NOTICE. In the County Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County. In the Matter of the Estate of Nick Ablamis, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that the un dersized, administrator of the es tate of Nick Ablamis, deceased, lias tiled his final account in the County Court of Morrow County, Oregon, and that Saturday, the 27th day of July, 1918, at the hour of 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, and the county court house in Heppner, Mor row County, Oregon, is the time and place set for the hearing of objec t ions thereto, and the settlement thereof. JOHN SOVRAPAS, Administrator of the Estate of Nick Ablamis, deceased. TO ('KKI)ITOKS. NOTIC Notice is hereby given that the un dersigned has been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, for Morrow County, Executrix of the estate of Louis Groshens, deceased; that all persons having claims agaiiiHt the estate of said Louis Gro shons, deceased, must present the same to me, duly verified according to law, at the office of my attorney, S. E. Notson, in lleppnor, Oregon, within six months from the date of the first publication of this noticeT which date of first publication is June 28, 1918. 8d HELEN GROSHENS. Executrix. IPI'UCATIOX l'OIt " .11 IHJMKNT KIKKCIOSIN' TAX I.IKNS. IN THE CIRCTIT COl'ItT OF THE STATE OK OREGON FOR MOR ROW COl'NTY. Morrow County, Oregon, A Public Corporation, Plaintiff. vs. J. A. Ausburn, Sarah Rroyles, Annls Weston, Thos. E. Hrown, J. A. Harbke, Arvid Haryu, Geo. V. Lewis, F.d Doherty, and Asa L. Young, and any other person or persons owning or claiming to claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any Interest or estate in or to the real property liereinater described, efondants: SIMMONS Al NOT UK. To J. A. Aiishtirn, Sarah ltroyles. Annls Weston. Thos. K. Hrown, J. A. Ilarbke. Arvid Haryu, Geo. W. Lewis, Ed Doherty and Asa L. Young, and any other person or person owning or claiming to own. or having or the 15th day of December, 1914; 573, issued on the 16th day of De cember, 1914; and 576 issued on thy 19tli day of January, 1915; by tht 16th day of December, 1914; and C05 issued on the 19th day of Jan uary, 1915; by the sheriit and col lector of delinquent taxes for Morrow county, Oregon, and filed by said sher ilt and collector of delinquent taxes in the ollice of the County ' Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon on the dates of issue of the same quent, together witli penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon real property situate in Morrow County, Oregon. You are further notified that the amount for which said certificate is is sued is set opposite and following the description of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set out, the same be ing the amount then due and delin quent, for taxes for the year 1911, to gether with penalty, interest and costs thereon, upon said real property sit uate in Morrow County, Oregon, and particularly bounded and describeu as hereinafter set forth; said tract or parcel of land being assessed for the year 1911 to the first person whose name immediately precedes the description thereof, and is follow ed by the name of the person appear ing to be the owner thereof, as ap pears on the tax roll of Morrow Coun ty, Oregon, now in the hands of the sheriff of said county for collection, at .the date of the lrst publication of this summons and notice, which is the 3rd day of May, 1918. Certificate No. 541, J. A. Aus burn and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, in lilock 1 of Penland's Second Addition to the town of Lexington, Oregon 2.16 Certificate No. 548, Sarah liroyles and Annls Weston, Lots 1, 2. and 3, Block 10 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon Certificate No. 550, Thos. E. Hrown and Thos. E. ISrown, Lots 3, C, 7, 8. 9 and In. ltlock 1 of Brown's Addltlos to the City of lleppnor, Ore gon Certificate No. 565, J. A. Harb ke and J. A, Harbke, Lot 2 lilock 1 of Cltifl 'a Fourth Addition to lone, Oregon $ 1.85 claiming to have any Interest or estate In or to tlie real property hereinafter Certificate No. 566. Arvid llar- .90 8.20 1.31 described, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of yon are hereby notified that the above na med Plaintiff, a Public Corporation. Is the purchaser, owner and bidder of certificate of delinquency Num bered 541, Issued on the 2nd day of December. 1914; 548, Issued on the 3rd day of elVember, 1914; 550, Is sued on the 4th day of December. I!tl4; 565. Issued on the 14th day of December, 1914; 666, Issued on yu und Arvid Haryu, South east quarter, Section 33, Tp.6 South, Range 27 E. W. M. 15.10 Certificate No. 573. Geo. W. Lewis and Geo. W. Lewis, EVsSW, and Lot 3, Sec tion 19, Tp. 6 8.. It. 26 E. W. M . and NE,.Vi Sec tion 10, Tp. 6 S., It. 26. E. W. M. 11.50 Certificate No. 576. Ed McDald ami Ed Doherty, and Kd Dohertv, NNWVi, Section 33, Tp. 2 N., R. 25, E. W. M. Certificate No. 60 5, Asa L. Young and Asa L. Young, all of Section 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 27 E. W. M., allot Section 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 28 E. W. M., and all of Section 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. W. M. 161.10 The said amounts bear interest as follows: The taxes aforesaid bear in terest from the dates of filing of said certificates of delinquency, respec tively, at the rate of 15 per cent per annum, until paid, the dates of filing said certificates of delinquency with the County Clerk of Morrow County, Oregon, being hereinbefore set out. And you and each of you are herein- summoned to appear within sixty days alter the date of the first publi cation of this summons, exclusive of the dav of first publication thereof, to-wit; May 3, 1918, and defend this suit on the Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due as shown above, against said tracts or parcels of land, respectively, above described, of which you are the owner, or which you have, or claim to have, any in terest or estate, together with inter est and costs accruod in this suit thereon. Service of a copy of you. answer or other process mnv be made upon the undersigned attorney for plaintiff, at the place specified below as his address, and In rase of your failure so to do, judgment and decree will be entered against you and each of you, foreclosing said tax Hens for the amount set opposite and follow ing the description of said parcel of land above set forth, together with Interest and costs thereon, against said tracts or parcels of land and said tracts or parcels of land will be Bold to satisfy said Judgment and decree oh ained In said suit. You are hereby further notltieu that the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit Court aforesaid for Judgment and decree foreclosing said tax liens against said property, hereinbefore described. This summons Is published once each week for sixty ronsecutlve days In the Heppner Herald, a newspaper of general circulation In Morrow County, Oregon, published weeklv at Heppner, In said county, the date of first publication thereof being May 3, 19H, said publication being made In pursuance of an order therefor made by the Honorable Gilbert W. Phelpx, Judge of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for Morrow County, said order having been made and entered on the 23rd day of April, 1918. COUNTY OF MORROW. STATE OF OREGON. Py Samuel E. Notson. District At torney for Morrow County( Ore gon, and Attormy for Plaintiff; whose addresi Is Heppner, Ore ron. 5.M9