Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, June 07, 1918, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
in hand, all of the rifrbt. title and interest of each
and all of said defcndanta. in and to tbc following
described real property, to-wit:
The SVn of See. 2. and the SEV, of Sec. i. Twp. 2.
S. R. 26. E. W. at . in Morrow county. Oregon, ex-
An Independent, Local
Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Post Office as second -clans matte:
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.
Six Months - -Three
7 a
FRIDAY. JUNE 7. 1918
One loss occasioned by last
week's fire cannot be estimated
in dollars and cents. We refer
to the loss of the nooks be'onjr
ing to the library association in
the -city hall More than 1000
volumes, the result of several
years' effort by the public spirit-
d ladies who compose the library
association were destroyed, none
beinjr saved except the books
which happened to be out in the
hands of patrons of the library.
' An institution of this kind iso!
inestimable value to any commu
nity and it is to be hoped thai
every encouragement will bo kv
en the members of the associa
tion to tfo ahead w ith the yonr!
work and re-establish the librar, j
at the earliest possible date.
That the library was appreci
ated by the citizens of Heppner
was prove" by the appearance of
the books as they appeared upon
the shelves. Almost all showed
signs of having been in use and
many of the more popular vol
umes were well worn, showing
that the selections had been made
with a view to placing at the dis
posal of the public literature that
was in demand.
It is understood that the city
council has been making an ap
propriation of $100 a year for the
library for several years, and it
is to be hoped that the city olli
cials will continue the appropria
tion in an enlarged amount in
order that the association can be
gin re-stocking with a good class
of literature at an early date.
Mrs. Sam K. Van Vaclor is
president of the association, Mrs.
W. It. Irwin is vice-president and
Mrs. A.L. A .vers is secretary, and
any of these ladies will be glad
to receive contributions of nooks,
money or encouragement from nil
friends of good literature and ed
ucational advancement.
! shipoed their wool to Portland
j Tuesday.
Mrs Bennett and Mis3 Georgia
: Summers Visited With Mr3. BarneS ! ceptina therefrom one acre used for school pur
Tuesday afcernoon.
Herbert Hyr.d returned from
Heppner high school for the sum
mer holidays Wednesday.
George D. Anderson left on
the local for Heppner Wednes
day. T. W- Lowe, who has been
spending a few days at home,
returned to Heppner Wednesday.
Joe White, of Willows, was a
caller in Gecil Wednesday.
Mrs. H. L. hverett and son
and Miss Garrie Nash visited
Mrs. A E. Nash Wednes-
Taken and levied upon as the property of said
defendants, Edgar Stevens and Eliza E. Stevens,
or so much thereof as may be necessary to satisfy
said judgment io favor of said plaintiff and against
said defendants. Edgar Stevens and Eliza E. Stev
ens, to-wit: the sum of .13.783.44 with interest at
the rate of 6 per cent Per annum from the 31at day
of May, 1x18, for tbe furthersum of 8900 attorney's
fees and 134.26 costs of said suit, together with ail
coats and disbursements that have or may accrue.
Dated this 4th day of June. 118. -
ta . Sheriff of Morrow County, Ore.
H. Franklin left Butterby
for lone arid Ukiah with
for Hynd Bros. Wednes-
J. W. Osborn, Mrs. Combest.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H Streeter and
famiy were visitors to the Mor
gan cemetery Thursday
Mrs. Bennett and MissGeorgie
Summers spent Decoration day
ii Arlington.
Mrs J. H. Streeter was a call
i er on Mrs Boyd Logan Thurs-
d ty.
George Melton, who has been
working the past few months for
H. ,1 Streeter, is visiting friends
in Kcho.
' I1. R. Brown, the County Agri
cultural Agent, was a caller in
and around Gecil Friday.
Miss Ruth May, who has been
at school in Wasco is spending
her vacation with her parents on
the Lone Star ranch.
.less Deos, Mr. and Mrs. Sher
rard, of the Willows; Mr. and
Mrs. H- L. Everett and Mr and
Mrs. A. E. Nash, of Cecil, at
tended the dance at Morgan and
reported a line time.
