Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 12, 1918, Image 2

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    Heppner Herald.
5. A. PATTISON, Publisher
An Independent, Newspaper
charged and asking fur a reexamina
tion wont all over camp, and the Ma
jor sent down the Associated i're.ss
correspondent to have my picture ta
ken and orders are orders
stand for it tho I hated to. You ought tw0 bay WQrk norses weight of
to see my outfit. Tlie first chance I . , , .-rrs
Entered at the ileppner, Oregon,
PostoHice us second-class matter.
Terms of Subscription:
One Year $1.50
Six Months .75
Three Months .50
FRIDAY, JULY 12, 1918.
have i'li :,end you a picture and you
'11 say I'm some soldier. The small
est man in the :5tli Co
In the County Court of the State o
Oregon for Alorrow County.
In the Matter of the Estate" of Xicl
Ablamis, deceased.
ounce is nereny given mat tne tin It
dersigned, administrator of the es U
tate of Nick Ablamis. deceased. hajB
described as follows: One light nletl ,lis fi,ial account in the County'
I am holding at the lone livery
i had to stable in the City of lone, Ore.,
each about 1500 pounds or more,
anil not ilip k.n, 1.,,'tU kl 1. J
"ay w itii uiactv mailt? unii lhh. 1 1,... il...,. i....
n-nrd either in t'-o.t .,m.l I . a,iu l"al- "aiuniuy
Court ot Morrow County, Oregon. 5
4 1,, 9-M, ,1.,., ft
mc 1 n 1 uav u 1 .. .
Dfn : fl 1 I-.' 1 r i. T.,1.. 1 fl 1 O K 1 i r. ....
guide and the 1st Lieut, told me ves- "" '"' umu loot , u'. t y'"' 7 AV V V,
terday to report some d,.y this weeit white branded HK connected on tZ!
tor examination as a non-com. oili- left Shoulder. One dark bay, row County, Oregon, is the time and
cor. So maybe in a little while you white star in forehead, white place set for the hearing of objec-
wiil he writing to Sergeant O'Rourke, dash in face and wnite Spot On tions thereto, and the scttlemen'
sounds pretty good. Well Clark. I'm nosp. hrnnrlprl M nn rich front- thereof. JOHN SOURAPAS
anotii one ior a gooo meal ana lest noofi wnjte front Qn tft hjn(J
I may have duty this afternoon I'll f00t
nnisn now aim man so you near trom
Administrator of the Estate of
Nick Ablamis, deceased.
Notice to the Public.
The Herald is being pi
I'M) u this week on the plant of
the lone Independent, and this
arrangement will be continued
until our own new plant arrives
and is installed at Ileppner.
We art working under many loosi
dillicultiirS and we are sure our
friends and patrons will under
stand the situation and excuse
the many sho-tcominjjs of this,
and perhaps one or two further
We expect, however, to have a
complete; and modern equipment
installed within a tew weeks and
be in a better position than ever
before to render proper service
to the people of Ileppner and all
of Morrow county in the pub
lishing and printing line.
' ' ' ; me to-morrow. Tell Mrs. Clark and
Mary and Marjorie hello for me and
tell mary to wear my necklace all the
lime. I wrote several letters to Hepp-
ted at ner hut. so far got only one answer.
Hut really, Clark, a fellow has so
much to do lie don't feel the least bit
lonesome, lie sure you see Kenny's
letter and send me both papers when
you're through with them and I'll be
obliged. Till I hear from you some
time, I will he a good bov and try to
no chance to elevate myself.
(Jive llaldy and all tho store my best
wishes and to you and all the family
I am
Sincerely your friend,
Notice is hereby given that tho im-
Zimmerman, Oregon and Western
Colonization Company, a South
Dakota corporation, I'rtston Camp
bell, William Robb and Pauline II.
Kobb, his wife; Banker and Lum
berman's Bank, a corporation; P.
R. Chambers, jr., First National
Hank of Ileppner, a corporation,
Hank of Ileppner, a corporation,
Cynthia Walker, Lumbermen's Na
tional Hank, a corporation, defendants.
