"A great net of mercy drawn through an ocean of unspeakable pain" Your Red Cross Fighting Dollars Your Army and Navy fights to make the "World safe for Democracy." Your Red Cross fights to make it fit for Democracy. Fights for your soldiers yours and your allies in trench, canteen and hospital. Fights for the little children, to save tKem for the nations' upbuildings of tomorrow. Fights for the swarms of homeless, dazed refugees and "repatriates" thrown out from the war's black whirl pool. Fights the white plague, tuberculosis, that takes a greater toll than lead and steel. Fights in every war stricken country to uphold a wrecked and suffering humanity in its struggle for a free existence. One hundred million dollars to "carry on. No power of taxation, no interest rate to urge those dollars. Each one a volunteer, sent willingly and by the heart alone. 3- - The noblest fund of all the billions of this war's vast budgets because the freest given. WW those Fighting Red Cross Dollars ? LOCAL AND PERSONAL Dave Hynd was in from Rose Lawn ranch Tuesday. Judge Phelps cauie over from Pendleton Sunday and spent a few days holding court here the tirst of the weak. Paul C. Bates, of Portland, was here for a day or two during the week in the interest of the coming lied Cross drive which opens next Monday. Graduating exercises of the Hardman high school were held last Tuesday evening, but owing to unavoidable delay in transmis sion a full repo rt of the affair cannot be given until next week. Rov Cochran expects to leave about June 1st for Bremerton, Wash., where he will enlist in the naval band at the navy yards. He expects to be stationed pes manently at Bremerton, and Mrs. Cochran will join him there later and establish their home in that city. T e n jl. vjuiiuwHy, 01 ivoseourg.was here during tbs w6ek looking over Hepier with a view to lo- Jcut'jg here in the practice of his profession. To the Herald Dr. Uallowyay expressed himself as bei'ng mighty well pleased with the town and surrounding coun try. Mrs. E. L. Wallace and two children arrived from Missoula, Mont., a few days ago to join Mr. Wallace, who severul weeks ago accepted a position as assistant cashier in the First National Bank. They are occupying the Mrs. Keid cottage in the north part of Ileppner. John Doherty, the well-known sheepman, was in town during week attending to busiuess af fairs before leaving with his sheep for the summer range in the Niz Perce reservation in Idaho. Mr. Doherty ships his Hocks from Wallula to Orotino Idaho, by rail, and has an ideal summer rauge in that state. j High-Cass Stallions 1 and Mares J We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of J Morrow county the very highest class of Regis- J tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English J Shires, Hackneys and Coaches. : Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty 2 We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when 2 desired, on easy payments with no cash down and 2 at eight per cent interest. A. C. RUBY CO. Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon Headquarters at Palace Hotel Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn HEPPNER, : : OREGON r Home Products for Home People We Manufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR-GRAHAM-WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Every cent of every dollar received for the Red Croat War Fund goet for War Relief. The American Red Croea la the lamest and most efficient organliatlon (or the relief of suffering that the World has ever seen. It Is made up almost entirely of volunteer workers, the higher executlvea belnr without exception men ac customed to large affairs, who are In almost aU cases glvlnf their services without pay. It Is supported entirely by Its membership fees and by voluntary contributions. It Is today bringing relief to suffering humanity, both military and civil. In every War torn allied country. It plans tomorrow to help In the work of restore tlon throughout the world. It feeds and clothes entire populations In times of great calamity. It la there to help your, bo Idler boy In his time of need. With Its thousands of workers, Its tremendous stores and smooth running transportation facilities. It la serving as America's advance guard and thus helping to win the war. Cowrreei authorises It. President Wilson heads pV The War Departing audits Its accounts, i!" AtAmr- XV' Navy and your Allies enthusl- fw".-two mil Reward $500.00 Rawari! Notice is hereby, given that 1 will pay a. rbvara of Five Hun dred Dollars ($500.00) for the ar rest "and conviction of any person or persons stealing any of my horses or cattle from my pastures or from the range. John Kilkenny, Heppner, Ore. Dated at Ileppner, Oregon. May 10, 1018. ltt . nllllon Americans have joined It Gilliam & Bisbee ARE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their l'J18 requirements. Extras are going to be hard to get and we would advise the going over of all machinery NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras are needed you may not be able to get thorn and then; will be no time to waste in 1918. By Palace Hotel Company JITNEY SERVICE. Call a jitney for special train trips or any other service, day or night. Day phone Main 2. Night phone Main 55?. Lee Cantwell. 41 1 FOR SALE A five-passenger Buick car. This tar is in excel lent condition in every way. A bargain. Inquire at tht9 office. Herald Office for Job Printing Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW Lost or Strayed Ten or twelve head of horses, some branded with cross on loft stifle, five head branded with cross on iaw. others branded with quarter circle cross on loft stifle. A suitable reward will bo paid for information loading their recovery. Id 1 Andy Hood, jk , Heppner, Ore. Nursery Stock? See Harry Cummings I am re-stocking our Nurseries with the very bust varieties of all the itilTerent trees and plants desirable for cultivation. 1 am uettar equipped to supply your needs in uny thing you may want than any time before. In addition to our own. I have the stock of three thousand acres of the. tinost nursery goods irrown anywhere, all boalthy, vigorous, true to name uml all gr-iwn in Oregon. You can gut the Milton Stock from mo more advantageously than olsewhere. I am the only follow that bun t renuinu nursery grown Cork Elm. (Juinmings Nurseries, Hepp ner, Oregon. 4'J-tf Gilliam & Bisbee "We I lave it, Will Get it or it is Not Made" Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure of getting it now, but not in the fall. FOR SALE House Hnd lot, with double O tragi', bargain at Concrete Mixer, practically new. bargain a Auto Truck, two ton capacity, bargain at (!a Engine. JO horse power, bargain at 1(1 tier rent discount above priceH for oa-.li I I). !;. Gl I.MAN, Heppner, Oregon flCi'MMl :',:': on rio.oo :ion.ii Sen HARDMAN GARAGE BLEAKMAN At RAU, Prop. Courteous and Efficient Service by Courteous and Competent Workmen Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulcanizcrs Cuarantecd Tire Service HARDMAN, ORKGON Tum-A-LumLumberCo. 1 LEW at Lexington SEE BILL at lone THE BRICK McA l & AIKEN. Prop. ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. Lciuillim jf ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. nor "j IJHUIMY IIOKDS Tor PATRIOTISM "cViono sperk louder rnn words-Act-Don't Talk -Buy Now Buy SAPOLIO rCCONOMY We Produce Printing that PI.eases.