Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 28, 1918, Image 2

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. A. FATTISON. Publisher.
An Iit-.l'jjfivknt, Local
. a in r.
L'tilrnd ut I hi: JLripner, Orcaon, j
l''.t dijin: an second-class matter.
7 1. rum of Zabtcnption.
Dm Yror - - $l..r)
y.ir Mi vlhs - ',- 7
Three Months - - 50
blame them? So rural life is be
i reft of its inspiration Oregon
i Journal.
$10 Reward S10
! Sir.iye'l from my place nea
W, I..,..., fl. lnna 1 lOIS i
iiy mure, coming 6-year-old,
unit d K on shoulder, weigh
aboui 13UU pound-!. Finder please
notify the undersigned and re
cive above reward.
John McHugb,
1 9 Board man Oregon.
FRIDAY. JUNE 2t, 1918
A writer- in the Philadelphia
Kyi'iiinjr l':l)-ri'r laments the in
f Uieieney of the small town pub
lic library. lie aeciues it of be
in;: a "center of culture." It
oieJit, lie telh! us, to be a center
of in fori nation. The farmer should
resort to the public library tor in
formation about potato diseases,
cor, crete watering troughs fruit
tri-o spi'iiys. Women should find
on its bulletin board all the latest
n ..'ws about canninu'. The library
should keep a scrap book for use
ful aiid practical dippings. No
mutter how small the town may
be its library should subscaibe
lor at least one magazine of in
tei national polities. Above all
ei'e, the small town binary
should advei Use itself
'1 he sum of these complaints
set !n- to hi' that, the library is
t. o i It is a sacred arid se-
c hulid p:aeo consecrated to the
w er'J.ip of culture in the form ol
novel.; It ou;;bt to be a resort
for the eaj'or and busy public
who care little about culture ar d
much about life.
Here is a note which, we think,
should be soundid again and
again in every preachment on the
failures of our rural institutions.
The library is not the only one of
tie in which withers up and goes
toscid altera few short months
of activity.
It is the same with the rural
school, the rural church, the rural
dramatic society Some witches'
curse seems to blight them. They
never become "resorts" like the
pool-room and the barber shop.
Why not'.' We have laws aimed
at maku g the school house a re
sort, or a "community center,"
as the learned put it.
lint si. cli laws do not work
Tlii' si I ool house stands in solemn
giand. air just as it did uf ore,
iu, I. itnl ami unused. I he hoys
do i,o play bail mi i's consecrated
g rounds during the summer va---1
1 ion. I he grange dt es not mi et
i i it - ci n -eel aied i ooiih. The
p.i Mr Unary m list be kept in
so ii, oil.cr li.nl. ing.
. .' .M' i . tin' small town church a
'i '. X a i the library. Our
I . . i i 1 .a .lei 1 1 1 1 : i ) i ;ii I he
a ' 'e! Il rh:i o v ilh "cuitui''','
w i 1 1 r I hat it ay s;e ni I y I ln
I list If
if gos-
Notice to Creditors
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has been appointed
ny the County Court of the State
if Oregon, for Morrow County.
Executrix of the estate of Louis
Groshens, deceased; that all per
sons having claims against the
estate of said Louis Groshens, de
ceased, must present the same to
me. duly verified according to
law, at the office of my attorney,
5. E. Notson, in Heppner, Ore
gon, within six months from the
date of the first publication of
this notice, which date of first
publication is June 28, 1918.
Helen Groshens,
8d Executrix.
pr annum from January 2. 1908 to October 12.
1910. together with interest on $1600. OC at the rat.
of 7 per annum from January 2. 1908 to Octobei
. 1912. and the further sum of JljOO.uu attorneys
fee and p&.Ha coats, on the 14th day of June. 1916
and decree of foreclosure on the real propertj
hereinafter described.
Notice is hereby given that I will on the20tl.
Jay of July. 1918. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ol
iaid day. at the front door of the county cour.
house in Heppner, Morrow county. Oregon, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash ir
hand all the right, title and interest of the defend
ants, William Robb and Pauline H. Robb. on tlu
i2th day of March. 1909. or acquired at any timi
ince that date, to the following described rea.
property, to-wit:
The and theNVi of theSWVi of Sec. 20. it
Twp. 1 N of R 25. Eof the Willamette Meridian,
borrow county, Ore.
