Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 24, 1918, Image 2

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S. A. PATTISON. Publisher.
An Independent, Local News
paper. Entered at the Heppner, Oregon,
Post Office as second-class matter.
Terms of Subscription.
One Year - - $1.50
Six Months - '- 75
Three Months - - 50
FRIDAY. MAY 2k. 1918
All Postmasters Marine Recruiters
In order that every man be
tween the ages of 18 and 146 years
of age, either married or single,
may have the opportunity of en
listing in the United States Ma
rine Corps, every postmaster in
Oregon has been authorized to
examine, accept and transfer
men for this excellent branch of
service. The Marine Corps is the
oldest branch of American serv
ice, is mentioned in the same
breath with the Foreign Legion
of France, the Texas Rangers,
Northwest Mounted Police and
the Pennsylvania State Constabulary.
Marines are soecially trained, j
Bplendidly equipped and fight as
artillery, infantry, cavalry, sig
nalmen, aviators and in any man
ner that necessity or the occasion
demands. In recognition of their
splendid record in the past and
their excellent achievments in
the present struggle for Democ
racy, Congress has authorized
the increasing of the Corps to
75,500 men in order that they
may take over and maintain n
separate section of trenches in
United States Marines wear a
separate and distinctive uniform
from either the army or the navy.
They also have their own corps
device, which consists of an an
chor, globe and eagle, and is
worn on the hat, cap or helmet
of the Marine. It is by this small
device that the Marine is readily
distinguished from all other
branches of service.
Registered and unregistered
men between the above mention
ed age3 who are desirous of en
listing may do so. Registered
men must furnish a statement
from their local board that they
are not needed to fill the current
quota of the draft and that per
mission has been granted for
their enlistment in the marines.
Married men must have a writ
ten consent from the wife that
she consents to his enlistment.
Your postmaster will gladly as
sist you in obtaining your release
from the local board and will
also explain this splendid branch
of service. Ask him today.
What Will Harvest Wages Be?
A question that is heard fre.
quently th'se days and the soon
er a definite answer is given the
more rapidly can the work of
supplying help be carried on
The county agent has been able
to supply a great deal of help to
the farmers of this county and
found the work much easier after
several of the counties had ar
ranged for a uniform wage. We
do not expect to be able to sup
ply all the needed harveBt hands,
but one of the things which will
help most right now is a definite
understanding of the situation
Messrs. R. W. Turner, C. E
Jones. C. R. Pointer, W. F. Pal
mateer, L. P. Davidson and Jack
Hynds are members of the labor
ft. KV: 33
United States Tires
ere Good Tires
i i1 1 ,i
i ii
1 t II
't'hottt TreoJ'
The Real Meaning
of Tire-buying
committee of the Morrow County
Agricultural Council, and they
are to receive weekly reports on
the labor situation and are going
to be looked to a3 agents for
keeping the tarmers informed.
Arrangements are being made
for having this committee, and
as many farmers as will, attend
joint conference of all Eastern
Oregon and Washington farmers
at Pendleton June 10. A uniform
scale of wages will be drafted at
this conference so there will be
no competition between different
sections, and so labor will not be
lost because of rumors of better
wages in other sections.
It is up to the farmers of Mor
row county to see that they get a
fair. If you can attend the con
ierence ao so, it you cannot go
see that some member of the com
mittee or the county agent has
your view on the question before
that time.
Help simplify this difficult
problem by co-operating with
your neighbor, your committee,
the county agent and every other
agency for the most efficient use
of the supply of laborers.
Your car must
than ever before.
Kive ureater service this year
It speeds up jour work increases your
working power.
The highest car econ
The most economica
give you greatest use
That's just what Uni
You can depend on tl
most mileage at lo
Equip with United S
niy lies in utmost service.
tires are those which will
f your car.
d States Tires will do for
in for continuous service,
vest mileage cost,
ites Tires.
Our nearest Sales an.! Service Depot dealer will
he glad to assist you i i selection.
