Heppner herald. (Heppner, Or.) 1914-1924, May 10, 1918, Image 2

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An Independent, Local
Xr ics-
Entered lt the Jli ji;:m r.
Post Office as s-oial-cla..
Terms of '
One Year
Six Months -Three
)r :"',
; all i r.
"On your side are boundless
supplies of men, food, and mate
rial: on this side a boundless de
mand for their help.
"Our men are war-weary and
their nerves have been, strained
by more than three years of
hard, relentless toil.
"Our position is critical, par
ticularly until the next harvest,
but the United States can save
"You Americans have the men,
the skill, and the material to
save the allied cause."
British Shipping Controller.
I kneel behind the soldiery' trench
I walk with shambles' smear and stench
The dead I mourn.
I bear the stretcher and 1 bend
O'er Sammy, I'ierre and Jack and mend
What shells have torn.
I go wherever men may dare, 1 go wherever woman's
And love can live.
Wherever strength and skill can bring
Surcease to human suffering
Or solace (five.
1 am your pennies and your pounds;
1 am your bodies on their rounds
Of pain afar;
I am you, doing what yo i would
If you were only where you could
Your avatar.
The cross which on my arm 1 wear,
The flag which o'er my breast I bear,
Is but the sign
Of what you'd sacrifice for him
Who Buffers on the hellish rim
Of war's red line.
Roy Wakefield Home on Furlough
Royal Wakefield arrived from
Camp Lewis Saturday evening on
a six week's furlough which lie
will spend with his parents and
friends here. Mr. Wakefield went
to Camp Lewis several months
ugo, and having soon become
proficient in the drill he lias been
kept there to assist in training
the rookies who are constantly
coming and going at the big
camp, lie likes the service line
"Jake" Osten Makes Good
Charles J Osten, of Ueppner,
who enlisted in the army several
months ago anil who later worked
his way into the officers training
school at Leon Springs, Texas,
1ms mui.'o good and successfully
passed the tests thera and quali
fied us a prospective Second Lieu
tenant. Mr. Osten is one of
lleimner's best known young
men anil for a time was employed
in the Herald office. This paper
i ii
lis Willi ins many ik'iiimigi
and looks as tho it agreed with t i j,.,,, jn congratulations on his
him perfectly. I mpid ad vancement in the army.
Candidate for National Committeeman
Ralph I". Williams, of iVitlniul. native son of Oregon
and present K. pi.l le an Nat ii i.l Committeeman, is a can
didate lor n-no ein.ilion uiul eh-i lion. All Oregon knows
wis the t hu ! factor in bringing about
lie. .ii and l'iv;i(';.sive parties in
i,l hi Oregon being the only state
. tc-i.d vole for Hughes. That Mr.
ih mild . ik iii haimoiii. ing the various elc-
Kcpiihlic.-iii a. nl Progressive parties is also
that Mr. V lili. m:;
the reunion of the Repn!
the st.de in I Oil'., r.si.'.'i
in the West to est its el
Williams' s
incuts oi tiie
recognii'd nationally, is .iMest d by stiong letters of en
dorsement wnt. en bv V. 1II1..11 UAVilcox, retiring chairman
of the Republic. ni National Committee. George W. Per
kins, Chaiini.m of the i t i i.tiw urn inittt eol the Progres
sive paity, ami U ill II. Il.iyt... l.ivnt'y elected chairman
of the Ki publican N.tt.otial Coiiunittt e. '1 lu se letters re
fer not only to t' M.ite and national campaign of 191(,
but also to the u. rtit nuetn g of the Republican National
Committee at M. I oi .is, wh.ie Mr. Williams' activities ma
terially anted mi .1 ! h bun: the spirit of co operation and
hamionv whiiliitow pi i .. I . m the paity thioughout the
United Stale.
A descendant of (heron pioneer slock, his parents
having eio-xed the pi ns to Omkoii in ISI.". Ualpli Will
iams' Ann in .ii . in -a h el d ..'. in .i.int esptes.sion since
the outbitv.k of the .u l y pa. lu ipaiion in ail patriotic
war hi livitiev
As is j: in i. Iiv ki mi sei imity in seivice gives pres
tige and inlluei i e on the Republican National Committee
in the same nn.ii.itf ,imhi Congressional committees. At
the piesent Line he I lain . I .i to scnotlty on the Nation
id Committee bv two n.eii.b. isonlv. This puts Mr. Williams
in a position ol p'l.ier and d Mnution such ns no new
member of tin- C. in i lice i in hope to attain.
lbs te i 1. ii v,i!l n a c l.i the Mate of Oien nil
Carl Yount was a Cecil visitor
VV. G. Hyod of Sand Hollow
was over Sunday.