Said property taken and levied upon as th
property of said defendants William Kobb ana
Pauline H. Robb. or so much thereof as may be
necessary to satisfy said judgment in favor of said
plaintiff and against said defendant Augustus
Walker, and accrued costs.
7dll Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at
The Unties. Oregon, June 18, 1918.
Notice is hereby given thut Joseph V. Cowdrey,
f lluiiiman, Oregon, who. on April 1st, 1914.
made Homestead Entry No.U127C9, for SfcV.N WV.,
K'-jSW'i, SW.SK.. Sec. 2. Twp. 6, South.Range
.Hi. luist. Williitinette Meridian, has filed notice of
intention to make final three year proof, to estab
lish claim to the land above described, before CO.
I'aUerxim. United States Commissioner, at Hepp-in-r.
Oregon, on the (ith day of August, 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses: Hollie Leathers,
Bertram P. llleakman, William L. Lowen, Silas A.
1 1 in rid. all of llaidinan. Cregon.
ll:l H. KHANK WOODCOCK. Register.
Notice for Publication
le,artmeiit of the Interior, U. S. Land Office,
at 1 he Dalles. Oregoii.June 19th. 1918.
Nutiee is hereby given that John T. Kirk, of
Heppner. Oregon, who. on January 25, 1915. made
Homestead Kntry. No. 014421, for EVvNWH.NEV.
NIO'iSW'i. Section 28, Township 1. South,
Uange 2u-Kast, Willamette Meridian, has tiled no
tire of intention to mnke Pinal three-year Proof,
to establish claim to the land above described, be
fore C. C. Patterson, U. S. Commissioner, at
Heppner. Oregon, on the 9th day of Augtrst. 1918.
Claimant names as witnesses: Arthur W.Gem-
II, of Lexington, Oregon; Frank L. Wilkin, of
Lexington. Oregon: Fred B. Ritchie, of Lexing
ton. Oregon, and James G. Doherty, of Heppner,
I'.ld2 II. I' UANK WOODCOCK. Register.
Timms, Cress and Company, a corporation,
John W. Johnson, Defendant.
To John W. Johnson, the above named defendant:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled action
on or before six weeks from the 21st day of .June.
19l8, to-wit: On or before the 3d day of August.
1918, and if you fail to so appear or answer, the
plaintiff will take judgment against you for the
sum of $130,21 with interest thereon at the rate of
6& per annum from the 14th day of August, 1917.
and for plaintiff's costs and disbursements of this
action, and for an order of sale of the following
described real and personal property, attached
One 2-ton Overland Auto Truck, with dumpbodv
One Wonder Concrete Mixer, with gasoline en
gine attached.
One Rock Crusher, complete.
One 10-horse-power Fairbanks-Morse Distllute
One Transit, with tripod.
Commencing at a point on the section line be
tween Sees. 26 and 27 in Twp. 2, S. of R. 26. E. W .
M.. Morrow county, Ore., said point also being on
the north line of Water street in the City of Hepp
ner of said county and state, thence east 110 and
90-100 feet, along the north line of Water street,
thence north 20 degrees and 33 minutes west 100
teel, more or less to the center of Willuw Creek,
thence northwesterly 82 feet down the center 01
Willow Oreek to the said section line, thence
south 124 feet mure or less to the place of begin
nining. This summons is served upon you by publication
thereof once a week for six weeks in the Heppner
Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circula
tion, published at Heppner, Morrow county, Ore
gon, by virtue of an order made and entered here
in on the 19th day of June, 1918, by the Honorable
C. C. Patterson, County Judge of Morrow County,
Oregon, and the date of the first publication is
June 21 1918, and the date of the last publication
will be August 2, 1918.
Sam E. Van V actor.
7dl3 Attorney for Plaintiff.
Notice for Publication
Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at
The Dalles. Oregon, Juno 18. 1918.
Not iee is hereby given that Bertram P. rJleak
nuiii. of llm-tlman, Oregon, who, on November 23,
lull, made Homestead Entry No, 014147 and July
'-"I. til II made Additional Entry No. 016316. for
NW'i NW'l,. EI;NW'. NE't. Sec. 21. Twp. 6 3..
It. 2ii K.. Willamette Meridiun. has tiled notice of I
intention to make llnal three-year proof to eetab- ;
lull claim to the land ataive described, before C.C.
Patterson. Tinted Slatea Commissioner, at Hepp
ner. Oregon, on the 7th day of August. 1918.
