JEPRN E R H E R A LD S. A. PATTISON. PuFLibHi f mils or ciiriiorations for such of tlii-ir c)iTimolitirs as they need. Tl,-n This summons is served upon you by publication thereof once a week for six weeks in the Heppner Herald, a weekly newspaper of general circula- An Indcpntd ft, L fxiix r. at 'I'f'I!! S to he llUt One e- i t'on published at Heppner. Morrow county. Ore- , j Bon. by virtue ol an order made and entered here- '"' 'jail ill Id thlH rull' anil that IS in j jnn the Mthday of April. 1918. by theHonorabli I Ml of St 'C'kinK publicity ; c-c-attrion' Cn Judtre of Morrow County. (hniMil I. lit.' ni'JlJium Of the news-' Aprils. 1918. nd the dateof the laat publication Entered nf the lii-jijiini Pout Office CS' mnnid-rli, ; ll'illlrr. ni;iti it p:iM-r.s of the country. Terms of Sniper i pi "'. One Year - - $1 '' Six Months - '- , 7" Three Months' - - :,') FRIDAY, MA Y 17, r.)!S THE RED CROSS During the past ten months the American lied doss has ex pended an aggregate of 100. onii, 000 in relief and welfare work made necessary by the world war. The work accomplished in the aggregate is beyond the com prehension of the human mind. Its magnitude may be glimpsed when we consider that the fund of 100,000,000 subscribed by the greathearted people of the Uni ted States last June is but a frac tion of the sum total involved. Many additional millions were raised last winter in the mem bership drive and many other millions have been turned over to the Red Cross as prirato do nations in money and articles of value. In addition to this the labor expended by the loyal wo men of America in lied Cross sewintr and kuiuitie; rooms ilur- When i wi" June 7-1918- iiie jroVenillK-Ilt needs tO Sell a J Attorney, for Plaintiff l'"V billion of war bonds, Or tO I Po,t Office addrem Happner.Ore. 61di oi-oinot" an increased production i ' ,- . ., ,, .. ,i . i I AI'I'LICATIO.N FUR JUDGMEM Ol HHH1 bUlll.-, most; III maigcui public alfairs immediately begin to Hood every newspaper office in i he country w ith advertising mat Vr lor which t ree space is asked. Tho.-e in charge of governmental activities admit that without newspaper publicity many of the iinaiicM "drives" which have been so successfully put over (ho inu the past year would have been Failures, and yet when the ipieslion of remuneration for ad vertising space in the newspapers is raised these gentlemen who represent the government of these great United States prate ol patriotism - for the publishers and decry the terrible expense it would be lor the government to p:iy the newspapers for their space - in cited pleading tne pov erty act for the richest govern ment on the globe. If the government needs news paper advertising to induce the people of the country to buy Lib erty Honda as a means of winning the war the government should pay for that space the same as it pays for ships or guns or wool or cotton or transportation. The government now operates the railroads of the country and IN FOHECLOSING TAX l.IKNS. TUB CIRCUIT COURT OF THE i i i.i i . . . u i . : -p i u vv iiiii vvuiuu uu uie lesuit u me government were to adopt the plan of refusing to pay the train men on the ground of economy and then propose to the train men Unit they must go through I i be cu.'ichex on everv t.rin and ing the same poind of tunt would, perhaps, if en pi I ah.ed and thej charge the regular reckoned as coin of the realm, ,t w ar Lax for riding on the trains. represent more value than ull other contributions together. The work accomplished is well worth all it has