CECIL ITEMS Herb -Everett and E A. Nash and their wives were Arlington , visitors Sunday. 1 Cecil Thorne, of Morgan came flow n Mondav to work for C. A. i Minor on the Cecil ranches dur Entered at the Heppner, Oregon, jng haying. Post Office as second-clans matter. : peter Bauernfiend was a Lex . i jngton vjsjtor Monday and Tues- H EPPN E RH ERA L D. S. A. PATT1SON. PUBLISHER. An Independent, Local Newspaper. spring. The thermometer registered 98 degrees in the shade Saturday and 108 Sunday in Cecil. Terms of Subscription. One Year - - $1.50 Six Months - - 75 Three Months - - 50 FRIDAY. JUNE U. 1918 DEMOCRACY ON TRIAL Now is the great opportunity of the American people to dem onstrate that ou"1 form of govern menl is a success'', says a recent Food Ad ministration bulletin, "Ii is up to u-i, every ona ef us, to voluntarily and willingly gut bo hind those who are righting and dying for us. It is up to all o! us to adjust every phase of our lives so that every net and move ment will be considered first as to its effect upon our success in this war. Tins means we mu:;i consider, in its relations to tin war, everything we buy and eat and wear, every thing we do, m matter how infinitesimal tl:et lf-c' may seem It is the ayjregati of infinitesimal things and unit-- that iiiiiKh up the great forces. "Just now we must particular ly realize that w heat is powder for the winning of the war, and that it is the pressing d uty ol each of us to save and release every ounce of wheat, possible for shipment overseas. Our real izatioti of this duty and our thoroughness and universal par ticipulion in performing it, will be u test of the American people and of our form of government If we measure up to the food ad ministration in this wheat-saving test we will stand as a united democracy, fighting our way to final victory, mid by our united support, of the army ami our al lies, will prove the success and efli'-ieiicy of our form of govern in cut. There can be but one outcome of this war and we must Steel ourselves for r.ny misfor tune, for any reverse, with our muds united anil fixed upon the idea of an iiiico.npioiiiisiii.' vie lory." day looking over some improve ments done on the late Fran Habelt's ranch near Lexington Jack Hynd autoed to Heppner Monday accompanied by his daughter Annie and Alf Shaw. Miss Willetta Barrett, of Hepp ner, is visiting at Butterby flats ! this week. John Ewing, who has been staying with his daughter, Mrs. Charley Hynd of Ukiah for the past few weeks, is now helping Jack Hynd with his haying. Oral Hendricksen, son of A. Hendriksen of the Willow creek ranch, who enlisted in the Navy a few weeks ago, arrived home Tuesday on a few days leave of ! absence. Oral is very proud of himself and says he likes the life fine. Herb Hynd went to lone to meet Alf Shaw who was bringing some horses through from Ukiah to the Butterby ranch. Mayor Smead informs the Her ald that to morrow night will set the street work almost finished. The work has been progressing swiftly and the indications now are that it wil give very good satisfaction. Every day's travel over trie macadam seems v make it more firm and as the in tention is to keep it well sprink led during the summer it should be in very good shape for tht heaviest of traffic by the time wheat hauling starts Notice. In the Circuit Court of State of Oregon for Mor row County. D. H. Henshew, plaintiff!, va. Ldgar Stevens. Eliza E. Stevens and O. T. Fergu son, defendants. Under and by virtue of a foreclosure execution and order of sale duly issued out of the above en titled court in the above entitled cause on the 3i day of June, 1M8, and in which suit the abovi named plaintiff recovered judgment against tru above-named defendants, Edgar Stevens and Eli za E. Stevens, for the sum of $13,783.44, the sun of $900.00 attorney's fees, and the further sum ol $34.25 costs, on the 31st day of May. 1918, and de cree of foreclosure on the real property herein, after described. Notice is hereby given, that I will on Monday, the 8th day of July. 1918. at 2 o'clock in the after noon of said day, at the front door of the Coun Court House in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cast in hand, all of the right, title and interest of eacl J. H Fratiklin iS assisting Jack " all of Baid defendants, in and to the followim uescnoea real properly, to-wii: The SV-t of Sec. 2, and the SE'4 of Sec. 3, Twp. 2 S. R. 26. E. W. M.. in Morrow county, Oregon, ex cepting therefrom one acre used for