If Swift & Company Made No Profit The cattle raiser would receive only Vs cent a pound more for his cattle So small is Swift & Company's profit on any single transaction that if it were turned over to the cattle raisers of the country, they would receive only V& cent a pound more for cattle than they receive now. Swift & Company pays for live cattle about 90 of the amount received for dressed meat and by-products. The remaining 10 pays for packing-house expense, freight to market, operation of distributing houses and profit. Swift & Company's actual figures per head for 1917 on over two million cattle were as follows: Receipts Payment From By-products $24.09 26 From Meat $68.97 74 Total $93.06 $8.61 9 Paid for Live Cattls $84.45 91 Total $93.06 Profit Sclllni TL m. f! Oft 1 inu nei prom or per neaa averages li cent a pound live weight. And out of this small net profit divi dends must be paid to shareholders. Year Book of interesting and instructive facts sent on request. Address Swift & Company, Union Stock Yards, Chicago, Illinois Swift & Company, tLS. A. Buy a Liberty Bond Aud Save by Having Your Shoes Repaired at Bowers' Shoe Hospital Modern Machinery Methods Heppner, Ore. Professional Column g DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E.WINNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO ... PHYSICIAN & SURGEON . Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper for dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND ' OREGON Regular monthly viiiu lo HEPPNER and 10NE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. Service Flag Receives Blessing An interesting service was held at St: Patrick's cliurcli last Sunday afternoon when the serv ice flag of the parish, bearing seven stars to represent the sev en young medwho are now in the national army bearing arms in the cause of freedom and de mocracy, received the solemn blessing of the Church. Muss was celebrated and a number of beautiful musical se lections were rendered by the choir. Rev. Father 0"Rourke, who is one of Eastern Oregon's most popular pulpit orators, delivered a splendid address in keeping with the occasion in which he paid tribute to the young men in whose honor the service was held. During his address Father O'Rourke also took occasion to refer to statements made by crit ics of the Cathulic church and of the Irish people to the effect that they aie not loyal to this govern ment and that when the testing time came they would be found wanting in their espousal of the principles of ('emocracy. In re ply to these critics the speaker quoted Secretary of War Bakei who recently made the state ment that almost 35 per cent of the United States army and near ly 50 per cent of the navy, is Catholic. A large congregation was pres ent to enjoy the service and the address. I High-Cass Stallions I and Mares We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of Morrow county the very highest class of Regis tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English Shires, Ilackueys and Coaches. Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when desired, on easy payments with no cash down and at eight per cent interest. SAM JL VAN VACTOR VTTORNEY-AT-LAW HEPPNER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, A. C. RUBY CO. Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon Headquarters at Palace Hotel Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn HEPPNER, : : OREGON OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A McMENAMIN. LAWYER Roberti Building, Heppner, Oregon ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Eleppner, Oregon The Morrow county Sunday School Association will hold its annual convention at Heppner. The sessions will be held at the Federated church and will open with a meeting Thursday even ing, June 6th. . All people in the county interested in Sunday school work are cordially invited to attend these meetings and to help in making them profitable and enjoyable. Entertainment will be provided for all coming from outside of Heppner. The new State Worker will be pres ent to assist in the program. which will be published in full next week. Main Street For Sale Fifty (50) head good work mules. Twenty-five (25) head line, big mares. If you need any stock in this line it will pay you to inspect these animals. GCY llOYKU, 40tf Heppner, Ore. CLEAN UP. Now is the time to clean up your rubbish. I will haul it away for you when you are ready. See me or call Main 555. Lee Cantwell. 47tf Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure of getting it now, but not in the fall. tost or Strayed Ten or twelve head of horses some branded with cross on left stifle, five head branded with I cross on jaw. others branded with quarter circle cross on left stifle. A suitable reward will be paid for information leading to their recovery. M4 Andy Hood, jr , Heppner, Ore. Lexington Red Cross Items. The Lexington branch of the Red Cross wishes to ask all the ladies in our community to bring in at least one dish towel or flour sack to be hemmed, and as many more as possible; also any clean white rags they may have. The boys at Camp Lewis are sadly in need of them. We also wish to thank the men for the good work done in the drive; also the contributors. Lex ington has again exceeded her quota. VVovk will be kept up on the refugee garments until a new al lotment is sent in at the work room. we' should all enter as willingly into this work as in the hospital and surgical work. Mrs. Myrtle Keaney. Sec. FOR SALE Bargain in 7-pas. senger auto; 1017 model; only run 310U miles; perfect condition; bargain if taken soon; must sell going east. Inqulro Herald of lice. 41t.lt FOR SALE House and lot, with double Garage, bargain at Concrete Mixer, practically new, bargain at Auto Truck, two ton caducity, bargain at Gas Engine, lu borne power, barguiu at 10 per cent discount above prices for cant). t'J.'0.00 W&o.oo t.'i'to.oo See D. E. GILMAN, Heppner, Oregon Tum-A-LumLumberCo. LEW at Lexington SEE BILL at lone THE BRICK McATKK AIKKN, l'rop. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Home Products for Home People We Mauufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR-GRAHAM-WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Gilliam & Bisbee A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and StocK Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their 1J18 requirements. Extras are going to be hard to net and we would advise the going over of all machinery NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras are needed you may not be able to get them and there will be no time to waste in 1918. Gilliam & Bisbee "We Have it, Will Get it or it is Not Made" HARDMAN GARAGE BLLAKMAN at RAU, Props. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Kxpert Vulcaniers Guaranteed Tire Service HARDMAN, OREGON Watch this Space Next Week for Announcement by Roy V. Whiteis Real Estate and Insurance.