toRealGravelyChewing Plug every time. Lasts longer than ordinary tobacco, too. Peyton Brand Real Gravely Chewing Plug 10c a pouch- and worth it MM Cnvlytattt tomuc A longmr II ro.f. no more tQchmwthmnordtnary piu g P. B. Crmv.lf Compaay Dunrill., Virginia rxna liOKSKS I UK SALE d'.n-Afn or urbrnken. Will ,. , i..u f..h i..- nfty hca.1 tmod work muln. r w inif nut with si iirovfii ce- c r; V. linrMf run t .n nn my ranch at thv SPrinK.. U w,:1,ptty CJ l? in'ft thv" i.uui'.btv anima,. til'Y Buyer, FOK SALE eal tfnod wor Twenty five head fine bigmar. If you rti any itock in tbilin a 4dtf I.tinton, Oregon. i'Uf Hcppner, Oregon.