Claitnnnt names as witnesses: Joseph V. Cow
drey. Holhe Leathers, William L. Lowen, Guy L.
Iladley. all uf tlurilman. Oregon.
Alt! Register.
In the Circuit Court of State of Oregon fur Mor
row County.
D. H. Henshew. plaintiff!.
Edgar Stevens, Eliza E. Stevens and O. T. Fergu
son, defendants.
Under and by virtue of a foreclosure execution
and order of sale duly lasued out of the above en.
titled court in the above entitled cause on the 3d
day of June. 1918, and in which suit the above
named plaintiff recovered judgment against the
above-named defendants. Edgar Stevens and Eli
za K. Stevens, for the sum of S13.783.44, the sum
uf S9H0.00 attorney's fees, and the further sum of
HI 25 coats, on the 31st day of May. 1918. and de
cree of foreclosure on the real property herein
after described.
Notice is hereby given, that I will on Monday,
I .... the 8th dav of July. 1918 at 2 o'clock in the after.
. t-j i i noon of said day, at the f lont dour of the County
Notice tor Publication I Court lluuw in Heipntr, Murruw county, Ortirun.
Ihi.i.r.i...-i.t of the liitvrkir. U. 8. Land Oftic t ' l ublic uctiwn tuthr hurht bidder fur iuh
I n tit iiiit , Dnvun, June. in hnd- of th r'ht- lltl' nJ trt of ch
and all uf aiu defendant, in and to the following
dttH-ritM.il real property, to-wit:
The uf Sec. a, and the SKl uf Hec. 3. Twp. 2.
8. K. itt. K. W, M.. in Murruw count. Oreitun, ex-
Nniice im heiehy to ven that Janie C. Sharp,
uf llt ppurr. ttri'uon. who on r'etruary 10. WIS.
4mi.iI.- Hi,i,,.'M.ml entry N. 011:UW. fr NW SK1-,,
N 1 j SVS'i NW'i, Section 17. Town-
iV, . S.uih. ItHtikte 2 Knot Willamette Merf
iuii. h in h U'il nt'lireof intention to make thre
.'ih I'l.-.f, In Maltimh flit mi to the land altuve
l. -. nnMt. U ..re I'. f'atterwin. t'niled State
..fi,iiux-i..M.-r at hH nthVe. at lleppner, Orvtcon.
. it.e .ill .lit ..f Auiruit. l'.Uf.
I tn nut! t h tn ii hh Mitneieft W. I, (.onion.
..I r h" (t. it.n lli nrt t'liuiip of Heppner. t tre-.-"L
.1 I K i k of Ht-ppmT t re i in r rank l ur-
H't tit ll- ppt.t-l Oll'ttOII.
-.11 t ( H M 'NX. KeHmter
tl I'l.'llllt
1 In- t -r ilit tit' ni
c .i.Miht w h, th
Ipl.I.l U 1 1 a r V lliMIl
hit uf the Stme
f Ori irn for ,
ceptinK therefrom onr avr ued fur vehuol pur
pi .
Taken and levied upon a the property uf aaid
defendant, Kduar Steven and Klua K.Steven,
or no much thervuf a may Ite necennKry to atif y
hii juiltfinent in favttrof naid plHintitT mid atraumt
md defendant. Ktlttar Kletetia and Klua K. Stev-
imin. to it. the um uf ft.t iKWI with interet at j
the rle of t per cent per annum f runt the 3Ht day
ol Mt. Ii! fur the further umof$iiritttirney'i
feN and t-WJU rimtn uf a.d ult. totfether with all
nniii and di.lurefnent that have or mity accrue.
ItNted thi 4th day uf June. It!.
lifcO. M. IM 'r'KKK.
My Sheriff of Murruw County. Ore.
t- ii
I 1 i '
I. I
I s llll ll
it limit
t. a1', I
l! l pi' In I f hi
- a I. in i ii! : 1 1 1 . ft j
w i u', i.'if to t -
ifLira! ii-ii hi ton I
S'i I f takfs a llirn '
M.,11,1 ,,l lit.- I .lale of Nick Ahlantis de-
,, - , I,, r. l. Miieii mat the uititenigneal a.1
it,l,.r ., tl,e e.uie .( N n-fci Ahlnnila. lie
I l,, I ...I h,. iikmI a.count m the County
,1 VI. tt,,M tt'ontv (lre.,11 sod thai Salur
th.t,t. Juli mi at the hour of In
h , tl f,,. i,it .( a,.l tla am! the count!