school pur poses. Taken and levied upon as the property of sail defendants, Edgar Stevens and Eliza E. Stevens, or so much thereof as may be necessary to Batisfs suid judgment in favor of Haid plaintiff and ugains said defendants. Edgar StevenB and Eliza E. Stev ens, to.wit: the sum of $13,783.44 with interest a the rate of 6 per cent per annum from the 31st da: of May. 1918. for the furthersumof $9(Hiattorney'i fees and $34. !G costs of said suit, together with al. costs and disbursements that have or may accrue Dated this 4th day of June, 1918. GEO. McDUFFEE, Exly Sheriff of Morrow County. Ore. 19th day of January, 1815; by the sher iff and collector of delinquent taxes for j Morrow County, Oregon," and filed by jaid sheriff and collector of delinquent taxes In the office .of the County Clerk jt Morrow County, Oregon, on the Jates of issue of the same,, respectively, for taxes due and delinquent, together A'ith penalty. Interest and costs there in, upon real property situate In Mor ow County, Oiegon. You are further notified . that the amount for which said certificate is is sued is set opposite and following the description of the tract or parcel of land hereinafter set out, the same be ing the amount then due and deiin quent, for taxes for the year 1911, to gether with penalty, interest and costs .hereon, upon said real property situate .n Morrow County, Oregon, and partic ularly bounded and described as here . natter set forth; said tract or parcel jf land being assessed for the year 1911 to the first person whose name im mediately precedes the description thereof, and is followed by the name jf the person appearing to be the -own ir thereof, as appears on the tax roll it Morrow County, Oregon, now in the hands of the sheriff of said county foi :ollection, at the date of the first pub .ication of this summons and notice, .vhich is the 3rd day of May, 1918. Certificate No. 541, J. A. Ausburn and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, in Block 1 of Penland's Second Addition to the town of Lex ington, Oregon .. .Certificate No. 548, Sarah Broyles and Annis Weston, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 10 oT the town of Castle Rock, Oregon .'ertificate No. 550, Thos. E. Brown and Thos. E. Brown, Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block 1 of Brown's Addition to the City of Heppner, Oregon 'eitiflcate No. 565, J. A. Harbke and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block 30C 1.8f. 9H 20 A MKRK 'A M I 'ST ( ' KSSEIi I-(.()). Hynd with his haying. I P. (1. O'Meara of the O'Meara Supply & Implement Co , Wasco, Ore., sold J. W. Osborn a 24-foot cut Harris Gasoline Combine last Tuesday. Geo. Miller and F. Phillips had a trip to Arlington Wednesdsy. There were two registrants in the Cecil precinct Wednesday, Albert Wilbur of Morgan and Warren Stender who came from Walla Walla purposely to regis ter. Mrs. T. II. Lowe left on the local for The Dalles Thursday to visit with her daughter for a few days. Hiram Beard, of Portland, one of Jack Hynd's old haying hands, came in Thursday to assist with the haying again this year. W G. Hynd visited Cecil Thurs day, returning Friday accompan ied by Miss Annie C. Hynd, who intends to stay at Rose Lawn for a few days. The County agricultural agent, Mr. Brown, accompanied by Mr O'Ueillt'.v. were in the Cecil dis trict looking up the children's school club work. Some are giv- If there are still at y Ann,, lean j i,ur vt'r' ,vsul,s citizens who feel disposed to Misses Violet Hynd and Will complain at the rigid rules nqiii ! etta Barrett spent Friday with ring the conservation ol foo I they should read the follow ing excerpt from a recent speed) by llerln it l Hoover. After describing the awful conditions now existing it Poland, Finland, Serbi:i, Armenia ami Kussia, where the German;- had overrun and devastated the country the speaker continued. "The most iippalling ami dread ful thing to come to humanity since the ( u n . t ci ballon, is to tne this gaunt figure ofl'aniine, the outstanding creation of Ger man militarism. Yet the the Gent ans them selves are not the u ott sufferers: they are extorting at tin' cir'non's month the harvi stti and the live stock of the people they have overrun, leaving Iheui in desola tion. I am cotiMtu'ed that if the war were to cease tomorrow, the loll of actual dead from t.ir at ;on and its attendant diseases w ithm I the German lines would double' or treble the I e millions r six millions of men who h.ie bet