Jerome 0. Conner, who has
been in Portland on business,
came in from Arlington and re
mained awhile, leaving for Hepp
ner Saturday.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow.
Pacific Coast Elevator Company, a corporation,
Augustus Walker and Emma L. Walker, bis wife
Laurel Land Company, an.Oregon corporation;
Mina Zimmerman, Oregon and Western Colo
nization Company, a South Dakota corpora
tion; Preston Campbell, William Robb and
- Pauline H. Robb, bia;wife; Banker and Lum
' bermen's Bank, a corporation; F. R. Cham
bers, jr.; First National Bank of fieppner, a
corporation;.Bank of Heppner, a corporation.
Cynthia Walker, Lumbermen's National Bank,
a corporation, defendants.
To Mina Zimmerman, Preston Campbell and F. R.
Chambers, jr., defendants:
In the name of the State of .Oregon, you art
hereby required to .appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit,
on or before six weeks from the 26th day of April,
1918, to-wit: On or .before the 7th day of June,
1918, and if you fail to so appear or answer, foi
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for judgment against you and each of you, aa fol
lows, to-wit: For judgment against Augustus
Walker and Emma L. Walker for the sum ol
tlb,8'8.(rt with interest thereon at the rate of 7V.
per annum from January 2. 1908. together witl
interest on the sum of 13,571.93 at the rate of T
per annum from January 2, 1908, until October 12.
1910, together with interest on the sum of 81600.W
at the rate of 7 per annum from January 2, 190b
until October 26. 1912, and the further sum of $200,
attorney's fee, and the coats and disbursements Oi
this suit: that plaintiff's mortgage deed be fore
closed and the following described property be sok
to satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, as may be re
covered herein, to-wit-
The Nj and the NMi of the SWV, of Sec. 20, Tp
1 N of R 25, east of the Willamette Meridian, it
Morrow county. Ore.
That plaintiff's claim and demand and all sumi
of money due the plaintiff from-the defendant)
Augustus Walker land Emma L. Walker, be de
creed to be a first lien upon thereal property here
inbefore described, superior and prior to ttu
claim or interest of the defendants, or any of then,
in or to said property: that the defendants aw.
each of them, and all personsclaiming by, tbrougl.
or under them, or either of them be forever barreo
and foreclosed of all right title or interest in or U
the real property above described, and every part
thereof, except the atatutory right of redemption
and for such other relief aa the court may dawn.
This summons is served upon you by publicatioi
thereof once a week for six weeks in the Heppnei
Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circula
tion, published at Heppner, Morrow county, Ore
gon, by virtue of an order made and entered here
in on the 16th day of April, 1918. by the Honorabh
P ' P.(.r,.n riumlv JiiJnnf Unnnw TjulntW
I'lie members Of the Junior I Oregon, and the date of the first publication u
April 26, 1918, and the date of the last publicatioi,
will be June 7. 1918.
Woodson A Sweek and C. A. Bell,
Attorneys for Platntifl
Post Office address Happner. Ore, 61dl
Through an oversight I lie name
of Miss Louise Shaw of llrttcrbv
fl its was omitted from th.1 list ol
other ladies' names who assisted
in the sewing at the Cecil Kid
Cross Auxilary.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl I'arnsworth
and family returned trom Iltpp
ner Monday.
Everett Logan and son, of Wil
lows, were doing business in Ce
cil Tuesday.
Mrs. A. E. Nash, w ho has been
visiting in Cortland the past t k
returned Tuesday.
Jack Hvnd ami Walter Tope
wert in Arlington on I u i 1 1 ( s
0 A Minor ami Jack Hvnd
Red Cross are kept busy with
their summer work under the su
pervision of Mrs. H. L. Everett,
all members meeting at Mrs Ben
nett's on Saturday afternoons
and each one doing their part
cheerfully for the good cause.
Miss L. Butler, of Heppner, is
spending the week end at Butter
by Hats.