Miss A. C. Lowe of The Dalles,
spent the week end in Cecil.
Miss Inez Easton spent Sun
day with Mrs. Duncan of Willow
Mrs. John Nash visited with
M rs. Tyler at the Courtiss place
Geo. W. Wilson returned to
Butteroy Fiats from Heppner
Mr. Millholland, of the Stand
ard Oil Co., Heppner, was in Ce
cil Tuesday.
The Pettyjohn and Medlock
families spent Sunday at the Jef
ferson home.
Boyd Logan spent Thursday
and Friday visiting friends on
Willow creek.
Mrs. Broady, of Morgan, visit
ed with Mrs. Nash and Mrs.
Lowe Saturday.
'T. II. Lowe dispatched the last
two cars of wheat from the Cecil
warehouse Thursday.
Tom Beymer and Mr. Bohar,
of Lexington, visitetl with Peter
Bauerntiend, of Cecil.
Bob Pope has been helping
Geo. A. Miller for the last few
days laying a concrete founda
tion for his new house.
J. Fisk, of La Grande, came in
Sunday to work on the shearing
plant at Butterby B iats.
Several children joined the
children of Cecil school who were
having a field day Wednesday.
All kinds of games were played
and a very pleasant day was
Walter Pope and T. H. Lowe
were in Arlington Thursday on I
business. Something must have
happened to their car, as they
were seen walking into Cecil at
dusk. Tom says walking is good
Misses Easton, Summers and
Logan, also Jim Logan, attended
the dance and Bazaar at Morgan
Friday night. Quite a large sum
was raised in aid of the Red
Cross, some very tine work be-
inc donated by the ladies of
While returning from lone
Saturday with a load of lumber
Arthur Hodgson attempted to
pijt on his brake when the ropo
slipped off the pole and he fell in
front of the wagon, receiving two
very severe scalp wounds. Mrs.
Crabtree, noticing the unfortu
nate man on the road had him
taken into her bouse and had his
wounds attended to Jack llynd
took hiiu to lone and placed tiiai
under the care of Dr. Coick.
Morrow County Oregon. A Public Cor
poration, plaintiff.
J. A. Ausburn. Sarah Broylea, Annis
Weston. Thos. E. Brown, J. A. Harb
ke. Arvid Haryu, Geo. W. Lewis, Ed
Doherty, and Asa L. Young, and any
other person or persons owning or
claiming to own, or having or claim
ing to have, any interest or estate in
or to the real property hereinafter
described. Defendants.
To J. A. Ausburn, Sarah Broylea, An
nis Weston, Thos. E. Brown, J. A.
Harbke, Arvid Haryu, Geo. W. Lewis,
Ed Doherty and Asa L. Young, and any
other person or persons owning or
claiming to own, or having or claiming
to have, any interest or estate in or to
the real property hereinafter described,
OREGON: You and each of you are
hereby notified that the above named
Plaintiff, a Public "Corporation, is the
purchaser, owner and holder of certifi
cates of delinquency Numbered 541, is
sued on the 2nd day of December, 1914;
54S, issued on the aid day of December,
1914; 550, issued on the 4th day of De
cember, 1914; 5G5, issued on the 14th
day of December, 1914; 506, issued on
the 15th day of December, 1914; 573,
issued on the 16th day of December,
1914; 576, issued on the 16th day of De
cember, 1914; and 6Uo, issued on the
19th day of January, 1915; by the sher
iff and collector of delinquent taxes for
Morrow County, Oregon, and filed by
said sheriff and collector of delinquent
taxes in the office of the County Clerk
of Morrow County, Oregon, on the
dates of issue of the same, respectively,
for taxes due and delinquent, together
with penalty, interest and costs there
on, upon real property situate In Mor
row County, Oregon.
You are further notified that the
amount for which said certificate Is is
sued is set opposite and following the
description of the tract or parcel of
land hereinafter set out, the same be
ing the amount then due and deiin
quent, for taxes for the year 1911, to
gether with penalty, interest and costs
thereon, upon said real property situate
in Morrow County, Oregon, and partic
ularly bounded and described as here
inafter set forth; said tract or parcel
of land being assessed for the year
1911 to the first person whose name im
mediately precedes the description
thereof, and is followed by the name
of the person appearing to be the own
er thereof, as appears on the tax roll
of Morrow County, Oregon, now in the
About That
You are Going to Plant?
