MEPPN ERH ER ALP. S. A. PATT1SON. Publisher An Independent, Local Seas pa per. Annual School Meeting h Entered at the Hepijiur, Oreijon, Post Office as second-class matter. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - M per annum from January 2. 1908 to October 12. 1810. together with interest on 11600.00 at the rati . I -,I . - fmn Jantmev 9 19(jg tA Cll-tiltiT At the annual school meeting gB 1812 mni th. IurUM,r lum 0f .lwo.oo ttony Id MolidtV ill the Circuit Court fee and .85 cost., ontheUth dayof June. WIS i.j nd decree of lorecloaur on tne real oroperu room f h. oidon was elected hereinatter ieMribed. dirt'Clor withiiUt Opposition and Notice is hereby given that I will on the 20th . , day of July, 1918, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ol it ivte r Li a a ford was re electea M,ddayM the lront door of the county cow. ,. I ,j U houe in Beppner. Morrow county. Oregon, aell at , public auction to the highest bidder for cash lr, Ihf budget Tr the ensuing hnd all the right, title and interest of the defend- yciir WHS lead, considered and ants, William Robb and Pauline H. Robb. on thi . , f 12th day of March. 1909. or acquired at any timt HUnpiwi. n H ehimiai.-JU Ui.i ui Slnce thst date, w ,he following described rea. muint.. mints (he school for the property, to-wit: ensuing year IS f.U.'W'. mis Twp. 1 N of R 26, of the Willamette Meridian.iin Hiliount ttie item of teachers' Sal- Morrow county. Ore, iiries is the largest, being esti FRIDAY. JUNE 21. W1H .mated at 1 2 . 1 CD. Other estima led items of expense are- Fur tiiture, 100; apparatus and sup- -1 plies, .iL'5(l, hbiary. 200; flags. WAR A GREAT LEVELER -''; repairs. 85U0; grounds.00; The arrest, trial.conviction and!. l'"r- 1,,l"; jaitr applies, r ...,., mn in dv. I'JO; fuel. light and water, racuse, N. Y , for idling i war,- el'' salary.-; postage time, has peculiar interest as 1 stationery. f20; payment on markinjr the first pronounced and i l'"nd,'d deht, interest. etc,.2G80; clear-cut case of the kind under i sinking fund, old building, 11000; the anti loafing law in the State 'domestic science and art sup named. He had committed no, t-'1"' 4u0 offense in an ordinary sense. He! receipts as shown wai not a vagrant, for he had j budget are: State and county monev. The new statute, how h0'"""1 fund. 30K); cash on hand. u,i ,i i,;m on nflunilur i $'20'.) . 57; estimated amount cvci i iiau 1 i icnit iiini in "... ti-ji, Said property taken and levied upon as th property of said defendants William Robb ano Pauline H. Robb, or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy said judgment in favor of saic plaintiff and against said defendant Augustus Walker, and accrued costs. GEO. McDUFFEE, " Tdn Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore. Summons IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON FOR MORROW COUNTY, Timrns, Cress and Company, a corporation, Plaintiff, subject to penal correction, in that he was performing no useful labor at a time when the indus tries of the country, as well as the army and navy, were in great need of man-power. Tuis young man said he had never worked, did not find it n 'cessary to work; in fact, would njt work. But he will work, nevertheless, as he was sentenced to six months at hard labor in the county penitentiary. The possession of "visible means of support" formerly excused this type of idler, lie could fritter his time awav while the p'.-nniless loafer was constantly liable to ar rest for vagrancy. War is a lev eler in more senses than one. Christian Science Monitor. to be received from other sources, :17(J0; leaviti" the sum of 111,400 to be raised by district tax. VVANTKD At once, woman to cook and do general housework ui ranch for family of twu. $1 pr day, board ant' room. Phone i:'l''ll. THE RED ' ROSS Frank Crane, the well-known writer, gives the following strik ing word picture of the Red Cross and what it stands for: "In all this welter and con fusion, wars and minora of war, through all the hate and slaught er anil accusation and denial and misunderstanding, runs one deep, low tone of harmony. "Beneath the painful discord is a healing tone, abroad, unifying diapason. "It is the Red Cross. Among our strident inhuniani ties this is the one thing human. "We may (piaircl in trallie, strive in politics and party, rnv; in learning, contend over posses sions and wound and slay in an g-y pride, but in a gesture nt mercy we all, friend and loe.sinl ili'iily fuse and blend. "One touch of mercy makes tin whole world kin. "The lied Cro.