Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, July 05, 1918, Image 1

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Vol. 5.
No. 9.
S MAY BE $200,000
NOM KM HAT 1 )l S I'K i V H 1 ,1 ,
lug to come through anil give the
Herald another chance.
A word about these subscription ac
The Herald appears a day late this counts: The publisher knows bet
ter than anybody else that the list and
accounts, as purchased by him con
tained many errors due to no fault of
his. He also knows that every ac
count so far paid, and there have been
many of them, have been adjusted
week and in tabloid form due to cer-
Starting at the Palace hotel and tain circumstances over which the
fanned by a high wind, four and publisher had no control. To be brief
one-half blocks were swept clean al- and frank with this tale of woe the
most in less time than it takes to Herald has no more of a printing
write these lines. From Louis Pear- plant this morning than a rabbit has on the basis of what the subscriber
son's tailor shop, north of the Palace, fighting qualities and the publisher sairt was riK,lt- m,d tllis P"1'' w"1
., , iiif I,, , be continued until every claim is ad-
to the power house only two dwell- and his family have no more house- , ,
Justed. We don t want to send the
ings, Natter's and Dr. Mc.Murdo's re- hold goods and not much more cloth- Tir,H tn Oi,v,,n0 wlm .inn't want th
ing than a family of sparrows. Every- paper and who does not expect to pay
thing in homo and ollice was com- for It but we do not relish having the
pletely wiped out In Thursday's lire paper accepted for a year or two and
and it Is only because of the courtesy then the bill repudiated on the ground
and true neigliborllness of Mr. Craw- that It was "never subscribed for,"
ford and the Gazette-Times force that or that a former publisher had been
who was In charge of the Palace dur- we are able to appear even in con- told to "stop it."
ing her husband's absence in the east, densed form and only one day late. The Herald Is not going to be dis-
was the heroine of the occasion. She Tlle only thll,K saved out of the en- continued, so don't be afraid to pay
tire wreck was the books from the up what you owe and a year or so In
main. Twenty-live families are home
less and many are left with only the
clothes they wore. Fortunately no"
lives were lost and only minor in
juries were received. Mrs. Wilkin's,
gave the alarm to guests on the sec
ond and third floors and was forced
ollice containing our subscription and advance and we vill all be good
advertising accounts and these ae- sports together, pulling for good old
to go down the fire escape, dropping counts constitute the Herald's entire Heppncr and Morrow county and get-
15 feet to the ground. She was
caught by men on the ground and sa
ved from serious Injury.
Business houses burned were:
Louis Pearson, tailor; Patterson &
working capital on this fine July ting things In shape for whatever the
morning. These accounts, mostly on future may bring us, be It flood, fire
the subscription list, approximate or famine; peace plenty or prosperity,
some $11:00 or f 1500 tn sums of from
$1.50 to $6.00, and the publisher feels
that, under the circumstances, he Is
Klder, barbers; Crowe & McAtee, entirely Justified In asking every sub
roal estate; Gilliam & nisbee, lmple- "Tiber, who Is not a fire sufferer him-
seir, to come tnrougn promptly wim
Department of the Interior, U. S.
Land Ollice at The Dalles, Oregon,
May 27. 1918.
Notice Is hereby given that Frank
L. Wllklns, of Lexington, Oregon,
who, on Dec. 24th. 1914, made Home
stead K.ntry, No.0 1 4 003, for SW'4
SW'i, Sec. 29, SViKI'.'i. SK'4SW'4,
the cash or a check for the amount
store: Eastern Hotel, Heppner Her- dll8i Bnd lf d,HpoHPd for a year or
aid, Mrs. Herrln, Millinery; Vic Gro- so In advance. Some have been re-
dhen, M. J. Bradford, paints; William reiving the Herald for three or four Section 30, NE'i NW, NE V NE '4 ,
Stewart, livery; J. 11. Bode, tailor. 1 wlt"t Pvtng rent, and the Section 31, NW4NWH Section 32,
publisher doesn't feel any part of the township 1 south, range 28 east Wil-
About 25 dwellings were destroyed. ,, . . . . ,, , . lamntte Meridian, hns filed notice of
mendicant In asking all such to even . , . ,, .. , ,, vi,.i n,--- ..-
Tll flro la nmnnanrf tn !,. .tart . 1 II toll t lllll to nillkB HtlBl three year
The fire Is supposed to have start- up tne arC0UIlt by treating him as ,.ro()fi to establish claim to the land
ed In the rear of Patterson's barber liberally In the future as he has thorn above described, before C. C. Patter
shop, next to the hotel building but In the past. A fair field and no par- ". '' 8- ''"'"'"'''.'"".J 81 ,,''Pi;",'r-
,,,,,. Oregon,, on the 20th day of July,
a. no l.net.r,atlon has been mafe tl"llttr favor we 8sl1- 191 R.
th. nri.in u in -i,..,m We nPP'1 UU "'""'y. n,,w. however, claimant names as witnesses: John
more than we ever neoded money be
Limited space this week due to the f(JM anJ we have pnoUK,, falth , ,
fire prevents the Herald from giving people of Heppner and Morrow roun
complete details of the costly exper- ty as good sports and believers In the
lence. nuare deal to know that they are go-
W. Kirk, of Heppner, Ore.; Jitmes
B. Tucker, of Heppner, Ore.; James
O. Doherty, of Heppner, Ore.; Arthur
Gemmell, of Lexington. Ore.
5d9. Heglstor,