Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 31, 1918, Image 2

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    HEPPN E R : H ER A L D
An 1 tub-in-ml i a! . Lural X ii '.s
liniii r.
Enti.nil ul tin' il ri'i' r, (h f 'ioh,
I 'oat (JIJk': an :-:i:t:iiiii-rlus.-: nnitli '.
property in Heppner may be safe-! Summons
nnlul mtKlolmmnf ctwsslmt In th Circuit Court of lhe State of Oregon for
'7 Vv(. hi So!,.
One Ydir
Six MoiiHt::
Thrrr Mmilli
ElllK COM! 'AX
n jt "hi .
- r.o
y .;, i'.hh
the C'.untvof Mi.rrijw.
th(.-y arUe that if the people ( P:,r,c Coast fclevator Company, m corporation.
whose lives and property they i
. . I 1 . . i vs.
are naming inemseives io pro
tect are not sufficiently interest-
ed to turn out and see them drill,
or in any way show interest in
the organization it will not be
' X EE I) El)
;;ner slioulc
's fir" is tiia'
I'lipp'''!, w(-l
co ii ii pan;,
idly. Vv.v
hct'i; in c.
ul r.o dela
rod, tni
One ics-oii I
learn from Mojid;
we need a v I
trained volunteei
in this town pr"l
such an orn'iiiii.;i' ion
istence Mondstv and
in ui'tt injr pr ssnri' ore
fire would probably h
put out before the' opera hous
was entirely destroyed and al
the other properly would have
been saved.
Much valuable time was lost at
the start because of the lack of
any organization or head. Men
worked at cross purposes or did
not work at all because there wa:
no recognized authority to jjivo
orders While much splendid
work was done ami each man
anil woman worked to the limit
of endurance for the common
Kood, yet it is probably a fact
that if the wind hail not channel
just when it did the town would
have been wiped out. Wliat
counts at a lire is to et then
quick and put il out before it j.'.et.'
too ami generally speaking
it takes a trained body of men b
do that staves:- fully.
Al one time lb pimer had the
much of a success. Heppner peo
ple should yet behind the guard
boys ami let them know that
their eiforts toward home protec
tion is appreciated.
iMviiJ llynd and Miss Louise
Sliitvv came over from Rose Lawn.
S-iud Hollow. Sunday, returning
Monday with J. Smith from Thd
IXiiles, who is "oing to tieid for
i.'nem this su in mer.
Mr. and Mrs. Lliis Minor, of l he
Shut. I place, spetil Sunday nt
crack hose team in
it should ba e such
lion aain- The i h
net behilnl such an
and the city coum i!
it proper recii).', ml mi
rial assist am i'. Su I
Zat ion is needed a nd
lie state and
;in oreaidza
iu ii shuiili
should e;iv(
ami iinan
.Mi oieaiil
li.-'.lit no.v,
uivo tune to lorye'
-citied we were last
a nullity yooil time
We have the ma
he Core we
how biidly
Monday, is
to organize
terial for two teams here and at
lest two men now living in 1 lepp
ner have had years of e.xporiciici
id the head of sorh oreani.iitioi,
who would, no doubt, j'ladiy ie
every assistance in org-aiiizine
ami t raining a team or t wo o:
Olliriellt lire lighters.
Till: Ito.MECl AL'DS
Thirty-two nirii of Heppner
are active members of the Home
guards and can hv depended on
to answer roll call every drill
night. Some V names are on
the muster roll but e:.. th;iu one-
lial C find il pe- d ie or i-.mx enieli!
10 meet Cor n !:;!. ir ill pra.'t n o
A Hit lllber of the i-'I.M d W II
attends e ery in- ei
is ea' not iy act i
lias mii'-.'i -.-d i.i if.
111. l ei ' are Ii. i ."!
dl-eouiiiu. .1 I..
in I!
' He!
I li
-t : !,
of I he to A ii
bo s ! . , i. ,
I i ces - i v
I MM lu'l'e ni o'
w h
u or!
I Ilia
I "id.
:i :i!l
i i 1 ' t ' ! . '
li'M'.li (Jl'tit'U.
.It.'iLti Ffiirhurst was a Cecil
visitor Sunday.
