V1 rar 0 mercy drawn' through an ocean of unspeakable pain" PI;' The Greatest Mother in the World STRETCHING forth her hands to all in need; to Jew or Gentile, black or white; knowing no favorite, yet favoring all. Ready and eager to comfort at a time when comfort is most needed. Helping the little home that's crushed beneath an iron hand, by showing mercy in a healthy, human way; re-buildmg it, m fact, with stone on stone; replenishing empty bins and empty cupboards; . bringing warmth to hearts and hearths too long neglected. 1 Seeing all things with a mother's seventh sense that's blind to jealousy and meanness; seeing men in their true liht as naughty children snatching, biting, bitter but with a hidden side that's quickest touched by mercy. Reaching out her hands across the sea to No Man's Land to cheer with warmer comforts thousands who must stand and wait in stenched and crawling holes and watersoaked entrenchments where cold and wet bite deeper, so they write, than Boche steel or lead. She's warming thousands, feeding thousands, healing thousands from her store; the Greatest Mother in the World-the Red Cross. Your help is needed give .till the heart says stop. Every cent of .very dollar receive J for the Red Cross War Fund got. for War RelUf. . ... ii...! ,..,..., i ih 1 nciKt iiiul imnt .mrt.nt m.nl..H.-n '" ll"a t" WurM hf vw ''" It I. no.lo up iilnmM t-iil Ii. 'Iv ..f volimli'iT worU.rm lb. hlh-r wutlv.- t Hms .tlv.m .x.v;tt..n m-n m..! to L.-K- rf.r... nr.. It. lm..M nil lvtn thi-lr ril.'f without p.-v. It la i.ti..t'ii'.l .-.ttli.-ly l.y li iirmli-slil f and ar tr.iluntHi y i-.i.it t tt ui k.hm It . to.lny l.rn.Kl.'K ':i.f '"RVHns humanity, koth military ami .-i vil. It. i-v.-y at t. h)'.-- ."itry. It plan. Inn.mimv t' it U' l" Hi" "' u( ri'Mma tlon thruuiili.tut Oi worlil. It fMda and elothaa antlr population In tlmaa o treat calamity. It la thera to halp your aoldlar boy In hto tlma "'"with Ita thouaanda of workara. Ita tramandoua atorea and amooth running tranaportatlon faolllUaa It la a.rvlng aa Amartca'a adranoa fuard and ttrn helping to win the war. Cunnreaa authorlaea IL l-raalriant Wllaon haada It. The War l.epartment audita Ita aoeotinta. Your Army, your Nary and your AUlaa anthuat-aatl.-ally en.lorae tt. Twemy-two million Americana fcatt joined It. This Space Contributed and Paid for by PHILL COHN, of HEPPNER, OREGON Are You Proud of Your Shirt ? Does the shirt you have on now add or detract from your appearance? Stand before the mirror and answer yourself honestly. Unless it fits perfectly unless it actually finishes your dress then you should use more care the next time you go to buy a new shirt. Because your shirt makes or mars your presentability. Perhaps you never thought of it before; but you know it is true now don't you? Beau Brummel Shirts are the product of master shirt makers. When you put one on, you'll know you're just as well shirt-dressed as any other man you meet. You'll know economy, to because Beau Brummels are not only perfect in style ' and fit they come from the laundry time after time, bright, snappy and young looking. Let us show you the Beau Brummel. After that well it is for you to say whether you want "just a shirt" or a Beau Brummel. There's a world of difference. Minor & Company ga e!La tsssa ca o csa cs'isai cjaa e3 ALWAYS n a.ly to co oponit- in the sup port of our liovi'iiuin iit. tlu1 tlcvt'Uip me nt of our community iin.l lie upbuilding of the grain, cn'.tk' ami sun p industries. Wo apprtviulo vo.ir l.i.Miir.- ami will bo glad to bo of Hon ioo. THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF HEPPNER AsmH om s' On.' ami (h o Q tarter M,;,,oii !' U-. Church Notices Catholic Church Services. Sunday, May 12 First Mass, 8 a. m. Socnnrl Mass 10:0 a.m. fhriatian Doctrine. 11:30 a. m Evening Devotions 7:30 p m. Kev. Father Ward, of Condon, will ofheiate at all these services Hev. v. J. U tiourke Homeguards Organize at lone A dozen members of the Ilepp ner Homeguards drove to lone Monday evening and held a drill there with a view of assisting the lone boys in getting their or ganization under way. The name of the organization has been changed from the Heppner Home guards to the Morrow County Homeguards, and the lone unit will become a part of the county organization. A splendid drill was held Monday evening and the lone boys took to the drill like veterans. Those in the party from Heppner were: J. L. li tems. Charlie Thompson. E M. Shutt. F. R. Brown. Claud, Cox. Art Crawford.Tom Chidsey. Jess Turner, Fred Tasb, Herb Dris kell, Gay Anderson. Walter Ca son. Tho Federated Church Sunday School 9:45 a m. The school will obesrve "Moth sr.' Day." Preaching service- 1100 am. Subject, "In Him We Live." Christian Endeavor 7;PO p. m Topic. -C. E. Fellowship! " Lend, or. Miss Shum, Junior leader Yt'hn Cane Junior meets at 6 30. No preaching service in the evening H. A. Noycs. Pastor, Christian Science. I Christian Science services are ! held every Sunday at 11 a m., : Wednesday at 8.00 p. m , in the Methodist church South, on ; Chase street All interested are nvited to attend these services. Heppner Defeats Moro Moro bisrh school ball team came over last Saturday to try conclusions with the Heppner team, the result being a score of 5 to V In favor of Heppner. The Moro boys are a fine bunch of lads but for some reason they did not get off lo the SHme way they did at the football game here last fall, A reception was given the visitors in the high rhool rooms Saturday evening bv the Heppner High students and a most pleasant evening was snent. the affair boing diaper. oned by several of the fcigbschool teachers. Bondholders Attention Holders of Second Liberty Honda please note that the inter- cat coupons thereon are due aod ptyable May 15th We will be pleased to cah the coupoos upon presentation, with out charge. First National H:inW, H Heppner. Ore. ANNOUNCEMENT Having succeeded to the hardware and plumbing busi ness formerly conducted by Tash & Akers and also to the . farm implement branch of the business of Vaughn & Sons, we beg to announce that this re-organized and consolida- , ted business, with increased capital, is better prepared than ever before to cater to the wants of thn people of Heppner and Morrow county, and adjacent territory, in a satisfactory manner. Our stock will consist of Shelf and Heavy Hardware, Farm Implements and Wagons, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, Etc., Plumbing Supplies and Service, Stoves and Ranges In short, all lines of goods usually found in a General Hardware store. Appreciating the libera! patronage accorded our pre decessors we believe we will continue to merit a con tinuance of the same. Peoples Hardware Co. Main and Willow Sts. HEPPNER, ORE. Tash & Akers old stand . v "My Bank" Herald OSke for Job rrictlcg Your account here makes the Farmers & Stockgrow ers National Bank YOUR BANK in more than r.ame only. You will find us as ready to give you business and financial information, advice and suggestions aa to safeguard your funds- Open either a Savings or Checking Account 4 per ceron Time Deposits. THE FARMERS AND ST0CKGR0WERS NATIONAL BANK iiirrsr. os toon a a i T