Church Notices Catholic Church Service. Sunday, Jut.elJO, 11)18. First Mass, 7:'.'J) a. m. Evening Devotions, 7:''0 lo-v, I' . t i : , :i t Proclamation i. m. Christian Science. Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 11 a m., Wednesday at S:W p. in , it the Methodist church S'.;..h, on Chase street. All interested are invited to attend these services. S Cl.rUii:: ''li'irrh. : 'in l'.t it in . iiiorinti .( d p. m., pr H'-Ji ii'r f vi F. A. Andrews, Minister Notice is hereby given that any irso:! w ho build's any fire with in I he corporate limits of the City of Heppner within 50 feet of io.y b u i I J ; 1 1 tr wilhout first ob t n 1 1 i r i ur the coiien' of ihe Mar tini!, will be prosecuted to the ! ui I extent ol tlie law. Tins notice will be in effect un til further notice. VV. W. Smead, Mayor. Reward $500.00 Reward Th" Fed O li'o, thro o. ''(: Mini." undiiy S M ! Lit f WotUlri!' I . I', I p. Ill Iv'i ninif Set moii Therm Working for ( Jod " li A. X Man iVes. istof. K"St. ,ll Ihe Mini () ll 11,1. Co n 'in In lili' ; 1 1 ; t I .1 ii iy '.ii kr' M - w..!S I h p:i ! Pol if ll -r:ild Dili.-,. r,,r ,,,(, 'n m I in.- Notice is hereby given that will pay a reward of Five Hun dred Dollars ($500.00) for the ar r."it and conviction of any person or persons stealing any oi my h irses or cattle from my pastures or from the range. Stock branded as follows: Horses -J K connected or right shoulder Yearlings and 2-year-olds, bar over JK connected on right shoulder. Cattle J K connected on left hip and side. Yearlings and 2-year-olds, bar over JK connected o-i left hip and side. John Kilkenny, Heppner, Ore. Da'ed at Heppner, Oregon, May 10, 1918. ltf ft HELP IS SCARCE! and the weeds will ruin the summer fallow if not killed. 5 J f j:rf The Jones Weeder I will snve 50 percent in labor and do a better job than the usual methods. Get yours early before they are all gone See C. E. Jones or H. C. Ashbaugh HEPPNER, OREGON THE BRICK McAlT.K & AlKRN, Props. ICECREAM and CARD PARLORS. Big Real Estate Bargains 11 artvs, all tillable, small house ami barn, 100 acres summer fallmv; one. kill' int. -rest in lSfi acres growing wheat, 1 Hi an s m. 1 h, ;ider, 2 wagons. 1 wheat rack, water tank, plow, narrows. Id foot drill stretcher and hams, J' ler lor VI horse-;, Iniegy, one-half stack of straw, elc. 1.) miles t idiii r..ilroad. Price $.V,iMl.ut. if Juki I. no cash, balance easy terms. -' acres d I in.!, oil acres in crop; (Mo acres home stead with plenty ol water. s.:.'iiMi.iHI for everything in cluding crop and r-l i r i j iiihiii'ii t . S-'e El ROY V. WHITEIS, Real Estate and Insurance IIEtTNI.R, OREGON CYt Your m Insurance Now War M Savings Drive Today oi:i;ov to p., iii W ar S;i it i T'ni me, in ; . I hhd III the . 4 e to our coi I. t roo"o ill the C,,,,, I w p!e have bei v es to itn est ( 1 1 1 1 1 p, tlli-tlt-ie i MaitiK. 1 for i ,i h man n asked $'.0,000 lv. It 1 1 S-t tl,. woman atul is an ulilinat ion w e all .iu'it ing committee THE FIRST NATIONAL OF HEPPNER . ts o . and On,. Po,:....-. tjuarter LOCAL AND PERSONAL A. Hendrickson, of Cecil, was in town Tuesday. Spend the 4th at Parker's Mill and camp among the pines. 6dS Miss Lulu Hayes went to Port end Sunday to spend a few weeks visiting friends Mr. and Mrs. Pat Connell were in town from their ranch hame on Rhea creek Wednesday. Roy Whiteis is having substan- ial improvements made on his re sidence in the south part of town. Miss Vera Mahoney returned home Monday from Seattle where she has been attending the uni versity. Dr. and Mrs- McMurdo drove to Pendleton Wednesday, expect ing to buy a new Franklin car while there. Rev. Father O'Rourke return ed Saturday evening from Port land, where he spent the week on business. Mr. and Mrs. Sam E. Van Vac tor drove over to Pendleton Sun day on a business trip returning Wednesday. Sherman Wakefield was in town Tuesday and reports that his crop is fine and he predicts a fair crop for the county. The new Coats residence being erected on the site of the home re cently destroyed by fire is rapid ly nearing completion. Adam Knoblock was in town Wednesday looking rather cheer ful even if the ruin did miss most of his place last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ellis Minor and little daughter were guests at the Van Vactor home in shis city for a few days the first of the week Miss Lera Githins has re turned from Monmouth, where she recently finished the teach ers course in tne (Normal school. Mrs. J. W, Stevens, of Hard man, accompanied by her neice, Miss Grace Leayhers, who is her guest this summer, was in town jesterday. Miss Peggy O'Rourke, who has been spending several weeks in California visiting friends and relatives, returned to Heppner Saturday evening. The big Morrow county tractor and grader was wording on North Court street Tuesday finishing up the job after the laving of maca dam had been completed. Work on the new residence be ing erected for Mrs. James Thorn son, on South Court street is pro gressing rapidly. When com pleted it will be one of the most modern dwellings in the city. John Woodward, of Lena, sus tained a dislocation