Fred J. Phillips, of Arlington,
i;;i(iit; in isunuay 10 uo me carpen
U;r work on (Juo. Miller's new
Mrs, A. C. Falconer visited in
and around Cecil Monday.
Everett Logan, of the Willows,
was doing business at Geo. Mil
ler's ranch Monday.
Henry J. Sfcreeier was doing
dusiuess in lone Wednesday.
Mosdarnos Peter and A.F.Nash
left for Portland Wednesday,
where they will spend a few days
before going on to Llarrisburg.
Mr. Sorensen.of Morgan, and
his two sons brought a tine bunch
of cattle into the Cecil kraal
Wednesday night ready to ship
to the Portland market.
Mrs McXamer, of lone, and
her guest, Miss Oyster from
Kelso, Wash., and M rs. Soren
mii of Morgan, visited with Mrs.
l II. Lowe Thursday.
Olto Linstroin, of Morgan, was
i visitor to Butierby Flats Thurs
day. - Fh.yd Cobb left Putterby Flats
with it bunch of yearlings on his
way tn . MatloiVs place near
Heppner Thursday,
Jess Deos and W, JS, Wilson
ealltni at Cecil Friday on their
way to I leppner.
Mr. Shanks and Mr. Puker, of
A I'I i II ir 1 1 tit Vll'l'i' l)IKinis; CillthTS I
hi ,1, W. ()horn Thursday.
C. A. Minor and wife were
down from Heppner to their Ce
cii ram-bos Saturday.
Geo. I). Anderson and A. M.
Perkins left with a band of sheep
belonging to liyml Pros, on their
way to the summer range in the
Mrs. Pen Parties and daughter
visited with Mrs Pennett Satur
day afternoon,
Geurgie Summers and Robert
Lowe of Cecil School lhs'rict No.
haw been given certificates of
i:ud for punctual and regular
.it tendance, having been neither
ihsriit imr tartly during the past
-.rlioul ear.
T W Lowt. who him leen
iH'i-d t g f..r . P.u-rett for ilie
n;it f.-w months, cmne down
i'i in I leppner to sp -inl a few
lis:it home hrfnie g' ing into
' he mountains.
.1 o U tl nd :i 1 1 1
Sutnl.iv in lone.
! Augustus Walker and Emma L. Walker, his wife
Laurel Land Company, an.Oregon corporation:
Mina Zimmerman, Oregon and Western Colo
nization Company, a South Dakota corpora
tion; Preston Campbell, William Robb and
Pauline H. Kobb, bis.wife; Banker and Lum
bermen's Itank, a corporation: F. R, Cham
bers, jr.; First National Bank of Heppner, a
corporation; Bank of Heppner, a corporation,
Cynthia Walker, Lumbermen's National Bank,
a corporation, defendants.
To Mina Zimmerman, Preston Campbell and F. R.
Chambers, jr., defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you art
hereby required to , appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit
on or before six weeks from the 26th day of April,
iyi8, to-wit; On or ..before the 7th day of June,
I'diH, and if you fail to so appear or answer, f'
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Coun
for judgment against you and each of you. as fol
lows, to-wit; For judgment against Auguatu.
Walker and Kmma L. Walker for the sum ol
$16,828.07 with interest thereon at the rate of 7S
per annum from January 2. 1908. together will
interest on the sum ol '$3,571.93 at the rate of 7(a
per annum from January 2, 1908, until October It,
rJlU, together with interest on the sum of $160u.U
at the rate of Vk per annum from January 2, lDDis.
until October 26. 1912. and the further sum of $200..
attorney's fee, and the costs and disbursements oi
this suit; that plaintiffs mortgage deed be lure-
closed and the following described property be solu
to satisfy the plaintill's judgment, as may be re
covered herein, to-wit'
The N Mi and the NMi of the SW'i of Sec. 20, Tp.
1 N of K 25, east of the Willamette Meridian, ii,
Morrow county, Ore.
