I Big Real Estate Bargains 181 acres, all tillable, small house and barn, 100 acres summer fallow; one-hail' interest in . acres growing wheat, 110 acres rye, 1 h-aii.-r, 2 wagons, 1 wheat rack, water tank, plow, harrows. Id foot drill stretcher and chains, tender for 12 horses, buv.one-half stack of straw etc. lo miles from rJIroad. Price $.00.00. 2000.0() cash; balance" easy terms. 320 acres deeded hind, f0 af-res in crop; 640 acres home stead with plenty of water. ?.;."0U.00 for everything in eluding crop ami relinquishment. See' ROY V. WHITEIS, ReaLK HEI'PNER, OREGON Get Your Hail , f-fl;SV" ? Yira War-time Responsibility Yours and Ours National necessity has put a new responsibility on every motorist. Utmost service is demanded the highest use fulness of yourself and your car. Service and economy are your only considera tions. Our responsibility fjoes hand in hand with yours. As the largest rubber manufacturer in the world, it is our duty to supply y(Hi with tires of unfailing reliability and extreme mileage. United Slates Tires are more than making good in this time of stress. 1 hey are settin- ncw mileage records-establish 3P MIT I I m i-is mi I TIIK l'ir-i National l'..i.k invites our at- tri.i,..!, i,, id,, r. port of its, condition made to th. C.'iipti-,.;;. r and pul.lMie.l mthi issue, i' on il... S.v.. id Nmi,. f I.itH.,ty 1 ini M., l. l;ts Wein- it.' a.i hrl I,';-, to I , ;, ,. th, i,. ,ViijM.ns t,, t,j8 R.l'.k tor ; t , THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK CF hEPTNER " Insurance Now ing new standards of continuous sen ice - effecting greater economy by reducing tire cost per mile. There is a United States Tire for every car passenger or commer cial and every condition of motoring. The nearest United States Sales and Service Depot will cheerfully "id you in fitting the right tire to your needs. United StatesHres ere Good Tires LL "1 HUH j I . d .,. (,.:i,t, r LOCAL AND PERSONAL Forty-three young men have reached the age of 21 yeaf s with id the yasl year and registered m the selective. draft Wednes day in this county. Roy V Whitfis has received a check for $1000 from the Phila delphia Underwriters association payment in full of the Coats' loss in the recent fire. ' All Henderson, La Princess add. Gossard corsets, regularly priced at from $2.00 to $10.00, now on sale at greatly reduced prices. Call and make your se lections early. 4tf Mas. L. G. Herren. ' Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wyland were in from their home in the HardmaB country Tuesday: Mr. Wyland is still on crutches from the effects of the accident two week;Tago when himself and Wm Geise were badly injured in an accident on the grade near Rock creek. Mr. Wyland had several libs broken and his knee was also badly wrenched. Mr Geise is also recovering rapidly and -will' soon' be abie to get around again.' Roy V. Whitis, representative if the PhiladelpbiaUnderwriters Fire Insurance Co., passed thru hnre today on his return to Hepp ner. Mr. Wbitis is working for one of thi best and most reliable companies in the West and for that reason be does a large busi ness. Ross Kahler, who carries insurance with this company, re cently suffered a small loss from fire. He immediately received the amount of $24.00,which amp ly covered all damage. Long Creek Ranger. HELP-WANTED-HELP C Women or Girls C at once. .Experience not necessary. Phone Palace Hotel, Heppner, Ore. Pat McAvey left this week for the summer range near Hilgard with Pat Connell's sheep where he will enjoy the mountian breezes, speckeled trout and huckleberry pie for which that region is famous. Mr. Connell is sending two banda there this week and later will send a third band He has a spendid range of hunch grass there and usually ships fine mutton to market from the range without any finishing other than the rich grasses of the range provides J 'J.Craig, who farms in the I'luckhorso country, was a visi lor in Heppner Saturday and called at tne Herald otlice to nave his mine entered as a suh icriber. Mr. Craig hits 500 ,cies in wheat this season Hml he says the croo look fim with every indication of making a 100 per cent crop. tie crowded i-vrry avHiiame acre into cron this year a- a purt nf hi -bit' a winning the war mid nut of 7(H) acres of farm land on the pluco he has 430 in crop. Will Yisit Crater lako Mr. mid Mrs. S. W. Spencer left this week for Hend. where they will attend the meeting of ilia hastern Oregon Hunker' Association, after which ihev will continue on to Klamath Falls with Crater Lnke as their object ive po nt. They expect to npend two week or more on the trip. Church Notices Catholic Church Services. Sunday. June 9. 