To Mina Zimmerman, Preston Camp
bell and F. It. Chambers, jr., de
fendants: 1'nder and by virtue of a foreclo
sure execution and order of sale duly
ssued out of the above entitled court
n the above entitled cause on the
17th day of June, 1918, in which suit
he above named plaintiff recovered
udgment against the above named
lel'endant Augustus Walker for the
mm of $10,S2S.O7 with interest
Patriotic Socks Help Win War
O'Rourke Makes Hit at Camp
The following interesting letter re
ceived by M. I. Clark from Hilly O'
Rourke, will be of interest to that
young lighter's many friends in o.Mr
rovv mmity, who will all hope to soon
have the privllodge id' addressing him
us Sergeant O'liourUe and later hy a
more pretentious title that will mean
to lit ill shoulder strain and a com
mission. "I trust you are hnviiivg as nice
a time today as we are. Nothing
to do lint eat and louiit'e around and
enjoy ourselves. Since my arrival
here have found out that hillieilo
I existed only, Iml now I am really
alive. This army lite, Clark, has Iho
edge on anvthing I ever read about
and you can hoi that when this little
scrap ts over I'll st,,y ti.-ht in th,. ar
my if I can. 'i'o mix with all clas-os
such as are here seit.iiuly rles a ,.
low a broader vision n human nature
nail when a fellow eels thru hi re, ev
en if lies a 1 1 i 1 1 ion. i ire, he's ju-t lik"
the i . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 li bo who lame in with
1 1 1 1 1 1
Let me l.-ll v on ( l.n i, I li.it Mori , ,v
county can Jilt 1 he ,ioii, of her hi I
bench. Not a hone head anion.: t
tiu-iii. all rearm,' to i;o and k.-iitu, .
slainl i right in tlu h .1-1 lie c, r
t.ilnly t lie l' . 1 1 1 1 - I I'll e ,1,-vil i v ,-r
saw. al-.i av - 1 1 "it In hi ph.. e ,n;, Co.
"alii Co- in which v e ale don't have
t he a - l .uii. -I oi u . en,- 1:1
I'n. is loom d el ail fa lei ii Ore.,, n
llo K.il II h.llil , W I I , ,... , ,
Mrs. Jennie Lowe, of Cecil, who
is one of the most enthusiastic work
ers for the Red Cross in Morrow
county, recently knit a pair of patri
otic socks of red, whit and blue yarn
of the finest texture, which she pre
sented to the lone Branch ii :he Mor
row County Chapter, to be disposed
ot to the best possible advanage for
the benefit of the war chest of that
The multi-colored footwear was
disposed of hy a rallle at the lone cel
ebration July 4th, from which was
realized $411. fill. Ticket SI proved to
lie the lucky number and it was held
by .Mr, Ueitnian, of lone. Mr. Rod
man immediately put the prize up at
auction and it was successively dis
posed of to the following persons:
Jack llynd, of Cecil, paid $X.nu; Dr.
( 'hi i teiison, of lone, $11. (Ill; A. Hen
rikseu, of Cecil $S.uo; Mr. MeN'amer,
of lone. $r..iiii. The rae and auc
tion netted the Branch .$71!. fill.
Mr. McNamer will again offer the Ileppner,
soi us ior sine on some luture occa
sion and alter having done full duty
to the war chest they will probably
I"' sent to (Jeneral I'erslilng, in
I I a me to lie hung up in (Jeneral
Headquarters as a prize for the Am
erican soldier who brings In the kai
ser, dead or alive.
Geo. Frank,
City Marshal, lone, Ore.
Permanently located in Oddfel
low's Building
Heppner, Oregon
Office in Roberts' Building
Owner or owners of said ani
mals may have the same upon
1 l ..ulu
,'ioui oi ow nersnip, ana paying dersigned has been appointed by tlieg. hereon at the rate of 7',- per annum
an expenses.
tor Morrow County, Executrix of theij , 'ether with interest on $3,571.93 at
estate of Louis Groshens, deceased;H-he rate of 7','rper annum from Janu
tlmt all persons having claims'-; -try 2, 1908 to Ootob-r 1:, 1910, to
against the estate of said Louis Gro-"gether with inte. i . - . .1 $1000.00 at
shens, deceased, must present the'!;jthe rate of 7'c per annum t-nm Jan
same to me, duly verified according to'luary 2, 190S, t "r'.ob.- ::C, 1912,
law, at the office of my attorney, S. E.Sand the further : u . of v . )j.0i) at
Notson, in ileppner, Oregon, withinijSltornoys fee and $(15.85 costs, on the
six months from the da.te of the firstlii -Ith day of June, 1918, and ('scree of
publication of this notice, which date) ji'oreclosure on the real property here
of first publication is June 1918 jjjjinafter described.