ThaJ. plaintiff's claim and demand and all sumt
of money due the plaintiff from the defendant;
Augustus Walker tand Emma L. Walker, be de
creed to be a first lien upon thereal property here
inbefore described, superior and prior to thi
claim or interest of the defendants, or any of them
in or to said property; that the defendants and
each of them, and all persons claiming by, through
or under them, or either of them be forever barred
and foreclosed of all right, title or interest in or tc
the real property above described, and every part
thereof, except the statutory right of redemption,
and for such other relief as the court may daem
This summons is served upon you by publicatioi
thereof once a week for six weeks in the Heppnei
Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circula
tion, published at Heppner, Morrow county, Ore
gon, by virtue of an order made and entered here
in on the Kith day of April, 1918, by the Honurablt
C. C. Patterson, County J udge of Morrow Counts
Oregon, and the date of the first publication it
April26, HUH, and the date of the last publicatioi
will be June 7, 191S.
Woodson & Sweek and C. A. Bell,
Attorneys for Plaintii.
Post Office address Happner. Ore. 51d.
Fom:'Lnsi; tax mkn.
Morrow County OreKon, A Public Cor
puratioti, Plaintiff.
J. A. A unburn, Sarah Itroyies, Anni
Weston, Tho.s, K. Urown, J, A. llarb
kt Arvtil llaryu, (Jeo. V. Lewis, 1
OuhiMly, and Ahii L. Youiir, tnl an
ol her person or persons owning' o
rlaimiiiti tu own, or having or claim
intf to have, any interest or estate ii
or to the real property heruinafle
described, I efendan t s.
s nuoNH ai xiTit i-:.
To .1. A. Ausliuni, Sarah Uroyles, An
iuh Weston, Tims. 10. I'.iown, J. i
HaihUe, Arvid Maryu, (Jeo. W. Lewi
I'M iMiherty and Aja L. Vouiir, and an
itl lu i- pei son or pei sons ow ni iik
clahninK to own, or bavinir or t-lainihig
lo have, any interest or estate fu or t
the ival property hereinafter describe
I ti fendants;
'lii:tiu; V.u and eaeh of you
hereby iioliiU-d that the above nam1
rUnhtilT, a Publie t'orpot at ion, Ik tli
putt liaser, owner and holder of o; :t iti
t ales of (lelinqueney Numbeied &41, Ik
su d on the :'nd day of 1 ember, 19H
.'!V isstitd on the 3rd day of Oecemher
;.ii. lsKiied on the 41h day of I e
eeinber, I'.MI; ."''. issued on the 14tt
1 1. 1 y of I nt i her, 1 ' I 4 ; "o'ti;, tsHiied on
the K.th da.v of Oririnhet, 1 at 4 ; 7
Wood and Coal
I handle Kock Springs Coal
Curd Wood and Slab Wood.
Leave orders at Humphrey
Dru; rilore or phone
lUUf Ki Iiiu'X.IN.
! J 11 Miliar returned Silurdav
fpon liis trip to Seattle ami
1 Pur t land, repurtiu evi-ry tiling
i looking tine ilown there.
'I he Medlock and Petty ihi
fAtitilien visited with Mr. and
fatrily sp.-nt Mrs ;lirm,H (,n (lUi Krankl
i place Sunday.
issued on the 16th day of December,
1914; 576, issued on the 16th day of De
cember, 1H14; and 6'i5. issued on the
lijth day of January, 1U15; by the sher
iff and collector of delinquent taxes for
Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by
-said sheriff and collector of delinquent
taxes' in the office of the County Clerk
of Morrow County, Oregon, on the
dates of issue of the same, respectively,
for taxes due and delinquent, together
with penalty, interest and costs there
on, upon real property situate in Mor
row County, Oregon.
You aie further notified that the
amount for which said certificate is is
sued is set opposite and following the I
description of the trac or parcel ol 1
land hereinafter set out, the same be
iiik the amount then due and deiin
iueiit, for taxes for the year 1911, to
gether with penalty, interest and costs
hereon, upon said real property situate
Morrow County, Oregon, and partic-
jlai ly bounded and described as here-
ifter set forth; said tract or parcel
land being assessed for the year
1911 to the first person whose name iro
ned ia tel. y precedes the description
hereof, and is followed by the name
f the person appearing to be the own
thereof, as appeals on the tax roll
f Morrow County, Oregon, now in the
lands of the sheriff of said county for
olleetion, at the date of the first pub-
ication of this summons and notice,
hich is the 3rd day of May, 1918.
ertificate No, 541, J. A. Ausburn
and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, in
Block 1 of Penland's Second
Addition to the town of Lex
ington, Oregon $
ertificate No. 54S, Sarah Hroyles
and Annis Weston, Lots 1, 2,
and 3, Ulock 10 of the town of
Castle Hock, Oregon
ertificate No. 550, Thos. E.