Miss Ester Logan is visiting
with her uncle and aunt at Wil
lows for the week end.
Miss Hazel Winters, who has
been spending the week at lone,
returned home Saturday.
tirt uf State of Oregon for Mor
In tlit- ('iri-iiil ('
k,m County.
I H. Iliinliew. i.Wmtitn.
Kitmir Sti'vi'iu. Klia K. Stevens and O. T. Fergu-
mi, n. ilffi'tiilants.
Ii iti-r nml liy virtueof a foreclmur eseeiltton
4i it oi.ti-r uf nali (In ty imiord out of the above en
t i liil ,-i-urt in ihe Ihivi ennlled cause on ths Sd
U i.f .Inn.. tn. ami in which suit the sbove
iniiiit-,1 i.U.ntitl rormrml iiitlKment against the
l"vi t.,,111,-,1 ,!-f-iiiUiiin. hilasr Stevens and r'll
,ii r: SI. ..-.H f..rth.-num of IIS.7K.1.4. the lum
,,f im niiorm't 's ftm. and the further sum of
HI .' , ,..t. on tli.. i,t ,Uv f Mv. 1K1H. and de
of fii-,-loiun-on the real properly herein
n'ti-r it,"i. null
N.,lu- m ht-ioliv iMii-n. that 1 will on Mondsy.
lli ih 1. 1 1 ol Juiv I'iik at '.'ii'i Lu k In the after.
ikk-ii of a-1,,1 i)h, at tlir front il.mir of the County
t'-mrt ll'iiar 111 lt-iiinrr Morrow county. Oregon,
II mi .i,t.u,- HU(-tion to thr rushes! bidder for rash
Morrow County Oregon, A Public Cor
poration, I'lalnttfT.
J. A. Auaburn, Sarah Hroylrs, Annit
Weston. Thus. K. ltrown, J. A. Harb
in', Arvltt Haryu, Oeo. W. Lewis, Eti
Doherty, anil Asa L. Young, and any
other person or persona owning o
cluitnlnu to own, or having or claim
lug to have, any lnteiest or eatate In
or to the real properly herelnafte
dest-rllied, Pefendanta.
To 1. A. Aualiurn, Sarah llioyles, An
ills Weston. Thus. K. Ilrown, J. A
llnilike. Arvld llaryu. (leo. W. Lewis,
r.u Dniicity and Ana u. .oung, and an
other pernon or persona owning
claiming to own, or having or claiming
(u have, any Interest or estate In or tt
the real property hereinafter described
"nr,iiii.i iu anu enin of you are
hneliy notified that the above namri
Plaintiff, a 1'ubllc Corporation, la th
liuii'tiaarr, ow ner and holder of civlifl
intra of delinquency Numbered G 4 1. In
sued on lite 2nd day of Drcemlier, l.U 4
.'IV iNMued on the 3rd day of liecembei.
I!l. r.iil. issued nn the 4th day f le-i-enilier.
IKM- !,. Issued on th 14lh
day of Pecemher. IS14, liiS, Issued on
.he I.'.th day of I-nomlicr, IHI4; 61.
Issued on the Kth day of I'eienilier,
1514. 5T, Issued on the 11th day of I
reniber, l14. and (OS. Issued on the
19th day of January, 1915; by the sher
iff and collector of delinquent taxes for
Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by
-laid sheriff and collector uf delinquent
taxes In the office of the County Clerk
jf Morrow County, Oregon, on the
dates of issue of the same, respectively,
for taxes due and delinquent, together
with penalty, interest and costs there
in, upon real property situate in Mor
row County, Oregon.
lo u ate further notified that the
amount for which said certificate Is is
sued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
land hereinafter set out,, the same be
ing the amount then due and detin
quent, for taxes for the year 1911, to
aether with penalty, interest and costs
.hereon, upon said real property situate
in Morrow County, Oregon, and partic
ularly bounded and described as here
:nafter set forth; said tract or parcel
jf land being assessed for the year
1911 to the first person whose name lm
nediately precedes the description
.hereof, and is followed by the name
it the person appearing to be the own
er thereof, as appears on the tax roll
jf Morrow County, Oregon, now in the
hands of the sheriff of said county for
.'ollection, at the date of the first pub
iication of this summons and notice,
which is the 3rd day of May, 1918.