I'nited States Tubes and Tire
AiCe.lSrries 1 1 Jit All tki Stnltnt
II',. ik ,,n ;,,r that United
States 7 res Sufumt.
i ; 7:7 rf; VUi
Wood and Coal
I handle Rock Springs Coal
Cord Wood and Slab Wood.
Leave orders at Humphreys
Drug store or phone 892.
39tf Ed Breslin.
In the Circuit Court of hhe Slate of Oregon for
tha County of Morrow.
Pacific Cout Elevator Company, a corporation
Augustus Walker and Emma L. Walker, his wife
Laurel Land Company, aniOretron corporation
Mlna ZimmennanOreKon and Western Colo
nisation Company, a South Dakota corpora-
tion; Preston Campbell, William Robb and
Pauline H. Robb, hislwife. Banker and Lum
bermen'a Bank, a corporation; F. R. Cham
bera, jr.; First National Bank of Heppner,
corporatlonBank of Heppner, a corporation
Cynthia Walker, Lumbermen's National Bank
a corporation, defendants.
To Mlna Zimmerman, Preston Campbell and F.
Chambers, Jr.. defendants:
In the name of the State of Oregon, you are
hereby required to lappear and answer the com.
plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit,
on or before six weeks from the 26th day of April,
1918, to-wit: On oribefore the 7th day of June,
1818. and If you fail to ao (appear or answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for Judgment against y.ou and each of you. as fol
lows, to-wit: For Judgment against Augustus
Walker and Emma L. Walker for the sum
lia,K&07 with Interest thereon at the rate of 7
per annum .from January 2. 1908. together with
Interest on the sum of 18,(71.83 at the rate of 7
per annum from January 2, 19(16. until October 12,
1910, together with interest on the sura of tltjOO.OO
at the rata of 7 per annum from January 2, 1908,
until October 2e. 1912. and the further sum of S2OU0
attorney's fee, and the costs and disbursements of
this suit; that plaintiff's mortgage deed be fore
closed and the following described property be sold
lo satisfy the plaintiff's judgment, as may be re
covered herein, to-wit
The NH and the NW of the SWW of Sec. 20. Tp.
1 N of R 26. east of the Willamette Meridian,
Morrow county. Ore.
That plaintiff's claim and demand and all sunn
of money due the plaintiff from the defendants
Augustus Walker land Emma L. Walker, be tie
creed to be a first lien upon thereal property here
inbefore described, superior and prior to th
claim or Interest of the defendants, or any of them
In or to said property; that the defendants am
each of them, and all persons claiming by, through
or under them, or either of them be forever barrni
and foreclosed of all right title or interest in or
the real property above described, and every part
thereof, except the statutory right of redemption
and for such other relief as the court may deem
This summons le served upon you by publication
thereof once week for six weeks In the Heppnei
Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circula
tion. published at Heppner, Morrow county. On-
gon, by virtue of an order made and entered here
In on the lath day of April. 1918. by the Honorabl
U C rattereon. County Judge of Morrow County
Oregon, and the date of the first publication
April M. Ill, and the date of the last publication
will be June 7, 1911.
Woodson Bweek and C. A. Bell,
Attorneys for Plaint
fust Office address Heppner. Ore. 6IJ
rOHKt'I.Otl(i TAX I.H.-.SH.
Morrow County Oregon. A I'uhllc Co
pnrgllon. Plaintiff
J. A. Auahurn. Hareh Kro tea. Amil
Weeton. Thoa. E. Drown. J A. liar
ae, Arvia iiarvu, Oeo w. Lew la, K.l
lohrty, and Asa L. Young, and an
other perann or pereuna owning
claiming to ewn. or having or claim
Ing to have, any Interest or estate I
or lo the real property hetelnaft
deecrll'Kl. fjefendanta
I ami ejoTII r
To J A Auahuin, Haiah lrnlra. A
nla Weston. Thoa C Hrnwn. J
iiarrae. Arvtu ngryu. ) w .t t
K.l lHherty and A a I. Young, and ai
otaar peraun or peieona oanlng
t'tahnlng lo own. or hating or rlaimi
o nave, any inierrei or estate In or I
me ri proixriy neremartei deei rll r.t
i.-v inc. rAVE t'r THE fT ATP i'l
onrsH'N i grM eaih f yoU
nttreiiy nounen na me ahove lia ne.l
Plaintiff, a Publla Cotporatioiv la I
puunaeer, owner and hoMer of , - t.1
.tee of delinquency S'utnbeve.t fttt
siie1 on the I ml day of le.eitiber, l:
. laaued oa the Inl dav of I'e, i.,h.
