If m FOR GOVERNOR 0 kk it A Patriotic American A Native of Wiscon sin, Age 47 For 27 Years a Res ident ot Oregon local and personal Makes Long Auto Trip O. P. HOFF, republican, for Andrew Mi-Bride, of Middle State Treasurer. Read The sex, Peun., arrived in Heppner Political Puzzle, pages 26-27, j a few days ago after having driv election pamphlet. (Adv)jen the entire distance in his GUS. C. MOSER Republican President Oregon State Senate ot the Rights of the People For a vigorous prosecution of the war to a victorious con clusion. For strict business principles in the management of State affairs. For Rural Credits Extension, Irrigation, Drainage and De velopment of all our Resources. For assistance by Portland Capital and Business to every "section of our great State. For the rights of both Labor and Capital under a scheme of mutual co-operation. FOR GOOD ROADS, BUT FIGHTING THE PAVING TRUSTr We are paying about $5000 more per 16 foot mile of Bitulithic Pavement in Oregon than is being paid in Wash ington. Let us build good roads in every county in the State. GIVE EVERY COUNTY A SQUARE DEAL. Elect MOSER and you will forever banish the subtle influ ence of the Paving Trust from Oregon politics. Aggressively Independent Dodge car. Mr. McBride is a cousin of Mrs. J. O. linger and Mrs. C. C. Patterson of this city far on her way to and expects to make an extend- j Lay in Your Year's Coal NOW Uncle Sam says buy it now while the buying is good. You are sure of getting it now, but not in the fall. Willard Herren and daughter Dorothy went to Heppner Junc tion Sunday, accompanying Mrs Herren that Settle. Mrs.W. H. Herren and Mrs. S. W- Spencer, of this city, and Mrs. Karl Beach, of Lexington, left Sunday morning for Seattle to attend the Red Cross conference there this week- O. P. HOFF, republican, for State Treasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, pages 26-27, election pamphlet. (pd ad) Jimmie Wilson, popular clerk in the grocery department ai Minor & Co. has resigned his po sition there and accepted a po sition with the Conroy Grocery Co- at Pendleton. C. L. Lundell. a well-known citizen of the Gooseberry coun try, passed away at his home last Monday at the age of about 40 years. Mr. Lundell had been in poor health for some time. O. P. HOFF, republican, for State Treasurer. Read The Political Puzzle, pages 26-27, election pamphlet. (Adv) K T. Caven, formerly of Con don, now residing in Portland, was here several days this week selling stock in the Universal Lock Nut Co. Mr. Caven claims to have the only real lock nut ever invented. Mrs. J. T. Knappenberger is rapidly recovering from a serious operation which she submitted to in the Heppner hospital last week. She is now at her home on Chase street. Her daughter, Miss Vel- maleta Woolery, of Portland, is here assisting in the care of her mother. D. Cox, well-known farmer of Hinton creek, was seriously in jured Saturday evening while driving home from town in a heavy wagon. A sudden jolt when the wheels dropped into a chuckhole threw Mr. Cox from his seat, inflicting severe cuts and bruses on his head and face. Bob Neill, chief clerk at the Palace hotel is of Scotch parent age and strong for the allies. He had three uncles and 11 cousins in a Highland regiment and be lieves thay have all been killed or captured, as none of them have been heard of for several months. His father, II. B Neill, formerly lived here and had charge of W. 0. Minor's show cattle. VV. K. Corson, manager of the Eurgovne store at Lexington, was in town Tuesday morning. Mr Corson says business is brisk in ed visit with them. In fact, he may decide to locate permanent ly in Ileppuer as he has disposed of all his interests in Pennsyl vania before leaving that state. He took the trip across the con tiueut in a leisurely manner, hav ing stopped en route for several months with relatives and friends in Nebraska. i High-Cass Stallions j and Mares We are prepared to furnish to the stockmen of Morrow county the very highest class of Regis- tered animals in Percherons, Belgians, English Shires, Hackneys and Coaches. Registered Kentucky Jacks a Specialty We can sell this stock to responsible parties, when desired, on easy payments with no cash down and at eight per cent interest. Walter Matteson Goes to California Walter Matteson, who went