Certificate No. 541, J. A. Ausburn
and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, in
Block 1 of Penland's Second
Addition to the town of Lex
ington, Oregon
Certificate No. 648, Sarah Broyles
and Annis Weston, Lots 1, 2,
and 3, Block 10 of the town of
Castle Rock, Oregon
Certificate No. 550, Thos. E.
Brown and Thos. E. Brown,
Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block
1 of Brown's Addition to the
City of Heppner, Oregon
ertlficate No. 565, J. A. Harbke
and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block
1 of Cluff's Fourth Addition
to lone, Oregon
'ertlficate No. 5G6, Arvld Haryu
and Arvid Haryu, Southeast
quarter, Section 33, Tp. 6
South, Range 27 E. W. M
'ertiflcate No. 573, Qeo. W. Lew-
Is and Oeo. W. Lewis, EV4SWV4
and Lot 3. Section 19, Tp.6 S
R. 2ti E. W. M., and NEANW4
Section 30, Tp. 6 S., R. 26, E.
W. M
Certificate No. 576, Ed McDaid
and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh
erty, NNWV4, Section 33, Tp.
2 N., R. 25, E. W. M
'ertiflcate No. 605, Asa L. Young
and Asa L. Young. All of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 27 E. W.
M.; All of Section 16, Tp. 6 S.,
R. 28 E. W. M., and all of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. W. M. 161.10
The said amounts bear interest as
ollows: The taxes aforesaid bear ln
erest from the dates of filing of said
ertiflcates of delinquency, respective
y, at the rate of 15 per cent, per an
mm, until paid, the dates of filing said
ertillcates of delinquency with the
.'ounty Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
;on, being hereinbefore set out.
And you and each of you are hereby
.ummoned to appear within sixty days
vfter the date of the first publication
if this summons, exclusive of the day
it first publication thereof, to-wit; May
I, 1918, and defend this suit in the
Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due
is shown above, against said tracts or
.larcels of land, respectively, above de
icrlbed, of which you are the owner, oi
n which you have, or claim to have.
my interest or estate, together with
interest and costs accrued In this suit
hereon. Service of a copy of your an
iwer or other process may be made up
in the undersigned attorney for plain
Iff, at the place specified below as his
iiddress, and In case of your failure so
;o do, Judgment and decree will be en
;ered against you and each of you
foreclosing said tax liens for. the
tmouut set opposite and following the
lescrlptlon of said pnrcel of land above
tet forth, together with interest and
.'osts thereon, against said tracts
larcels of land and said tracts or par
els of land will be sold to satlnfy said
udgnient and decree obtained In said
You are hereby further notified that
he plaintiff will apply to the Circuit
!ourt aforesaid for judgment and de
ree foreclosing said tax liens against
"lil property, hereinbefore described
This summons is published once each
A-eek for sixty consecutive days In the
Heppner Herald, a newspaper of gen
t-al circulation In Morrow County
)reKon. published weekly at Heppner,
n said county, the date of first publl-
atlnn thereof being May 1, 191s, said
lubllcatloia being made In pursuance
f an order therefor made by the Hon
irable Gilbert W. I'hel.pa Judge of thi
circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, said order havltiit
een made and entered on the 23rd day
.f April. 191.
Ily Samuel K. Notaon. District Attor
ney for Morrow County. Oregon,
and Attorney fur 1'lalntifT, whose
Address la Heppner, Oregon
Enlists the aid of every Man and
Woman to help win the War.
You are not asked to starve yourself.
Eat plenty, but wisely and without
Leave a Clean Plate when you
leave the table.
instead of higher-priced foods
Phelps Grocery
Heppner. Oregon
n Says U
The United States Food Administration
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, fish. Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,)
I ' Omi
i ,
He Will Welcome
a pouch ol
Real GRAVELY Chewlnrj rina
Any gift from the folks back kom) meant
a lot to the boy.