cost and immeas urably more. Countless thous ands of starving children, home lyns and wretched men and wo-'i men. sick and wounded soldiers pass the hat among the passen- aud homesick "rookies" havelgeis lor money with which to pay themselves for running the trains, with the implication that any passenger who refused to contnliuLe should be looked upon as a slacker or a more or less dangerous citizen. And yet that is exactly w hat the government I is rcipiiring the newspapers of j the country to do- advertise Lib icrty I'.ond issues, lied Cross i drives, etc , and then go out 'among the people who have con tributed and bought totheextent nl their ability and ask them to put np more more money to pay lor the advertising that induced tin in to buy the bonds or con- llloule lo the lied Cros:i. It is i 1 1 1 a childish way of doing b.i.iucss, a rather small-bore in i hull 1 1 pi- getting something for iioiinng lor t In greatest country boon fed and clothed and healed and comforted. Another d rive is planned for next week, during which Morrow county people have been aked to contribute !fo,(MMi s their quota of the money necessary in carry out and expand the woi l of the Red Cross, The diive will start Monday morning. May 'JO, and will continue until the conn ty has again gone "over I he lop" hi this great work. ; Morrow county ha never been' found wanting when money was) needed for any worthy cause, ami she will not ho,' in the m k u hn li is cut out for her next week WAR TIME I I .'. 7')- The government of lie' I nited States, hacked by the people of the United Stale--. r- out lo w u, this world w ar w hn h i beiiij: waged by the alhe I ii i! iciw in and tor the ( :tn-v ol ib inner ;;r VS. autocracy and u e ;n e uoin tl in jut as Mll'e ,i . I be SMI! will rise ;ie;un It'tnui ro, met n ing. No mailer w hat I he i ' I I on i ,u i n in pursue. . ill.. M I I ..! Ilia V be in blond ;unl I n :i the outcome i iioi ,.r ,, inent ill doilbl in the ! 1 1 ! i , I red blooded A met . That tin-, i ml m;i I . . hshed in ti e : bei I, tune and w it h the I, ,i i number of c.i u i'1 ; : sine man pnw it ot i . is being pent lil.e w ,il. i . HS li people, we in !,,hi . Inldgi t in Inibo! . . iih 1 1 llliconcei n w c !ei n ' ; of nat tonal or . i.-.- t . , in millions, or no p. i lien nlVaii s in . ... . And tlm i-. i n l .i. ; tune to oniit t be e... ... ., ot an) tint g that i the wiuioie id ! counttN in i Hlel t'lolbo ;, thnusind ot b. r 1 1 go out and b 1 rcglirdii o! ' i rss.irv, the Mi.e t'u. d .r the (-..' are comm.u ! i llioil good. : , i v ol price li x o v i'i a. the Ik'iiv el nnn i 1 i . tVllipi lu-.i' ion .i..". 'e II.. IM.i ol ;b Summons ...tit .'I I'Ih Stal of Orrnnn f.'f i .1 M..."HW. ...t r l .'ini-Niii. a ctrHrat ion. to. t i mii.ftl.. UnlkHr. hn wtfil I'toi, . hi. Or..n,tn'.FRtl'.n. ...... ot,'i,iHi Ht.,1 V,stlern t'oki- ... . m .iiitli la .-..ri.ra l i.-M 1 .11. W ill. ant U.'l I. ami i.i' it. Itnnkfr ami Lum it . i('..iHii..ti. i. K (ham ... ..-"i.l llm.k of ll.iiimrr. a . K . f It. i i n.r. a riiriNiratinlt. . . I uinl.1 Miii-ii i. National flank. I. I. i -ii I .. -1...1 Cattii'lirll and K. K. i I. I. I I I... I . ..t tl-.- .wti ..f Orruon. roil air t in ii i .. mix! aiir tti ,.ifli . ' ."ti i.i tin- lH.,r riitttlcil tut. ' In-lit lv of April. i 'i 1 t ,1 "'-! th .'lb tiny i.f June. i.ft -ir or a..r fol t t i i.. .it w ill atMiiy lo the I out I . . . -t .i-.t a ,1 h of von a lol I . I i I.i. tut MgltHlat AuailtlH I i i I V .lk"t ..r the aum ol i i . i. .i tl.. ..-..ii at the late of 7 . 