to Camp Lewis recently with the second contingent of the present draft, writes the Herald that he has been transferred to the med ical detachment and sent to Camp Kearney, California. CampKear ney is 17 miles from San Diego. Walter says it was a fine trip from Tacoma to San Diego with all varieties of country, scenery and climate- He likes it fine at Camp Kearney but says it is ru mored that they may not stop there long but may be sent east and to France at an early date. They are not far from the avia tion school at San Diego and see many airplanes flying at all times. A. C. RUBY CO. Carl Smith, General Agent for Eastern Oregon Headquarters at Palace Hotel Stock quartered at Stewart's Livery Barn HEPPNER, : : OREGON Rev- Dr. Geo- B. Van Waters will hold services at the Episco pal church next Sunday morning and evening. Card of Thanks We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for kindly assist ance and sympathy extended at the time of the death and burial of our dear baby. C. L. Brown and Family. Home Products for Home People We Mauufacture WHITE STAR FLOUR GRAHAM WHOLE WHEAT CREAM MIDDLINGS ROLLED BARLEY AND MILL FEED General Storage and Forwarding Heppner Farmers Elevator Co. Lost or Strayed Ten or twelve head of horses, some branded with cross on left stifle, five head branded with crosg on jaw,, others branded with quarter circle cross on left stifle. A suitable reward will be paid for information leading to their recovery. Id4 Andy Rood, jr , Heppner, Ore. Jacks to Lease For the season to the right par ties. Easton Oregon Jack Farm, B. F. Swaggart. proprietor, Lex ington, Ore. 51dlpd Gilliam & Bisbee A RE prepared to furnish the Farmers and Stock Growers with all kinds of Machinery and Ex tras for their 1018 requirements. Extras are going to be hard to get and we would advise the going over of all machinery NOW and ordering the Extras, and have all ma chinery adjusted and ready for use when the time comes to use it. Take our word for it, if you wait until the Extras are needed you may not be able to get them and there will be no time to waste in 1'JlH. Reward S500.00 Reward Notice is hereby given that II will pay a reward of Five Hun dred Dollars ($500.00) for the ar- his town, with heavy shipments rest and conviction of any person I of wheat going out daily The 'or persons stealing any of my Gilliam & Bisbee "We I lave it, Will Get il or it is Not Made" j Tum-A-Lum Lumber Co. i LEW at Lexington SEE IriT BILL at lone Burgoyne warehouse is about to wind up its season's business and by the first of the week will have shipped out 122 cars of wheat to help feed the allies and win the I Dated at Heppner, Oregon war. 10, 1'J18 horses or cattle from my pastur or from the range. John Kilkenny, Heppner, Ore May ltf THE BRICK McATEE & AIKEN, Props, ICE CREAM and CARD PARLORS. FOR SALE House ami lot. with double Ciragp. bargain t Concrete Mixer, practically new. bargain at Auto Truck, two ton capacity, bargain at . (ias Liik'Mie. 1) tiore potr. bargain at lii per cent discount above price for cah D. K. GILMAN, Heppner, Oregon f'JSO.OO W) 00 f .;jo oo Hee .11, W y ; : Jf - ; . : rv .IE- N m S , , M I i ! "v n ! I i Judge Thos. F. Ryan j TMOS. f. R VAN I'riivrit AitfiutJuit Stl Trturrr Republican Candidate STATE TREASURER 'The voters of thi State need M i n who understand lh wo; k which it in their duty to do; and men whn are hon. st. fearless and patriotic; Men who are American Such a man in .Indue Fbomas I". Wyan," ( 'unby News "'I'he liscal affair of thn Stat tdiould bo routined to long, hard-headed men of ex penence Judgi) Uyau come under all these 'pialillratioris " On-con (,'ity fcntei prise. As an active member of the i rnrit'e be has worked consist '! ' for th'i building of gijod 1 HARDMAN GARAGE j ULKAKMAN At KAU, I'm,. ? Courteous ami Efficient Service by ; Courteous ami Competent Workmen ; Accessories, Supplies, Expert Vulc ani.ers I I (Juaranteeil Tire Service j HARDMAN, OltKGON j road a from farm to rrnrket; f . . r horticultural and strnculi ural li Kislatiou: and I r pra 'timl i4 tuiZ", irrigation and rura J eridita 1 1 i Uiuilliin" I .V ..T.-T7 WW 1SVY ") DOTs'fKS For PATRIOTISM ENOCH MORGAN'S SONS CO. Buy 5AP0LI0 Tor ECONOMY "Vciion r.perW louder Har words-Act-Donf Talk -Buy Now Wc Produce Printing that Pleases. L.,,ul.-'ir Eft: t '';7