of the shoul der a few days ago by being thrown from u hay rack. Dr McMurdo reduced the disloca tion and rPMirts the patient re covering nicely. C. K Rice, of the Monument' country, is in town for a few days Mr. Rice is carrying his left leg in a sling as a result of a mixup with an overturned wagon the other day. His knee was dislo cated and he will probably use crutches for some time. I Jt IT Jones was in town Wed. nesday from his ranch on Khea creek He says the wheal is do ing fulrl well and is much more promising now than at this time '?tar""n!tt??g The Height of Good Taste is displayed by men of refinement more in what they leave off in their dress than what they put on. And a shirt can make or mar your appearance. There are some shirts that have an air of quiet elegance a certain exquisite refinement a "something" hard to define, but nevertheless very real. When you put one on you know you're well dressed in this respect just as well dressed as it is possible to be. Beau Buummel Shirts are made with extra care. The cloths are tested for fastness of color as well as for strength. The collar bands are cut with steel dies always exactly the same size. Every operator who works on these shirts is the graduate of a "sewing school" maintained by the factory. A dozen other little details make for perfection in fine shirts. If you will come to the store and see the Beau Brummel shirt we will be grateful. We shall not press you to buy but we do urge you to get acquainted with this supreme shirt. 0 Minor & Company 4. K M I0CZ3C e53C!SS3 doctor is tickled to death to get back to Oregon, Morrow county, and Heppner- "No other state forme"', he declared as he said hello to the Herald. Notice Will the party who got the key to the Red Cross work rooms from Mrs. Herren's store p'ease return same at once? J. R. Olden, a well known farm er of Rhea creek, was in town Tuesday and reports crops doing nicely. There will be plenty of 20 bushel wheat, Mr. Olden says and other crops will also be good. Mr. Olden has a field of barley he estimates wil make around 80 bushels per acre Charles Thomson went to Port land Monday driving as far as The Dalles in his car Rev. and Mrs. Andrews and Mrs. J. A. Waters, accompanied Mr Thorn son as far as The Dalles where they are attending the Eastern Oregon Sunday School convention as delegates from the Heppner church. Many fine showers have fallen in different parts of Morrow county during the past week or so much to the benefit of the crops While the rains have not been either as general or as heavy as could have been wished thiy have undoubtedly added thous ands of bushels of wheat to the WANTED Position as cook through harvest. See Mis Anna Potter, Heppner, Ore. 8dl0 Fish in the meadow brook all day and dance all night at Park er's Mill July 4, 5 and 0 Enjoy yourself. OJS All Henderson, La Princess and Gossard corsets, regularly priced at from $2.00 to 10.00, now on sale at greatly reduced prices. Call and make your se lections early. 4if Mus. L. f!. IIkkhen. Heppner Herald $1.50 a year. am Real Gravely Chewing Plug gives a pure, clean tobacco taste a lasting tobacco sat isfaction that "the chewer of ordinary tobacco doesn't get. r r r ea Gravely J - tlu ivi;u jjuucii ua nviiuu 111 0 -i Crave! y lattuomuchlonfr it com no mora to ehtw lhanordinary plug P. B. C-mvoly Tofiiteeo Cutnpanjr DoviU, Virginia ETX0 i.... . i i , . .HHiyearnnu no preuicis a lair mlnty'8 11S crop, crop, iiimpeieni neip ror llie harvest is the greatest problem, Mr. Jones thinks. Mine Host Wilkino. of the Pal. ace hotel. ou his way ent thi week with hi friend Dibard French w ho is shipping a train , nt cattle t the pattern market I hey h pped from Pdot Rock Moi day and wore undridd to whether their tlet Mini ion kouU be Wanna City or Chicago : Dr. N. Winnard returned i Wenesday evening from a trip to Chicago and other eastern jxiints H report having had a most de hghtful trip. John McNaince. a well known young sheepman of thi county, wlin i summering Id flork near Siarkey. Oregon, wa in tow n for a few days this week. Mr. Mc Nitinee (.ays Ihe teed in the moun tain where hi cheep are running i fine and every thing is looking Hood. Mr. Mi Nan-ee i in clan two of the draft und expects soon lo tie called for military ten up. Make a Start Card ol Thar ks We take thi meat s of thank in our friend and neighbors for their kindly offices in render. much advanced . g ati.tnce and yi.i a'hy to ii at m t aveitient tune oi 'ur 'ate oe. ( Word ca b l feih. ! work in the clinic and pleasant weamer an around me circ e ... Like all ether Oregonians who Ch trle Thonnen gravel occasionally, however, the; a '-""'''y. Open that bank account and kei p your money in patriotic activity. P.y that, we mean where it will be available in assisting the encourage ment of industries necessary to winning the war -such as food production, etc. And where it w ill have become a larger amount for invest ing in the next issue of Liberty P.jnds. We pay 1 per cent interest on Savings Deposits. Safety Deposit boxes for rent. THE FARMERS AND ST0CKGR0WERS NATIONAL BANK III PPM R. oh; con RLsnn Q