n actually killed by Germany a'd ! her aliie in ai ins I he ten mil-; luois of people in iV'triuni aril Northern France wou'd have ail, di 'd of starvation ha I it not en ' for the t ut ieis at war nionvt ; Germany in the mrnUei Mi." ol 1 th"e pi epic through the rein! fVHteiil Put t hi i oi , ie t ' part ot the w hole Men of ini-i t t , j fur tie Hit kit g of tie wot l.fc shipping m revcrb-ratitu ntiwi! ion nd famine in home din ctiot very day nnd into t i ty com t of thewlole," ' Miss Georgia Summers of the Last Camp, Cecil. Having is now in full swing in the Cecil district Many earn- plaints are coming forward as to ; the poor crops owing to the cold APPLICATION KOIt J V D ii M K Ji 1 FOHICCl.OSINCi TAX LIKNS. IN Till! CIRCUIT COURT OK TH1 STATIC OF OHEXION FOR MORROW COUNTY. Morrow County Oregon, A Public Cor poration, I'lalntlff. vs. J. A. A unburn. Sarah T'.roylea, Annh Weston, Thos. K. Brown, J. A. llarb hi'. Ai-vld llaryu, Ueo. W. LewlH, E( Hiihi'ity, and A hii L. Yoiihi?, and nnv other person or pci-Hons owning o rluiiiiing to own, or having or claim lug to have, any lntrest or estate li o- to the ii'jil property horelnafte lU-sci'lbed, I ft-mluntH. SI MMOXS AMI MITM H. To .1. A. Austnirn, Sarnli llroyles, An nis Weston, Thus. K. drown, .1. A IliobKe, Arvtil llaryu, Ueo. W. Lewis INI lioheity and Asa L. Youiik. and an other person or persons owning t'laimliiK 1" own. or having or clalmlnp ! have, any interest or estate In or U Itie real properly hereinafter described, I M'fethlants: IN TIIK NAMK OF THK STATIC Ol i 'It 1:1 ;i i. : tut aim eiich of you are I i'I'v imtilleil ttial the above nniitui IMaiiiliff. a Public Corporation, Is th iMirthiiMfi', owner and holder of cit'lifi fiiles of tie limiuem-y Numbered 541, In Mued on ihe nd day of lieeember, 1914 .Ms. Issued on the 3rd day of December I'll I, .".;iii. Issued on the 4th day of Pe ii'Miber. 1914: Tili'i, Issued ml the 14th I.IV of I let'ember. I'.ltl; TiKil, issued on Oie ir.tli ilav of Ivcember, 1914; 6 usued on Ihe ti:th day of tiecember. 1914: ;i7i. issued on the Kith day of He ii-inber, 1914. ami tjir. Issued on the t pr f 4 Im m lmt wit tktm m Crmwfr. f r, r l.i a' m II: m-r 5 ' i ! L It only Takes a Minute to send him a pouch of Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug Jut drop into any wiJe awake dealer around here, give him 10 cents for the pouch of Real Gravely, complete in the special envelope ready for mailing. Addreu it according to the official direction he will give you. Put on a 3 cent stamp and Uncle Sam s Mails will see that he gets it. Kl Gixrlr I lh tobacc la erul. No! ordinary ptuf .J up with lnini. but condntd quality. Il l worth cmiirif ft lung way.and when tim titl k'( got omathing. Ci any man a chaw of Koal Cravat? Plu(,a4 ha will tall yon (Wa lha kind la and. Sand lha bad Ordinary plug la falia aconomr. It coala laaa Bar waak la chow Kaal Crataljr bacavaa a aanall chaw cd II UU long whila. ion iiiixd t tw v. i smia it rovn or cuvat r.B "or lhr" 3c. alatna will ul it Inla hi haada. P. B. CRWIIY TOBACCO COMPAT.DanUIIf,Vi. TV Tatral fa.k Ivn i Fi CUm J CJ -k u aW Kl Cratvfr anraaal r4rtaM irW LalablkarMMi laSI 1 of Cluff's Fourth Addition to lone, Oregon 1.31 ertificate No. 566, Arvid Haryu and Arvid Haryu, Southeast quarter, Section 33, Tp. 6 South, Range 27 E. W. M 15.10 ertificate No. 673, Oeo. W. Lew- and Geo. W. Lewis, EV4SWV4 and Lot 3, Section 19, Tp.6 S., R. 2o E. W. M., and NEy4NWV4 Section 30, Tp. 6 S., R. 26, E. W. -M 11.50 ertificate No. 676, Ed McDald and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh erty, NNW, Section 33, Tp. 2 N., R. 25, E. W. M 2.16 ertificate No. 605, Asa L. Young and Asa L. Young. All of Sec tion 16, Tp. 6 S R. 27 E. W. M. ; All of Section 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 28 E. W. M., and all of Sec tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. W. M. 161.10 The said amounts bear Interest as Hows: The taxes aforesaid bear in- erest from the dates of filing of said ertificates of delinquency, respective- at the rate of 15 per oent. per an- um, until paid, tne dales or tiling said ertificates of delinquency with the ounty Clerk of Morrow County, Ore- on, being hereinbefore set out. And you and each of you are hereby ummoned to appear within sixty days ifter the date of the first publication f this summons, exclusive of the da f first publication thereof, to-wit: May , 1918, and defend this suit In the ourt afuresaid, or pay the amount due is shown above, against