' t 4 HEPPNER" KERALD FRIDAY. MAY 17. 1918 CECIL ITEMS The Cecil Magpie is away on a vacation- Walter Pope visited Condon last week. Miss Hazel Winters left on the local for lone Monday. Jim Cassidy has returned from Heppner to work for Ellis Minor. The Misses Willis, of the Allyn place, were Cecil visitors Satur day. Ed Miller and Mr. Hardyman were callers on Jack Hynd Tues day. W. G Palmuteer and J. H. Miller took in the pie supper at Ella Saturday night. Herb Everett and wife, A- E. Nash and wife, and Herb Hynd visited in lone Tuesday evening. PeterBauernfiend visited Hepp ner during the week attending to the late Frank J. Habelt's es tate. XM. V. Logan of Portland is vis iting among friends in Cecil this week. Melvin says things are looking fine below. Mr. Wagner, of Morgan, au toed to Cecil Friday evening ac companied by Miss Juinata Crab tree, of the Bill Thoma3 place. Jack Hynd and son Herb, ac companiad by Alf Shaw and Jim my Kernan, autoed to Heppner Friday, where they intend to spend a few days. C. H. Winters has been spend ing the past few days with his brother Ralph, fixing up the Shady Dell place which they have rented from J. W. Osborn. W.G.Hynd of Rose Lawn ranch returned to Sand Hollow Monday accompanied by Miss Louise Shaw, who will assist with the cooking there during the season. J. W. Logan, son of Leon Lo gan, mailed magazines for the soldiers in France last Friday. He is the first one in this commu nity to take advantage of the postal privileges. Sam Donaldson, whp has been herding for Jack Hynd all the past winter, has gone to. Portland to enlist in the Canadian army. Two of his brothers have been killed at the front, one being his twin brother. Geo. W. Millholland of Hepp ner and T. D. Tahaney, engineer for the Standard Oil Co., of Cali fornia, visited farmers in and around Cecil Wednesday adver tising their company's products handled by T. H. Lowe of Cecil. Will Return to Morrow County Dan Hanshew, who sold a fine wheat ranch in the Blackhorse country a year ago and went to western Oregon to reside, is in town this week on legal business connected with the taking over of his ranch. The purchaser failed to make good on the deal and in default of payments the property reverted to Mr. Hanshew. He expects to return here and re sume farming, but will retain the beautiful eight-acre home he pur chased near Hillsboro last summer. James Murtha was here from Condon Monday. Mrs. Walter Cason visited her mother at lone during the week. Sidney Smyth, of Condon, was in town a day or two durirjg'the week. Dr. McMurdo was called to the home of W. F. Wigglesworth, on Butter creek Monday to prescribe for Mr. Wigglesworth's little granddaughter, who is suffering from an attack of la grippe. Judge Phelps and Court Re. porter J. S. Beckwith drove over from Pendleton Sunday to attend the regular session of circuit court, returning Tuesday even ing after court, adjourned. I'A great net of mercy drawn through an ocean of unspeakable pain' i What Has Your Red Gross Money Done? .'...' .;: . N the first place, it lias enabled the American people, through the Red CrosS,1 to help care for its army and navy. :.?.. Secondly, it has enabled America to hearten her Allies' fighting forces and to keep up, among the civil ian populations, the spirit to win the war. That, alone, has made the American Red Cross one of the largest factors since our entry into the war. Canteens which provided. food and hot drinks more than a million meals, to soldiers in December; warehouses, crammed with materials, situated all along the French line, all along the Italian lines, at seaports and at places where our soldiers are going to fight; institutions for the care of consumptives, institutions for the re-education of maimed men these are a few of the concrete accomplishments abroad. At home the millions of woolen sweaters, muf flers, socks and other comforts for the men in camps; the work of sanitation around cantonments and the help and advice given dependents of soldiers and sailors these are things which will tnake you, your children and your children's children, in whatever part of the world they may.be, proud of being Americans." Will you do your share to keep this Hand of Mercy at its work ? Every cent of every dollar received for the Red Cro$& War Fund goe$ for War Retief. lh American t4 Crm la IM Urt aM tn( 9V tfi oiffillttn for lh r I tf vt lulTtili'i lhat 1h rtt'Mft (u ltf !r h r In nvM alt iea It la n'irtt entirety by Itf fttrotthlp fe and l la ti,Ufr trltai t't it Buffering humanity, military amt ! U Jn f r a all-a.! tvuntrjr ll f?ana t.mmfrVw n'h!p In tha or vt rUHa tt n tt,r..Mgh,ut th ..fU t( fr.ta anil cKtthra anHra pi'uUUofia In ttmra nf f'at ralaniltjr It la thara to ha p your aMlr N-t In ha lima c nat Ith la thfMah'1a rt rWfra, I'a trrt-an "ia 'nraa and ainih runhi't ti nat..