1 ii nil- i I', tia.-ther ailh '' ! I i at the ta'e of i . in t ,. wi, ; ,lltti n, ti.!.r U. ii iiii.ii. i i, ii the unt o( !mm i .-. i -iiii fti-in Jaiu.att I. n. t tl r Ftiitltrt ul.i of l.1t i ' III - - - I l. . I .t.ah.ltOTttH-llta 'f . . I i' . i..tlK'vae ,lrv.l laa .te "i ll t 'l-a--l!t a a-ikl ft I I. a. le r N i e,.. tt , ..f jn f r 'I C" U - i.i.i'll Mrt'iln" in - a .1 ai-l !! euttta i-,ii the tlelroifaiit i I H k. I l .le ti i t' ii hei i 'I it .... I.. lh i t a. it ol tKrir t . t. t.-...Ui.t in. - a I-- lhel . I.- I .....I tari.l . i p ,f t,. .1 .1 ,e I an a hi .-I !?. i, t i- ml 1. Je.i STATU I IK OKKIJON FOR MORROW COUNTY. Morrow County Oregon, A Public Cor poration, Plaintiff. vs. J. A. Ausburn, Sarah Broyles, Annif Weaton, Thos. E. Brown, J. A. Harb ke, Arvid Haryu, Geo. W. Lewis, Kcl Doherty, and Asa L. Young, nd an other perBon or persons owning oi claiming to own, or having or claim ing to have, any Interest or estate ii, or to the real property hereinaftei described. Defendants. SUMMONS AD OTKE. To J. A. Ausburn, Sarah Broyles, An nls Weston, Thos. B. Brown, J. A Harbke, Arvid Haryu, Geo. W. Lewis, lit Doherty and Asa L. Young, and an other person or persons owning oi claiming to own, or having or claiming to have, any Interest or estate in or to the real property hereinafter described, Defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You and each of you art hereby notified that the above namec Plaintiff, a Public Corporation, is tlu purchaser, owner and holder of certifi cates of delinquency Numbered 641, Is sued on the 2nd day of December, 1914, 048, Issued on the 3rd day of December, 1U14; 600, Issued on the 4th day of De cember, 1914; 065, issued on the 14th day of December, 1914; 666, issued on the 15th day of December, 1914; 573, issued on the 10th day of December 1914; 576, issued on the 16th day of De cember, 1914; and 605, Issued on thi 19th day of January, 1915; by the sher iff and collector of delinquent taxes foi Morrow Tounty, Oregon, and flled b .-son. aueiiii aim conecior oi uennuuen tuxes In the olllce of the County Clerl, uf Morrow County, Oregon, on tht dales of lbsue of the same, respectively for taxes due and delinquent, togethei with penalty, Interest and costs there on, upon real property situate in Mor row County, Oregon. xou are turther notified that thi amount for which said certificate is is sued is set opposite and following thi description of the tract or parcel land hereinafter set out, the same be ing the amount then due and deiin quent, for tuxes for the year 1911, to geiher with penalty, Interest and cosh Ihereon, upon said real property situatt in Morrow County, Oregon, and partic ulaiiy bounded and described as here unifier set forth; said tract or parce. of land being assessed for the yeai 1911 to the first person whose name ini mediately precedes the Uescrlptloi. thereof, ami Is followed by the namt of the person appearing to be the own er thereof, as appears on the tax roll of Morrow County, Oregon, now in tht hands of the sheriff of said coonty foi collection, at the date of the first nub licallon of this summons, and notice, which is the 3rd tiay of May, 1918. Curtlltcate No, 641, J. A. Ausburn ami J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, In lllock 1 of l'enlantVs Second Addition tu the town of Lex- lug ton, Oregon Cfi tlllcale No. bin, Surali Uroj lea and Annla Wuiiton, Lots 1, 2, and 3, Block 111 of the town of I'aallM Rock, Oiwgon Cettilliate No. ton, Thos. E. Blown anil Thos K. Brown, Lots 3. 