Sd HELEN GROSHENS, Executrix. Notice is hereby given that I will
- - n the 20th dav of July, 1918, at 2
XOTICK FOR PCI5LICATIOX. .'clock in the afternoon of said day,
H it the front door of the county court
Department of the Interior, U. S )UHe ju Heppner, Morrow County,
Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon 3 )regon, sell at public auction to the
June 19th, 1918. :g ugliest bidder for cash in hand all
n-- , r,ow ,s nm('y Rven that John T.$ lle Hght, title and interest of the de
uregon Kirk, of Heppner, Oregon, who, om'ir, ndants. William Robb and Pauline
,T IKtxt.r V.:"!Uaryx-25,nV!15, lmul ""'""Kteadi-jn. Robb, on the 12tli day of March,
DR. N. E. WINNARD Kntry- No- 014421 for ENVi.,ilj09. or aciiuired at any time since
NEH , NE '.i SV U , Section 2 S, Town-S 'hat date, to the following described
PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ship 1, South, Range 28 East, Will, property, to-wit:
ameue .vienuian, nas tiled notice o'S The Nand the NV2 of the SW
neppiifr uregon nueniion io nuiKe f inal tnree-yearfci ,f Sec. 2", in Twp. 1 X. of Range 25
1 root, to estaiinsli cm
above described, before
" """'- "a i ne ;',2anu me '2 oi me ovv Vi
'mal three-yeaii! ,f sec. 2n, in Twp. 1 X. of Range 25
urn to the lam Jo, f Willametto Meridian, in Mor
re C. C. Patter-S-ow County, Oregon.
son, i,. o. i ommissioner, at Ileppner U Said propertv taken and levied tin-
on lhu yui oav oi
Telephone 122
Office Patterson's Drug Store
August ,1 m as the property of said defendants
tt A imam Kobr ind Pauline 11. Robb,
Heppner, Oregon
Heppner, Oregon
i uumant names as witnesses: Ar n ,lnich thereof as may be neer-
(inn v. (.enimeii, oi i-exington, Ore-karv to satisfv said iudgment in favor
gon; Iranlt L. Wilkin, of Lexington, '?t said plaintiff and against said de-
oitriiii. r reii Li. Kiicnie, oi i.exmg
Oregon ton, Oregon; and James G. Dolierty,
of Ileppner, Orniron.
49(12 Register.
lendant Augustus Walker, and ac
crued costs.
7dll Sheriff of Morrow County, Or.
Watch paper for dates
Portland, Oregon
We announce this week a daugh
ter bom to Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Wri
ter on July Mil and a sou on .lulv 3rd
to Mr. and Mi ii. e. Munkers. This Regular monthly vbits to Hepp
vouiii; soldier will be ( ailed Oilman HIT and lone.
Rihy and von may he sure that -
Department of the Interior, 1. S.
Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon,
June IS, 191 S..
Notice is hereby given that Ber
tram P. P.leaknian, of llardman. Ore
gon, who, on November 23, 1911.
made Homestead Entry No. u 111-17.
and July 29. 191IJ, made Additional
Entrv No. oli:!l, for N'W'i.NW'i 1
K'jNW'i, XK'(, Sec. 21, Twp. 5 S.,
R. 2 E., Willamette Meridian, has
filed notice of intention to mahe linn!
three-year proof to establish claim to
the land above described, before c. ( ..
Patterson, I'nited States Commission
er, at Ileppner. Oregon, on the 7th
day of August, 1 9 1 S.
Claimant naines ns witnesses: Jos
eph V. Covvdrey, llollie Leathers.
William L. I.oweii, Guy L. Iladlcy.
all of I lanliucn. Iretron.
Ndl3 Register.
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Ollice at LaGrande, Oregon,
June 12th, 1018.
i Notice is hereby given that Lulu
Jolmson, formerly Lulu Lumsden, of
Lena, Oregon, who, on May 3rd, 1915,
made homestead entry No. 014679
j:or W'i SE'i, and E'.aSW'i, See.
'!. Tp. 2 S. R. 28 E. W. M has filed
notice of intention to make three-year
Proof, to establish claim to the iami
above described, before 0. C. Patter--oii,
I'nited States Commissioner, at
!us olliee, at Ileppner, Oregon, on the
lith day of August. 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses: Ar
thur P. Hughes, Waldo L. Vincent,
John Pro.siian and William II. Clark,
ill of Lena, Oregon.
O. S. Dl'NX, Register.
lions and
ll' to lll.
i aid we w i :
I I' . amp
VM'ie all pi
I. at th. v
I : o li d hi .
I III. .lei i
I Oi! .1 I 1
: 1 1 h :'.." .1
i w
1 1 t
i' i'h
I ' i- i-
he t
. t h a,
i 'I :
Grandpa" ( Klley I Munkers feels GL'NSTFU
ooiid oi hi-, ii. mi. -sake.