-s is the innrtirii lite protest of humanity the doings of nations. "it is the assurance of t'hiisi that He has not wholly ahat: (I Micd His world. " Teachers' Examinations Notice is hereby fiiven that the C'.uniy Superintendent of Mor- ni.v county, ( jregon, will hold tin reuiilar exam illation of applicants lor Slate at Ilepp. nor, ( Ire , as follows: Cum ineiici ng Wednesday, .lune l'i, 'JlH. at ! o'clock a. iu.. and com inning until Saturday, June l'.U ill I o'clock p. in. v 1:1 1 s . si i. v i u; km ion . V, S. History, Writing (Penman ship). Music, Drawing. V Kl IN ; I ). V A KT K liNOON Physiology. Reading. Manual I i ain i ng, Com posil ion. Domes lie Science, Mel hods in Read, ing, Course of Study for Draw in;. Mi Ihods in Arithmetic. Till KSIIAY I't IKI'.NtMIN A ril hmei ic, History of Kducu turn. Physiology, Methods in (ieography. Mechanical Draw ing Domestic Art. Course ol St tidy for Domest ic. Al l 'I'lll liSH.W AI'I'KUMlON. (irauiinar, (ieography, Steno graphy, A incicaii Literature. Ph v si e. Type writ ing. Methods In Lani'iiage, Thesis for Pri mary I ortille, tie. I UIMAV I'dliKMiON. Theory mid Pracl ice, ( Irthogril ph y (Spelling), Physical Ceo gi ip.iv. Pi.giKh l.iieialuie. Cheniisliy, Physical Culture I 'l.'IH V .M' l l'.KMHIN. School l.a.v, tieolegy, Algebra. Civil ( i.iVei iiineut, s. 1 1 l;l'A V I i ilil AmiN. ( iei'iiiel iy, I !nl, my . s. I I i.'ln V M l I'ltSooN, (ien ial PiMoiy. I iniikkeiping .1 A cin'RCHlI.L. Sup' of Public Instruction John W. Johnson, Defendant. To John W. Johnson, the above named defendant: in the name of the State of Oregon, you ait hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled actiot. on or before six weeks from the 21st day of .June 1918, to-wit: On or before the 3d day of August, 1918, and if you fail to so appear or answer, tht plaintiff w ill take judgment against you for tht sum of 130.21 with interest thereon at the rate ol 6 per annum from the 14th day of August. 1911, and for plaintiff's cobU and disbursements of thit action, and for an order of sale of the following described real and personal property, attached herein: One 2-ton Overland AutoTruck.with dump body One Wonder Concrete Mixer, with gasoline en gine attached. One Rock Crusher, complete. One 10-horse-power Fairbanks-Morse Distllate Engine. One Transit, with tripod. Commencing at a point on the section line be- tween Sees. 26 and 27 in Twp. 2. S. of R. 26, E. W. M.. Morrow county, Ore., said point also being on the north line of Water street in the City of Hepp. ner of said county and state, thence east 110 anc Wi-luo feet, along the north line of Water street thence north 20 degrees and 33 minutes west 1U feet, more or less to the center of Willow Creek, thence northwesterly 82 feet down the center oi Willow Jreek to the said section line, thenct south 124 feet more or less to the place of begii, inning. This summons is served upon you by publicatior thereuf once a week for six weeks in the Heppnei Herald, a weekly newapaper of general circula tion, published at Heppner, Morrow county, Ore gon, by virtue of an order made and entered here on the ISth day of June. 1918. by the Honorable C. C. Patterson. County Judge of Morrow County Oregon and the date of the first publication it June minis, and the date of the last publicatioi will be August 2. 1918. Sam E. Van V actor, 7dl3 Attorney for Plaintiff. 