Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 24, 1918, Image 4

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Will Cost Ycu Much Less if Ordered Now
I have just put in a big stock of new
bought at u bargain and which will be
parsed alunir to ttiy customers at equally
attractive prices.
These goocle were tarried over from last
season by tin; wholesalers and by buying
heavily I was iible to secure thtmatiast
season's prices. This means a big sav
ing over present pi ices of this season's
tie' goods, while the quality of last
year's goods is away above this year's
Tin) bench t I receive from this proposi
tion is that I am able to continue in busi
ness under war conditions the direct
saving goes to my customers.
Come In, Gentlemen, My Stoi k and Prices Will Please You
Louis Pearson,
People's Cash Market
All Kinds ot Fresh and bait Meats
Poultry and Lard Phone Main 73
P. J. DarliDgton. deputy col
lector U. S. revenue. was in town
yesterday on business connected
with the Portland custom house
A big delegation of Elks came
over from Condon yesterday to
attend lodge here last evening.
ringing with them seven caodi-
ates for initiation from Gilliam
and Wheeler counties.
Red Cross basket social at
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Winnard this evening. Every
body invited to come and bring
baskets. Proceeds for benefit of
Red Cross.
Senior class Heppner high
school will give the play. "A
Scrap of Paper," in the opera
house Wednesday evening, May
29. Admission 50 cents. Pro
ceeds to be divided 50-50 between
Red Cross and school.
Mrs. Oscar Borg entertained at
bridge Tuesday afternoon at her
pleasant home on upper Main
street. Nine tables were occu
pied during the afternoon and
the affair is spoken of as one of
the most enjoyable of the year.
Eddie Mulligan, well-known
young Morrow county man, came
in from Malheuer county Monday
evening for a short visit only to
learn that he had been drawn in
the draft contingent which leaves
for Fort McDowell next Wednes
day. Mr, Mulligan went back
to Malheur Thursday to arrange
his affairs there and will return
in time to join his comrads when
they start south Wednesday morning.
Utah Lump
Ccrdwood and Slabs
Or leave orders with A. Z Barnard. J
a eaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Reward $500.00 Reward
Notice is hereby given that I
will pay a reward of Five Hun
dred Dollars ($500.00) for the ar
rest and conviction of any person
or persons stealing any of my
horses or cattle from my pastures
or from the range.
CI....I. I. J 1 ,.
oiuck uranaea as ioilows:
Ilorsrs Jk connected or right
shoulder, l earlings and 2-year-olds,
bar over JK connected on
right shoulder-
Cattle J k connected on left
hip and side. Yearlings and 2
y ear-olds, bar over JK connected
on left hip and side.
John Kilkenny,
Heppner, Ore.
Dated at Heppner, Oregon. May
1, 1'JIS ltf
FOli SALK-A five-passenger
Kuick car. This car is in excel
lent condition in every way. A
bargain. Inquire at this office.
Was Condition of Indiana" Lady
Before Beginning to Take
Card-u-i, the Woman's
Kokomo, Ind. Mrs. H. Hankemeler,
ol this town, says: "1 look so well, and
am so well, that It does not seem as if I
ever needed Cardui. But I was not al
ways this way ... 1 think I have taken a
dozen bottles . . . before my Utile girl
I was feeling dreadfully bad, had head
ache, backache, sick at my stomach, no
energy ... I was very Irritable, too, and
I began taking Cardui about 6 months
before my baby came. As a result all
those bad feelings left me, and I just felt
grand, Just as ii nothing at all was the
matter, and when the end came I was
hardly sick at all.
Since that I have never taken Cardui
stall ... It has done me good, and I
know It will help others, if they will only
try It"
Many women have written grateful let
ters tike the above, telling of the good
that Cardui has done them. Why should
it not help you, too? If you suffer from
any of the ailments so common to women,
and feel the need of a safe, reliable,
strengthening tonic, we urge you to be
gin today and give Cardui a fair trial.
Your dealer sells Card-u-l. EB-10
HPilK l ir. t National I'.mk invites your at-
tent inn ti t In i port of its condition
made to Compttvll r and published in this
The interest on the vond Issue of Liberty
Lan bon.U h. e ime ,lr May ir, )$ We in
vite all ln.l.i. to In iti ; their coupons to this
U.llik for p:i un i t.
A-i.-t ts i er Otu iml One Quarter
Million Dollars.