I. ,o Ht l l-nrT M.,riv totint . (Iregan
I ,,,. t,. ls.r-t ft the h.lrniB of ul'irr-
II, . I. I., mm, I lh Mttle,iient thr.f.
John SxuraoM.
ia!..r .f It,, f .iHle of N,t k At'lallii.. de
II I lll r'llll Jl llliHKM
r'lilll t I nIM. t l.ll'..
riiii'i rr I'lU'iir ni-- Tin-:
X r'ull M'i!lt"V
A l'lilihc t'iH -
i t'.-t t! f i ii' a'u l ui i Ii,
1 1; tin- lu i ay uf rural
i , in i a1, ai f t I'lH'crni'il
'i.n'it i a tri at ileal ninrf
i: ii a1 l,:,i'ui s j'lin-t
if. II f I'f-ntil ii"i W hitll
' '. ihf n.r.il ti'iiiiiiil
.!' ,; ' i .1 I'll lulu the citli'M
l!i i i! ii t'llcr the (Mil)
'! I - 'ft' the ii t laei'
I w i in m lii i am a h it'i!
,.' .1 I i .' .i.tl.ll'4.
1 1 . 1 ' "i.th i-intiiiil
1 . i '. i . in tl.p
! !'l ", . t M 11 l! Ill'tltU-
' ' t i a.e heme
I. i- e let! i",tv
! , ". it. Who can
1 1 ii..
, t I . nit of the Slale of l)trt,HI f.,
,,i. ,. M.-ir.
,t ll-il,.r I o nian, a crp. rat on.
I . i i it
i.. l,i si',1 r iiima I. Walker h,t,fv
I i -, . I I ,1 i ii,4-a an fireg..n ertratun
V a ni,ri .iii.ai, (If.a.MI ,id WmI.III ( flu.
.t..- t.,o,i,,, a l.,oii lak.,ta rr$..rfa
I..,, I'mm i.i.,lil Wdlxm K.J,b aM
I' .. . II It. 1 1, k a e, fr Ha- kr anj I um
t.t..-a lla- k a t..lvt,ln R Cham
l.i jl r i.l Nali.rt al Maok of ll,ner a
f-n. .,' ... iai-k f Hri-nr a e.earation
t . ll- a VI a .rr I ,,nlif.efl t NatkMial llaok
a i--lain .l.-lr.la"ta
.. V , ' ,. -ii. I'real. m l ami Wll ami f K
I i a ' . I .1. 1. i ,la, -I.
I , ,1.1 i I I 'le..f a foraa-loaMre eaeeutam
, I -!.. i, I a.- -l, . ,...al ,t ef le ar..e ea-
- ,.! . . oil ,n ll.e !. r-lnM .aae im the 1 th
.f Ju.. . in ak,tl autl he e!r namaal
a .1 1 ,a.-..r'el w.l'.rl aa Hal the ata,a
.,..r.t I. I.., lar,t ,i,.al,ia l alka fue the aum..f
- II, o-lrrl Ihraaa. at the rale of T I
. m f ll,a :. ,u M Januara ! I..
. 'h.r Ih , i. i.t i I i at th- rale o( I .
IN Tin:
8 1' Ti: i K l iliKUi
MolIKH I'olltltl llt.-i
I'.MglH.II, I'luttllllT
I Aiiabiirn, S.unli 1 I . . 1. . Alilila
W.-atoti, Tli... V, I iuv.li. J A H;irl.
k" Am, I ll.ii mi. ileii W l.ewl, K,
,n-iii. iiiiiI I, Ykiiiik, iiihI inn
other hm a.,i or . .'la. ilia nwttlhtt i.t
il.iitninK to tin, or li.iMiit: or fliiliii
Imh I,, h.iw. iu,i liiteteat iii- eatiite in
Ol t.l the K-.il ,.,.'l l,.MIM,.lfl.M
ili a. I II I',!, I'l-fen.l.ihta
l Mtil IMI Mil '
To I A Alial tiili. Surah Hloilea, All.
ma U ralnii, Tin a K Mlnwn, J A
lliibke. An Huim. lie,. V l,eia.