till. ltd. laaued on the th da of 1
nner. uis. a. laaur.l on the Hit
lav of le'eiiiber. till, , lue,
tbe Ulh day of leember, 11I, (
lasued on the 16th day of December,
1914; 576, issued on the 16th day of De
cember, 1914; and 60S, Issued on the
19th day of January, 1915; by the sher
iff and collector of delinquent taxes for
Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by
said sheriff and collector of delinquent
taxes in the office of the County Clerk
of Morrow County, Oregon, on the
dates of issue of the same, respectively,
for taxes due and delinquent, together
ith penalty, interest and costs there
upon real property situate In Mor-
w County. Oregon.
lou are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate Is is-
ued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
nd hereinafter set out, the same be
g the amount then due and delin
uent, for taxes for the year 1911, to
gether with penalty, Interest and costs
thereon, upon said real property situate
in Morrow County, Oregon, and partic
Iaily bounded and described as here-
nafter set forth; said tract or parcel
iana oeing assesses lor the year
911 to the first person whose name im
mediately precedes the description
thereof, and is followed by the name
the person appearing to be the own
thereof, as appears on the tax roll
of Morrow County, Oregon, now In the
ands of the sheriff of Bald county for
collection, at the date of the first pub
lication of this summons and notice,
which Is the 3rd day . of May, 1918
Certificate No. 541, J. Ausburn
and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, In
Block 1 of Penland's Second
Addition to the town of Lex
ington, Oregon $
Certificate No. 548, Sarah Broyles
and Annis Weston, Lots 1, 2,
and 3, Block 10 of the town of
Castle Kock, Oregon
Certificate No. 550, Thos. E.
Brown and Thos. E. Brown,
Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block
1 of Brown's Addition to the
City of Heppner, Oregon 8.20
Certificate No. 565, J. A. Harbke
and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block
1 of duff's Fourth Addition
to lone, Oregon
Certificate No. 566, Arvid Harvu
and Arvid Haryu, Southeast
quarter, Section 33, Tp. 6
South, Range 27 E. W. M
Certificate No. 573, Geo. W. Lew
is and Geo. W. Lewis, EV4SWV4
and Lot 3, Section 19, Tp.6 S
R. 26 E. W. M.. and NE14NWV4
Section 30, Tp. 6 S., R. 26, E.
W. M 11.60
Certificate No. 576, Ed McDaid
and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh
erty, N14NW14, Section 33, Tp.
2 N., R. 25, E. W. M
Certificate No. 605, Asa L. Young
and Asa L. Young. All of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S R. 27 E. W,
M.; All of Section 16, Tp. 6 S.,
R. 28 E. W. M., and all of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., R. 29, E. W. M. 161.10
The said amounts bear interest
follows: The taxes aforesaid bear In
terest from the dates of filing of said
certificates of delinquency, respective
ly, at the rate of 15 per cent, per an
num, until paid, the dates of filing said
certificates of delinquency with the
County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, being hereinbefore set out.
And you and each of you are hereby
summoned to appear within sixty days
after the date of the first publication
of, this summons, exclusive of the day
fftgst publication thereof, to-wit: May
1918, and defend this suit in the
Court aforesaid, or pay the amount due
as shown above, against said tracts
parcels of land, respectively, above de
scribed, of which you are the owner, or
In which you have, or clulm to have.