F.rown and Thos. K. Brown,
Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block
1 of Brown's Addition to the
City of Heppner, Oregon
ertificate No. 565, J. A. Harbke
and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block
1 of duff's Fourth Addition
to lone, Oregon
Certificate Xo. 566, Arvid Haryu
and Arvid Haryu, Southeast
quarter, Section 33, Tp. 6
South, Range 27 K. AV. M
'ertificate No. 573, Geo. W. Lew
is and Geo. V. Lewis, EHSWU
and Lot 3, Section 19, Tp.6 S
K. 26 E. W. M., and NEViNW
Section 30, Tp. 6 S., R.- 26, E.
W. M
Jertificate No. 576, Ed McDaid
and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh
erty, N X W , Section 33, Tp.
2 N, R. 25, E. V. M
Certificate Xo. 605, Asa L. Young
and Asa L. Young. All of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 27 E. W. '
M.; All of Section 16, Tp. 6 S
R. 28 E. W. M.( and all of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. V. M. 161.10
The said amounts bear interest at
follows: The taxes aforesaid bear in-
erest from the dates of filing of said
ertiticates of delinquency, respective
y, at the rate of 15 per cent, per all
ium, until paid, the dates of filing said
ertiticates of delinquency with the
,'ounty Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
jon, being hereinbefore set out.
And you and each of you are hei eb
luminoned to appear within sixty days
ifter the dnte of the first publication
f this summons, exclusive of the day
f first publication thereof, to-wit: May
1, 191s. and defend this suit hi the
'ouit aforesaid, or pay the amount due
is shown, above, against said tracts oi
uircels of land, respectively, above do
icribed, of which you are the owner, oi
ii which you have, or claim to have,
my interest or estate, together with
nterest and costs Accrued in this suit
hereon. Service of a copy of your an
twer or other process may be made up
n the undersigned attorney for plain
(iff, at the place specified below as hip
iddress, ami in case of your failure so
o do, Judgment and decree will be en
ie red against you and each ot you,
foreclosing said tax liens for the
tniount set opposite and following the
lesci iption of said parcel of land above
et forth, together with Interest und
osts t hereon, against said tracts o
parcels of land and said tracts or pur
eels of land will be sold to satisfy said
judgment ami decree obtained In sat
You are hereby further notified that
i lie plaintiff will apply to the Circuit
'ourt aforesaid for Judgment and de
tee foreclosing said tax liens against
vid property, hereinbefore described
This HumiimifH Is published once each
week for sixty consecutive days In the
10'ppner 1 lei a hi, a newspaper of gen
eial circulation in Morrow County
'Megoii, published weekly at Heppner
n said county, the tiale of first publi
Mum theieof being May 3, 191. sal
inilhcatlon hPing made in putwuunn
f ait order therefor made by the Hon
Kable ;ilbert W. I'hel.ps Judge of Oi
. "in Ot Com t of the State of ot f g
fur .Morrow Count), said order h.tvln.
'ecu m.ide and entered on the 2.1id da
.f Aptll. 11 1.
lt Samuel K Notson, nistrlct Attnr
ney for M il i nw Count y, i rnon
on I A ttoi nev for I'lai nt iff . w horn
addieas is Heppner, (Mfgon.
Enlists the aid of every Man and
Woman to help win the War.
You are not asked to starve yourself.
Eat plenty, but wisely and without
Leave a Clean Plate when you
leave the table.
TV . '
wfci... . i.,
' '. - . S
' ' '
j : "
' i
i, '.; i r:-" !