I I i. ,eitl iiiul Aa.i 1. YoUliK. HI am
oilier .eia,.ii ,,r i-ia,i,a ownlim ur
l.uioii a to n. or l, u a or i ltimlni
lo hate, inn n.leie.t ur eatnte In or In
19th day of January. by the sher-
ff and collector of delinquent taxes fot
.lorrow County, Oregon, and filed by
aid sheriff and collector of delinquent
axes In the olfice of the County Cleik
t Morrow County, Oregon, on the
lates of issue of the same, respectively,
tor taxes due and delinquent, together
vith penalty, interest and costs there
in, upon real property situate in Mor
ow County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
tmount for which said certificate is is
,ued is set opposite and following the
lescription of the tract or parcel ol
and hereinafter set out, the same be
ng the amount then due and deiin
4uent, for taxes for the year 1911, to
gether with penalty, interest and costs
hereon, upon said real property situate
n Morrow County, Oregon, and partic
ilarly bounded and described as here
nafter set forth; said tract or parcel
jf land being assessed for the year
i911 to the first person whose name irn
nediately precedes the description
.hereof, and is followed by the name
jf the person appearing to be the own
v thereof, as appears on the tax roll
jf Morrow County, Oregon, now in the
lands of the sheriff of said county foi
.ollo'tion, at the date of the first pub
lication of this summons and notice,
xhich is the 3rd day of May, 1918.
Jertificate No. 541, J. A. Ausburn
and J. A. Ausbuin, Lot 8, in
Block 1 of Penland's Second
Addition to the town of Lex
ington, Oregon $
:ertiflcate No. 548, Sarah Broyles
and Annis Weston, Lots 1, 2,
and 3, Block 10 of the town of
Castle Kock, Oregon
:ertificate No. 550, Thos. E.
Blown and Thos. E. Brown,
Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block
1 of Brown's Addition to the
City of Heppner, Oregon
'ertincate No. E65, J. A. Harbke
and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block
1 of Cluff's Fourth Addition
to lone, Oregon
Certificate No. 566, Arvid Haryu
and Arvid Haryu, Southeast
quarter, Section 33, Tp. 6
South, Range 27 E. W. M
Certificate No. 573, Geo. W. Lew
is and Geo. W. Lewis, EMiSWVi
and Lot 3, Section 19, Tp.6 S
R. 26 E. W. M., and NENWV4
Section 30, Tp. 6 S R. 26, E.
V. M
Certificate No. 576, Ed McDaid
and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh
erty, NViNWy., Section 33, Tp.
2 N., R. 25, E. W. M
Certificate No. 605, Asa L. Young
and Asa L. Young. All of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 27 E. V.
M.: All of Section 16, Tp. 6 S.,
R. 28 E. W. M.i and all of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. W. M. 161.10
The said amounts bear interest as
follows: The taxes aforesaid bear in
terest from the dates of filing of said
.ertirtcates of delinquency, respective
ly, at the rate of 15 per cent, per an
num, until paid, the dates of filing said
certificates of delinquency with the
County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
son, being hereinbefore set out.
And you and each of you are hereby
iummoued to appear w.lhln sixty days
after the date of the first publication
of this summons, exclusive of the day
of first publication thereof, to-wit; May
3. 1918, and defend this suit In the
Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due
as shown above, against said tracts or
parcels of land, respectively, above de
scribed, of which you are the owner, ot
in which you have, or claim to have,
any interest or estate, together with
interest and costs accrued in this suit
thereon. Service of a copy of your an
swer or other process may be made up
on the undersigned attprney for plain
tiff, at the place specified below as his
address, and in case of your failure so
to do, Judgment and decree will be en
tered against you and each of you,
foreclosing Raid tux liens for the
amount set opposite and following the
description of said parcel of land above
:iet forth, together with Interest and
costs thereon, against said tructs or
parcels of lund and said tracts or par
cels of laud will be sold to satisfy said
Judgment and decree obtained in said
You are hefeby further notified that
the 11111111110 will apply to the Circuit
Court aforesaid for Judgment and de
cree foiecloslng said tux liens against
id properly, hereinbefore described.
This mimmoiifl Is published once euch
week for sixty consecutive days In the
llt'ptiner lleriild, a newspaper of geu
I'lal circulation in Morrow County,
iiit'giin, imlillslieil weekly nt Heppner,
in aiild county, the ilate of llt-at pulill
c at ion tlieteiif being May 3, IMS. said
publication being made In pursunnce
nf un order therefor made by the Hull
..table Gilbert W. I'hel.ps Judge of the
t'llcult Colllt of the State of IlleKiin
for .Morrow County, said order having
been llinile anil entered on the 23ld day
of At, I II, 19M
i-nl'NTY nr-- Mi iRP.i iV, STATIC nF
I : y Samuel K Nnlm.n, IHstrl.t Attor
ney fur Milium dimity. Utegnti.
and Attorney for I'laititirT; w hoae
11,1,1 1 r in la ll.'ipliel, lll egon.