When you if nJ him tobacco, lt it ba
good tobacco tobacco worth tending all
that long way tha flat, compreaaed plug
of Real Gravely.
Cie sine inaa skew of ReeJ Cravat? l1of 4
ha ill tell oi tWl tha luad U Mast. Ss4 Ik
best I
Ordinary plug ia fata oca any. It caata laaa par
week la chaw Heal Cra.ale, kecamta a ssaatl citaw el
ll la. la a long svKila.
If Ta asiinaa a ss, aliea Cravaly with tsar knifa
anal acid a littla la yewr tmokinf t ataxia, ll will
flavor - tmpreva yaasr ssaoaa.
lm voi a iir?o tn rat v. a. luvin
roica or saAVKLV
PeaUn al aeava smiw. M k J. sa,W A Se
Bill put tt S a.ea. Ims t...n as I
U.. A. ttea ' lasrs" euesa 0i take a a. aw.
r. B. Cl WFIT TOI CC0 CO Mr AM. DiivUlf . V
T f eer.1 rWa keesa k Freal aaa Cleaa aal C4
- it aa Hrrnl Crtf W at Arinuin
taubllahasl ISt
Notice for Publication
Deiiartment ol the Interior. U. 8. Land OtTic al
The llslle.. Orraon. May V. ll.
Notice is hereby aiven lhat Krana L-Wllklna. of
Lesmgtnn. Oreaun. rhi). on Ivc.. 24lh. 1911. made
Homestead Kntry No. tor SV WWiStt.
n. 8iSK'. E'SWl. JieetKHi 30. NmNW.
Ne.NES. nWtlonll, NW.NWi, Sertion ti
township I aoalh. range M east. Vi'illamette
ateredian. has tiled nollre of intention to
mail. Final three year Proof, to eataMtsh claim
to in. land above dearntied. before (' (". fatter
son, U. 9. Commissioner, at Heppner, Oreaon, on
the loth day of July. ll.
Claimant names aa witnesses. John W. Kirk.
jot Heppner. Or . Willism H. Turs.r. of Hepp
ner. Ore : James G. IViherty. of Heppner. Ore.'
' Arthur C emitted, of lyetinrtnfl. Or.
I M Kmer
! Notice lor Publication
' Perartmenl f In Inlerwe V. S. Land OIce at
i U Grande. Ow" 'stay. . IU.
NnK at hereby ien that Henry Crump
ef Heppner. Omron. wh on July 14. Ilt aiade
Homeetead entry No. Binji:. f.w rlk M.
Town.hip I M.wlh Rsna V E. Willametl Mer
: disn. has Aied nHirof inlentaia in make Ihrea
1 year I'nstf to estal.li.h claim W th land above
, bef.w C. C. I'alleran. I'mled Hiate.
t'ummis.ine at h. onV al Heppner Orrawi.
oa th lh day of June. I.is.
Claimant nam, a. wune... Janw C. harp
: James f Kenny reeilC Crump ltamia. J Mai-
krk all of Heppnet. Orr..
1 d; C. 1I NN Kawr.
Having succeeded to the hardware and plumbing busi.
nes9 fortijerly conducted by Tash & Akers and also to the
farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons,
we beg to announce that this re-orgnnized and consolida
ted business, with increased capital, is belter prepared
than ever before to cater to the wants of th people of
Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a
satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Farm Implements and Wagons,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.,
Plumbing Supplies and Service,
Stoves and Ranges
In short, all lines of goods usually found inaGeneial
Hardware store.
Appreciating the libera! patronage accorded our pre
decessor we believe we will continue to tuerit a con
tinuance of the same.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Maia and Willow Su. HEPPNER, ORE.
Tab & Alters old stand
aaaaaaaaaat aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa iiiiiiiiiiiin,iaa.a...
Potato Bread for Toast
and see bow nicely it will brown
W. C. HOWLING. Pro prietor.