any Interest or estate, together with
Interest and costs accrued In this suit
thereon. Service of a copy of your an
swer or other process may be made up
on the undersigned attorney for plain
tiff, at the place specified below as hi
address, and in case of your failure so
to do, Judgment and decree will he en
urea against you ana each of you
foreclosing said tax liens for the
linount set opposite and following the
description of said parcel of land above
sot forth, together with Interest and
osts thereon, against said tracts
parcols of land and snld tracts or par
eels of land will be sold to satisfy said
ludgment and decree obtained in said
You are hereby further notified that
the plaintiff will apply to the Circuit
Court nforcsald for Judgment and de
"ice foreclosing said tax liens against
"id property, hereinbefore described
This summons is published once each
eek for sixty consecutive days In the
Heppner Herald, a newspaper of gen
eral circulation In Morrow County,
Oregon, publlxhed weekly at Heppner,
in aald county, the date of first pulill
Jittlnn theieof bring Muy 3. 1918, said
publication being mude In pursuance
"f an order therefor made by the Hon-
M-uble Gilbert W. Phelps Judge of the
Circuit Court of the State of Oregon
for Morrow County, said order having
icen made ami entered on the 23rd day
.f April. 1918.
UUKlli IN.
Ily Samuel K. Notaon. District Attor
ney for Morrow County, Oregon,
and Attorney for I'lalntlff, whose
addresa la Heppner, Oregon
Enlists the aid of every Man and
Woman to help win the War.
You are not asked to starve yourself.
Eat plenty, but wisely and without
Leave a Clean Plate when you
leave the table.
instead of higher-priced foods
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
Says U
U The United States Food Administration
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, fish. Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,)
Notice for Publication
IVnartnwnt of th. Intrrlor. U. H. Land Om
at The tlalke. Orrun. April Slh. 1X1".
Notx1 is h.lbv tlvwi that William ShlpW.
,f titnaton. Orrtfon. who. on Nnvvmlwr 26. Ili4
mn.1. homtal rntrv No eHIW tt Ma land 4.
tion a. U I K. Twn.hln I. 8.mta
Hanev F.aal. V illanHtt. Mntian. has nlml no.
lie. of lnt.ntnn Ui oak. final miff vf rmr.
in MOihli.h rlaitn to Ih. lanij ah"v. it'ritMl. b
tnr. C. t'- I'atl.raon. I1. 8. rirniminlmiff,
tl. imBif rtin. on th. 4th dav nf J ijn. tyla.
I latmant nam., a. fflth.a.i William H Pad
b.r. of l..inaliin. tlrraoo. t llff..fd N. Kn.tl.
f lamlMi. Oron hali'h I. of Hip-
n.r tirffjon. tttvra. v. VanVfinale. of rln'tinar.
i ir-tn.
i.u H rRANK WMiX-M-K,. Krister.
Notice for Publication
IWoartmmt of tn. Intarior. t' 8. Land 0r at
l a ilraid. Owtmn Ilar. I Isle.
Vir la h.rc aitea that Henry I Cramp
4 Herr".'. Or'. ho en July 14. ml. atari.
l,tmfjtMa enlrv Na. 0Ul. I Ks Section 14,
r,..h.p J S-Hilh Kan. V. E. illamMte M.H
Itarv ha. flittl notlr. of intentivn to maa. thrf
tr VrmA. to lahU.h rlaim to th lad anov
Jw. nhMl hofiic. C. C l'aiuri t'nitl atato
ConuaiiMmior at aia o.- at H.ronr. Orotma
.i is. Jlr laii of Juna. Il.
aimanl aanv as amn J Jans C Hhara.
Jfnw f Kwinr. ff.l C. fBit thorns 1 Mat.
w k all of ll.i rn.f Or"i
a; C L'LNN
Having succeeded to the hardware and plumbing busi.
ness formerly conducted by Tash & Akers and also to the
farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons,
we beg to announce that this re-organized and consolida
ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared
than ever before to cater to the wants of thn people of
Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a
satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of
Shelf and Heavy Hardware,
Farm Implements and Wagons,
Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc.,
Plumbing Supplies and Service,
Stoves ana Ranges
In short, all lines of goods usually found in a General
Hardware store.
Appreciating the libera! patronage accorded our pre
decessors we believe we will continue to merit a con
tinuance of tbe same.
Peoples Hardware Co.
Main and Willow Sts.
Tasb & Akers old
Potato Bread for Toast
ted see how cicely it will brown
W. C. BOWLING. Proprietor.
a. i