6, 7. N, 8 and ill. Block 1 of Brown's Addition to the I'lty of Heppner, Oregon 8 2i Let tlllcale No. 660, 1. A. Hurbke and J. A. llai bke, Lot 2, Block 1 of I'luff'a Fourth Addition to lone, iiiegon t'eilllkale No. 66H. Arvid llairu mid Aivid Haryu, iiiillti'at quarter, taction 33. Tp. fiouth. hange 27 K. W. M i 'oi t 111. ii lo Nit, 673, Geo W Lew la ami Gen. W. Lewis, i;iaswi, ami Lot 3. Section la, I p 6 S, It. 2ii K. W. M , and Ni;i,w i4 M'i'llon jii, Hi. , it 26, L W M i'im lilliatt" No. 676, Kii Mi Daui anil L'd Duller!), and Ld lnh eit. N'.NW',, Section 33, 1 p. 2 X , ii 2T., Iv W M iV.tUlcsts No. (jnli, Ana L Young ami A as I. Young All of Sec tion IS. Tp 6 H, n 27 K W M , AH of tlnn 1. Tp 6 (i,, I! 2 K. W M . mid all ..f S. , . tin n ii. Tp ( , n. K W M INI It lite mi l.l smouiils lii.o lutri eat at f.illi.wa. 'I'he tuea sfui wmo.1 bear In lei eat fiotu the dAU'M of llling ot aino . t I 1 1 n i it t ft' of .ll'ltnqlieni'X . levpiH tlVV 1, at the i ii I et of 1j per kvtit per Mil num. until .o l. the il.iO n i.f tUing salt i ii 1 1 tit rt I i"B of tleliutiuetii y with thi- I'l.tinty t'lotk of Motuivv L'nlinti, Oi i.iit. beltig hoi ftllttbefi.t e aet out And )nii iiitd en. it of ion nte heirhi i(ttiiiiini'il lo Milieu aixty tl.i j 1 1 1 the ilnt. tif the tli-l, iitlnti ..f Una an iniia. rjiluaiii. i f the tla "f lllal ptil.ln nl lull thete.'f, I" It tUl I. In, an. I ilvfi'ii.l una ami In Ox I'litllt A foi pj. ltd. or pll the .itiiiMltlt due ..a eiiuiin Hboie. i.a.oio.i ft ol ttaitaoi , el i.f Ian. I. iea e. IO el , , ni.i ie de .itieii. or Hiitiii ou i lite iimier. in in Mlii.h iui iiaie. ot i in i in to ham inn Ititi'iekt i.i entitle. I. nether ltli -itu'i.-at mil) ice' a. lined in this nut .lie, e.m t-ui l u e of a ...p. i.f..urati ....i hi i. titer pin. ena la titnile uii n Ha mi. lei a, k no. I nil,. in,-, f,,r pUin l o. at 'lie pt.i. ape, ill.. I Li I aa Ilia, and In .Nft- . f )i "jf f,iiluie tin. Jii lsnift'i l and .la, iee , en iei nsniiiftt .m ami in t of juu l.-le. Inftli:, en. I l I-,, f,,r the inn awl . ,-. ft- nn I f. ll ,n,g tl I. ... t iplp.n ,1 i. p.)i,, ,,f ,,,i no.iie t f.-lOi. l.-aeOi.-t mitt l-t. etit art. I .-! itiote.-tt ia iMiftt a... I liaita .u t , I a . f I.i n I a., ft.i : I Int. or pat ft la of lilt I ill I e ft. i t .i , ,t i.f, aal.l ''ft "I ..i"l ! . Mac I III ajl l 18.' .91 131 15. li 11 Ol 2 li wmmmmmm "A great net of mercy drawn through an ocean of unspeakable pain" i Another Good Investment VaE paid out some Red Cross money a while back. V ' Paid it out and forgot it. That's how much it hurt. Might not be a bad idea to have a look at what that money has been doing. ! That money went, dollar for dollar, where it did a full day's work, wherever it was. Three cents of it may have had the honor of disin fecting with iodine the three torn wounds of an American soldier on the French front. Or it may have had the less noble responsibility of pinning a warm flannel belly-band around six-year-old Antoine out back of Noyon. No use, we can't figure this Red Cross task in cents worth. . There's the whole path of ruin from Belgium to Switzerland, just to visualize one thing at a time. If your Red Cross money went there it very likely provided pots and pans, food and clothes, beds and blankets, for the repatriated people. i Three years ago these people were prosperous and contented self-respecting, steady, saving, hard-working, everyday, small-town citizens. Now they have the "earth under them and the sky over them" not one thing else. It's for you to say