Early yet to plant but just the time
to secure the seed. We handle
four of the best.
D. M. FERRY & CO,, Michigan
NORTHRUP & KING, Minnesota
C. C. MORSE & GO,, California
CHAS. H. LILLY, Oregon
As some varieties are very scarce
this year we advise early buying.
Phelps Grocery Co.
Heppner, Oregon
J J. Nys has been appointed
chairman for the Armenian re
lief drive.
Wood and Coal
I handle Rock Springs Coal.
jt'ord Wood and Slab Wood.
Jjl.eiive orders at Humphreys'
I j Drii(j store or phono 3D2.
. :nt Ki Hkksun.
FOU SALlv- A five-passonner
Huick car. This car is in excel-
I lent condition in every way. A
bargain. Inquire at this ollice.
: i
For Sale
(r0) Lend
: mules. Twenty. five (25) head
tine, hijt inure. If you neeii
J Hiiy Hiock in tins line it will pay
J ; you to inspect these animals.
(ii Y Hoy ku,
41tf Heppner, Ore
the fuU!-d " in ' I v hu !i
tmic.tM d M.itu.ir,;.
w J! n.itui.il'y ntttue Loin Lis
O.YPK ti. Ill'M l.LY
l. L I'OVI Y
i ll.i Le t . tup,i;n Coin. (Rep, Prog.)
r. i vs.)
t'l.l'.AN IT Xw U the time
to clean up yo.ir rubbish. I will
haul it away fr you when you
ire ready. See me or call .Nt iin
": l.c. Cintwell 4Tt f
i .1 ITNKY Sr'.UVKT.. IVd t
'iitiieyfiirspeci.il tra'n trips oi
! my other erv!e diy or tnirht
ly phin Vain Nitht plioti,'
Main LceCauUell. 4 It
hands of the sheriff of said county for
collection, at the date of the first pub
lication of this summons and notice,
which is the 3rd day of May, 1918.
Certificate No. 541, J. A. Ausburn
and J. A. Ausburn, Lot 8, in
Block si of i'enland's Second
Addition to the town of Lex
ington, Oregon $ 1.85
Certificate No. 548, Sarah Broylea
and Annls Weston, Lots 1, 2,
and 3, Block 10 of the town of
Castle Hock, Oregon 90
Certificate No. 550, Thos. E.
Brown and Thos. E. Brown,
Lots 3, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Block
1 of Brown's Addition to the
City of Heppner, Oregon 8.20
Certificate No. 5115, J. A. Harbke
and J. A. Harbke, Lot 2, Block
1 of duff's Kourth Addition
to lone, Oregon 1,31
Certificate No. Gliti, Arvid Haryu
and Arvid Haryu, Southeast
quarter, Section 33, Tp. 8
South, Itange 27 E. W. M 15.10
Certificate No. 573, Geo. W. Lew
is and Geo. V. Lewis, ESV4
and Lot 3, Section ly, Tp.6 8.,
H. 2d E. W. M., and NEN'W'
Section 30, Tp. 6 S., H. 26, E.
W. M 11.50
Certificate No. 57t, Ed McUaid
and Ed Doherty, and Ed Doh
erty, NVuNW', Section 33, Tp.
2 N., It. Z E. V. M 2.16
Certificate No. tiU5, Asa L. Voting
and Aaa L. Young. All of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S.f K. 27 E. Wi
M.; All of Section 16, Tp. tf S.,
It 2S E. YV. M., and all of Sec
tion 16, Tp. 6 S., It. 2lJ. K. W. M. 161.10
The said amounts bear interest a
follows; Tiie taxes aforesaid bear In
tel eat from the dates of tiling of said
letlilkalt's of delinquency, leMpvclivc-
l, at the rate of 10 per cent, per an
num, until paid, the dates of filing saio
i ei tittiutes uf delinquency with the
Count Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, being heieinbefore set out.