Enlists the aid of every Man and
Woman to help win the War.
II You are not asked to starve yourself.
Eat plenty, but wisely and without
Leave a Clean Plate when you
leave the table.
instead of higher-priced foods
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
iys IS
Ii The United States Food Administration Says
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian com,)
Notice for Publication
IWi artmenl of lh Interior. (.'. S. Land OltW at
The li.llaa. Orr-n. Mar V.
Nuliev Is hrvty iriveft that I raria t..w ilains, uf
Initiator!. Omrun.nhti. on lire.. Uath. lull, mad
il.imralMail Kntry. No.olla. fuf Si.S '..Sw.
tt. H'.SKi,. HK'.SMW. SwIHHl S. NK'.Nw'..
NK'.SK'i. S. Hon Jl. Nw'.NW1.. !r.tion SI.
townahi I aouth. ran IS) aat. Willamette
Meraalian. ha fi!il nolle of intention to
maa. Final thraa, rear I'na.f. to eat.Wi.h claim
to th. land aowv. dewnUat- bfon t'.C Tatter.
mm. I' 8. t'ommiaaioriar at Hron.r. Orea-un. on
Ih tmh dar of Jul. I0l.
I'laimant nam, aa witneaae. J,-hn W Kira.
o( lUvimef. Or . William H. Tucker of Hefp.
n.r. tr : Jam, ii. IKiherlr of Holnr. lire,.
Arthur 0mmU, of Linaton Or.
Hal H .lr
Having succeeded to the hiird ware and plumbing busi.
ness formerly conducted by Tush & AUers Hnd also to the
farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons,
we beg to announce that this re-orgnnized and consolida.
ted business, with increased capual. is better prepared
than ever before to cater to the Witnts of ih people of
Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a
satisfactory manner. Our slock wdll consist of
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Farm Implements and Wagons,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.,
Plumbing Supplies and Service,
Stoves and Ranges
In short, all lines of goods usually found In a Gene;al
Hardware store.
Appreciating the libera! patronngp accorded our pre
decessors we believe we will continue to merit a coo
linuance of the same.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sti. HEPPNER, ORE. '
Tash iV Akers old Ma nil
Hi rvnl 1'iuiiftti lici nmf tor il.. rll,. , -
! f.-i..i.i,u i Notice (or Publication
IN TIIK MM!! t'K Till: MTNTK i-j tv,rtmH of in tnl.no.. f Land omc at
"ItKili 'N Vim an. I r. Ii ,,f u Rr, ! , , (;pl,. (irooon. Jun 1?IK. IKia. '
lil. . ruilitl. l Dial Ih almi namr.l Notir is hrti i" lha! Lulu Johnann form.
ri,iitifT. a l iit lii' C,,i ...i li. ni. la tli ..Ir Lulu Lumauan. of Lna. On. mho. on
Mar VI. Il, anaJ. h.tad mlrr No, 0IW1 f
V. i, HI'.', and l '. Tp I K O l:
W M ha. Hld rwlir of IManl,. to mak
thiw ru Pnail to ai.l,l.h cla m lo lh'lard
..... dMitd l-(. ' C rall.riJi t n.lr.1
lii.M iaMi'M al h' ode al Hrfi-n. '
i"r,i on th lh da of Au.u.l Imi
i laimanl nam, a. itii.a... Anhuf T -
,.Ka. Wal-i I Vtiwnt. J..hn Hfai-an and
Potato Bread for Toast
and iee how nicely it will brown
im, , hrtat-i . o.iir ai., i,.l,ii.r of ,n.
, .-iti'. of il.'ll!i.U'i. ulli,ir,1 ill, ta-
i"l on iH'l.i'ai if I'. " tr, t!
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Mi I tll ,ll ,-f !. . -..l.rr, I'll i:i
I on II, I'M) ,1,, f .r,r. il.r
I laa i,.. on tli luii ,!
W. C. HOWLINt;. Pr , Victor.
ir ...am H ( U.k il
f 1 na Oraron
C. S PI .N K- .l.r '
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