said tracts oi aicels of land, respectively, above- de- crlbed, of which you are the owner, oi ii which you have, or claim to have ny Interest or estate, together with merest and costs accrued In this suit hereon. Service of a copy of your an wer or other process may be made up n the undersigned attorney fur plain- iff, at the place specified below as his .ild i ess, and in case of your failure so o do. Judgment and decree will be' en- ered against you and each of you, oieclosing said tax liens for the mount set opposite and following the escripliou of said parcel of land above et-forth, together with Interest and usts thereon, against said tracts or .aicels of land and said tracts or par els of land will be sold to satisfy said uilgment and decree obtained in said ult. You are hereby further notified that he plaintiff will apply to the Circuit 'ourt aforesaid for Judgment and de ree foreclosing said tax Hens against -Id property, hereinbefore described This summons Is published once each veek for sixty consecutive days In the leppner Herald, a newspaper of gen ial circulation In Morrow County. Hetton, published weekly at Heppner, n said county, the date of first publl. -ntion theieof being May 3, 1 11 H, said ubllcntion beliiK made In pursuance f an order therefor made by the Hun i able llllliert W. I'hel.pa Judge of the 'Ircuit Court of the Stale of Oregon or Morrow County, said order having een made and entered on Itie !3id day f April. I 31 s. nrNTY V Mi'IlltOW. STATE OF HIIKilHN, Ity Samuel E. Notion, l'lstrlct Attor ney for Morrow County. Oregon, and Attorney for I'lalntlff; whose addrtsi Is Heppner, Oregon. eiiltt Notice for Publication Department of th Interior. U. S. Land Omr at rhr tllra. Omrufl. Mm V. Mil. Notice M hen-tnr (Ivra that I rank L.Wllina. of Lrin(ton. Oreiuii.aha. on ttae.. IHh. 11. marfr Hummtrad Kntrr No. oluia. tot KWl.SWt, Her. . SWSK'a. ilKS.IW. Keetwa ai. NEWNWI. SKl.NK'. IVftxni 11. NWNW1. axtion K. uwihip I vlh. ran M nuU Willanwtw i a tl.miin. hu AM rnMire of Intention U. : make final three rear Pwl. to eetaMittl rlalm o 0 HOOVER Enlists the aid of every Man and Woman to help win the War. You are not asked to starve yourself. Eat plenty, but wisely and without waste. Leave a Clean Plate when you leave the table. USE POTATOES instead of higher-priced foods Phelps Grocery Co. Heppner, Oregon 30C roc DC DC 0t ocn ays U The United States Food Administration Says SAVE FATS We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save fats to help our fighters fight. Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet Use fowl, tish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,) (j SAM. HUGHES COMPANY jj DC 3C OCJ ANNOUNCEMENT Having succeeded to the hardware and plumbing busi. ness formerly conducted by Tash & Akera and also to the farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons, we bpg to announce that this re-orjjunizorl and consulida. ted business, with increased capital, is belter prepared than ever before to cater to the wants of th people of Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, io a satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Farm Implements and Wagons, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc., Plumbing Supplies and Service, Stoves ana Ranges In short, all lines of goods usually found inaGene;al Haid ware store. Appreciating the libera! patronnge accorded our pre dccesNors we believe we will continue to merit a con tinuance of the same. Peoples Hardware Co. Main and Willow Sti. HEPPNER, ORE. Tab &. Alien old stand to lha land ararnboa. hfur C.C. Patlrr. I V S. Commlwkm.r. at Hrppnar, On-awi. on j lh Plh day of Jul. 111. I'taimanl naira a. wilnrM. Jiiha W K irh. , af MPt"r . Ora W lliam B. Turkw. ol lli-p- , nr. Or. inm li. IV.Ii1. af Hinf. llr. Arthur Oamnwil. vl Utinalon. Or.. j II I RANK WlHltX'lH K. hit H,i.i.r Notice for Publication IVt-arllMnt f lh Inlw I". l awl OfBr. at , la inula Orai .'Ma I .!!. N.Hira la hTrht thai Hmrr t Cruma jf Htriwl ltl Jul' . Ilt ILralial antr. Ms o.;: f. tTH it. ' I,.n.hir I Hoaili. Ka HI. llamrtu Mr. 4 an. haa (IWri ntic f mlwitioa la Mk Ihiaa ,Mtr tru-f l i.Mh fiaiia l ! laaj ah. Iiarntad hf" C I' raltw I Bitot ia' I'anaaiMM llMl'W at H'l-rnar. ra. ' . th. ih du of J.na ll. d.nanl aiaa aa '! Jaa C har 1 Jamnr rrwlC.lruwa Tl.aa J Mat- Wk all 11'l'P'' "". a; C S ll NN S'.l TRY OUR Potato Bread for Toast and tee how nicely it will brown HEPPNER BAKERY W. C. HOWLING. Proprietor. S3 ; 0 0 i 0 0