9th day of January, 1915; by the sher- ff and collector of delinquent taxes for rforrow County, Oregon, ana filed by aid sheriff and collector ol delinquent axes in the office of the County Clerk f Morrow County. Oregon, on the lates of issue of the same, respectively, or taxes due and delinquent, together vith penalty, Interest and costs there in, upon real property situate In Mor ow County, Oregon. You are further notified that the imount for which said certificate is 1 .ued is set opposite and following the lescription of the tract or parcel ol and hereinafter set out, the same be ng the amount then due and deilu luent, for taxes for the year 111, to tether with penalty, interest and costs hereon, upon said real property situate n Morrow County, Oregon, and partic ularly bounded and described as here nafter set forth; said tract or parcel ,t land being assessed for the year 911 to the first person whose name 1m nediately precedes the description hereof, and is followed by the name if the person appearing to be the own ir thereof, as appears on the tax roll if Morrow County, Oregon, now in the lands of the sheriff of said county tor collection, at the date of the first pub Ucation of this summons and notice, which is the 3rd day of May, 1918 Certificate No. 541, J. A. Ausburn . and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, in Block 1 of Penland's Second Addition to the town of Lex ington, Oregon $ Certificate No. 54 8, Sarah Broyles and Annis Weston, Lots 1, 2, and 3. Block 10 of the town of Castle Rock, Oregon ... tificate No. 550. Thos. E. ZZ?HZZZT in-ia OO n n c oo 0 13 n n 90 8.20 15.10 Notice. An optimist i h iVllow who 111 ikrs t lit In st nt vi tiling that mini's his way A man w h ha l hivn si'iitf mvil t prixin tor U wu-i I toil, it h'il hiw to Ins ivl when a ft'llow prio!icr in th. corridor uskt ii him: "How ionv (1 )oti huvo to srrvi', liii!'.'" "Aw, wily from now on," iv plh'tl Hill, with a carrion waw of the I. ami and a i-lnvrfiil stmlo. Notice -I c( Ihr SlnU In the Circuit Court of State of On-tfon for Mar row County. I). H. Hfntthew, plaintifli, VM. Ktlirar Steven. Ktita E. Stevena and O. T. Fergu nun, defendantn. Under and by virtue of a foreclosure execution and urdtr of sale duly in ued out of the above en titled court In the above entitled rauae on the Hd day of June, ltM 8, and in which auit the abovi named plaintiff recovered judirment avainst th attove-nanwd defendant, Edgar Stevena and EH za K. Ktevena, for the sum of $13,783.44. the aum of IWXt.W attorney' fees, and the further aum of 114 h roMta, on the 3lnt day of May. 1HIH, and de- cree of foreckjflureon the real property herein after denenbed. Notice ia hereby Riven, that I will on Monday, the Hth day of July, Witt, at 2 o'clock in the after noon of aaid day. at the front door of the Count) Court llouae in Heppner, Morrow county. Oregron. Ki'll at public auction to the hiirhent bidder for raal. in hand, all of the right, title and interest of eacl and all of aid defendant, in and to th folluwin iloH-nbed real property, to-wit: TheS'sof Sc. t. and thSE' of Sec. i. Twp. 2 S. K. 26, E. W. M., in Morrow count). Oreiron, ex tiliii(C therefrom one acre uaed for chool pur ptrni. Taken and levied upon a the property of saiti itt-fendant. Ediiar Steven and Elua E.Steven r wi much thereof aa may be neceiiaary to aattvf) Mid judainent in favorofaaid plaintiff and aicainat mu defendant. Ediiar Steven and EluaE. Stev- mi. to-wit the aum of 44 with intereat at the rate of ft per cent per annum from the 31tda f May. I'.., fur the furthersum of $vun attorney' fie and tM. & coat of a.d uit. Uethet with al (-.wis and diabunementa that have or may accrue. Dated thi 4th day of June. GEO. McDl'FFEE. i)y Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore. f tr.-fin f r 'l t. I ..f NuK t Kiti ii liit iti uttitriNi iel.ail il.' .-lute ..I Shi, Al'laimi. de- tl ni'i nuiil in the I ont) "i"U Ouii-'ii ai d that Satur f ft.- nt tl.e h..ur of U ,.'n .( ii.( tint- !),! Ihe rount . MoiM'W ri'ufttt. Oreean ! Hi hsHnne of ot'ev i hf i t Is-nifiif thrrexf. Ji'hi Hi'tirai'a. ( ).. I !. of Nifk Al-liin.i. di The fact that Noah was years old IV fore he knew Iha te huihl an ark MumiM lrm comfort to Homo of the fellows pa-t wholM-cin t worry ahout cow ing tKI. Uon't oe our rip, you're only as M as ti feci Ntlico ' t of th.