And ou and eacii of oU ure hereb)
summoned to appear within sixty Ua
alter the date ul the fust publication
of this summons, ex lusivs ol the Ua
ol first publication thereof, to-wit. Ma
J, U'l and defend this suit in the
Court ufoieaid, or pay the amount due
as show n aooe, ugaifist said tracts ot
oiuiel of land, respectively, sbuve de
. lined, of which ou ate ths owner, wi
.ii whuli oU hue, or cluiin to have,
uiiy inteii-Hl or estate, together with
merest uiut costs atctued ill this suit
uieteuit- Sviue ol copy of our an-
wer oi other plot ess limy b made up
on the unueisigiivd attorney for plain
iill, at tiie plate specified below as hi
.wttivaft, utid in iav of your failure so
lo do, Ju-Hiiiitiit U ml deiiee will be n
U'ltd aiiaiiisl ou and each uf ou.
loi Vk liiUK said tux livus for the
amount opposite and follow in tltt
in i i ipt ion ot aid paitel vt land aboW
t foi . Ii. toethvi with lliiei est aiu,
'"! lltfcivoti, iiainst said tiats u
,rt.i-l of laioi and saui liuits or pat
vim ot laud w ttl be sold to aUf saiu
jli'ifcllivlil and udv i ftf uOlaiKirii HI smiu
lou ai herrby futther Itutified that
.he planum Nui ,!'. to lh Ciit.ua
i'"Ui I at oi va,d for juti mvttt and o
foirvloRira1 ..)! tax liens aastiiftt
.tut pIopt'it, hf , eillbr I.M UriUll'fil
I lui siniiM'i.s ts put'i.hvtf otus wakU
a-n for s,xt i ot.at-t uii v tlas in ttic
ill i pltr liviaol, a I.Voal v. of ch
, tat iiiU.at..'H til M.'itnw Count).
ts"it. puliimlivi wvfKt at ltvi'ptifi,
.u s.td o'lthlj, Urn ual of firat puoll
.atiott Ui'iv-( ben g May I. lSfl, aaiu
lu id at ton t vna nt a 'Is in pursaaiut
an tiar tl.rirf.ti nadf b) th Hut
ji.thif i sll-' X Vt Ihri I Juls of tor
vu.uit I'i'Uti st m mats of i'i
,,.r M-'tii'W t'iMKl, ottlr haUfc
rn t"t is an-! rutvivd on tl. Jtd Ut
.f Ap'il. 1 '1
II The United States Food Administration Says
We must save fats to feed our fighters. We must save
fats to help our fighters fight.
Every hog is as necessary to winning the war as a
shell. Every pound of fat is as sure of service as a bullet
Use fowl, fish, Vegetables, Vegetable Oils, Cheese
Purely Vegetable Cotosuiet, Crisco. Olive Oil.Wesson
Oil, Mazolo (made from Indian corn,)
By Samuel E. Notson, District Attor
ney for Morrow County, Oregon,
and Attorney for FlalntlfT; whoe
address Is Heiipner, Oregon.
Notice for Publication
l)pnment of the Interior. U. S. Land Office,
at The Dallea. Oregon, April 6th. 1918.
Notice ia hereby given that William Shipley,
..f lvinston. Oreiion. who. on November 'ib. IV14.
made homentead entry No. 014162. foe lot, S and 4.
,NW.. SvVl.NE'.. NU'lSl'l. M..S',
Station b. Lot 1. aec. a. I lownihlp 9. svutn
Kanaw 2fi-Eeit. Ulllamette Meridian, haa nied no-
lice ot int'ntim to make inal three-year f root,
tu eatabluh claim to the land above deeenbed. be-
lore C. C. I'alterwin. U. a. Commissioner,
H..i.nnr. Drnrim. on the 4th day of June t!MB.
Claimant name aa witneeaei: In imam tl. raa-
kern of I.sinirlon. Orvaon: Chffonl N. rndley.
of Lelnton. treon: Kallih L. lienae. of Hepp
ner. Urrifon.Ueorae W. 4 an Winkle, of Heppner,
tlfcU H. IKAKK WUUULULa, ntfiiur.
Notice of Hearing ol Final Account
In the County Court of State of Oregon for Mor
row County.
In the matter of the etlateof J. L. Egbert, da
eeaaed. Notice ! hereby given to alt persona Interested
thai M . W nis worth, adminlllralor of the above
mentioned estate, haa filed In the County Court of
Morrow County. Oregon, his final account and re
port, and that said court haa filed, by Its order
heretofore duly entered. Monday, the lath day of
Mar. mi', at the hour of 10 o'clock s m.. snd the
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the County of Morrow.