- "i l ': t
Uncle Sam will Hand Him
Real GUAVLLY Chcwinn Tiug
In a Pouch from You
The U. S. Mailt will ronch any man in
L'ni lc Sam's Service When you send htm
lol if co, let it lo ? oo tobacco - tobacco
woitlt M-nduiR all tU.it lonj vtay-the flat,
contprcsM-il plug o ivoal Gravrly.
C.iv r.y mn a iWw of Cruvrly Tlut , and
h" vill Ir.l you iSat B lit kind lo ,n.l. Send ht brill
OiilniAry pUt f! rcnn.mit. It culi Irx pr
" W " hrw K. l Glcl, , kiiiH ,mll chrw oi
it a lang tiil.
1( .-u m. l, a nm. iir C.r.lr will. Tour kmfa
and i .1.1 a dill lo your tmuking tubacco. It will it
impruva your ,mka.
instead of higher-priced foods
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
iys U
rB sWl tS'""'"'BswWSWBb1I SWBWW
E,aaawaF w IwiMuuiw ImMon
U The United States Food Administration Says
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as' necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, fish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Iudian corn,)
Notice for Publication
IVi-arttwrtt of thr Inirrtor. l K. Lind Offir
nt Th Orr-M. April th. l.'l.
Sotu i hftfl'4 sim that Willmm Shu-h-v
i( lAinsTton Or-iftn. h, on Swtitr tii
mi hmw-fsd fitrv S. inilV f.'t t-'liJn.l(
j 4, u.ft S 1 K I Srtf. S. l.-wnahip A. South
ki.gr IS KJtt W ujinttt'r Mt-mt an Km fM"t rm-
I' tus- ft it'trnii..n tt mnkf Y itml thr--r 'n 1
tt rtiiiiiah t'lmin U tit Uv tirm CNM.
fur . IV rttrrwn t . ?. 1 oti.rniwnrT. m
' H i i't.r Or'iti-n t-n th 4th day t Jun Wl
l (,. Bint KMIti sm iMirit HilOi H f ' w1 -I
twr g of I rM'ft t l'ft..rd N lr lM
( rn.fft.-ti Hmri Kl h I.. Itmg t'f Hn p.
, t.wr tlllt'HI tiPtfH sliMl.aM ( ll-l'livr
! t I'ftfi-n.
t II KAK StmiH K, Kritr.
t 'avor
sisu o h tiiM in tnr . invite
nstmis wu i mia km hi an? 1 mmm m 1
4 ! I', s A. ! ihm ' m iumt .. ia m
' aw H.
P. B. (.RWI1Y 1 0B tit 0 COMP WY. Din tile . Vl.
l1bltahHl 1A3I
Notice for Publication
Vwifimfii of th Intrtwtr V H Lan4 Ofr at
l a i;rr-lr I'mt'-n 3. I 'S.
N.'tt M hrr' si-n that Hrttnr Cmmv
.f Mi inrr t ahu on J1 .. (sU imW
.4ntra win t. "t'Vir f. KrrtVtt
l. Mt r 2 .Hith Ktf ? t' W.itamptta Ht
J n hu A.U tv-tu of intrntMitt tt mk thrw
kr l'rsr ltr'af h n.m u tK UM at
lrvrr,tMt Iwt'-rm V. i ". TaMrt.. 1'n-tot !tatr
I imi"rr it h I to, l".frf rrv4)
h lhlh flat f J(in tn
I Va mat t nwitM urn m i Jam C fbaft
Jkm t kstwi Vrmi C t'rvmi' K.i-a I Mat-
4i C- lt SN. K tf
Iliivinp succeeded to the hardware and plumbing busi
ness formerly conducted by Tash & Akers and also to the
farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons,
we beg to announce that this re-organi.ed and consolida
ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared
than ever before to cater to the wants of th people of
Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a
satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Farm Implements and Wagons,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.,
Plumbing Supplies and Service,
Stoves and Ranges
In short, all lines of goods usually found in a Gene. al
llatdware store
Appreciating the libera! patronage accorded our pre
docehnurs we believe we will cotiliuue to Dierit a con
tinuance of the same.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sti. HEPPNER, ORE. '
Tuih A Akers old stand
Potato Bread for Toast
and see how nicely it will brown
W. C. r.UWLlNC. Proprietor.