!::n::if:n:::&::::t:n::a:trf3fi? Professional Column Kjm:a:::t::::a;f:::K:-:a::3:i. DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON S. E. NOTSON i ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, - OREGON WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. SAM !. VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPriER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Watch paper for datei DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND ..... OREGON Regular monthly visits lo HEPPNER and IONE DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMINI LAWYER Rolxtts Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS HeDnner. Oregon DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Osteopathic Physician 6 ROBERTS BUILDING Phone "43. At Lexington Tuesdays and Thursdays. D. For Sale Fifty (')0) hend good work mules. Twenty-live CS) head fine, big inures. If you need any stock in tins line it will pay you lo inspect these animals. GlY BoYKK. 40tf Heppner, Ore. CLEAN UP. Now itl'u linie to clean up your rubbish. I will haul it away for you when you are ready. See in or call Main Wj. Lee C'antwcll. J'tf at ,M Mill 1 BILLS The Packer's Bill for Live Stock For the first six months of our operations under the Food Administration, ending April 30, 1918, Swift & Company paid for DRESSED WEIGHT LBS. live stock 1,558,600,000 For the same periodinl917 1,338,300,000 Increase in Weight 16V2 220300,000 Increase in cost 5496 ... $323,800,000 $210,400,000 $113,400,000 The Consumer's Bill for Meat must necessarily have increased correspondingly, as Live Stock prices and meat prices fluctuate together. When the producer gets high prices for his live stock, tha con sumer's meat bill must neces sarily be larger. Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, U.S.A. FOR SALE House and lot, with double Garage, bargain at Concrete Mixer, practically new, bargain ut Auto Truck, two ton capacity, bargain at Gas Engine, 10 horse power, bargain at 10 per cent, discount above prices for cash w: Sli'ii.l See E. GILMAN, Heppner, Oregon Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure of getting it now, but not in the fall. Tum-A-Lum Lumber LEW Lexington BILL at lone SEE -1 - U at !' honrn at Parker' ! hotel July 4. J and . D -n't W R. Irwin and to KiM'kawHV l ai h no tumirry. ''j JITNEY SERVICE. -fill a jitn-y for p"cial tram trip or ny other ;rvicn. dv or mkM Iuy phone 'mn 1- Niirht pliotie i W here th y w ill occupy I li.-i r no ; me ruttaifp throutrh 'he h-a'cd t'-rm I hey dro e their car ia the I "lu CECIL ITEMS Hiram Beard has returned from Portland to again take up his work on Butterby Flats. Mr. and Mrs. Henriksen were the guests of Mr. and Mrs Berry of Arlington Sunday last. Peter Bauernfiend returned from Pendleton Sunday. He re ports wheat looking very poor between there and Walla Walla. Mrs. T- H. Lowe spent Sunday Jack Hynd and wife on Butterby Flats. M. V. Logan has spent the past week visiting in and around Ce cil. R. Pope spent the week end at Heppner Junction. T. H. Lowe was in Arlington Monday attending to some busi ness. Messrs. Winter Bros, and fam ily of Shady Dell were in Arling ton Monday. W. B. Barratt, of Heppner, brought Mrs. Barratt and Miss Margaret to Cecil Tuesday even ing to visit among friends while Carl he proceeded to Arlington to catch the train for Portland, where he spent a few days. Mrs. A. E. Nash and Mrs. H. L. Everett visited with Mrs.Hen riksen Wednesday. The Misses Malinda and Sarah E- May, who have been attend ing the Normal college at Mon mouth, returned home Thursday to spend the summer vacation with their parents on the Lone Star ranch near Cecil. J. H. Miller and Miss Crabtree were Cecil visitors Wednesday. W. G. Palmateer left for Eu gene Thursday on- a business proposition. Mr. O'Mearacame from Wasco Friday to deliver the Harris Com bine Harvester which J. W. Os born recently purchased. Mrs, T. H. Lowe visited with Mrs. Combest Friday afternoon. Mr. Millho'.land and D. Z. Irv in, of Portland, were Cecil call ers on their way to Arlington and took dinner with T. H. Lowe and wife, lhey both gave great credit to the excellent repast which was cooked on one of the Standard Oil Companys' Perfec tion oil stoves. At a meeting held in the Cecil school district Jack Hynd was elected chairman, R. E. Duncan and Boyd Logan were elected directors and J.W. Osborn school clerk. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs Everett Logan on the arri val of a fine daughter Sunday morning. Mrs. Lowe is very busy these lays knitting a pair of socks in :he National colors with three ! fold Columl ia Saxony wool.which no w i she intends to dispose of for the ' benefit of the lone Red Cross. .These socks will be on exhibition J in Cecil, Morgan, Lexintrton and I Heppner, and w ill then be hand led over to Mrs. Dr. Chick, of I lone, who w ill have charge of them until they are disposed of J it the Uediross doings July 41 11. Mrs I,owe is now selling tickets for the same at 2."e each. I The Cecil War Savings Stamp J hive was another line success. : Its quota was almost doubled the I first day of the drive J j Mrs Pettjohn has been visit J iiiif her daughter, Mrs. Barnes, for the nasi week. Proclamation The Fil e Mirsh'll hcpHI t lliei.t ,f I Imx"M Is inukinir a Kpecutl ippenl In city nlViciiiK of Oregon 'o lis -.1st III wiikiiik a ciinpm;!! fur a Mine hihI sule F01111I1 o! .1 uly. Din liil.eveil th.ll there me pinp'e who Hi '(.'til I it M H'lwml. ii;e if this iippni 1 unity, 11 tit) 1 lie 1 l I ! of II pill I I'll II' (li'llloU .tuition. In iiiltu l null. hi ilitinitife Co. 'ii pi 0 pi 1 1 y and w u r supplies ! i .Xpli.sii.h-. resulting Ml (llsns. 1 rmis h res. Ill I'll" A I'll lhs II I . I t 1 Mild III '1 II HUH) Willi I 1. 1' Hlllnll I ilk I'll . iv ii'h'-i M lyof s i.f 1 h" Stitto ill 'lilt'"!. I hereby prohibit I In ' Mini Usii i.f lire oiks of M 1 1 I lescnpl lull s h ltsi el i r III I III 1 ..... II . . t I . -I I . . I - family v. 1 t (' II V i II' I'I'IHT .Mil) .1 I. I.'l- ! la t Mil. I I ln 101 p.-1 n 1 ' rt of nil 1 11 1 'lis i I 1 . 1 . . I - . t . . 1 a i iski'i 111 toiler in. c nil I'Hi'i s'iji. n'li'i. ir iiii'i'MiU iitel ollii-i ii i in !: s I11 Mipp rt ourlii' vi r the Si ; iti My be fully pro j I I I 'r ' in my thro - ih m inl.i;i II. -h j High-Cass Stallions and Mares We are prepared to furnish In the stockmen of J Morrow county the very highest class of Regis- J tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English J Shires, Hackneys and Coaches. : Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty J We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when 2 desired, on easy payments with no cash down and J at eighc per cent interest. A. C. RUBY CO. Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon Headquarters at Palace Hotel Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Ram HEPPNER, : : OREGON Home Products for Home People We Mauufaclure WHITE STAR FLOUR-GRAHAM -WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Gilliam & Bisbee A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their IMS requirements. Extras are going to be hard to get and we would advise the going over of all machinery NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted ami ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras are needed you may not be able to get them and there will be no time to waste in IMS. Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have it, Will Get it or it is Not Made' HARDMAN GARAGE I'.I.EAKMAN si KALI, Pi..,.,. Courteous and l.ffit ivnt Servii o ly Courteous and ( lumpi-tent Woikimn Acct'ssorii's, S'lpplics, l.xpi-il Vuli'.iniri (iiiar.inttt'd I ire Serxiie IIAKDMAN, OKI.C.ON People's Cash Market III.NKV SCI I WAR, I',.-,.. All Kinds ol I re:h and halt Meals Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73 Horses for Sato SKI (if: 1 1 .11 II. 1 , ... I'roki n or niilii ol -wild fur ca h or on 1 1 v, , in. mi' k' w iih ;i ! ity. I lui ' . 1 ;ni l- . 1 1 raii h at the I nli .v pi i',,- .1 AMI - I ' VII I 1 . I I . ill, I u, I 1, 1,1- 1. 1 ,1 1 1, 1 1 1'., 1' I I ' I d sin h l i.i.i,' I .1.1 1 . I I, , so . . T ..11 1. ft . Ill I.I , III I If, I I I -I' 1 1 1 1. M.lhT. Motl- i,ni. ;di M;D IZ'j. Lee Cantwell 4 It f. way I W Smi ai. M.i) or I Iltf I.' X Ihtun, ' 'l ' ti'Mi. I.'