Mr R II. S'oi kard returned to his
home at Irrlgoii as he could net make
f a t s i , i i ! o r v arrani'i'iiieiits as regards
work nl tiie harvest here.
Dave ll.viid was a Lexington hiisl-
10 caller on Monday. Mr. ,ly ti.I
av - I.,e are busy in the hay at pre--i
G iv and Clulo Taylor, brothers,
I'oi'i e ll en Monday morning to en-
11 t a'. I amp Li w is. They do not
kno.v whether I hey will both enlist
II'. 'il l ev Kit t ! ere.
W I! I'a. l,er had u lievv I Ii r -',i i n J
(! ' 1 " i I" d in and It was unload. , I
t ! v-'i. i.-H In t.iklni: tt out lo hi
Licensed Graduate
Phone 72-' (Payor Night )
Roberts P.'alg. Heppner, Ore
Office Phone Main
Residence Phone Mam (Iti.l
ii i
a i
, t .
i .
i .
f.-r 1 1
I I al.
to i
I . i I
t .- ..
"ti a side hill and
aui.u;;!ic it to the
M r. I m ker. vv
e to i III I. Is claln
II o-ill.l lake too
; I.: '. a- the Kr.it'l
! at v , .. d
a . In tow ii T.i, s.
I t over t c ta. t
Hi'ipinr. Oregon
Department of th,' Interior. V. S.
Land OMiee at LaGrande, Orefou,
June ,2. 191S.
Notice Is hereby given that James
Oregon l - ''''P. of Ileppner. Oregon, who.
on i-enruary in, im;:. m.i.le II , m,.
stead Entrv No. oitj'i'i for XW'i
SE',. N'uSW',. SW'.NW,. Sc
thui 17. Town-hlp Souih. Raime ;'s
East, Willamette Meridian, has tiled
notice ef Intention to make three,
year proof to e-iahl! h claim to the
1 ind above ib i rih.-d, before ('. C.
Palter-on. I'nit. il Stale, Cmml-slou-er,
at lli'tMUHr. Oregon, on the 7th
dav of August. 1 :i 1 v.
Claimant names a- vile., - W
D. Gordon, of Li ho. Or, ; a; , ,rV
Crnnii, of 1 i pi r. iir.-.'.'ii ; .1 T.
Kirk, of lb I'pti. r. I irei:,.u : Prank
Turner, of Hep) cr. I iregen.
sdl ! C. S. IU NN.
-t' r.
Ml l( I-. I (Mi IM lll.ICXTIOX.
, -.1. -1
nun a
f r in an
I i i t.lil.'.v
Di pari incut of the ! t.-ri-
Land Gila., at p.,;:, .
.M.iv 27. l'.'lv.
N'otl. .. Is her.-hv i iv, u C
I.. Wi'.k in i. , f L.Mi.i -ton,
w ho. on Dee. 2 It's. I'll. Ii. a
M. ad l'ntrv . No . 1 t ... I j
w e". ,' : s.,s::-,'. s
He. ti. n NT. '. y. . Nl
LiMngton Tdiilay! and s . tt.-n n. w,nw,. r-.
' l I,,.-, lav w'
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I '1
.1 v. ,1,1 1 ;
h . '!.. a -III
t .' tat
: t tiU- i.'ii
'o . 1 1 ' in t i
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si.it-: no i ii
H Roberts RdildiHg
Heppner. Oregon
Thurs,1it i
oi I iolt I'l III It 1H.
I ir. 1.-MU
::t I'r.mk
It i,i...
r mV
Tlmiiis, Cress and Company, a corpor-
1 at lou, Plaintiff,
I vs.
John W. Johnson, Defendant.
To John W. Johnson, the above
named defendant:
In the Name of tlje State of Ore
gon, you are hereby reiiiireil to ap
pear and answer the complaint tiled
a-aiii-t you In Hip above entitled
intioii on or before six weeks from
th" 2l-t day of June, 1918, to-wit:
on or before the :id day of August,
LUV and 11 vmi tall to so appear or
an- v.. r. the plaintiff vv ill take Juilit
nie'.t au-aiii-t you for the mini of
'! 21 wliii Intere-t thereon at the
rate of i' , .r annum from the 14tn
da, il Augii-t. iin, fnr ,Ia,.
- ' d dlshlirselui tit (if this
' "Leti. ai d 1 -r an ord-r cf mlo . f
the f.dh.vv j. !t. ,, ribi-d real mid p.
-"i,al pr,, rtv . iitta, I , herein:
one 2-to,, overland Auto Truck,
j- i"i ihinip l.,tv.
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( Uo
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