- SutF .if (trie f.r $10 Reward $10 Nlrijt'il fli'lll lit V '! Mi' In ;i r Itii.'inln mi, re . .1 un.' I. I'Mr n ;riiv it nra. ruiiiiiij i' i- u ...1.1. liriUlll K 'll fclilHlMiT, Hi L'l 1 Blum! I. iti mmnU, I'ni.l.'r mi t. nntif)' llu u iul-r ! ir t .1 iiimI f rt'i vi' n hot i' ri'w ar I J. Ini M. II tc i. 7.1'.' Ili'iUit man On h m I I I k-r h i t. .-I w I ,1" ii K.-l l and h . U ILt hrr ai,l urn i. ri- ..I...I. t K 'hum . ,i . ! l . ,.f Hri'i-P, i "I M I s.ttru I , - i.i-n, n I aiw,nal I'ai.. l''.-l' i I iii.l!t kn,l I' H I .1 -i. 1 a .r, ..-UllW .1 .f II .1..,. r . .m la I Ifc I ..a I k. su.ii .t tl,. i.i. ,,f I .U' M.I. n I ' .! I-- i.-. ( : i l'l'l l( Foil J I II I. HKI1 Klllll l I.OMM. TU I.IKN"!. IN TIIK flltiTIT OUKT OK Tllf STATK OK OltKOON Koli MnltKOW i'iM'NTV. M'nmw Cuunly Orrmin, A I'ulillc Cor l.iiaii.iii, riuiimff, VL I A Aualiurn. Xarah llroylra. AnnU Wratnii. Tlu.a K llrnwn. J A Hard-Ui-. Arvl.l lliiru. !n W. is, Kil I'.'lifilv, ami Aa,t l TouhR. ami an) other ,n or ptraona oaninc ol il.titntng to on it, or having or t'Ulm- i ii K to li.o. an Inlctast or alat In or to th real pmurrty hrrnirti ili-.rr ihfil. t'rfvn.laitta I MOI AMI MITII To J A Auiihuin. Marah llrotlra. An i r.ton, Tlma K. Iirown. J. A H ul k. Atnl llru. (too. V. la ' 'I l'ii-Tlv ami Asa U Youii anil an tlier I'etami or .eraina ouninai 01 liln.lna to ,mn. or haxlii or clallnln o h,oi. ati Inter.! ur rslat In or lo h teal iroirrly hifitiaflr ilea. rltirJ ''(ri.iUnt. IV TIIK XME OK TIIK HTATK OF lU'iii'N You an.l a-h of ou ur '""l' iioiiil! that lh atm naml riinl It. a I'ajajgu- I'ortHiration. la th imlia.rr. utiir and hol.lrr of v'-l tifl of ilehmiuf tu-y ,uititiril 41. la ue I ..n lh Jn. ,U ft 1. eni.r, 14 l. i.aue.l on (lie Inl ilar of l',enil'r. ! !.'. I.aue.l on th Ith iln t.f e-l.lei tl(. Mil, I.aue.l on th Hth . of !. einl er. IH. on he I Hi ,U, ,.f v, I'll, fil aue.l on th lth .lay of t.-ntl.r '.lit laaue.l on til I 1 h ilm of I ..ill. I. lH. ami . I.a.lrl oil thi Brown and Thos. E. Brown, Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 1 of Brown's Addition to the City of Heppner, Oregon ertiftcate No. 565, J. A. Haibke and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block 1 of Cluff's Fourth Addition to lone, Oregon 1.31 'ertiftcate No. 566, Arvid Haryu and Arvid Haryu, Southeast quarter, Section 33, Tp. 6 South, Range 27 E. W. M......... .'ertiftcate No. 573. Geo. W. Lew- Is and Geo. W. Lewis, ESW and Lot 3, Section 19, Tp.6 S., R. 26 E. W. M., and NENW Section 30, Tp. 6 S., R. 26, E. W. M 11.50 Certificate No. 576, Ed McDaid and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh eity, NV4NWV4, Section 33. Tp. 2 N., R. 25, E. W. M eitificate No. 605, Asa L. Young and Asa L. Young. All of Sec tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 27 E. W. M. : All of Section 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 28 E. W. M., and all of Sec tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. W. M. 161.10 The said amounts bear intereat ollows: The taxes aforesaid bear in- eiest from the dates of filing of said ertitlcates of delinquency, respective y, at the rate of 15 per cent, per an- ,u in. until paid, the dates of filing said eitiflcates of delinquency with the 'ounty Clerk of Morrow County, Ore ;un, being hereinbefore set out. And you and each of you are hereby umiuoneil to appear within sixty days tfter the date of the first publication if this summons, exclusive of the day t first publication thereof, to-wit: May I, 1918, and defend this suit In the oui t aforesaid, or pay the amount due is shown above, against said tracts oi laicels of land, respectively, above de- icribed, of which you are the owner, oi n which you have, or claim to have, iny interest or estate, together with merest and costs accrued in this suit hereon. Service of a copy of your an- iwer or other process may be made up in the undersigned attorney for plain iff, at the place