-! 'n t i It la ist, a Anrhaa a.ttan.a iat l--(i1 U hall-tfi !. win iba r '.Hiraa l-l'lvf in It hl'fMi'lfitl WiUmi nea.U It. Tha War I m t. t m ,Ntna 1 "r Arm ur Nar and m.r A tira 'ithu. aall. 4..' r M Tnit in n Wi-n AmaM. a a bm )ina.1 it Contributed by Heppner Light and Power Co. YOUR SPRING SUIT Will Cost You Much Less II Ordered Now : K:tX3Sf::f::&:;i;::;::;i!.;:J! Professional Column I have just put in a big stock of new Woolens,incIudingVorsteds,Serges,etc. bought at a bargain and which will be passed along to my customers at equally attractive prices. These goods were carried over from last season by the wholesalers and by buying heavily I was able to secure thtm at last season's prices. This means a big sav ing over present prices of this season's new goods, while the quality of last year's goods is away above this year's offerings. The benefit I receive from this proposi tion is that I am able to continue in busi ness under war conditions the direct saving goes to my customers. Come In, Gentlemen, My Stock and Prices Will Please You DR. R. J. VAUGHAN DENTIST Permanently located in Oddfellow's Building HEPPNER, OREGON Louis Pearson, MERCUANT TAILOR S. E. NOTSON ATTORNEY-AT-LAW OFFICE IN ROBERTS BUILDING Watch this Space Next Week for Announcement by Roy V. Whiteis Real Estate and Insurance. HEPPNER, OREGON DR. N. E. W1NNARD PHYSICIAN & SURGEON HEPPNER, OREGON DR. A. D. McMURDO . . . PHYSICIAN & SURGEON ... . Telephone 122 Office Patterson Drug Store HEPPNER, OREGON DR. GUNSTER VETERINARIAN Licensed Graduate HEPPNER : : OREGON Phone 722 (Day or Night Watch paper (or dates DR. J. G. TURNER Eye Specialist PORTLAND ' OREGON Regular -monthly viaiti lo HEPPNER and IONE WOODSON & SWEEK ATTORN EYS-AT-LAW Office in Palace Hotel. Heppner, Ore. Buy a Liberty Bond Aud Save by Having Your J Shoes Repaired at Bowers' Shoe Hospital I Modern Machinery Methods Main Street Utah Lump RockSpringNut coiu Cordwood and Slabs Sec A. WILLIAMS Or leave orders with A. Z Barnard. if. v 1 You can be the one to send him a porch ot Real GRAVELY Chewing Plug It pay to know the fact before you spend your money. You will be sending your friend more tobacco comfort and satisfaction in one pouch of Real Gravely Plug than in half a dozen plugs of ordinary tobacco. Ci an? man achrw of Raal Cravrty Fluf.and he will 111 you ihat't tha kind la (end. Srnd lha brill Ordinary plu( U falta aconomr. ll coalt ! prr mrrV to Kw Kaal Cravaljr, bacauta a mall chew ai it UiU ionf If y ou amoLa a pipa.stica Cravrty with ymir knifa and add lillla lo your tmoking tobacco, ll will ia lUvor improa your tmolia. stso ton rttr.NO i m v. s. suvirr. a rotri or uuuv DaaUra all around brra carry it In 10c pouch. A 3c. lamp will put It into hw handt in any Trunin- Camp or 5a port tl lha U. S. A. tn otr thara" a 3c damp will laka il to bun. Your daakf will tupply anvalopa and f i you orlitial diracttona bow to addrau iL P. B. CR WtlY TOBACCO COMPANY. Dam Mr. Vi. Tfi Pattnt Poth ap il Ftrth mnJ Chan mn4 Goo J It ta not fttal Ctatnly untkoal fAi procacdon Stat CalabllaltoU I S3 I SAM R VAN V ACTOR VTTORNEY.AT-LAW HEPFER, OREGON LOUIS PEARSON TAILOR HEPPNER, OREGON Office phone Main 643 Residence phone Main 665 FRANCIS A' McMENAMIN, LAWYER Roberts Building, Heppner, Oregon Heppner, Ore. ROY V. WHITEIS REAL ESTATE INSURANCE LOANS Heppner, Oregon ifal yl Cramos! a Says Mrs. Prank Hau ler, of Carbondale, 111: "1 wa3 suffering terrible cramps and pains each month. 1 had used . . . but it didn't five an permanent relief. The pains came back on me just the same as before . . . After taking Cardui. I was entirely relieved from the pains, and have never been hotlicied with them since." TAKE IS y 8 1 ikhi The Woman's Tonic Cardui should help you as it did Mrs. Hauler, as it has helped thousands of other women who suf fered from the puns and discomforts trom which women suffer. Many medical authorities pre scribe the ingredients of which Cardui is com posed for Hie female troubles for which it is recommended. Why not try it lor your trouble? All Druggists EBt For Sate Fifty ) lU'ii'l f"l wi.rk 'll'llll't. T W I'll' J'-ll V M llTi) ill'ini lllll'. Iiii.' tll.llfi. If yi.ll HM., miy (.luck in tio !in it wi'l p.iy juu to in"'il tlu'N.i iiniiii iU ii y I : t . 4 'tf I ! pI'll'T. ( lit CLEAN IT. No i tl.e tiiu. 'n rlfiut up wi ir ri:iiiiili i I - : a I itawayfnr.il" vil,'ii y 1 1 urn r.iil v St" in r,f Call Mtin :::. v.f imteii. 47tf 'J