War-time Effiency
Those are time9 when every
ounce of efficiency we are
capable of producing should
be mobilized for the purpose
of accomplishing the most in
the least possible lime. Never
has the need and preservation
of good eyesight been so nec
essary, so urgent. as it is today.
fitted as I fit them after a thor
ough personal examination will
helpypu. eto yrjur part with
greater ease and comfort.
Oscar Borg
Registered Optometrist
Are You Proud of Your Shirt ?
Does the shirt you have on now add or detract from your appearance? Stand
before the mirror and answer yourself honestly.
Unless it fits perfectly unless it actually finishes your dress then you should
us more care the next time you go to buy a new shirt.
Because your shirt makes or mars your presentability. Perhaps you never
thought of it before; but you know it is true now don't you?
Beau Brummel Shirts
are the product of master shirt makers. When you put one on, you'll know
you're just as well shirt-dressed as any other man you meet.
You'll know economy, to because Beau Brummels are not only perfect in style
and fit they come from the laundry time after time, bright, snappy and young
looking. ,
Let us show you the Beau Brummel. After that well it is for you to say whether
you want "just a shirt" or a Beau Brummel. There's a world of difference.
Minor & Company
"IM Hnl" TnmiU
wr to hike then ram
mmd the lomfort of a hltU
htm ol Ktal Lravtly.
See That He Never Lacks
a pouch ol
Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug
Your fighting man will go to almost any
lengths to get good tobacco. Many a man
has paid $5 for leu good tobacco than you
end him in a pouch of Real Gravely
Chewing Mug. 2? C0,U y?uD110
Give any man Aew of Real Grave.7- 5 Bnd W,U
tell you that' the kind to (end. Send the best I
Ordinary plug it faUe economy. It colt leu per
week to chew Real Gravely, became a tnall chew tn jt
last a long while.
If you smoke pipe, dice Gravely with your knife
and add a little to your (molting tobacco. It will giva
flavor improve your (moke. (
Daalara n eroeaJ hare carry It la 10c. pnaeaae. A 3. atava)
will tt Into hi hands in ay Traiainc Cajnp mt Saaport of the
II. S. A. Eaaa "orar thare" a 3c atom will laka it to him. Your
alar will ewelr aanlope cad na p oa official diracboaa Bow te
eawraat M.
P. B. GRAVELY TOBACCO CO.. Danville, Va.
T Pefnif foac tccsa if FfA mi CTree mmi Ctoi
tt u aei fttaf Crawly anlaeef fail fntttticn Seel
EatabUatiod 1831
Church Notices
Catholic Church Services.
Tonticost Sunday, May Jt.
First Mass, 7:!H a. m.
Christian Doctrine, 8:13 a. m.
Second Mass at Juniper 1U:30
a.m. .
Evening Devotions, :'M) p. m.
Ivev. I'. J. U'Uourke
The Kederated Church
Sunday School '.i.tTi a in.
Church aervict'H in Heppner
fext Suidav will Im union
hi etmrin'ter and oiikht tu
in tt imerest to the entile com
ui unity.
The anniiul Metnoriitl service
for our noldier? himI hiiilont ulio
nave tiled in lh servicH will Le
held in the ClirUu.ui eliurt li at
'li" usual tune of morning service
The Hiuvfthtureitti' seinion to
i lie gniluittititf cIiish of III) Lit'li
juml will he held iu the even
nt; at tlin Federated church at
rdeck. The fwllo ine Kt'lectitiim
a-iII h rendered; Anchored"
(Watoon ). High SehtMtl Chorus;
The Iord is My Sheperd'
(Smart l.(Jirla't;ueCluh.',ll mns
if the Old Church Choir." Lia
I'riKgs. Nevn Cliidey. Jenntieltr'
Noyes. Arthur Citiuplnll. Kt-n.
netli Itililis
Christian Kndenvnr t " p m.
11 A. Neyvi, I'attor.
Chriitian Science.
Christian Science services are
held every Sunday at 11 a. m.,
Wednesday at 8:00 p. m , in
the Methodist church South, on
Chase street All interested are
nvited to attend these services.
Do you know that we are ready
to do your Job Printing?
Heppner Herald $1. E(a year
Both Incentive and Reward
The interest one draws upon Savings Deposits
at the Farmers & Stockgrowers National Bank
not only is an incentive to SAVE even more
but is a reward for doing so-a.i well. We
welcome accounts from all classes, ages and
sizes of people.
Rent a Safe Deposit Box for the
protection of your valuable papers