specified below as his iddress, and in case of your failure so o do, Judgment and decree will be en ered against you and each of you, ,'orecloHtng said tax' liens for the imount set opposite and following the lescription of aaid parcel of land above .el forth, together with Interest and osts thereon, against said tracts or ih litis of land and said tracts or par els of land will be aold to satisfy said u.lgment and decree obtained In aaid uit. You are hereby further notified that he plaintiff will apply to the Circuit 'ourt aforesaid for Judgment and de Tee foreclosing said tax liens against -id properly, hereinbefore described This summons Is published once each veek for sixty consecutive days In the loppner Herald, a newspaper of gen - i.l circulation In Morrow County, legon, publiahed weekly at Heppner, n auld county, the date of first publl Hlloll thereof being May I. 1911, said lUblicatloii being made In pursuance f an order therefor made by the Hon rable Gilbert W. I' Judge of th 'Inult Court of the rltate of Oregon 'or Morrow County, said order having een made and entered on the 23rU day f April. I91. OI NTY OK MOItltOW, 8TATK OF OIlKGoX. Iiy Samuel K, Nut.on. District Attor ney for Morrow County, Oregon and Attorney for Plaintiff, whose addrrss is Heppner, Oiegon. S HOOVER Enlists the aid of every Man and Woman to help win the War. You are not asked to starve yourself. Eat plenty, but wisely and without waste. Leave a Clean Plate when you leave the table. 0 USE POTATOES instead of higher-priced foods Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon 30C 3SC 0 0 DC DC ys U U The United States Food Administration Says save: FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet Use fowl, fish. Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,) JjJAM. HUGHES COMPANYJJ Notice for Publication Department of in Interior. U. S. Land Offira at Th (laHea. t)re.m. Mar tl. ll. Nntlr Is herebr given that Prank l. Wilkln.. of Lina-ton. tlreaoo. ho. on lire. 24th. IHU. rale Humeatead Pnlrr. Ku. OUiH. foe RW '.SWI. Ree B. i'eSE'.. MCI.1., yertkm kl. NKNW't NE'.NE1.. SeetKW.I. NWSW-.. Heetujn K tovn.hlp I aoalh. ran eaaU Willamette Mereihan. haa filed nolle of Intention na.f r'inal tht sear Troof. to fatalihsh tlaim to th land above described, before C C. I'atter auo. If . CinmlHKjner at Hei'OOee. Oresrotl. on th 'thd.rof Jvilr. Ida. Claimant names aa witneaaea J.a W Kirk Mei-oner. f William Tucker, of Hetip mt Or : Immm O. aerl of On. Arthur l.emmell. of l.intoo Or. II. I KANK WlHllH'lH'K hi "-'' Notice for Publication rwinmenl of Ihe Inleetor V . l and Omee . Lalirand. Oe !la. I ll. KMtn keret-r 'e that Heeee Cntme J Her oner. OeeanM. on aa Jul, 14., aaadi Hnmeutead "rt N 01ml! tat ,', feetk 14 TevMloe I awith. Han r S Willamell Meel ,an ka. Sled MWf mlenlWei t . thee tear fiuf u attL.h cUwm to In land ata-ai aerihed heloe C '. falleew failed lal i'aMiu .1 hieti at tin-on tirem Mi the kMk da of Jn I'laimant name. a. une.a mm C Skarp James r keen, I' red C. t'rumo Tknaa J Mat kwk all f Heron Orei. 4: C. VISH lUtjKtM ANNOUNCEMENT Having succeeded to the hard ware and plumbing busi ness formerly conducted by Tash & Alters and also to the farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn &, Sons, we beg to announce that this re-organized and consolida ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared than ever before to cater to the wants of lh people of Heppner and Morrow county, and aHjticent territory, in a satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Farm Implements and Wagons, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc., Plumbing Supplies and Service, Stoves and Ranges In short, all lines of goods usually found in a General liaidware store. Appreciating the libera! patronnjje accorded our pre decessors we believe we will continue to merit a con tinuance of the same. Peoples Hardware Co. Main and Willow St. HEPPNER, ORE. Tab & Akers old stand TRY OUR Potato Bread for Toast ar.d see how cicrly it will brown HEPPNER BAKERY W. C. UOWLINO. Proprietor.