1918. Hrat Mass, 8:00 a, m. Second MassatlO:) a.m. Christian Doctrine, ll:;Wa. m. Evening Devotions. IM p. m'. Kev. r. J, O'Uourke Christian Science. Christian Science services are held every Sunday at 11 a m, NVedM-sday at .m p. m . j'n' the Methodist church South, on Chase street All interested are invited to attend these si-rvices, Th Fedrsted Church Sunday School Si 4. a m. Tlie theme of (he morning , r m -n is ugfttHi by the ni,.,.t,i,g of th OUer Cirl' Conference i entitled -C.iHt's I Much tcr." OG3C DC 0 NEW COSTUME SILKS - - AT MINOR'S - - - Shoppers at our store will find an abundant and rich as sortment of the new Costume Silks, Twilled SilksTaffetas, Foulards, Pongees, Tubs, etc. These Silks are unusually attractive in their rich colorings and artistic designs and are immensely popular because of their good wearing qualities and their adaptability to the season's styles. Prices reasonable, too. See them at our silk counter and in the window. Undoubtedly you will want a new Silk Petticoat to wear with that new Dress. You will find here a wealth of changeable colorings and newness of design which charac terize our silk petticoats as the most desirable offerings of the season. There are many styles in beautiful color combinations that have been created, it would seem, esner-iallv tn Ko At no former time have ome Minor & Company I J Teachers' Examinations Notice is hereby given that the bounty Superintendent of Mor row county, Oregon, will hold the regular examination of applicants for State Certificates at Hepp. ner, Ore., as follows: Commencing Wednesday. June 20, 1918, at 9 o'clock a. m and continuing until Saturday, June 191. at 4 o'clock p m. WKDNKSOAY FOKEXOOX. U. S. History, Writing (Penman ship). Music, Drawing. WEDNESDAY AKTEKXOOX Physiology. Heading. Manual Ti aiiung. Composition. Domes tic Science. Methods in Head, ing, Courseof Study for Draw ing. Methods in Arithmetic. THLUSDAY FOUENOON Arithmetic, History of Kduca lion, Physiology, Methods in Geography, Mechanical Draw, ing Domestic Art. Course ot Study for Domestic Art THL'UKDA Y AFTKUNOOX. Grammar. Geography, Steno- grapny, American Literature. PhysicsTypewriting. Methods In Language, Thesis for I'ri mary Certificate. FlilDAY FOKEXOOX. Theory and Practice. Orthogra. uliv (Soellinc). Phi-sirnt grspliy, Knglish Literature. Chemistry. Physical Culture. FHIHAY AFTEKXOOX. School Law, Geology, Algebra. mvii iiovernment. SATl KPAY FOKEMNIX. Geometry, iiolany. SATIKOAY AFTKKMHVV General Hisiory. HiH)kkeeping J. A. CHURCHILL. Supt. of Public Instruction. DR. J. L. CALLAWAY Oteopatshic Pnysician 6 ROBERTS BUILDING Phone tU;j. At Ixington Tuesdays and Thursdays. For Salt j 32 horse Combine, hitch or less LOST - Berkshire Sow. Re w ard. Fast Orkoon Jack Farm. Wt5 Lexington, Ore. r j v " , 1 "li'lA values such as these been offered in and bee lhem I 1 . - John N. Smith, foreman on the Reclamation project at Irri. gon, was In town during the week as a witness in the bteach of the peace case In Justice Cornell's court. HACKING THE NATION These are war times. Alter your plans of liv ing and worhing to take take national as well as individual needs into consideration. We have done this in our banking here at the Farmers and Stockgrowers National Bank. Loans must be based upon operations neces sary to the Country's welfare, and we are endeavoring to promote conservation in both things and money. THE FARMERS AND STOCKGROWERS NATIONAL BANK MirrNt. DC 0 ucw Biuria arm costumes. J at more attractive prices. ) Reward $500.00 Reward Notice is hereby given that I 1 will pay a reward of Five Hun dred Dollars ($500.00) for the ar rest and conviction of any person or persons stealing any of my horses or cattle from my pastures or from the range. Stock branded as follows: HorsesJK connected or right shoulder. Yearlings and 2-year-olds, bar over JK connected on right shoulder. Cattle JK connected on left hip and side. Yearlings and 2-year-olds, bar over JK connected on left hip and side. John Kilkenny, HeDDner. Ore. Dated at Heppner, Oregon. May f loin io, iiuo. nf JITNEY SERVICE. - Call a r jitney for special tram trips or i any other service, day or night. Day phone Main 12. Night phone mam ooo. L,ee aniwell. 44 1 Mrs. Teter Dorg, of Portland, is here visiting at the homo of her son, Oscar Borg. Mrs Borir was a pioneer resident of Hepp. ner and has many friends here. oar con