Pacific Coast Elevator Company, a corporation,
Augustus Walker and Emma L. Walker, his wifa
Laurel Land Company, ariOregon corporation;
Mina Zimmerman, Oregon and Western Colo
nization Company, a South Dakota corpora
tion: Preston Campbell. William Robb and
Pauline H. Robb. hitife; Banker and Lum
barmen's Bank, a corporation; F. R. Cham
bers, jr.; First National Bank of Heppner. a
corporation. Hank of Heppner, a corporation;
Cynthia Walker. Lumbermen's National Bank,
a corporation, drfendanta.
To Mina Zimmerman. Preston Campbell and F. R.
Chambers, jr., defendants:
In the name of the Bute of Oregon, you are
hereby required to (appear and answer ths com
plaint filed sgainst you in ths above entitled suit,
on or before six weeks from the 26th day of April.
Il, tcwlt: On orShefors ths "th day of June.
and if you fall to so isppear or answer, for
want thereof, the plaintiff will apply to the Court
for judgment against you snd earn of you. as fol
lows, to-wit: For Judgment against Augustus
Wslker and Emma L. Walker for the sum of
lls.RII.07 with mtereet thereon st ths rate of 7
per annum from January I 111, together with
Interest on the sum of U!i;i w at ths rats of 7t
per annum from January 1. 14). until October It
II0. together with Interest on the sum of ll .no
at ths rata of 7' per annum from January t IK,
nntll October . I12. and the further sum of fctas)
attorney 's fee. and the costs and disbursements of
mis suit, that plaintiff s mortgage deed be fore-
court room of said court in the county court house '
in Heppner. said county, sa ths time and place for I leed and the following described property be sold
hearing of objections to said Sf count snd ths set
tlement thereof and ths closing and distribution
of said estate.
All persons interested therein having objections
thereto may file the same with ths clerk of said
court on or before said day and time, specifying
the particulars of said objections.
This notice is published for four consecutive
weeks, beginning with the Issue of April It lull,
in sreordance with the order of said court.
4yl Administrator. Irriguet. Ore.
Notice (or Publication
Department of IM Interior. V. t. Land ernes at
La tirende. Orewon. March ta. U.S.
Notice le heretr given that Bertha B. Hintesi.
formerly Bertha B. Blatter of Leas. Oregon who.
m Nov. It. inade hoeneetead entry No. O'.aiO.
f,w el swV see. U. tp. I a. ID s.. W. M . lots
1. 1 land 4. l l ne'.. S nV see. L tp I s r la
e . W. M . haa Hied entire of Intention lo make
three-reer Tetmif. to establish claim to the land
Iwe deernnsel before C. C I'atteeenei. I'nited
spates Ccennneewnee. at h. eeT.ce. at Heppner.
tlrn en the llth day of May. It'.s.
( la. man t names as Witnesses James 1 Me.
an. ta.al.io L. Vlnrent, Arthur T. Hughes and
atri hen B. Ch all of Lens, Ores".
u:j t . la NN lUgater.
lo satisfy the plaintiff s judgment, aa may be re
covered herein, to-wit '
The N H and the NW of the 8Wt, of See. HI. Tp.
I N of R t. saet of the Willamette Meridian, in
Morrow county. Ore,
That plaintiff's claim and demand and all sums
of money duo ths plsmtiff from ths defendants
Augusta Walker land EmmaL.Welker.be de
creed to be a first hen upon the real property here
inbefore described, superior and prior lo the
claim or Interest of th defendanta. or any of them
I er to said property, that the defendants snd
each of thera. and sil persons claiming by. throush
or under them: e either of them be forever barred
and fnrerlueed of all rghL title or Interest In er to
the real pmcam, atnvs dMrnhed and every pari
thereof eirevt ,,,, statutory r.ght of redemption,
and for such other ri,.f as In avert guy deem
This summons Is serve open you by puhllcatki
thereof on re a week f. ail Weeks in th Heppner
Herald, a weealy new.paper of general circula
tion, publwharf at Hepmer. Morrow county. Ore
s'"" by virtue of an order made and entered here,
in on the IS. a 4., f lti, Honors, Is
C. C Pslteeaeei. County Judge of M'tww County.
Oreg ei an th data of the .rl publirata) I
Aprllja l;t. aM the date of the saet pub..relei
will s June 7 ICS.
obIsmi a ..l and C. A. Bell.
Attarnert Plaint If.
r.t Uffire sddreae Hst fr.er. Ore. (ids