whether this great work of mercy shall stop. The Red Cross is yours, just as our Army and Navy are yours; yours to support with the same fervor and loyalty that leads you to the bottom of your purse for Liberty Bonds. It's for your voice to say whether your Red Cross shall falter now or sweep onward, greater and more help- tul than ever berore. And it's your dollars that must answer. This Space Contributed by Phelps Grocery Co. week for sixty consecutive iliiya in the l.t-i.ptn-r Ht'iaM, a itvw Hpupcr uf Kt'ii "i ii I tiiculatinn In Morrow rounty, JTi-Kon, iMihllidieil weekly t Heppner, n Bald rounty, the iHte (if flint puMI atton theieof lie. tig M;iy 3. 19t. salil ullt At Ion t'ptiit-t in a de tu pursuit me f nn order theiefor innde by the Hon mi. Me Gilbert W. I'hel.i.s .I.Mxe of the 'Irrult t'oui t of ttie State of ( ! for Morrow (utinl . said ot der ha viiik 'teen made and entered on the Zit d day f April. !!MV HNTY 'K M'HHnV, STAT I. I'F t'ltKiinX, !ly Hamuel K Not son. nistrkt Attor ney for M'-rrow Count?, urrcuti, Bnl Attorney for Plaintiff, hose addle is Heppner, ('Ten-til E-Jdi Notice lor Publication (iirtmtnt of ih lninir. V. 8. tuid Office. t Th Dsll4M, On-tf..n. Ai-nl Mh I'.M.-. Nti i hrrrh fin tht 1 II m fhlrv, fiil him"titi rntr N ''HI'.' f.r I ' 1 n1 4 .'lirn h 1,-H 1 S . t"iiihm i South tit of iMrMinn t rnnti I mm I ihi'M tr ln"f to pUlt'llh -''m tU 111 in till Ht". f rtM. i tt (-r C- ( 'ttrrn t ' S ( oitiioiivr. at Mfrpntf. OfH"" hr 4ih t t Jnr I 'i i tinint nairM M it n V. ill nm It t'ad h't of tiin.ii l'r-f.ln ll' Tvi N rr'ili f lithMlon titafoi' Kiill h I. Itvrtf uf H. V- -'r frmvii l.iii Vai.nikie. ol M. vnrr tl t H AN K WtHItM K R -iff. 4 rt ' e ! ' ). i i,i i '. i T . f . .a 1 1, t i f - j m i tu h ..; . f i t i f. I Mr I that - t f in u;i ... hi I ' i Ik 4 Hip' . .',! t : l-r I i I i tit e r.iv I. Notice lor Publication I Vi-tMwwii (M j!'f"r V il l.sn1 ( !. at Noil la horvt't g!wi that Htirr V t ium f Mn'pr Orvv-n h in Ju' i.'.i. m.! HiiTiMtMil No "i i? for hl -ft..n . ri.tai.jh p ; S,mth Hmi9 V- I.. olamte Mr .ian ha kKicf cf !PlrHn. in makt thfw ir Pp. f u-aatai itah fla m u lar4 af"- tra-r'tnl hf" f 1 C I tlri 1'1. ?-tai l mrri' a tv-s ffl at Htinr Orv"f .n tr,.. -h fa -( j-a tl K :a'man) ra aa ia J if t" .a'i JaraK krf'r-f trvtli.' V tut-!' I h J kiat rfM.i-.f tir n T t - S l'l SN km'. 4 ANNOUNCEMENT Ilavinp succeeded to the hardware and plumbing buni. ness fi.ruierly t oaducted by Ta&h & Akers and also to the farm iinplenient branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons, we brir to announce that this re-orjjanized and consnlida. ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared lhau ever before to cater to the wants of th people of Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, io a satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Farm Implements and Wagons, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc., Plumbing Supplies and Service, Stoves and Ranges In hort. all lines of goods usually found in a Geneial Hardware store. Apprecmtinr the libera! patronage accorded our pre diri'i-virs we believe we will continue to merit a con tinuance of the same. Peoples Hardware Co. Main and Willow St.. HEPPNER, ORE. Tah A Alien old stand I OK SALK-nr:ain in 7-pas. MMiger auto, J'.'iT modei; only run ni o mil.,.; perfect condition; l arctio if talo n mh.ii, mutt sell -i:-ici rant. Inrjuiro Herald of lice. Wood and Coal I handle Rock Springs Coal. Cord Wood and Slab Wood. Lrave orders at Humphreys" Drug store or phone 3v2.